Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

161 gold ten thousand taels, reward the army

161 gold ten thousand taels, reward the army

When the Qin Emperor decided to reward the army with gold, the 100,000 soldiers who accompanied the Qin Emperor on the expedition were full of enthusiasm.

This time, everyone thought it was bad luck. Before coming, they all said hello to the children at home.

Although they were soldiers of the Qin people, all of them were valiant warriors, as long as the emperor ordered them, they would definitely follow him.

When they learned that they were going to the east to patrol the sea, they did not turn back.

The Qin army is belligerent, and it is their biggest dream to be able to fight in the Quartet, but who doesn't want to get military exploits and rewards.

This Eastern Tour, not only was not as fierce as he imagined, but on the contrary, he easily dealt with the Fusang natives and captured Xu Fu.

While relieved, he was also shocked by the gold on the island.

Unexpectedly, Qin Huang was so generous, and he directly took out these tens of millions of gold to reward the soldiers, which was enough for the soldiers to go crazy.

He is also more determined to work for the Qin Emperor.

It is their honor to have such a monarch.

And this time the reward is also unprecedented, and the monarch will not have such a big hand in rewarding the army.

Half a golden mountain! Unimaginable!

After Xu Fu was slashed by a thousand swords again, the Eastern Tour was over, and it was time to start his journey back to Daqin.

Meng Yi also arranged for 10,000 soldiers to maintain order here and guard it.

The current Fusang can be regarded as the territory of Daqin, and there are countless gold on it, and the natives who mine minerals also need to be managed by soldiers.

In this way, the natives can mine without any distractions.

The soldiers left behind will receive more rewards.

Looking at the 10,000 soldiers who were left behind, Emperor Qin must have been reluctant to give up. If he stays here, what year and month will he be able to return to Daqin.

Su Qing's voice suddenly remembered.

"After returning to Daqin this time, the merchants watched us pull ordinary gold, so we should not go crazy."

"They will try their best to come to mine. Where there are merchants, there will be development. The shipbuilding industry in Daqin is also undergoing rapid changes. At that time, it is only necessary to change defenses regularly.

"You don't have to nationalize the gold. As long as the merchants are rich and the taxes are high, the treasury will only become more and more abundant."

"At that time, this place will not be a deserted island. More and more people of Da Qin will come here, and it will be another prosperity."

Listening to Su Qing's words, Ying Zheng was thoughtful, Daqin has a large population now, and if news is released, many people will be willing to move.

And Ying Zhengke still understands a truth, cutting leeks.

Repeatedly cut, if there is such a wealthy person, after all, it is a businessman. Under the emperor's power, it is easy to find a reason to raid a house.

And the national wrench, who can do it?

Also, if you completely monopolize this golden mountain, you won't allow private merchants to intervene, and the imperial court will take care of it all. It seems that everything is under your own control.

But it will waste a lot of time and reduce revenue.

This is only a preliminary idea, and all specific matters will still have to be discussed in detail after returning to the imperial court.

The most important thing now is to develop the shipbuilding industry. The first battle of Fusang was so smooth that this new world was officially opened. Therefore, the shipbuilding industry must be the top priority when going to sea.

In general, opening the door to this new world has countless benefits for Da Qin.

After Qin Huang wanted to understand, he shouted loudly:

"Soldiers who stay behind, you can stay here with peace of mind, and soon, I will issue a decree, and you can switch defenses at that time.

There were still some reluctant left-behind soldiers shouting, because this was the promise made to them by the Qin Emperor.

Emperor Qin is like a god in their hearts, and they firmly believe in it!

Since Emperor Qin had spoken, they naturally guarded this place without hesitation, not to mention that even if Emperor Qin did not say anything, as soldiers of the Great Qin, these were also part of their duties.

There will be some reluctance to give up, but there will never be any complaints.

Ying Zheng laughed loudly:

"..Everyone, I'll leave it to you here, and someone will come after more than a month."

Ten thousand soldiers stood in place like straight spears, and a chilling aura charged towards the sky.

This is the old Qin people!

"Don't be humiliated!

"Don't be humiliated!

A deafening response echoed across the sky.

Ten thousand soldiers respectfully watched Emperor Qin board the warship and began to return.

The gold was heavy on the warship (okay), and everyone was smiling.

On the way back, the soldiers were obviously in a much more relaxed mood, with generous rewards.

Returning with honor, as the first group of soldiers to go to sea, they will definitely be recorded in the history books.

This is a great honor!

Meng Yi came from the army and was also infected by this high morale atmosphere.

said proudly:

"Your Majesty, I don't think it's better for us to go ahead and fight other continents. The soldiers are now fighting to the sky one by one. 99

Qin Huang didn't want to think that when he went back this time and arranged everything, then it would be the time to truly conquer the world.

"Wait, that day will come soon!"

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