Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

187 Han Xin's scheming, Qin Huang praised.

"Cheat them here and kill them."

"It hit the Huns again! 99

Han Xin said the last sentence with killing intent.


When Qin Huang heard this, his eyes showed joy, but he didn't show it.

However, the generals next to him were surprised and surprised. He had no idea that Han Xin was so ruthless and tricked people into killing him. He had only joined the army a few days ago.

It is estimated that even the dead have not seen, since there is such a poisonous plan?

Qin Huang stared at Han Xin's bright eyes, and soon Han Xin was defeated and did not dare to look at the 95-year-old.

The current Han Xin is also full of mixed feelings. After thinking about it all night last night, according to Qin Huang's character, he should agree.

Why is there no reaction at all now, which makes Han Xin nervous.

It was very quiet inside the tent, Han Xin seemed to be living like a year, quietly waiting for Emperor Qin to speak.

I don't know how long it took before Qin Huang said lightly:

"Then go and handle this with Fusu."

Han Xin was overjoyed, hurriedly saluted and retired, and went to the tent of Fusu.

Just now, Emperor Qin didn't speak for a long time, he was communicating with Su Qing.

After Han Xin left, Emperor Qin said leisurely:

"This Han Xin is a bit interesting. 35

Su Qing also responded with a smile:

"His method was vicious, drinking and eating meat before the battle, disturbing the morale of the Xiongnu, and when he begged for peace again, the Xiongnu only wanted to end the war as soon as possible, and would definitely agree to our request.

Qin Huang and Su Qing both looked forward to Han Xin's plan to succeed.

What the Qin emperor had to do was to organize the military and political affairs. Now the Da Qin army has been immersed in the joy of victory. Over time, this is not a good thing.

Fusu account.

Han Xin was discussing the details of the countermeasures with Fu Su, and Fu Su did not look down on Han Xin because Han Xin was just an ordinary soldier.

The two were chatting happily.

When Fusu heard Han Xin's plan, he was also puzzled and asked:

"Han Xin, you said, if they begged for peace again, but the father and the emperor didn't even meet the Hun envoys before, would they still come to ask for peace?

Han Xin's eyes lit up and he talked eloquently.

"Now the Huns have only two paths, either war or peace."

"We led a large army to suppress the enemy, although we were unable to defeat the enemy, the Huns fought and retreated without losing too much combat power.

"But the momentum of our Daqin army is the heaviest psychological blow to the Xiongnu now.

"Aren't they just forage?"

"We set up a pot in front of them and ate meat. Under this kind of torture, it is estimated that in a few days, the Huns will only make a choice again, but the choice must not be war, but peace!

Fusu nodded again and again, and this was the second military order his father had given him. Compared to the first time he killed Wusun, Fusu was much more confident.

After discussing the details with Han Xin, the army was quickly organized, and the Qin army gathered again, directly bringing an army of 200,000.

It's just that this time it was Fusu leading the troops, with Han Xin assisting him, and the generals and officers in the army began to feel dissatisfied.

But this was the order of the Emperor Qin, and the army could only endure it, but their attitude was a little bit negative, facing the Xiongnu, who was now full of grass and trees, and could not retreat.

In the chasing battle, they did not exert their full strength. Originally, they could not kill many Xiongnu. Now, because the Daqin soldiers refused to accept Han Xin, the results were very small.

The soldiers didn't have enough fun, and Han Xin felt uncomfortable.

But he knew that as long as all his plans were implemented and the final results were seen, the army would recognize him.

The strongest in the army are respected!

All the way through the killing, some small bases of the Huns saw the Qin army in a dark place, and before the Qin army arrived, they already fled.

Sure enough, it was the same as before, running (bbbe) as soon as it hit, making people helpless.

However, all of this was under Han Xin's control.

After giving Fusu a look, Fusu also learned the majesty of the Qin Emperor and shouted loudly:

"Set up camp! 9

Without any hesitation, the dark soldiers responded uniformly:

"Yes! 35

Then quickly dismounted and began to set up camp.

The Huns had also discovered the Qin army and were thinking of continuing to retreat, but they found that the Qin army had already set up camp and did not pursue it again.

The two sides were deadlocked.

Huns camp.

"Damn it, does this Daqin Emperor really want to kill him? Why does he have to attack my Xiongnu!


The leader slammed a bronze cup onto the ground, and none of the courtiers below dared to speak.

This time, Shan Yu was really driven crazy. Before the Wusun clan was wiped out, he wanted to send the army to help, but he didn't expect the army to be scared back by Emperor Qin.

Afterwards, an envoy was sent to Qin, but he was shot to death before he saw the Emperor Qin.

The food and grass were burned, and these generals began to save food, and did not dare to eat and drink and waste food like before.

Even if Shan Yu didn't fight for a long time, they knew that even if they fought now, they wouldn't be able to fight.

But at least there is a fight.

Before, the courtiers would have heated arguments about how to defeat the enemy, but now they are all watching Shan Yu lose his temper from below.

Not a word, not long ago, a general, shouting and beating back every day, was directly killed by Chanyu.

I dare to say anything, just watch Shanyu get angry.

Now the equipment and tactics of the Qin army have surpassed that of the Xiongnu by a large margin.

Soldiers are not as good as others, and their equipment is not as good as others. How to fight this?

With a tired look on his face, Shan Yu gently rubbed his forehead.

I thought that Da Qin would not take action so quickly, and he could still develop in secret.

Who would have thought that this catastrophe would come so quickly!

What's more, now that the food and grass have been burned, and now that I have withdrawn from the army, I can't fight, and the people who seek peace don't agree, what should I do?

Shan Yu took a deep breath, and looked down at the courtiers with their heads bowed in an extremely tyrannical and impatient manner, feeling even more distressed in his heart.

"How many men do we have now?

"Chanyu, originally we had a total population of 1.3 million people, but because of food and grass and this time the Qin army sent troops to strangle, there are only one million people.

A general said with a trembling voice, his voice was very small, and he was afraid that he would be dissatisfied with Shan Yu. Recently, Shan Yu was tyrannical, and no one dared to touch his bad head.

300,000 people died!


This number also made the generals present take a deep breath.

Looking at Shan Yu's uncertain face, the general who reported just now said again:

"Because the food and grass were burned, and after the shortage of food and grass, the only way to support the army was first, so the people...

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