Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

317 Manage Tenglong City and establish prestige! (Subscribe!)

There is only one place left in Xicheng District. As long as the Chiba organization here is resolved, he will be the well-deserved City Lord of Tenglong City.

At that time, he is truly under one person and above ten thousand people!

That person is naturally the Emperor Qin.

He didn't dare to resist Qin Huang, he just wanted to manage this Tenglong City well!

At that time, don't let Qin Huang get angry and kidnap him, the city lord.

With this thought in mind, Jack came to the street, and at this time the people on the street had been gathered!

They are all local residents!

These inhabitants are deeply persecuted by members of the Grey Wolf Organization and are being exploited every moment!

When Jack brought the injured members of the Grey Wolf Organization to the street, everyone burst into exclamations!

No one thought that the members of the Gray Wolf Organization, who were usually vicious and bullying people all day, would end up like this!

Especially after seeing the leader of their organization, Grey Wolf, being brought over, he was even more shocked.

The gray wolf was pushed into the center of the street.

He really wanted to stand up at this time, but the bull stepped forward and kicked him to the ground!

This 323 action caused the crowd to exclaim again!

No one thought that the gray wolf would be beaten like this!

At this time, Ah Tang led people over!

He first found a person, holding an iron chain, this iron chain seemed to be a chain for a dog, but at this time it was wrapped around the arm of the gray wolf, making him unable to move!

This situation is equivalent to very humiliating, but the gray wolf can't resist!

He could only look at the people around him fiercely, hoping to scare them with a fierce expression.

But it didn't.

Jack strode to the center of the block!

At this time, the surrounding residents all quieted down.

Jack said at this time: "The Grey Wolf Organization has been doing evil here for many years, and today I hand them over to you! You can do whatever you want with them!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his arms and saw the bulls and the other leaders began to pile up to the side!

The people around were hesitant for a little while, and then there was a sky-high discussion.

They all know that what the Grey Wolf Organization has done to them is very cruel, but everyone has never thought of resisting them, because everyone knows that if they resist, the members of the organization will retaliate against them.

And now Jack told them that they could deal with these people at will, and the feeling of being oppressed that had been backlogged for many years broke out in an instant!

Several daring men ran out immediately!

With wooden sticks in their hands, they first came to the gray wolf, the leader of the gray wolf organization.

The gray wolf stared at them, ready to speak loudly!

But the wretched man threw out a stick and smashed it hard on his face!

With a bang, the gray wolf was smashed to the ground!

His face and the ground touched each other, making a loud bang!

The gray wolf was also dizzy from the smash, and he couldn't help screaming in pain.

The man who shot, raised his arms and shouted loudly, and then turned the stick again to knock it down!

At this time, the gray wolf couldn't help but scream again. He didn't look like a boss at all, and rolled continuously on the ground like a dead dog.

Seeing that he was not invincible, the rest of the group began to burst with great enthusiasm!

They rushed towards these members of the Grey Wolf Organization with stones or sticks and iron forks!

In no time the crowd surrounded them!

Jack led the people to watch, preventing those members of the Grey Wolf Organization from violently hurting people!

Although this behavior is unlikely to happen, it can be done just in case.

After seeing the performance of these people, Jack couldn't help but smile!

Now these people have their revenge!

Then for (bbbe) his sense of belonging will be very strong!

The Grey Wolf Organization has been negatively terminated, and will never be revived from now on!

Because these people no longer have any fear of gray wolves, and some only have resentment and gnashing of teeth, as long as they appear, they will be torn apart by the residents first!

When this idea fell, I heard a few muffled groans for a short time.

The crowd quieted down after that!

All that was left were the loud roars from the onlookers, and they vented casually as if the suppressed feeling that had accumulated over the years had erupted.

After a while, the bull took a few able-bodied people and walked into the middle of the crowd to push the crowd away!

At this time, you can see that there are many corpses with twisted shapes lying on the ground!

Among these things are the gray wolves.

The gray wolf died tragically, his eyes burst out, and he could not rest his eyes!

He paid the price for his past actions, these people are all silent!

Jack had no other pity for them. He waved his arms and saw the bulls dragging the bodies of these people away with his subordinates. He was going to find a place to directly cremate them and throw them away.

After the bull took the people away, the residents finally quieted down!

Everyone looked at Jack and listened to his instructions.

Jack said at this time: "From now on, you will not be bullied, and you will all live a normal life. Trust me, you will definitely see such a day!"

Hearing his words, the people present burst into cheers!

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps.

Everyone took a look and saw a group of people walking on the street!

When everyone looked over, they saw a group of Qin soldiers approaching, wearing solid armor!

They have sharp eyes and long swords in their hands!

After seeing them, the cheering residents couldn't help but panic.

After the Daqin soldiers entered the city, Han Xin issued an order that the residents were not allowed to gather together at will!

Now they are clearly disobeying the order!

This will definitely lead to penalties!

Some people looked away and didn't want to be caught, others looked at Jack and were worried about him! Such a good leader, they didn't want any accident!

At this time, Jack and the bulls and others behind him didn't seem to be worried at all.

Jack stood there and waited for those Qin soldiers to come.

One of the leading soldiers said: "What are you doing! You actually violated the rules, gathered together, and armed with weapons, trying to rebel?"

After hearing his words, Jack took out the waist card he was hanging on, shook it at him and said, "Look, this is my waist card!"

When the soldier saw it, he was immediately startled, and hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "So it's the captain of the school! I'm sorry, I'll go now!

After speaking, he left with the soldiers behind him.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers all widened their eyes and felt incredible!

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