Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

374 Bring the prisoners back and meet them in person! (Subscribe!)

The soldier of the Xiongnu Golden Family said, "It's better for us to surrender..."

After he finished speaking, Da Chanyu used a knife, looked at him fiercely, and chopped him to the ground.

Then Da Chanyu waved his bloody blade and said, "Whoever says that those who retreat will be killed directly. 39

As he spoke, he raised his treasured saber and charged towards the running cavalry of Qin.

As he entered between the ranks, he saw a large number of weapons cut across his body.

Da Chanyu tried desperately to block, but in the end he still didn't beat the attack of the running cavalry, and was pierced by one of the cavalry's shoulder with a spear.

He fell to the ground with a scream, fortunately, the other Golden Family cavalrymen beside him responded very quickly and stepped forward to hold him, otherwise he would be trampled to death by the chaos army.

However, this wave also paid a price of nearly a thousand people.

Han Xin and Meng Yi finally came with troops.

They were running in the gap between the camps, and when they appeared, it was just when Da Chanyu fell off his horse.

This was a good opportunity. Han Xin took the lead and waved his spear, and 11 attacked the Huns.

The Xiongnu's cavalry did not have the command of Da Shanyu, and there was no way to form a united force.

Several people were impaled at once, and Meng Yi also arrived with some Qin cavalry!

They kept appearing between the rotating formations.

Then disappeared.

Every time they can kill some Huns' cavalry, if things go on like this, these Huns' cavalry will have some mental breakdowns.

Da Chanyu, who was pierced in the shoulder, fell into a coma after falling off his horse.

He couldn't speak.

The cavalry of the golden family dismounted and surrendered in his place.

Everyone knows that there is no way to rush out at this time, so it is better to surrender to save your life!

After seeing their appearance, Han Xin and Meng Yi ordered the entire camp to stop.

When the formation stopped, the cavalry team rearranged into four square formations, surrounded by these cavalry soldiers, Meng Yi and Han Xin walked to the front of the square formation.

They looked at the Huns kneeling on the ground with joy in their eyes.

After such a long time of chasing and fierce battles, Da Chanyu and the guards around him were finally taken down. This time it was a great victory.

After that, Meng Yi ordered the Daqin soldiers around him to take down the surrendered Huns of the Golden Family, and let them tie their hands and walk towards the camp with ropes on!

Da Chanyu is tied to a horse alone, he is an important person and must be taken care of!

To this end, the military doctor also used the best medicine for him to stop the bleeding.

After stopping the bleeding, Da Chanyu looks pretty good.

It's just that he was tied to the back of a horse, lying on top of it horizontally, which was a little unsightly.

But this time, no one cares about him.

The warriors of the Golden Family are now too busy to take care of themselves, they are all tied together by a rope blocked by each person, and they follow the horse team like slaves.

Da Shanyu, it is very good to have a horse to ride now.

As the army moved towards the rear, the small groups of troops that had been scattered on the roadside also gathered.

The purpose of these small units is to clean up the corpses left on the battlefield and stack them together.

The other is to kill the backward Huns who were injured and not dead.

At this time, among the Daqin soldiers themselves, medicine was in short supply, and they had no intention to rescue these non-Han people.

Because these Daqin soldiers all returned victorious, they were in a good mood.

When everyone returned, the speed increased by one, and they soon reached the place where Emperor Qin and the others were. At this time, Emperor Qin led his troops to station in the valley where they had been ambushed earlier.

Both sides of the valley have been completely surrounded by elite troops to prevent danger.

In addition, on the tops of the hills on both sides, troops were also dispatched to conduct searches in the past, trying to find no one hiding.

Not only that, those Daqin soldiers also dispatched patrols to continuously patrol the top of the hillside. Even if someone wanted to attack from the top of the valley, it would be impossible.

At this time, Emperor Qin was sitting alone in the golden frame, and there were heavy troops guarding him. Even the heavy soldiers and the rest of the miscellaneous troops were gathered around him.

Under such strict protection, there is no security problem at all.

Qin Huang sat in the carriage and had a chat with Su Qing, which was one of the few things he did to pass the time.

While waiting, a messenger suddenly rushed to the valley.

He was a soldier sent by Meng Yi.

When he reached the edge of the valley, he immediately knelt down on one knee and said loudly: "Report to His Majesty Qin Huang, the army has returned, and this time is a great victory, capturing Da Chanyu, and also holding the gold in his hands. The cavalry of the family were all caught and beheaded countless Huns.

There are too many Huns, and it is customary to replace as many as 10,000 people at once.

After the plaintiff gave Qin Huang the news of the messenger, Qin Huang immediately felt happy.

He said in person: "Very good, drive the carriage to the mouth of the valley, and I will personally welcome Meng Yi and General Han Xin to return!"

While speaking, the eunuchs he followed, 360 immediately passed his orders, and then the carriage began to move, along the road specially opened in the valley to the other side of the valley.

When he arrived at the mouth of the valley, he could see an army marching slowly in the distance. The leaders were Meng Yi and Han Xin. They returned because of their victory, all with high fighting spirit and their chins raised.

As the army approached, the Qin soldiers standing beside the Qin Emperor all cheered, mainly because everyone saw Da Chanyu tied to the rear of the army, and there were also the cavalry of the Huns from the Golden Family.

These Xiongnu cavalry have always been very rare, and they were allowed to run away in many pursuits, and they fought back, causing certain damage to the soldiers of Qin.

At this time, when they took the lead, Da Chanyu was seized, and everyone felt very happy in their hearts, and the originally suppressed feeling disappeared.

Emperor Qin did not sit in the carriage.

As he watched the army arrive, he opened the curtain and walked out by himself.

The soldiers standing beside them hurriedly knelt down to show their respect, and Meng Yi and Han Xin, who were traveling from a distance, were also flattered when they saw Emperor Qin coming out to greet him in person.

They quickly urged the warhorse to run forward, and when they came to the side of the carriage, they turned over and dismounted, and then took a few steps forward and knelt on the ground with a plop.

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