Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

388 The rush starts, I can't resist! (Please subscribe!)

The flying stone hit the target, making it impossible for them to move forward, the herdsmen will do it!

At that time, the cattle and sheep can be restrained.

And after this flying stone fell into the crowd of archers, it could knock down a person at once!

Several Xiongnu warriors threw out the flying stones they had brought.

A piece of archers was cleared out.

The bows and arrows they shot were also sparse, and at this time, more cavalry rushed over and came to the street.

Moreover, some Qin cavalrymen were very bold, and when they rushed through the low wall, they directly charged towards the archers.

Because of the weakening of the archers, the cavalrymen were able to rush to their side despite being shot a few times.

These archers, who only wore cloth clothes, could not resist the "three seven zeros" in the face of the cavalry in armor.


Just the stampede of the war horse can knock them flying, and then step directly on the ground.

The shrill screams kept coming out.

These archers were trampled to death by war horses one after another, and there were quite a few of them, but facing the shock of war horses, there was no chance of life at all.

There were a few knights who were standing beside them for protection, and after seeing what had happened to them, they urged their horses to rush up.

Armed with knight spears and knight swords, they fought against the rushing Daqin cavalry!

The battle here is like a fuse.

On the street, when Daqin's cavalry attacked the street, they fought together with the European cavalry standing on the street!

Those European cavalrymen with their helmets pierced through their armor, seeing these Daqin cavalry rushing over, they also accelerated their speed and charged forward.

The cavalry with pistols and knight lances was in front, and they charged forward as if against a steel jungle.

When these Qin cavalrymen saw this situation, they immediately removed a round shield from their horses and put it on their arms.

When those knight spears rushed over, they immediately put the round shield on top of their heads.

The knight's spear was quickly slashed by the round shield, and then the knife they held in the other hand slashed out with force.

The knife slashed at the body of the opposite knight, making a clanging sound.

Although it was impossible to break their armor with a single knife, it also shook the knights inside!

The follow-up Qin cavalrymen made up their swords, and they discovered the weak points of these armors in a short period of time, and the joints did not use the joint armor.

Otherwise, their activities will be affected, so they attack these weak spots at this time.

Including the neck, elbows and leg bends.

Most of them attacked at their necks, and the European cavalry was immediately dropped off their horses if they hit!

And was trampled to death by a war horse!

And those European ices are also very brave, some of them were knocked off their horses, and some still kept the formation forward.

The knights holding the knight spear turned the knight spear into a killing weapon only by the impact speed of the horse.

Those Qin soldiers who were blocking the front would be penetrated by their armor if they were not careful, and would be directly pushed up by the knight's spear, and their eyes would widen in mid-air and die on the spot!

Blood splattered, and the entire battlefield was full of shrill screams, which made people feel astonished and inexplicable.

The European cavalry armed with a knight's spear rushed forward and knocked Qin's knights off their horses.

Because of Qin's cavalry, the number of people who rushed to the street was not too many.

They were blocked by the archers. The knights who rushed up and the cavalry of Daqin fought very lively together. The tall European knight standing in the back looked at the situation on the battlefield, and his face became gloomy. .

He did not expect that these cavalrymen who rushed into the city wall were so powerful, they easily blocked the cavalry of his most elite knights.

Seeing that the two sides were fighting, he looked up at the city wall.

At this time, a large number of soldiers defending the city wall ran down above the city wall, and they were ready to join the battle to help.

As for the archers above the city wall, they all crouched behind the wall to prevent being hit by the bows and arrows below.

From this angle, you can see that a large number of bows and arrows flew up from the other side of the city wall, and then fell into the open space above the city wall!

Some archers were shot to death on the spot before they could dodge. The defense for archers was too weak. Only soldiers wearing one-piece armor could protect against such a fierce attack.

Just as he observed this moment, there was a huge noise again in the direction of the city gate.

Turning around and looking around, you can see that a large number of cavalry are rushing towards them. These Qin cavalrymen are ready to attack the other side's defense force with wave after wave.

In fact, that was the case. Those archers had been forced back into the corner, and they had no way to support the entire army.

There are only a few archers who can shoot arrows. For these archers, the cavalry of the Qin Dynasty often only use shields to block them or simply ignore them and let those bows and arrows shoot on the armor.

The armor pieces of the armor they wore flew out the bows and arrows, and even if the soldiers of Da Qin were shot, they continued to charge forward.

They show good fighting qualities!

Under these circumstances, a large number of Qin cavalrymen rushed to the rear of the city gate, and the originally built wall became a decoration!

After seeing this, the tall knight who took the lead gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Everyone rush forward with me, be sure to block this wave of enemies!"

He knew that if these Da Qin cavalrymen rushed into the city, it would have a disastrous impact.

Following his order, all the knights began to rush forward with him.

At this time, the number of knights gathered under his hands was nearly 20,000. After these knights gathered together in 1.4, they formed a silvery white ocean~!

They rushed forward furiously, and the hooves of the horses stepped on the ground with a loud noise!

And the weapons in their hands also flashed cold light, aiming in the direction of the city gate hole, Han Xin took the lead!

Behind him were soldiers who could ride and shoot.

These soldiers also saw the opponent rushing towards them, so they quickly pulled their bows and shot arrows, but the bows and arrows bounced off the opponent's armor.

These European armors are also very protective. Seeing this, Han Xin's eyes twitched, and he then said: "The cavalry with heavy weapons is in front!

He had just seen the battle at this time, those soldiers with heavy weapons, the offensive power is very strong.

Faced with them, these Europeans simply cannot resist.

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