Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

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It is not bad to be able to gather less than 3,000 heavy armored cavalry.

Of course, if the heavy armored cavalry who did not die during the previous battle were included, the number would have reached more than 4,000.

At this time, these heavy armored cavalry charged forward, forming a strong impact, and it looked very powerful!

Although those European cavalrymen were wearing full-body armor, they still screamed in pain and fell to the ground in the face of the shock.

In the hands of these heavily armored cavalry, every time the battle axe slashed, it would directly cut out the one-piece armor they were wearing.

Without the protection of the whole body armor, the battle axe swung and chopped them down completely on the spot.

European cavalry continued to fall.

Seeing this, Lan Yu aimed hard at Han Xin and stabbed a sword, and when forcing him back, he shouted: "Assemble! Rush up to stop them! Be sure to buy time to come out!

After his shouting, the European cavalry behind him began to charge forward.

Everyone was holding a knight's gun and a knight's sword, and rushed forward quickly!

The cold light of the long spear flickered and was very sharp.

In addition, the trebuchets at the back were also operated again. Although the soldiers operating the trebuchets were frightened, they still installed the stones and sent them out!

They still have the power to fight!

At this moment, Meng Yi in the rear issued an attack order!

Those soldiers standing on the city wall immediately let the European soldiers standing next to the trebuchet control it.


The extension of the trebuchet was smashed open, and the huge stone fell down the side of the city wall!

Then the stone fell into the Eurofighter queue!

At the beginning, these European cavalry did not expect that they would be attacked by speculation!

After all, they are the masters who operate the trebuchet!

The next moment they paid for their carelessness!

After the stone fell, it formed a continuous black shadow, smashing at the European cavalry!

The shrill screams came out, and those cavalrymen in Europe were crushed to death!

And there are some, which are aimed at the trebuchets behind, there is a stone, luckily, one of the trebuchets was smashed!

The soldiers next to him were affected and screamed and were injured, or died!

Without the catapult threat behind the European cavalry, the heavy cavalry showed their unique power!

These heavily armored soldiers swept across the battlefield.

They were like bulldozers, pushing those European cavalry soldiers who were scattered in formation towards the rear of the city gate with all their might!

At this moment, the fall of the city gate is a foregone conclusion!

Seeing this situation, Lan Yu's eyes flickered with cold light.

He really wanted to kill Han Xin, but the spear in Han Xin's hand danced like a gust of wind, preventing him from moving forward!

Even a little careless, Han Xin will find an opportunity to counteract.

Under such circumstances, Lan Yu could only helplessly retreat.

If he didn't step back, I'm afraid he would fall into the siege, and he would not be able to leave if he wanted to.

Meng Yi led the cavalry to Han Xin's side.

He looked at Lan Yu who fled ahead and said, "What about this person?"

Han Xin said: "He can't escape, General Meng Yi, let's catch up together. Now that the defense force at the gate of the city has been disintegrated, I'm afraid there will be no strength to resist us in this city!"

After he finished speaking, Meng Yi nodded and said, "That's exactly what I thought, I've already brought in the entire cavalry team, the number is 20,000!

Let's rush in with them!

Hearing Meng Yi's words, Han Xin nodded immediately.

Then the two generals began to lead the cavalry behind them, and quickly rushed towards the inside of the entire city!

The rumbling sound of hooves echoed on the street, and the war horses all around ran wildly, with an indomitable momentum.

The retreating cavalry who had been beaten all fled in a hurry at this time.

They all knew that at this time, they could no longer resist each other.

Because both the number of people fighting on their side and the will to fight are incomparable with the soldiers of the Qin State.

After seeing the European cavalry in the front retreat.

The chasing Daqin cavalry began to shout happily!

With a stronger sense of battle, they ran forward and chased after victory!

At this time, in the situation of victory, any one of them will burst into battle!

Not to mention these elite hordes of cavalry.

They ran forward until they drove the European cavalry into the street.

In the ranks of the cavalry, Lan Yu looked to the rear from time to time, and his eyes were full of worry!

At this time, these cavalrymen have withdrawn, so the Daqin cavalry behind them will continue to enter!

The city wall was also occupied, and the best result for these local soldiers was to pay the price to defend the city and drive away the invaders!

But this is obviously a hard thing to do!

A knight next to him said, "Sir, what should we do now?

Hearing what his subordinates said, Lan Yu said, "Has King Arthur come over?!

Now it's up to King Arthur.

After he finished speaking, the soldier immediately shook his head and said, "He hasn't shown up yet, you know King Arthur likes to show off, maybe he has just assembled his army now.35

When 373 spoke, the soldier was also a little unhappy!

They are fighting here for the sake of King Arthur, who was dawdling behind to let the fighting time disappear!

Say no to resentment, that's a lie!

After hearing what his subordinates said, Lan Yu also sighed hard in his heart!

Speaking of King Arthur, he is also very helpless. This is a great king of fiefs, but he has no ability.

But as the knight commander under King Arthur, he must maintain his safety and the stability of the entire territory.

Over the years, he has paid a lot for King Arthur, and his heart is very tired.

But there is no way.

At this time when he really needs support, King Arthur is probably still leading the stragglers recruited by his men, just forming a formation.

Just as Lan Yu's thoughts fell, he heard footsteps.

He looked up and saw a large crowd of people rushing out from the street ahead.

These people are wearing bright armor, but the queue looks very messy when they walk, and it looks like they have not undergone any training.

They are the army under the command of King Arthur.

As a direct team, they are not as good as Lan Yu's soldiers!

At the very center of these crowds, King Arthur, dressed in shining golden armor and with a golden knight's sword on his waist, was standing there.

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