Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

418 The decision of being an official is quite surprising! (Please subscribe!)

They also followed Haha to say hello, and both sides seemed to be very harmonious!

For this reason, these European soldiers showed great enthusiasm, and they quickly reached the front of the valley.

Those stones in the valley have been moved away.

After all, the stones here are all thrown down one by one, and the number is not very large.

Moreover, when they were thrown down, they were swayed by the shield, and the rest were loosened by the efforts of many people.

There are so many in the valley behind!

These stones, if they were made by Qin soldiers, would definitely be very tiring.

At this time, with these vassal soldiers, it would be easier to handle.

They have the strength anyway, so let them do the coolies!

After reaching the front, these vassals, greeted by their respective captains, began to attack the stone!

Because they were all promised by "380", if the stones here are cleaned up, they can get a lot of credit. At this time, everyone has used all their strength!

With the sound of the horns, the soldiers quickly moved the stones.

These stones were quickly cut with everyone's efforts!

At this time, on the other side, Lan Yu took the bearded general and ran quickly towards the city-state.

When it was about to reach the city-state, Lan Yu said loudly: "Everyone, stop!

After he finished speaking, the cavalry who followed him all stopped.

At this time, the bearded general said: "General, why did you stop! Hurry up and enter the city, otherwise, if the army comes, we will all be ruined!"

After hearing his words, Lan Yu did not enter the city immediately. He stood on the spot, turned his warhorse, and said loudly: "Everyone pay attention, start to enter the vicinity and hide! 35


After hearing his words, the bearded general immediately widened his eyes in surprise.

He then said: "General, what are you doing, we have to enter the city, otherwise, the chasing soldiers from behind will come and what should we do if we are caught? With these people, we can't resist those chasing behind us. The Qin cavalry who came here!"5

After hearing his words, Lan Yu looked at him and said, "What do you know, at this time our number is very small, but we didn't kill any of those enemies!

When the time comes to return to the city-state, even if Prince Echo does not say anything, King Arthur will fan the flames in various ways, and it is impossible for Prince Echo not to punish us.

I don't care, he just got my allegiance, he won't really offend me, but you are different, you just lost the battle, and if you go back in a hurry, you will definitely be beheaded!

Do you want to be beheaded!

After saying this, the bearded general immediately looked at him.

Of course he didn't want to be beheaded.

Just now he only wanted to avoid the Qin cavalry behind him, but he ignored this point.

Immediately he said: "General, you save us, what should I do now! 35

Hearing his words, Lan Yu immediately said: "It's very simple, follow me, those Qin Kingdom riders would never have imagined that we would be near the city, and instead of going in, we would be ambushing nearby!

Catch them by surprise! Let them be here and lose a lot!"

Having said that, Lan Yu raised his chin and said, "After killing the Qin soldiers, go back to the city, and Prince Echo will never punish us! You won't be beheaded, and you might even be able to secure a position as a high-end general!

After hearing his words, the bearded general nodded again and again.

He said happily: "So, I will listen to your orders, General! Haha! 99

Lan Yu said at this time: "Even so, I don't guarantee that it will really happen, and the probability is 50-50! You can also see that the general who led the troops just now is very alert and won't be easily fooled! I'm afraid it will be a tough battle! 99

After he said this, the bearded general immediately said: "I see! I am willing to follow the general, no matter what the result is, I will not regret it!

very good!

Lan Yu patted his shoulder and said, "Let's go, follow me to ambush, be careful!"

Then the army began to ambush.

The ambush location Lan Yu and the others chose was behind a bush!

This piece of grass is not too tall, probably reaching the knees of ordinary people.

No normal person would hide in this place, because it is too easy to be found.

Lan Yu is to be different from ordinary people!

He insists that the most dangerous place is the safest place!

Anyway, they are taking risks, it is better to take risks more simply, squatting on the enemy's forehead!

The grass here was very low..

But if everyone is lying on the ground, it is not so easy to be seen!

Moreover, the place where these grasses grow is on the top of the high slope. If someone passes by on the road ahead, they will not notice that there are people hiding in the grass above.

This is the effect of black under the light!

Moreover, the war horses brought by the entire cavalry team have been pulled aside, which did not affect the pace of these people's walking!

Under such circumstances, if everyone waits silently, then they should not be seen!

At this time, the quality of the veteran is reflected.

These veterans brought in, although their fighting vigor is not as good as those of the new recruits and the teams dedicated to fighting, but their discipline is unquestionable!

Veterans are extremely vigilant on the battlefield. They know that speaking in an ambush is no different from courting death.

So as soon as they all climbed to the ground, they shut up immediately, and no sound was made!

Just waiting silently!

At the same time, the surrendered vassals who rushed over to the valley later also moved away the stones that were blocking the edge of the valley!

There are many stones that were originally dragged and pulled down by the war horses.

These vassals want to perform, to stand out, to become heroes in the army, so they are very attentive, even if the stone cuts their fingers, no one shouts!

Under the premise of 1.4, everyone moves rocks extremely fast!

It didn't take long to remove the rocks in front of you!

Finally they cleared a passage.

Just after doing these things, the other side of the valley has become a flat land!

Even these vassals are ingenious, leveling the stones to the depressions in the ground ahead!

This allows the army to move better.

As soon as this side was ready, the leader of the vassals immediately took the soldiers to the front of the workshop to report, and Meng Yi, who was standing at the mouth of the valley, knew.

When Meng Yi learned that the vassals quickly cleaned up the pile of stones at the rear, he was quite surprised!

Because according to his estimation, it will take some time for these vassals to clear these stones away, but he did not expect to use such a fast speed!

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