Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

427 Suppressing opponents, running speed! (Please subscribe!)

The bows and arrows shot by these archers are very powerful, and they use a three-edged shape, so that if they are shot, they will immediately cause death and injury.

Rescue is very difficult!

In one round of shooting, 2,000 men and horses were shot to death on the spot, and the subsequent soldiers, led by General Allen, slowly retreated.

And there are shields there to resist, but it didn't cause much casualties.

At this time, it can be seen that Allen's command ability is still very good!

He immediately let the shield-player raise the shield horizontally.

In this way, more bows and arrows can be prevented from falling, and a certain amount of time and space can be won for the soldiers in the rear to retreat.

The shield blocked the front of the team, and the bow and arrow in the sky fell down quickly!

It hit those shield players in an instant.

After a clanging sound, those bows and arrows all hit the shield.

When the bow and arrow hit the shield, it was immediately bounced and fell to the ground next to it!

At this time, the soldiers behind the shield guards formed a wall of separation!

Prevent the bows and arrows on the opposite side from flying over and causing them some damage.

Seeing that the archers had already shot, and there was no way to cause damage, the sergeant who led the mercenaries standing in the team immediately said, "Let me charge forward in the front row."

After hearing his words, the vassals in the front row immediately ran!

The vassals are very fast.

In the past, because their captain underestimated the enemy and rushed forward, they were blocked by others halfway!

And killed a lot of people.

Therefore, everyone wants to find their place and get back their lost glory!

Now that we have the command of Captain Qin Bing, everyone has paid 120,000 points of attention!

With an order, they immediately ran forward quickly and came directly to the city-state soldiers on the opposite side.

The shield players in the front row, after seeing a large number of vassals arriving, they immediately shouted loudly.

Shield hands are still very useful for bow shooting from a distance!

But in the face of melee soldiers, it's not very useful. Shields are holding shields in their hands, especially the shields woven locally on their side are big and heavy!

The purpose is to resist the use of bows and arrows, which requires each of them to use two hands to carry them.

The survivability of these shield players is very weak in the face of melee attacks.

Unless they turn into turtles and buckle themselves up with shields, but in this case, bows and arrows can enter the crowd unscrupulously.

The shield players were in a dilemma, so they shouted loudly.

And General Allen, who was in command of the battle, began to shout loudly at this time, and the soldiers with the knight's gun beside him went to the front and put the knight's gun on the shield!

Facing the vassals running over.

These vassals all ran hard, and when they ran forward, they let out a loud cry.

Only a rumbling sound was heard, and those vassals slammed into the edge of the shield!

At this time, these people were also stabbed by the mounted knight spear.

They pierced through them one after another, and let them hang on the top of the shield, unable to continue to move forward, and the blood flew, forming a rain of blood!

In the face of the impact of these long spears, the vassals who came running in droves lost blood and fell to the ground!

Their eyes widened as they died.

At this time, they were all very brave. Even if they died, they died on the road of charging, and they deserved to be appreciated by others!

But courage is not enough to defeat the mighty defenses of the enemy.

They were filled with people constantly, and even those strong soldiers jumped up and grabbed the knight's gun, and grabbed the knight's gun abruptly!

Under such a messy attack, they actually came to the shield player's side.

A tall vassal directly grabbed the corner of the shield, flipped him abruptly to the other side, and fell to the ground!

At this moment, the city-state cavalry holding a shield was knocked down to the ground, and several vassals ran beside him!

They slashed forward with their weapons!

After only hearing a few clicks, these city defense cavalrymen lying on the ground were hacked to death!

The blood flowed and dyed the ground red!

As they fell, gaps appeared.

Afterwards, those vassal soldiers began to hold their weapons, shouting loudly and rushing forward!

As they rushed forward, these city-state cavalrymen holding shields could no longer resist.

They used to rely on their shields to protect against the enemy's attack, but now without the shields, they are equivalent to removing a layer of defense.

・・For flowers.....

And this shield is also the line of defense in their hearts.

After the defense line was opened, they had no intention of fighting again.

Under such circumstances, the shield players in the front row were directly opened by the vassal soldiers who rushed over.

One notch after another notch gets bigger.

Those city-state cavalry that followed were knocked to the ground by the vassals!

The vassals marched forward all the way, and at this time, with a strong momentum, they were constantly suppressing the ranks of the city-state cavalry in the rear!

They shouted loudly that the combat effectiveness was amazing, but the city-state cavalry, on the other hand, was suppressed and kept retreating at this time.

The situation ahead is very good.

And the colonel who was in charge of Daqin among them calmly commanded.

He rode on a war horse, and behind him followed several soldiers of the Qin state!

They were all holding shields.

The cavalry's shield is relatively light, and it doesn't take up much space to hang on the arm!

He was even able to free up one hand to deal with the enemy.

These shield hands hold shields, and the purpose is also to protect against long-range attacks from afar.

Seeing those vassal soldiers on the opposite side, they were about to rush into the enemy formation.

Seeing the situation ahead, Allen said loudly: "There are only 8,000 people on the opposite side, what are you afraid of? Listen to my order to release the defense immediately and let the knights rush out!"

Allen's order was issued, and the cavalry behind him were ready, and the shield player immediately moved the shield away.

After they removed the shield, the subsequent cavalry team rushed up!

Ellen is very smart!

If those cavalry teams in the rear run forward, after a long run and speed up!

When they reached the front of the cavalry, the speed had reached its peak.

At this moment, just eight thousand vassals rushed into the gap and launched a general attack on the cavalry team, with happy expressions on their faces!

Because they suppress others with their own efforts, so that they cannot resist!

They feel like they are invincible!

At this time, Allen taught them a good lesson.

After a large number of cavalry rushed out, they directly crashed into the crowd! Bu.

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