Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

557 Six gods have no masters, when they fight hard! (Please subscribe!)

He hurriedly clenched the knight sword with both hands and held it in front of him, but he did not expect that these two spears were extremely cunning.

Their real goal was the heavy knight's sword in his hand, and when they saw the two spears crossing each other, the force of the two spears was suddenly swept to both sides and superimposed on the hilt of the knight's sword. It hit the knight sword and dropped it downward.

The bearded European cavalryman with a knight's sword, "Four Seven Three", was caught off guard and immediately dropped his weapon. He was taken aback and hurriedly put his head on the horse's back to fall. At this moment, two spears came quickly. , hit him on the back of the head!

The European cavalry's full-body armor is very protective, and the possibility of frontal stab damage is relatively small, but if you attack from the back, there is no such worry, because the full-body armor protects the front, and some interfaces will be reserved at the back to wear the armor. .

After all, it is impossible to put this armor on directly. After the long spear was struck, only a bang was heard. The armor immediately swayed and slanted to the side. The European cavalry in the armor was also wide-eyed at this time. When the spear came down, it hit him right on the neck!

Although there are some light and thin leather armors for protection, this time it also made him feel different. Afterwards, two Daqin cavalrymen with long spears rushed past him, and at this moment they were cut by him with a knight's sword. Broken the spear, the Daqin cavalry with the knife in his hand just arrived and cut through it!

His head was completely cut off from the back, and the gurgling head rolled onto the cavalry, under the horse's hoof, and fell directly on the spot as the European cavalry stepped on it.

He was in a different place, and the warhorse died along with the master. He became without a master and ran wildly. The battle on the battlefield was also changing rapidly. The European cavalry who took the lead was killed just now, and King Arthur, who followed behind, watched When he arrived at this scene, he immediately showed a look of horror on his face.

He didn't expect his subordinate to be killed so easily, and he wanted to let this subordinate lead the cavalry to rush out, but now King Arthur thought about it for a moment.

Immediately shouted loudly, ordered the cavalry under his command to charge quickly and promised that whoever led him out first, immediately gave the golden long sword in his hand to the person who took the lead in the charge. The cavalry immediately picked it up again, and with a strong will to fight, they quickly ran forward. After running, the entire formation became tighter!

The knights who shot bows and arrows behind the Daqin cavalry also put away their long bows at this time, because the Daqin cavalry had already mixed up with the European cavalry!

If they continue to shoot arrows, they may hurt their own people, which is very uneconomical. At this time, it is time to fight hard. Although King Arthur's strength is slightly weaker, they also have 3,000 people. A large amount of force, the soldiers of Daqin, on the side, ran wildly, and the two sides collided with the large army in the next moment.

After hearing the sound of shouting and killing 1.4, a large number of cavalry fell under the horses, and when the two sides crossed, there were also large blood trails!

The commander of the Daqin cavalry has a strong commanding ability. When he directs the soldiers to attack forward, the pikemen stretch their arms in front of the pikemen in front. With the length of the lances, they can get close to the opponent at the first time, while those European cavalry have no The leader just ran wild.

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