Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

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He just stepped into it with the soldiers. At this time, he quickly ordered the soldiers to turn around and prepare to escape, but the soldiers under him were already frightened. They were only guarded by Yinglong trained by the local soldiers. It is not the great Qin Ruishi who has experienced hundreds of battles and is resolute in spirit!

Therefore, under his order, the soldiers did not retreat immediately, and above the valley, the commander was facing the soldiers rolling down some stones, and the huge stones became smashed one by one under the soldier's pry bar. Falling like a giant.

They rolled in an arc and charged towards the team led by the lieutenant general. As more and more stones fell, the team led by the lieutenant general suffered even more casualties. At this time, another family member was stoned. , Most of the flesh and blood mold Hu has died.

The lieutenant who led the troops was shocked and angry. He quickly ordered the soldiers to speed up and disperse toward both sides. Finally, under his command, some of the soldiers who followed him dispersed.

In this way, a large space was formed, allowing the stones to roll over, but there was no way for the dead to recover. Now, the number of Yinglong guards brought by this lieutenant has lost nearly 4,000 people, and only 6,000 people left, just at this moment, the screams of killing were so loud!

The lieutenant looked up and found that a large group of people rushed out from the top of the canyon. They stood on the edge of the canyon and each carried a longbow in their hands. The style of these longbows is different from those used by Qin soldiers, but their range- farther.

After pulling up the bows and arrows, they immediately vented towards the crowd of Yinglong guards standing in the middle of the canyon. A large number of bows and arrows fell instantly, as if a black rain of swords fell from the sky. Hastily widened his eyes.

Without hesitation, he grabbed a subordinate beside him and stopped the subordinate directly above his head. Then, he heard a clanging sound. When I got home, I blocked it, and then I heard a pop, and a bow and arrow poked into the gap of the armor!

Shot into the body of the corpse, the lieutenant was shocked at this time, he knew that this time he fell into an ambush, and the opponent's attack was very fierce.

If he does not retreat at this time, I am afraid that all these men and horses will be damaged here. At that moment, he shouted loudly, turned the horses, and then ran towards the rear, preparing to stay away from here. At this moment, the attacks on both sides also accelerated and concentrated. , this lieutenant is also a man of great ability!

··For flowers.....

He faced the soldiers who were close to the edge of the cliff and moved towards the rear, so that he could preserve his strength to the greatest extent and not be shot.

At this time, the full-body armor worn by these soldiers played a big role. Fortunately, they did not change to the armor of Daqin soldiers. At this time, the full-body armor could protect them, and the probability of being hit by bows and arrows was high. Some of the bows and arrows were bounced off!


Only a small part is worn on the body, and the number of deaths is very small!

But they are all injured. If they can hold back to their seats, they will be rescued. The soldiers of Daqin and the military doctors in the military camp are more capable than the military doctors here!

Instructing everyone to keep retreating. Originally everyone was trained, and some orders were prohibited, just because most soldiers couldn't find their own position. Now when they are in danger, their discipline has improved a lot in an instant. Under the unified command Quick retreat.

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