Daquan Wang

Chapter 056

The Grand Priest looked at the coquettish Bardos: Alas! It is estimated that this girl is also moved, what a big girl!

Changing skin is such a big thing, I didn’t even discuss with me, the father, so easily agreed.

I also think it looks beautiful.

Our pale blue skin is characteristic of angels!

As a proud angelic family, you can actually agree to other people’s requests and change them to what others like.

Alas! Okay, okay!

Since she herself is willing, then I will not be an evil person here.

So the priest’s face was stunned: “Then Bardos, you and Xiangpa are not accompanying Lord Daquan in the sixth universe, and come to the temple of Lord Quanwang, is there something wrong?” ”

Bardos was also stunned: “It’s such a great priest, mainly Lord Xiangpa, who has suffered a little injury, and I want to ask you to help him treat it, and there is nothing else else.” ”

As soon as these words came out, it was the turn of the Great Priest to be slightly surprised.

He looked at Xiangpa fixedly there, and teased, “You are the God of Destruction of the Sixth Universe!” Do you actually suffer injuries that you can’t even heal? And come and ask me to shoot? ”

“What happened to the sixth universe? Could it be that Lord Daquan Wang made a move against you? How could it be like this? ”

Xiangpa quickly explained: “No, no, no, Lord Great Priest, you misunderstood, things are like this…”

So Xiangpa explained the ins and outs of the matter to the great priest in detail.

The Great Priest nodded blankly: “Oh! That’s how it looks! You’re really a little master! ”

“Well, I already know, your mouth is also broken enough, if you don’t die, you won’t die, it seems that it should be able to teach you a little lesson.”

Bardos listened but rolled his eyes wildly next to him, imagining that Lord Pa, you are really in the play!

You are really like a victim!

Okay! Since I came to ask for someone, then I can’t expose you.

In case I provoke the Great Priest, “Nine Seven Three” really doesn’t treat your injuries, then it seems that I don’t fight righteously.

In that case, let me remain silent.

How the Great Priest decides depends on your luck.

At this time, the Great Priest frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly asked Bardos: “By the way, the focus of what you said just now is not the focus of Xiangpa’s injury, it means that you actually have three opportunities to strike with all your strength, is this the case?” ”

Bardos nodded and said, “Yes, Lord Daquan said so, and he also repaired my scepter for me, and also repaired the earrings of Lord Xiangpa. ”

The Great Priest glanced at Xiangpa’s earrings and felt the surging divine power inside.

He also thought about it in his heart, so it was, I said that this guy was actually able to carry the angel’s full blow, but he was slightly injured, and he didn’t suffer any fatal damage, it turned out that his strength had also greatly improved.

So it was.

Well, as for the specifics, it is not visible from this look.

“Bardos, take out your scepter, I want to see how unfathomable the strength of Lord Daquan is, and it is really surprising that it can repair the artifact scepter that our angel clan has passed down for so long.”

Bardos did not hesitate for a moment when she heard these words, stretched out her hand and made a gentle move, and a gorgeous scepter appeared in front of her.

Bardos gently handed the scepter to the High Priest.

The Great Priest looked at Bardos and smiled gently: “It seems that you have not wasted your cultivation during this time!” Your angel power and angel memory skills have also improved, and it seems that the magnitude is not small. ”

“Now it seems that you have become one of the best in the angelic family. Yes, that’s really gratifying. ”

“Okay, I’ll observe how your scepter is different from before, and then we’ll settle on other issues.”

The Great Priest took the scepter of Bardos, stroked it with his hand, closed his eyes slightly, and slowly sensed it there.

After a long time, the Great Priest breathed a long sigh of relief and said, “What a divine skill! It seems that the mana and ability of Lord Daquan are unfathomable, and it is indeed not something that my generation can give, what a clever means! ”

“In this regard, it is estimated that I and Lord Quan Wang will have to sigh to myself.”

“Through the scepter he repaired for you, I can feel that Lord Daquan Wang is indeed unfathomable in terms of divine power control, and has reached the point of pure fire, which is indeed powerful!”

“Really sincerely admired, just rush this hand, it seems that Lord Quan Wang said that he wanted to put the sixth universe…”

Speaking of this, the Great Priest suddenly stopped speaking and did not continue.

He tilted his head to look at Xiangpa, who was listening with his ears upright, and said impatiently: “I can’t cure your injury, you go to Lord Quanwang, don’t stay here.” ”

At this time, Xiangpa was still happily listening to the great priest talk about his heart, and he was still waiting to treat his injuries!

As a result, he was so abruptly evicted by the great priest.

This time Xiangpa was also directly stunned.

What what what?

After looking at the scepter, he actually said that my injuries could not be cured, so let me get up and go to the side and go to find Lord Quan Wang myself.

This painting style is not right! What rhythm is this?

It seems that I can’t keep up with the rhythm of the Great Priest Master a little.

So Elephant Pa looked at the Great Priest with innocent little eyes.

Lord Great Priest, you are the head of the gods!

Besides, I was injured, but it was injured by the master of your angelic clan.

As the leader of the angelic race, you actually say that you can’t cure it, what the hell is this?

He also asked me to go to Lord Quanwang.

If I dare to find Lord Quanwang, what am I going to do with you?”

Is it good to shirk responsibility and not so shirk?

But the great priest said with a look of disgust: “Go quickly, if you really want me to cure it, you can do it, but if it is bad, you will bear the consequences!” ”

Hearing this, Xiangpa directly exploded.

No way? Just because you, the leader of the gods, can you cure it?


If you don’t want to treat, say you don’t want to treat me!

Why do you find so many reasons?

So Xiangpa’s whole person felt bad, and his momentum was overflowing, and he stood there with his head bowed and his head bowed.

The great priest said helplessly: “I really can’t cure it, it’s not that I don’t treat you, I have already notified Lord Quanwang, his guards will arrive immediately, and in a while that Xiaowang and Xiaoji will come to pick you up and meet Lord Quanwang, if there is anything, you better find him!” ”

Elephant Pa was already bitter at this time and could not speak.

I thought that this thing is also, the official level crushes people.

You are the boss, you have the final say, you can do whatever you want.

Since I was powerless to resist, I could only enjoy it in silence.

On the platform next to Xiangpa, a human head like a pen suddenly appeared.

The man’s head slowly rotated, and his figure grew larger and larger.

It turned out that the pen guard of the whole king appeared at Xiangpa’s side.

He glared at Xiangpa so abruptly, and said with disdain: “It’s the guy from the sixth universe again!” Are you the elephant of the sixth universe? Lord Quan Wang told you to come in, come with me!” ”

I didn’t mean to be polite with Xiangpa at all.

Those who directly name and say surnames are even omitted the word adult.

It is like training a grandson to train an elephant pa.

Now Xiangpa was confused again: I don’t seem to have been treated so unfairly when I came here before?

You are a little guard, and you actually look down on me, as if you have a deep hatred for me. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Also the sixth universe, did I offend you in the sixth universe?

Bardos looked at the guard with a smelly face, and suddenly realized in his heart, thinking about it, he understood what was going on.

So he quietly pulled Xiangpa: “Okay, Lord Xiangpa, don’t worry about them.” The thing is like this, the last time I came, I picked up Lord Daquan Wang, and then Lord Daquan Wang gave these two pen guards a name, one is called Wang Yong, the other is called Kidd, it should be Wang Yong who came to pick you up, right? ”

Xiangpa also wondered at this time: “Why did you give him such a nice name, he seems to be particularly hostile to our sixth universe?” I didn’t offend him again? ”

Bardos patiently whispered to Xiangpa, “Lord Xiangpa, you really don’t know!” What do we call them? It can be called Guardian Wang Yong, or Guardian Kidd. ”

“But don’t you forget, what if the Lord of the King is called them, or the Lord of the Great Priest is called them? They will call them little Wang Ba or Little Chicken Dot. ”

This sentence woke up the dream man, and Xiangpa finally knew why this guard didn’t fight when he saw the people of their sixth universe.

This is really a fire at the city gate, which killed the pond fish!

I thought: You immortals are fighting and causing me, a mortal, to suffer.

I said that this guy saw me like he saw his father’s murderer, so hateful, he didn’t look angry at all.

It turns out that this terrier appears here.

It’s good that Bardos understands the inside story, otherwise, I don’t know how I offended.

However, since this is the trouble caused by Lord Daquan King, it is normal for me to bear this part of the grievance for him now, as his subordinate.

Thinking of this, Xiangpa saluted the Great Priest with a slight bow: “Lord Great Priest, then I will go first.” ”

The Great Priest waved his hand and nodded: “Go, go.” ”

A look of impatience.

This kid is really, looking at him now is upset, and I don’t know why.

“Okay, since that’s the case, then Lord Lao Wang will lead the way.” Uncharacteristically, Xiangpa put away his proud character and said with a low eyebrow.

Then he followed Wang Yong into the temple of the king.

As soon as he saw Xiangpa leave here, the Great Priest directly returned to the playful look he had just had.

With a straight face, he said to Bardos: “What I wanted to say just now is that Lord Quan Wang discussed with me some time ago to give the management of the universe to Lord Dawang. ”

“Originally, I didn’t agree with this aspect, the first was that I was worried that the strength of Lord Daquan Wang was not enough to convince the crowd and suppress the resistance of the gods of the universe.”

“The second is mainly to consider the heart of Lord Daquan King, I still can’t figure it out, I don’t know if it is a violent and murderous person, which is also the main reason for my consideration.”

“And third, I don’t know how the management ability of Lord Daquan Wang is, whether he can play a leading role in these 12 universes, and lead us to develop better in these 12 universes.”

“Those are some of my concerns. But this thing can’t be known to a little god of destruction like Pa. ”

“It’s just that he is in now, and then I will give you a little bit of this thing first.”

“However, through the means by which he repaired the scepter for you this time, I think that the strength of Lord Daquan Wang should be unfathomable, and his strength should be infinite, which should be enough to subdue the gods of the universe.”

“At this point, I don’t know how you feel about the heart of Lord Daquan after this period of contact, is he suitable to be the master of the entire 12 universe?”

“I hope you will truthfully pray to me about this, don’t put your personal feelings in it, I know that you have a good impression of Lord Daquan King, I understand this, and Lord Daquan Wang seems to like you more”

“But from an objective point of view, I hope you give me a fair and just evaluation!” Your evaluation this time is very important, the development direction of our 12 universe and the general trend of the future king to deal with various things, are all of great importance……..”

“Please answer me carefully, okay Bardos? Don’t let me down, you are very capable among my children, I know that. ”

Bardos looked at the Great Priest’s words very cautiously, and also pondered slightly.

Then solemnly said to the Great Priest: “After this period of contact with Lord Daquan King, I feel that Lord Daquan Wang is a meek person without any violence or murderous atmosphere. ”

“And his strength is unfathomable, the only feeling is that this person has no shelf, it is more emotional.” That’s what I can feel and that’s how I really feel. ”

“As for the rest, he seems to have a relatively special love for beautiful things, well, because as soon as he arrived in the God of Destruction Realm, he felt that the atmosphere of the God Destruction Realm was too depressing, and he actually changed it to Sunny Beach.”

“And Lord Daquan Wang is also very considerate and attentive to his subordinates, you see that this time he helped me upgrade the repair scepter, as well as repair the earrings of Lord Xiangpa, just rushing this point proves that his care and love for his subordinates are also sincere.”

“If I feel that it is a blessing to be in charge of this universe with such an adult.”

“Seriously, I feel that it is not a bad thing to say that the management of the 12 universes can be handed over to the king of Daqo, this is what I really think.”

“My evaluation of Lord Daquan Wang is also eight words: Bodhisattva heart, Vajra means.”

“These are the results of my contact with him during this time.”

The Great Priest listened and nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that Bardos is telling the truth, this Lord Daquan King, it is indeed not simple!

“Okay Bardos, the news you gave me is crucial. Now my evaluation of Lord Daquan has risen to another level. ”

“It seems that I did have some prejudice against him before, but now if I discuss the issue of jurisdiction and distribution of the universe with Lord Quan Wang again, I believe I will have a new and clearer understanding.”

“Now I still have one thing to worry about, that is, I don’t know if this Lord Daquan Wang is like Lord Quanwang, with a lazy personality.”

“I don’t know how good his management is, these things can only continue to manifest themselves through time. Well, I hope that all these words I just said to you, you rot it in your stomach. ”

“After all, this is a sacred and noble thing, and it seems dirty to say too much. I am also thinking about the future of the universe and the future of Lord Quanwang. ”

At this time, it was Bardos’s turn to be slightly surprised, looking at no one left and right, she whispered: “Father, don’t you have the ability to find out everyone’s past and present lives?” ”

“Even if you’re curious or want to know something, can you check it yourself?” What do you mean by asking me these things? ”

“I just explain my own feelings and feelings, not everything!”

At this time, the great priest shook his head helplessly: “Silly child, it’s not that 2.7 I don’t want to, it’s that my ability can’t do it!” Just now, I received the message conveyed on your scepter, and I also secretly sensed it, wanting to know the past and present lives and specific origins of Lord Daqo. ”

“But I tried many times and I couldn’t see anything, everything was blurry, like a snowflake vase.”

“It seems that this Lord Daquan King, not only is his strength unfathomable, but its origin should also be very mysterious, with my ability and divine power, I can’t see any valuable news.”

“If you have to forcibly probe, you may annoy this Lord Daquan King, but this is all unimportant.”

“Since I can learn the news I want to know from you, it seems that Lord Quanwang’s vision of people is no problem.”

“Although it is said that usually Lord Quan Wang is not very careful, his heart is so pure, and his thoughts are so kind, but just look at him at people, I feel that I can’t be wrong.”

“Don’t think that the merit of Lord Quanwang is this kind of kindness and kindness on the surface, in fact, his real greatest merit is poet and patient.”

“Since Lord Quan Wang has recognized Lord Daquan Wang, I feel that there should be no mistake in this regard, I will consider this matter carefully, and there will always be a satisfactory result.”

“As for now, I have a request for you, you follow Lord Daquan to do a good job, this should be a good new master.”

“I can see this, you need to assist him and help him with all your heart and soul as you did with Lord Quanwang before.”

“By the way, I wanted to say it just now, it seems that Lord Daquan Wang really likes you, I believe I am not mistaken?”

“And you girl seems to have a little interest in him, don’t say you don’t know, pretend to be stupid and don’t know, I can see it.”

Bardos’s face turned red with a snort.

I thought to myself, my lord, if you talk like this, there is really no one.

Now there are no outsiders, but the words are so direct, people are also very shy! .

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