Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1560 Appropriate plan

Chapter 1585 Appropriate plan

"Miss Yaoying, this is the instruction of the goddess. She wants you to stay in our ancient home for a while. When she is short of people, she will call you over."

Patriarch Gu said to Yaoying in a respectful and friendly tone.

But Yaoying didn't buy it, she felt that Wushuang and the Gu family were bullying her and wanted to hang her.

She lost her temper, but stayed in the Gu family, but after a few days, when the Gu family relaxed with her, she sneaked out.

"Humph! I still want to trap this girl with an ancient family, but don't think about it! Since you don't want my help, then I don't disobey the orders of my grandmother."

As soon as she left the ancient home, Yaoying was full of novelties to the outside world. She had only heard of the outside world in the books of the ancient holy land, but she did not know that the outside world was so lively and interesting, with countless unknown things.

However, she was still relatively vigilant and kept a low profile on the outside.

But she didn't know that on the first day she left the Gu family, someone was staring at her and observed her secretly.

"You said that the exercises that the woman showed were the exercises of the Yao clan?"

Zi Yanxiang asked the people below in surprise.

"Yes, Miss, your subordinates can be sure."

"It's actually someone from the Ancient Holy Land! Interesting!" Zi Yanxiang's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a bit of light.

These days, she has been making people follow Yaoying, in order to find out the identity of this woman, but there is no such person, which makes Zi Yanxiang keep an eye on her, she did not expect to get such good news today.

"You go down first, and continue to send people to watch. If there is anything unusual, report it immediately."


After his subordinates left, Zi Yanyun asked impatiently:

"Sister, is this ancient holy place woman related to that Wushuang?"

"Of course, didn't we find out how many times Wushuang and Long Moshen have been to the ancient house? They must have entered the ancient holy place, so it is not surprising that the woman from this ancient holy place will come out, but she is alone. , this is a bit strange, I guess the relationship between Wushuang and her may not be very good."

Zi Yanxiang said thoughtfully.

"Then what should we do?"

"Wait and watch."

Zi Yanxiang needed to find out more about the relationship between this woman and Wushuang before she could do it.

After thinking about it, she sent a voice transmission to the subordinate just now, asking her to reveal the whereabouts of this woman to the Gu family.

After the Gu family knew about Yao Ying's whereabouts, they hurriedly spent some effort to invite the person back.

Wushuang and Long Moshen were also notified.

The two went to the ancient house.

Finally, Yaoying was taken away.

"It seems that Wushuang does not have a good relationship with the women of the Yao clan in this ancient holy land."

Zi Yanxiang hid in the shadows, looking at the indifferent Wushuang and Yao Ying who came out of the ancient house, a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.


"I know you don't like me, so what are you pretending to do to pick me up? Without you, it's not like I can't live in the outside world!"

Back at the restaurant, Wushuang arranged a room for Yao Ying, and was about to leave when she heard Yao Ying speaking to her back in an unhappy manner.

"Really? You stayed outside for seven or eight days, and you were deceived by hundreds of thousands of Hongmeng Stones. You didn't bring many Hongmeng Stones out, right? What are you going to do next? Treat your magic weapon as a pawn. Is it?"

Wushuang turned his head and looked at her coldly.

When Yaoying heard her, her face instantly turned red, and she pointed at her angrily:

"You...you sent someone to follow me!"

She didn't expect that Wushuang knew so clearly what happened outside these days, which made her both ashamed and annoyed.

"You are a member of the Yao clan in the ancient holy land, and you are my clan. I will not ignore you."

"Then why did you let me stay at the Gu family in the first place?"

"I have no shortage of people, and you can see that I really don't like you, so why should I keep you by my side?" Wushuang said directly.

Yaoying didn't expect her to speak so directly, she was choked for a while and couldn't speak. After a while, she gritted her teeth and said:

"Who cares about you, do you think I like you? Since you don't like me, why did you bring me here today?!"

Wushuang looked into her eyes and said to her:

"Because you are too easy to be deceived, I don't want you to die outside. I can't explain it to the clansmen in the ancient holy land. So, be honest with me, just stay in this restaurant and don't go anywhere."

After speaking, he left without any hesitation.


Yaoying slammed the door shut and stomped her feet in anger. She knew that she and this woman were incompatible with each other, and her words were so unpleasant. She thought Wushuang was concerned about her and was afraid of her accident, but she was afraid of not being able to explain to her clan.

Hmph, if you don't let me go out, I'm going to go out!

When I get acquainted with the outside world, you beg me to stay by your side and I will not stay!

She thought hard in her heart.

The world outside is fascinating, and she has also seen many handsome men. Although they are not as good-looking as unparalleled men, so what? She doesn't like this kind of indifferent men like icebergs. She likes that kind of gentle energy. A man who is like spring breeze.

She is not too young, and it is when her spring heart is sprouting, she is very longing to meet her real son one day, anyway, when she first came out, she did not plan to return to the ancient holy land, nor did she plan to stay by Wushuang's side.

However, Yaoying learned from the experience and lessons of being deceived before, and learned to observe people first to avoid being deceived again.

She didn't do anything in the restaurant, and when Wushuang and Long Moshen were not around, she quietly slipped out and was active on this street.

After getting familiar with it slowly, she will go to a farther place.

It could also be because she has been in the ancient holy land for too long, she is crazy to learn and absorb all kinds of knowledge from the outside world, and she is still full of interest and novelty in everything outside.

When she went outside, she realized how boring life in the ancient holy place was and how colorful the outside world was. This made her even more determined to stay outside and not go back to live that boring life.

Gradually, Zi Yanxiang also found out the law of her coming out.

She only dared to come out when Wushuang and Long Moshen were not around. They had never come out together, which showed that her relationship with them was indeed not very good.

The more you do, the better you can do it.

It would be even better if we could start from Yao Ying and pull out the entire Yao clan in the ancient holy land.

You know, she targeted Wushuang in order to bring out a certain big man, but if the entire Yao clan can be destroyed, that big man will also come out.

Before they could not target the Yao family, because they never left the ancient holy land, but now there is a precedent, so more people will come out, right?

Many suitable plans have already popped up in Zi Yanxiang's heart.

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