Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1562 Seeing people clearly

Chapter 1587 Seeing people clearly

Yaoying did have a good impression of Si Yiyun. This man was just like the real son in her fantasy, and there was nothing imperfect.

But this "Anti-Scum Guy Handbook" says that the more scumbag guy is, the more perfect the camouflage will be in the early stage, and there will be no flaws. In the later stage, when he achieves his goal, he will reveal his true colors little by little.

She didn't believe that Si Yiyun was such a man in her heart, but just now Si Yiyun suddenly said that she would take her to see her parents, which made her a little unhappy and felt that she was being abrupt.

How long has she known him, and they don't know each other very well, and their lifespan is so long, so much time to get along, seeing their parents so soon, and saying that they want to become a partner with her, she thinks it's too fast, fast She couldn't take it for a while.

At least he should know more before going to see his parents.

Besides, he doesn't know his own situation.

She flipped through the manual, studied it carefully, and planned to use the above method to try Si Yiyun. If Si Yiyun is not a scumbag, then she can get in touch with him further, if so...

She wants to see what this man wants to do!

Although she doesn't know much about many things in the outside world, that doesn't mean she's not defensive.

Of course, she selfishly hopes that Si Yiyun is a good man, because she is really tempted, and every time she sees him, she is very happy, as if she has fallen in love.

However, she remembered the words left by her grandmother and grandmother in the ancient holy land, saying that many men in the outside world were rhetoric, so she should not be deceived.

So when she saw this "Anti-Scum Men's Handbook", she kept an eye on it.

"Miss Ying'er, I'm sorry, I was abrupt and scared you. In fact, this is just because you admired the girl too much, and I was a little excited for a while, but please don't misunderstand the sincerity of the girl."

Seeing that Yaoying didn't reply for a long time, Si Yiyun couldn't hold back quickly, and came the explanation.

He continued:

"From the first time I saw the girl in Xia, I felt like a well-watered heart in Xia, and after that, I never forgot about the girl, so I went there on purpose the next day, wanting to meet the girl by chance, but I didn't expect that I would really let her go. I got my wish, and only then did I gather up the courage to chat with the girl..."

He said a lot, all of which were confessions, and his voice was extremely gentle, no longer as urgent as before.

Yaoying listened, her face was slightly red, and she felt a little more favorable towards Si Yiyun in her heart.

Women are vain, and a man's confession will make her feel attractive, not to mention that this man is a man she also likes, this feeling is even sweeter.

Moved by his sweet words, Yaoying almost agreed to meet his parents with him.

Fortunately, when she saw the large characters of "Anti-Scum Men's Handbook" in the book, she kept her head clear.

She had been deceived before, and the Hongmeng Stone on her body was almost deceived, so this caused her to be more vigilant no matter what she did now.

Moreover, she was attracted to Si Yiyun, and she really thought that it would be good to be with him in the future, and she had the idea of ​​wanting to entrust her for life, so she had to be more attentive.

Anyway, when she tried Si Yiyun, Si Yiyun wouldn't know, so she thought it was to reassure herself.

In this way, she flipped through the manual a few more times, and after she memorized the routines in it, she continued to meet with Si Yiyun in the following days.

As the days passed, Yaoying became more and more suspicious that Si Yiyun had other intentions for her, because several times, she deliberately followed the method in the manual and mentioned in front of him what she liked to eat, and then passed the A few days later, he pretended to ask him inadvertently, but he was blank.

The manual says that if a man really likes you, he must keep your words in mind, especially your hobbies.

And the scumbag said nice things, but in fact he was perfunctory, and he didn't take you seriously at all.

Several times, she found that Si Yiyun was eager to have physical contact with her, he pretended to touch her hand, and then held his hand.

According to the manual, it is erotic but not polite, a good man will not be so abrupt to a woman, only a scumbag will take advantage of a woman, and thus want to go further.

He also deliberately invited her to drink. It was still strong wine. It was difficult to use his cultivation to force out his drinking power. It was easy to lose his temper. The manual said that this kind of man is impure.

Because good men don't give women alcohol, and good men don't let their beloved women drink outside.

Not only that, but there are many details that show that Si Yiyun has a problem. He is like the kind of man who plays with women's feelings and bodies.

If it weren't for this "Anti-Scum Men's Handbook", she wouldn't have noticed these details at all. Maybe when he took her out for a drink, she would have been fooled by him.

A woman's chastity is very important, especially if she is a descendant of the Yao clan, if her grandparents know that they have been cheated of their chastity, I am afraid they will all come out and teach her a lesson.

Fortunately, she paid attention to everything.

As she became more and more aware of Si Yiyun's character, Yao Ying felt disappointed at the same time, and her goodwill towards him gradually faded away, leaving only resentment.

She hates this kind of liar who plays with women's feelings the most, Si Yiyun must only want to get her body!

I think she is full of longing for love, and she was still a young girl when she came out, but Si Yiyun, a scumbag, broke her first heartbeat and made her wary of all men. She hated it to death. Si Yiyun is gone.

So she decided to get revenge on him!


Wushuang saw that the time was almost up, so he stopped going to the Alchemist General Guild and stayed in the restaurant all day, and Yao Ying couldn't go out.

Yaoying didn't like Wushuang, and she knew that Wushuang didn't like her, so she seldom came out of the room.

Even if I bumped into it, I didn't have a good face.

However, she likes to eat the barbecue here, and asks Xiao Er to send her to her room every day, but she generously gave it to Hongmeng Stone, and did not eat free food.

"Yaoying, come out, I have something to tell you."

On this day, Wushuang called her outside the door.

"What are you doing? Have something to tell me? Don't you need me?" Yaoying opened the door and snorted at her.

"You stay in the restaurant every day, so I'll arrange something for you."

Hearing Wushuang say this, Yaoying said unhappily: "Why am I getting in your way! Why are you so annoying!"

Wushuang whispered: "If you don't do it, I will send you back to the ancient holy land."

Yaoying was about to explode with anger, and felt that Wushuang was deliberately trying to tease her.

But she didn't want to go back to the ancient holy land, she hadn't retaliate against Si Yiyun, she was not reconciled.

"I'll do it, can't I do it? You only know how to provoke me with this sleazy method, and I'll never truly surrender to you in my life!"

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