Dark Blood Age

Chapter 988: Thought experiment


The room was quiet for a moment, then suddenly a piece of arguing.

"Is there a lot of video cameras?"

"Is the pseudoscience of changing memory also come here?"

"Where did this guy come from?"

"I don't know, I still have a child. When is this place?"


The blue-haired old man at the front desk looked at the assistant sitting at the door, and the young blue-haired woman immediately got up and said, "Quiet! Quiet!"

She seems to have a special power, and she is still quietly talking about young people who are talking about it.

The blue-haired old man coughed and looked at the "juvenile". He still slowly said: "Your question is very good. Before I answer your question, let me tell you that when I was young, I mentioned it in a paper. A thought experiment that I have been to."

Speaking, he looked for a moment from the screen on one side, flipped an article and projected it behind his back.

While flipping over the article over there, he continued:

"As I said earlier, when the memory from external stimuli gradually increases and forms, the consciousness of the self will gradually appear, and then the self will be determined continuously. This is the current mainstream concept of our biological life science, but few people will realize However, there is a problem that cannot be circumvented -

The consciousness of the self exists originally, but it gradually emerges under the formation of memory from external stimuli, or does it not exist, but the memory of these external stimuli?

This is a ghostly problem. Many famous bio-life scientists have been confused with me, and even turned to the master of the Great Shrine. ”

The blue-haired old man’s slowly and vocal voices have a special magical power. In a large room, echoing back and forth, more than 100 young people follow this voice and quietly think.

"It seems not difficult to prove such a problem. Just put one person, such as any one of you, back into the mother's womb, and then, after birth, be adopted by another parent, in another environment, Start another life that is completely different from what you are now."

The blue-haired old man paused and looked at the "juvenile" and said: "This time. Like the question raised by this young man, are you still you?"

The seats in the audience suddenly became a voice of discussion. If you say no, experience and memory are completely different. How can it be the same person? Some people say that it is the same person. Just growing up in two different environments, is it two people?

According to this, a few years ago, if they did not enter the University of Saint-Pindus, but entered another university, they would not even go to school. The environment in these years was different and their memories were different. Can you become another person?

And if the two family conditions are similar, then no matter which family the person is in, the body looks and even the voice will be the same, it is the same person.

But immediately there are opponents who say that it is because of the concept of time. A few years ago, their self-awareness was repeatedly determined and formed. No matter how you change the environment and choose which experience, you will eventually form yourself.

The opposite person is not to be outdone, and asks, what is the time of formation? Three years old? Still ten years old? The maturity of the creatures varies, and there are significant differences between the blue-haired and the black-haired people, if no quantifiable numbers are identified. Not convincing.

The two sides struggled to hold on, and the blue-haired woman at the door had to sing again: "Quiet!"

The blue-haired old man seems to be very satisfied that his students can have different struggles, whether right or wrong, and there is a dispute that represents some kind of vitality.

After the room was quiet. He smiled and said:

"What is science? In a nutshell, the same phenomenon can be repeated under certain conditions, and then summed up to form the law. You can then publish it, and others can observe it according to your laws. Test,

So, if one day, some of you in the innermost interval of the toilet really see the soul of the horror film, then don't be afraid, on the contrary you should be very excited, because I have to congratulate you, your experience will become the most in this era. Great discovery! ”

The audience suddenly sneered, and the blue-haired old man used the jokes to adjust the atmosphere of intense debate, and slowly and without hesitation continued:

"I have heard everyone's thoughts just now. Some people think that the same body is a person. Some people think that the experience memory is completely different. The reason why people will make two different differences is because it is a failure. Thought experiment.

No one can really put anyone back in his stomach, and high technology can't reverse the time, and even if he starts a life again, he can't compare with him before, because the original paragraph has disappeared in time and space. ”

"So it is a failed thought experiment. The premise of its hypothesis is that it is wrong and unscientific, and it will inevitably not get the correct result."

"And a good thought experiment, not only the premise needs to be correct, but also should abandon the leaves and leaves, directly attack the essence and core of the problem, rather than the smoke of speculation and complexity, so I later designed another thought experiment."

Having said that, the blue-haired old man has recovered his seriousness, pointing to a paragraph with a large number of pictures projected behind him:

"In this experiment, I designed two existing "rooms", everything in it is exactly the same, from color to size, without any difference, thus forming the same external environment.

Then, in each "room", put two newly born people with the same physical characteristics, twins, cell replicators... What is it, we only assume that the two individuals are completely identical in biological form, even Not more than one cell, not many cells.

This is more predictable than our more advanced technology.

Next, in these two "rooms", we give the two people exactly the same life, the same environment, the same process, all the outside information is exactly the same, even the time arrangement is exactly the same.

So, now I will ask again, are these two people who have the same world and experience memories, will they have the same consciousness? ”

Not waiting for the following people to talk about, the blue-haired old man quickly asked one after another: "If there is. How does it exist in two separate bodies? If not, then how to explain the two people from the body to the memory experience are exactly the same different people?"

After the blue-haired old man finished, the stage was very quiet, no longer argued with each other as before, but seemed to fall into some kind of thinking.

After a while, after giving them some time to think, the blue-haired old man continued to say: "It's like you. It used to plague me for a long time, because in any case the results are contradictory and cannot be self-consistent. In the end, I was convinced that I was talking about the problem that we had hidden in the concept of mainstream biological life.

Unfortunately, with our scientific and technological capabilities, this thought experiment cannot be realized. But I believe that in the universe, there may be more than a thousand years, 10,000 years, or even more years of life, and they have the ability to make this experiment, even further. Not only for a single experimental body, but for large-scale experiments to obtain a large amount of experimental data.

Why do you say that? Because I believe that this is one of the ultimate meanings of all life.

For example, it extends out of a small branch - immortality.

In our ancient history, countless monarchs tried to find such power, but in the end they could only be pinned on the temple, but the branch that it extended could solve this problem.

If self-awareness is born in the memory of external stimuli. Then we can transfer all the memories to the spare life before death, get new life, and live forever.

And if self-awareness was born in the moment of the emergence of life, it would have existed, then we may still have to take the old road, to cultivate the ancient legends, of course, in a scientific way. After all, now that we know the zero-dimensional space of memory mapping, there may be more secrets that we need to discover.

Therefore, I believe that those who can make this thought experiment should have obtained the method of immortality. They can even transform their consciousness into different organisms. ”

The blue-haired old man paused a little, then looked at the "juvenile" who looked like a wrinkle and said: "So you just answered the question, if you have the self-consciousness, then even if you modified your Memory, as long as you touch enough levels like legends, you must be yourself, otherwise you may lose yourself, and if self-consciousness is born from the memories and experiences of external stimuli, then you are likely to become another person. .

I can't give you a definitive answer, but I can tell you that there is no need to worry, no one can change your memory.

According to existing research, a slight change in the head will produce an unpredictable chain reaction, and a normal person will be destroyed as an idiot.

The movie story you said, I know, although it does not meet our biology, but one thing is not wrong. If you want to make such a memory change, you really need the highest God to do it. ”


It was very late to leave the spacious room. It was blown by the cold wind. The "juvenile" realized that he had forgotten the business. Fortunately, the surrounding area was very calm, and there was no chaos in the color.

He didn't know why he asked this question, and why he was interested in it. He just faintly felt that he had to figure this out, otherwise he would rather not remember where his home was!

Yan Xiu has already woken up, because they have not found a cockroach, the two are only ready to return along the same path.

I am still waiting to start work tomorrow!

At this time, following the crowd coming out of the large room behind him, someone received a call and was surprised: "In the vicinity of St. Purdes? Smurf attacked a car? Well, I will leave immediately."

"Juvenile" suddenly shocked, and Xiu Xiu was shocked. Although the attack was not necessarily the four-wheeler of the main family, but because he saw a soldier when he came, he felt that he still had to look at it. Look.


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