Dark Blood Age

Chapter 992: Endless respect

The pale humanoid monster roared very low, like rolling in the scorpion, but it was very penetrating, and it shocked everyone’s eardrums, suddenly stunned the crowd and dared to run around again. .

Everyone at this time seems to have a feeling of being stared by its white-eyed eyeballs. The ugly and infiltrating appearance, coupled with the huge and fierce body, makes people numb.

The students who came out of the building did not dare to go back immediately, nor dare to run away immediately. It seems that as soon as they move, the monster will first pounce on themselves.

No one wants to be the first to be attacked by monsters, especially female students. One thinks that this monster may be the color demon that has appeared recently, and it is scared.

The pale-skinned monster has already caught a girl in his hand. Many people have begun to pray that it will go quickly if they succeed. Anyway, it’s not that they are caught at the moment. When they have escaped this section, they will organize a full light for this unfortunate girl. The mourning activities, saying a few words of wishing her to rest in peace, can not drop a few tears to express their "sorrowful" heart.

But is she really resting in this way? No one is going to take care of it, and no one is going to pay attention to it. This is just a prop that they show their "goodness."

Only a few people who are close to the girl are really worried about her safety and are very nervous.

However, the sky is not as good as people wish, the more it wants it to go, the more it does not go, but the whole body is tight, as if it is to attack again.

The crowd was once again flustered, and the front of the people carefully tried to hide backwards, at least some people were in front of themselves, then the most dangerous is not their own.

The people behind are also shrinking, instinctively shrinking, but the action is not big. I was afraid that I accidentally angered the monster and made it attack in advance.

There is a stink in the crowd's clothes. The pale monster has only two fleshy noses moving, its smell seems very sensitive, and this stinking smell completely stimulates it.

It slammed and opened the dark mouth of the dark liquid, revealing sharp teeth.

This pale skin monster was not really fierce at first, and the "juvenile" could feel its fear.

Its IQ seems to be very low, so it is fierce to cover up the inner panic.

But the smell that drifted out of the crowd completely stimulated its fierceness, and rushed the fear of the "sense" that it had just made. Really became a beast.

Howling, it has to pounce on the crowd.

The monster did not pounce on himself. The "juvenile" was not surprised. Many people thought that the beast must first attack the strong opponent. This is actually a wrong humanized understanding.

On the prairie. He has dealt with many beasts and has a deep understanding of their habits. Face their prey and goals. They have always started from the weakest.

Unless the strongest opponents actively attack them, even the beasts who claim to be kings of the grasslands will not actively provoke them.

In the eyes of this pale monster who lost "sense", the people here should all be the same kind of prey. The difference is nothing but strength and weakness.

This is a highly nervous crowd, this time hula and open. Expose the former "juvenile" completely.

Like the monster's previous inexplicable fear, he didn't feel that the monster was familiar, but he couldn't remember it.

So he stepped forward and wanted to see more clearly.

He is not afraid of this pale monster. Just like its sensitivity to scent, the power of the "juvenile" on the creature seems to be inherently sensitive. For this monster, he feels that he can kill it without punching it, even if he does that. It does take a little time.

He stepped forward, and the monster's already violent figure suddenly and violently descended, as if he was in danger, staring alertly at the "juvenile" every move.


"Big egg brother?"

Zhuo Ma and Yan Xiu want to hold the "juvenile", but they immediately give up, and pull can not pull, and then, as long as it is not a huge monster like the purple Hull, facing a beast-like monster, at least The teenager is much more confident.

"Juvenile" looks at the appearance of the pale monster and continues to move forward. At this moment, the distance between him and the monster is only about two steps, very close.

The students behind him were nervous and the heart was pounding. The daughter of the main family was holding the arm of the shackle tightly, watching the "juvenile" nervously toward the back of the monster.

The girl under the monster fainted and woke up, woke up and fainted, and now she is quite straightforward.

The girl claimed to be Heather, and the "juvenile" did not know her or forgot.

"you know me?"

"Juvenile" stopped and frowned and said to the pale monster.

Zhuoma thought he was still asking the girl, and he quickly said in the back: "She said that she is Heather, Sesbia, do you know her?"

The head of the monster was buried lower, the whole body was arched, and the roaring voice was low in the eyes of the blind, as if the most fierce blow was made at any time.

The "juvenile" eyes suddenly flashed a twilight, and then took a step forward.

At this point, there is only one last step between him and the monster!

However, the stepping out of this step, especially the gaze of the gaze, like the nerves that smashed the monster, it screamed fiercely and slammed the girl under the arm to the "juvenile". Jump into the air, climb on the wall, and flee quickly!

The "juvenile" movement was also very fast. After catching the girl's body, he immediately turned and handed it over to Zhuoma. Then the man vacated, stepped on the surrounding four-wheeler cover, jumped on the treetop, and then flew upstairs. In the wall, in the turning point, the figure is as sharp as a black shadow, almost in one go.

The crowd at the exit of the corridor suddenly screamed:

"Energy warrior?"

"Airshift tactics?"

“Anti-gravity immediate release acceleration?”


The crowds still in the scare of the monsters were excited and talking about their own cognition. A boy frowned and thought for a long time before suddenly shouting:

"No! It is the school of Hull's family, the nine emblems step! God, even someone has trained it to such a superb!"

"Yes, I think about it! It’s terrible. Someone really got to this point!"

"Like that person is a black hair?"

“Is it really Hull’s family?”


Zhuoma chased a "juvenile" in the back. No response, I had to join Xiu Xiu first and 萺苒.

In less than a moment, the boy’s inference has been circulated in the crowd.

The daughter of the main family asked nervously: "Do you really have a relationship with the Hull family?"

As he said, the "juvenile" slammed back and returned. He had not yet stood still, and he rushed to Zhuoma and said: "I am going to chase it. You should go back first."

Not as good as Dolma, he must be careful, his figure will be directly directed to the sky with a huge curve, this time, even without the need for any help!

But it is at this time. Yan Xiu hurriedly reminded: "big egg brother, clothes!"

This sentence seems to have a huge lethality. Just after the "juvenile" who is about to enter the curve, he has planted it with his head. Fortunately, he reacted very quickly and pointed a few turns on the ground. Like the previous time, "turning around" disappeared into the night sky.

Zhuo Ma looked at the crowds who were talking about each other and smiled bitterly: "This time Sesbia did not want to enter the army. He also had to enter the temple. Hehe..."

Yan Xiu said excitedly: "I know that the big egg brother is the most powerful. How can the monster be the opponent of the big egg brother? Sister, you remember that when the lawn **** was not, the grassland beast Kulan appeared. Big egg brother is pulling..."

He hurriedly grabbed his mouth and looked at the bright sky. She seems to have seen the purple badge.


The pale monster fled all the way north, and the "juvenile" followed him in the back.

If it was last night, he must not catch up, and an afternoon fainting almost drained his strength. It was only today that it was recovered.

But he is not prepared to speed up. Clothes are a reason. After all, this is not an empty prairie. It is a crowded holy city. It’s really tearing up the clothes... There is another reason. He wants to know where the monster finally fled. ?

One person and one monster constantly chase, cross the building, pass the street, under the light, such as a white and black long two shadows.

The pale monster seems to have the natural preference and skill to grasp the wall. Perhaps this is its advantage, so it never walks on the ground and always walks in the air wall, but the speed is not slow, many blue-haired black people have not seen What it looks like, it disappears on top of their heads, like a white ghost in the air.

But today it seems to have met the nemesis. The "juvenile" figure behind him is even faster than it is. No matter how it uses the obstacles between the buildings to try to get rid of him, it is in vain. The "juvenile" always appears steadily around it. More than a dozen steps away.

Seeing that I can’t get rid of it all the time, this monster has to work hard to escape and rush all the way to the north.

Soon after, the city was left behind, and the defended guards were left behind, and then pressed against the ground, winding around and smashing the flying aircraft in the sky.

Until only it is left with the "juvenile", chasing in the wilderness where there are few people.

The pale monster has good physical strength, and the "juvenile" has better endurance. Several times it tries to turn back and confront the "juvenile", but it seems that there is not enough courage.

Followed by it, the "juvenile" did not know how long it was running, probably at midnight, and the pale monster slammed into a hole in the forest.

The hole is not very big, even if the "juvenile" figure is much smaller than it, it is impossible to walk upright in the hole.

He now has only two choices, one is to give up chasing, and the other is to climb in.

"Youth" has never climbed like this. I really don't know if I can climb to catch up with the monster? With less than one flash, he staggered from the top of the forest and swept past.

He temporarily chose another method to keep track of the "moving and moving" of the monster underground, and continue to chase from the ground.

Yan Xiu once asked him why he knew that the wild donkey had to go somewhere. He couldn’t answer it because he didn’t know that he could feel the kind of “movement”.

He felt the pale monster stop for a little while in the underground, and then ran forward. It should have no idea that he was still following it. The "juvenile" did not slow down at all.

However, the depth of its position is getting deeper and deeper. The isolation from the bottom to the "motion and quiet" is becoming more and more obvious. After a while, the "juvenile" is about to lose track of it, leaving only a trace of The "moving and moving" of nothing is looming in a complicated environment.

At this time, there was a light in front of him. Unlike ordinary lights, it was a very strong illuminating light. When he approached, he found that it seemed to be a military base, much like the construction site where he was working. local.

As soon as he appeared, he was found with several illuminating lights. At the same time, there was a rushing alarm. The horse in the base raised several flying planes and flew in the direction of the rushing.

"Juvenile" felt that the pale monster disappeared here, and he himself was on the ground, and he saw that the center of the military base turned out to be a huge black hole.

Hundreds of illuminating lights are looking inside, and countless figures are busy around.

Is this the monster's nest below?

The "juvenile" hesitated. He built military barriers and knew that it was illegal to be strong and dangerous.

But as Zhuoma said, some people and things, you just have to look at it, you can never go back.

When he came here, he felt that there was something in it that attracted him strongly!

Uneasy, dangerous, resisting... A lot of emotions poured into his head, but he still rushed in with the same magic.

The gunshots immediately sounded.

From the air and the ground on the light intertwined, whistling to kill the "juvenile", a large number of military training, but did not dare to ran to their respective positions, open their own various weapons.

However, the speed of the "juvenile" is too fast, and it seems to disappear in an instant. When it appears again, it is already below the hole.

In the vagueness, someone shouted above;

"Report, unknown target attack!"

"Report, unknown target is tough!"

"Report, unknown target breaks the line of defense!"


Dark, endless darkness, falling, endless falling...

After a long time, the "juvenile" landed on the damp but warm ground, and there was a glimmer of light in front of the eyes.

He walked along this light, only to find that the foot seemed to be a cliff wall, and the bright one was actually an extremely wide space, like a kind of cave.

In the huge hole of the bottomless abyss, he turned a corner along the cliff wall and finally saw the source of light -

It was a huge cone of slow spins, lingering with countless rays, floating up and down in the caves that were missing.

He looked up at the miraculous six-sided vertebral body, and the vertebral body seemed to "see" him.

Immediately, there was an unfamiliar but familiar empty voice that sounded from all sides:

"Are you coming? I know you will come."

"You are still outside, not going in, indicating that you have not "put on" your armor at this time!"

"I don't know what you should say about this, because you don't know anything that I say, but it's harmful."

"I can't even tell you who it is, it will cause your logic to collapse, and thus go to the unknown - even this sentence is the decision I made after thinking for a long time."

"I can only tell you one thing -"

"If one day, you need it, when you "put on" your armor, you will re-emerge as the boundless power!"

"However, once "put on", you must forget everything now and return to the boundless killing, otherwise the conflict will split..."

^(To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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