Dark Blood Age

Chapter 994: Seventh detachment


Looking at the black "war suit" that swayed outside the window, Zhuoma calmed down.

The flustered look in the eyes faded and was replaced by calmness.

"Sesby, hey, good show."

He turned his head from the front row, looked at the three people in turn, calmly said: "We can't go away, don't be afraid, we are not committing crimes of public law, they are going to be executed, we are looking for other reasons, it is impossible to be within the public eye. We still have time to fight for a lighter punishment. The result may be that we are put into a prison factory or a bitter cold mine. No matter what the outcome, if there is no death, there is hope."

He then looked at the "juvenile" road: "Sesbia, don't resist, even if you repel this wave, there are countless waves behind, and when you are exhausted, Hull's hand covers only God, we can't escape the holy city.

Even if you escape, there is nowhere to escape. I know that you think you can go back to the prairie, but it’s really useless. You haven’t seen a combat plane. You can blow up the grass **** in less than a meal. All over, but even the big brother yelled at them. ”

"Juvenile" He has been out of the prairie for some time, and he knows the power of the plane. He didn't think of this festival before. Now, listening to Zhuoma, he really can't go back to the prairie. He nodded, "I know, I Will not resist here."

He went on to say: "I will be responsible for what I am doing. I will tell them clearly that they have nothing to do with you. I will go back with them."

Zhuoma shook his head. "Sesby, do you know the name that my brother gave you?"

"Juvenile" shook his head and said: "I don't know, you said it before, I forgot."

Zhuoma said: "It means the gift given by the prairie. It is an ancient tribal language long ago on the grassland, but not many people know it now."

"Youth" nodded and seemed to think of it.

Zhuoma said faintly: "You came to this family, our family. Yan Xiu thought that you were his biological brother from an early age. You and your sister are more like brothers and sisters, that is, family members, and gifts from the prairie, even It is the supreme god, and you cannot take you away from us."

He refused to let the "juvenile" speak, and then said: "I shouldn't take you out of the prairie at first, but I regret it and regret it. Because you know at least the world is not only the prairie, but also more beautiful things. .

Perhaps what we see today will be the darkest side of the world, but no matter what happens after today, remember, be sure to believe in the beauty you see and stick to it. Live! ”

He touched his head and said: "Let's go down together and face together."

When he finished, he opened the door and looked at the black "combat suit" in front of the car in the horror of the man driving the four-wheeler.

Zhuomag put his hands together and waited for the arrest of the other party.

"Youth" came down from the two outside doors. Keep the squats and squats behind them, then quietly look at the black warfighter squad that surrounds them.

Unlike the Hull family investigators at St. Purdue University, the black uniforms on these people are more like a combat uniform, with a purple semicircular emblem on the left chest and a uniform standard weapon in the hand, full of elite and capable. The air.

These people all wore black helmets, and most of them were covered in a dark green hood in front of the helmet, and they could not see the expression. But I want to be very serious, revealing a silent Xiaoxiao.

The leader is a woman, slender legs wearing straight boots, soft waist, chest standing upright, immediately set her as the military's elite temperament.

Unlike other people, she did not wear a helmet. Instead, he wore an officer's hat and looked at Zhuoma, who had his hands stretched out, and then set his eyes on the "juvenile".

"You are Sesbia?" She asked a small piece of combat folding thin screen on her hand and asked in a loud voice.

In all fairness. Her voice is good, with a unique charm, just before the black war suit, people dare not do too much imagination.


"Juvenile" He thought that since he had promised Zhuoma, he said less and less, and his words were simple.

"Hello, you can call me," she opened the folded thin screen and pointed to the video above. "Is this person sure you?"

"Youth" took a look. The film played in it was exactly the situation in which he pursued the pale monster in St. Purdes. The photographer should be a student behind him. He shook hands and could barely see his shadow.


"Juvenile" is not prepared to deny sophistry, it is useless, so it is still simple.

The female officer closed the folding thin screen and smiled slightly: "Welcome to join the third detachment of the Purple Emblem!"


"Junior" after what he thought about it, habitually answered, anyway, not prepared to resist, how to ask, he is prepared to a word - yes.

Zhuoma reacted, and his eyes did not move with confidence. But this time, he carefully interjected: "Sir, you mean?"

The female officer, Yuya, looked at Zhuoma and said: "According to the real-time intelligence returned by the investigator, you are not going to join the purple Hull family? You officially accept you on behalf of the seventh detachment of the Purple Emblem."

Zhuo Ma’s mouth moved. Suddenly, he had a feeling of returning to the Kingdom of God from the magic field. He wanted to ask if they were not condemned for theft and sneak attack. How come again...?

But he knows that he can't ask, and he also avoids extra-budgets. The joy and excitement of escape can only be transmitted to the "juvenile" three people through his eyes.

But at this time, the "juvenile" has reacted and asked: "Why?"

Zhuoma’s heart was suddenly tense, but he knew that he could never intervene at this moment and forcibly stood on one side.

In the blink of an eye, it was also a surprise, and Yan Xiu scratched his head and did not seem to understand what was going on.

The female officer Yuya turned to look at the "juvenile": "I saw your video, I appreciate your combat skills, that's it."

"Youth" frowned: "If I don't want to?"

Zhuoma wanted to hold his mouth, but he did not dare to move.

The female officer did not care. Tianya smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, you can continue to follow your original plan. I won't force you, but I just learned that the bottom of the road will be caught up by the investigators on the way. you guys."

There are at least two meanings in her words, but she all understands that there is no winding. First, she does not follow the investigator. She disagreed, she will let go; and the second is that even if she releases, they also There is no way to go, it must be caught up.

Zhuoma understood as soon as he heard it. The "juvenile" also understood that he was only lacking in understanding the outside world. He was not stupid, but he seemed to think too much too far. He just had the trouble of getting rid of the trouble of investigators. Farther things have caused Dolma to ask wildly:

"Is your commission money given in one day?"

What makes Zhuoma and Yu are even more self-sufficient is that Yan Xiu seems to be very concerned about this issue and seriously looks at the female officer.

They actually have a hard time understanding the days when the "juvenile" and the show have experienced the last meal. The money will always be in their own hands.

"Our expenses are not given one day, but the total number is much more than that. So, after you officially become the seventh detachment, your expenses can support the normal living standards of the Holy City. More than one hundred households, of course, there will be promotion in the future, you can not worry about this, if the life is now difficult, the detachment can advance some to you."

The female officer, Yuya, did not seem to be impatient. She explained it in detail in the way that the "juvenile" could understand at the fastest speed, even considering the reasons behind his question.

Zhuoma is a little bit sore, not because this is not a money for him before, but after getting ridiculed and insulted by the soul, he can get even a small respect.

"Youth" heard that they could advance in advance, and then they thought that they had no way to go. Although he resisted entering the army, he had to say: "Okay."

Zhuoma took a long sigh of relief. This great disaster almost drained his spirit and suddenly collapsed.

The female officer Yuya said at this time: "Sesby, according to your video, you can estimate your combat skills, but the foundation of a warrior - the body level, you need to make an assessment, after that, you still You need short training performance, then you can rate you according to the comprehensive data. So, now we will go back to the base. You will go with us and go to the military base of the Purple Emblem. The investigation will be arrived by the investigator."

When her voice just landed, she heard a voice from far and near:

"Yu Ya, you dare to privately recruit a thief and sneak attacker. You guys are more and more arrogant. In your eyes, are there any young ladies? There is no Hull family!"

Followed by a figure flying from a low-altitude flying fighter that was approaching quickly, and fell steadily in front of the female officer.

The comer is a middle-aged man, very burly, with a black hair tied behind his head, wearing a different suit of female officers and other people. The dress "Junior" has seen it, when the black team opened that day, There are more than a dozen black people who are wearing this kind of clothes and standing outside the door.

Only those people have cut a uniform short hair, and this person is longer.

Seeing him, the female officer’s face changed slightly: “Miss has always supported us, and we are doing this for the future of Hull’s family!”

The burly man sneered: "A group of people eating something outside! I dare to say that it is for the future of Hull's family? Last time you leaked the fifth weapon of the fire variable, I thought no one knows? I told you that the family has started investigation. You are waiting to be judged!"

"This despicable guy who commits the crime of stealing and sneak attack, you don't want to take it away. You have already colluded well, then he is the evidence!"


On Monday, ask for a referral.


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