Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1013: Fifth sword

"My name is - Chu Yunsheng!"

As if from the ethereal voice, it is spread all over the snowy mountains and resounds between the Olympics!

The attacking army suddenly stopped, and the soldiers who were killing them all looked up. The busy battleship communication was quiet for a while, even in the sky, the faint domineering figure was slightly stagnation.

Then, the ground palace sounded a footstep in the passage leading to the temple outside the mountain. It was clear and quiet. The silence seemed to only hear the heartbeat inside and outside the snow-capped mountains. The step-by-step foot sounds seemed to be extraordinarily powerful, as if stepping on. Everyone's heart, step by step, step by step to kill.

Outside the snow-capped mountains, the army in the mountains and plains suddenly looked different.

The riding beast swayed back and forth, and the cavalry on the back held their breath, looking solemnly at the temple outside the footsteps.

Degraded people have returned to their original state, confused and confronted each other.

In the Silver Legion, officers from each other pushed the soldiers away, walked out of the queue, and came to the front of the array, nervously looking up at the depths of the snowflake.

The elite soldiers in the white army were horrified and trembled, and the misty conjuncts that were deeply breathed out were on the smooth mask, which seemed to be the heartbeat at the moment.

In the sky, a list of white warriors with a snow wheel reveals a horrified look from the helmet. In the battleship, the half-man small people are moving towards the projection screen.


The cold sunshine shone from the clouds through the huge snowflake wheel that dissipated, and the light of the mountain channel exiting the footsteps was bright, and a dark figure gradually appeared in the light.

The snow-capped mountains are like a stretched string, and they are close to the extreme, and they are still at the extreme!

He didn't go fast, just like a faint appearance from the sun, as if he couldn't see his real figure, just a faint floating shadow. It only condenses in sight when the footsteps stop.

No one knows how he walked. He clearly has footsteps. He is very clear inside and outside the snowy mountains, but he can only see a light shadow before he stops.

Even the sorrowful sorrows of the saints who followed him were not known.

In his hand, a boy of about 12 years old is holding a sword. The sword of purple gas has been returned to the sheath. The figure is parked on the platform outside the passageway on the mountainside, quietly looking at the thousands of horses in the sky.

The boy looked around in horror, looking back at any of the great men who could pinch his temple and Hull's house, all behind the figure, and then look at the extremely ferocious aliens who were crushed by black. It is like a sea.

He had already been extremely nervous and his lips were white, his body shivering, and if the hand that was holding him was very powerful, I am afraid he had already passed out.

A sharp scream finally broke the silence of suffocation, and an alien top knight pulled out a long sword. In the array, gallop the beast. Flying snow. The snoring awakened the boy from the horror of fear -

"Array! Array! Array!"

Brush, brush, brush...

The sound of a stalked sword is squirting, and the cavalry is full of wild horses. Under the cold sunshine, the sword is like a forest, and the ice is like ice and snow.

"Array! Array! Array!"

The top officers of the Silver Legion seemed to be awakened by the roar of the top knight, and immediately turned around and did not hesitate to drink:

"Array! Array! Array!"

Then there is the degraded person. The white soldiers are elite, the sky battleships, and so on, the various legions. Commanders at all levels, the sound of arrays is one after another!

In an instant, the snow-capped mountains and up, the gun shadows shaking, the sword light as a star, a piece of Xiao killed.

The array of snoring sounds like a drumming sound. With the Mercedes-Benz knight, the roaring officer, the flagship of the opening, lingers between heaven and earth.

It seems that there is an enormous force that is enough to tear everything.

At the same time, a few figures appeared suddenly in the sky, each one is far more powerful than the 睥!

The temple behind the palace floor and the Hull family were all white, and the boy who was squatting was terrified.

Despair, this is the real despair!

In the big squad of Xiao Xiao, a flag-bearer, like the arrow of the string, shot from the tide of the knights who opened the big array on both sides, and the flag was flying.

The great master of the temple and the old man have been desperate, and they have drawn swords. They rushed out from the sides of the unmoving figure. More than a dozen guards of the temple did not hesitate to follow them and rushed down the snow-capped mountains.

"Keeping the blazing fire!"

The big master and the old man screamed. They seemed to know that even if the gods came to the world, there would be a period of weakness. I believe that even the **** of the supreme, this weak time may have, just a little short.

They must use their lives to fight for this time for the blazing and high gods!

"Keeping the blazing fire!"

The saints also rushed down the snow-capped mountains. The saints held the sword in front of the figure, and as the final barrier, even if they were completely vulnerable, it was their mission of life and life, and they lived from this.

"Keeping the blazing fire!"

Excited, the boy also wanted to rush out, but the manual he did not move, he did not move, he could not get rid of it with all his strength.

Can only look at the last person who is getting closer to the cold and the forest like a stone!

"Big egg brother...?" Yan Xiu looked up, tears full of eyes.

The figure did not speak, faintly looking at the small crowd rushing down on the snow slope, looking at the army in the mountains and plains, blood red eyes do not know whether it is cold or cold.

The faint faint figure in the sky smiled coldly, waved his hand, and then rushed out of the sky, and walked on the snowflake theory.

At this time, the main lord of the temple and the old man had already rushed to the front of the cavalry for less than 100 meters. However, they were deeply desperate to find that the cavalry did not even look at them. Even if they were desperate, they still Is being ignored.

The flagman rushed out of the big battle, came to the front of the battle, took hold of the beast, set off the battle flag of hunting, and looked up:

"Feng Jian!"

"My king is coming back!


Sixty thousand knights marched together to raise the long sword, and the earthquake shook: "My king is coming!"

The big masters, the old men, and the guards of the temple and the saints were suddenly stagnation, and they didn’t know what was going on.

Then, they were extremely shocked to see that the degenerate people behind the Cavaliers were all kneeling down. The 80,000 silver corps raised their hands neatly behind them and shouted:

"All the army, military service!"

The white soldiers, the various army regiments, all stood up and saluted, and the battleships in the sky all screamed.

And they were directly ignored, and no one looked at them at all.

The big master, the old man, and the guards of the shrine and the sons of the next moment, as if they understood it, turned their heads to look at the figure on the platform.

However, there is still a legion still attacking at this time. Or, just starting the attack, it is the white armor warrior that pours down in the sky.

What surprised them and wondered was that the figures of the aliens in the sky did not know when they had been together, and they were full of radiance. The figure cannot be seen at all, and the power of vertical and horizontal can even shred the entire Austrian Snow Mountain.

prior to. They are worried though. However, there is still great hope for Yumai to surpass the limit. At this moment, I know how ridiculous it is.

These few figures, any one shot, you can't even support it!

These aliens are so powerful. Where do they come from? Why do they seem to know the great blaze?

But why are they suddenly in chaos?

The figure on the platform of the underground palace is still motionless. The victory and defeat in the sky has gradually become clear. Although the time is short, this is the level of power.

The faint domineering figure is still very powerful. None of the several figures who besieged it was its opponent. When the last silver-white figure was repelled, its powerful momentum was unstoppable!

The repulsed people saw that they were not their opponents at all. They fell to the ground and surrounded the figure. One of them looked at the nervous saints. When they just talked, they heard the faintness in the sky. Domineering people approaching the road:

"Chu Yunsheng, you are just a dog that you can raise, don't leave it!"

On the platform, looking at the boy with a faint look at it, said: "Don't say that I am not a drow star, even if it is a dwarf dog, do you think you can really change my memory? I am There are countless reincarnations in the nodes. I think about who I am, time and time again, confirming myself, and those experiences, can you understand?"

The figure on the sky finally appeared in front of the snow-capped mountains, and it was a big cardinal in the southern part of the country.

"It’s no use for your steadfastness. When you rely on Lingyun, you can use it to steal the sinister gods and me. You rely on the eight-domain patrol to crash the cemetery. Today I am the second god, you are Nothing is available, and the second is not restored. It’s just a matter of killing you, but you just think that you are a bit mean, you have to keep a little life and serve you with sincerity."

The figure on the platform is still faint: "If I don't want to?"

The people of the extreme south sneered: "I don't want to be a small human being, you will die if you die, and you will live if you live!"

The figure on the platform looked at it: "Let it come, you are not qualified."

The people of the South smiled and said: "Who do you think you are? Don't think that you can kill a few gods is a bad character, and don't say that you can crush you with a finger, even if I am Xueyuan Yiyuan There are countless people who can kill you."

Said, it will have to grab the figure on the platform, and the surrounding world is even more hollowed out by it.

The huge waves of air blew the others on the platform.

The body image on the platform is in a daze, waiting for a little while, until the people in the south are almost approaching, they say: "Thousands of military, I have only used the first four swords, never used the fifth sword. For the first time today, you are seeing for the first time, and I am seeing it for the first time."

The people of the southernmost country sneered a sneer. It once stood outside and almost saw all the skills of Chu Yunsheng. Even the most dangerous time at that time was just a few, except that the planet’s global array of players once let It was shocked, and the others did not exceed its estimate, but it was nothing more than the use of spiritual connotation.

When it saw Chu Yunsheng's fingers swept over the hilt, the purple gas sword suddenly flew out of the scabbard, and he paused carefully, but after not feeling the kind of ruined earth, he immediately became big. Everything is under its control!

However, when I saw Chu Yunsheng flying out of the purple sword, I stopped looking at it. Instead, I walked down the platform and headed for the army on the snowy mountain. It suddenly had an anger that was despised, and it was actually taken by this little human. Ignore it! ?

He is so confident in his own sword that he can stop himself with a sword?

The sword is not used like this!

At the next moment, it suddenly became alert. It observed Chu Yunsheng for a long time. This person is by no means a person of great care. It can even be said to be a very cautious person. Then this sword...

There is no sword of the purple spirit in the handle. There is nothing strange at this time. After the sheath, it seems to be thrown out at random, rolling in circles and circles in the air, just not falling down normally. Rolling, but rolling up in a strange way.

The tumbling movement seems to be very slow, so slow that everyone can see it rolling in a circle, the sound of the wheel is also very clear, which seems normal, but very abnormal, because between the snow mountains, all people They all saw its roll, and heard the sound of its turn, indicating that everyone's senses and minds were all ingested by the moment they were out of the sword, and there was no escape.

That sword seems to be the only existence at this moment, not only it, except for the sword-swording people, all the senses and minds of the mind are only a circle of rolling swords.

"What sword is this!?"

The people of the South are terrified. It naturally feels dangerous and extremely dangerous. But no matter how to avoid it, it will instantly rise to the incredible sky height. The tumbling sword is still in front of its senses and mind!

No matter where it flies, it's the same!

Not only it, although the sword is only flying out of it, but almost everyone, the person who is absorbed by the sword and the mind, whether it is under the snow or in the battleship, has a tumbling sword. You have nowhere to escape!

^(To be continued.)

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