Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1024: Source gate method

In all the swords and techniques of Chu Yunsheng's meeting, if you have to find the highest level of exercise, then you will only have the three swords. .

This is the skill he had to work hard to save himself in the closet before he learned any combat skills. Later, he continually honed, progressed, refined, and finally died in the three swords of the insecticide. There are countless beetles.

He was able to survive in the darkest hours, and the insect-killing three-sword style played a vital role. He was the skill he relied on at that time. Even later, he learned a lot of combat skills, and the insect-killing three-sword style also became early. Part of his life, fully integrated into his every hand to raise the sword.

In addition, in all combat techniques, only the insect-killing three-sword style has nothing to do with anyone, and it is a sword that truly belongs to him.

With the passage of time, with the vicissitudes of life, today's insect-killing three-sword style is no longer a sturdy insect-killing three-sword style, incorporating his too much experience and sword to become a sword of his instinct.

Although still simple, there are still only three swords, but each sword is different. The use of power and the control of the sword and the sword are more and more perfect. If one day, all of his swords can be reached first. If the level of magic is the same, it may be the three-sword type of insecticide.

A thorn, a glimpse, a glimpse!

With the speed and body method of his source gate limit at this time, it is simple and powerful, constantly repeating, constantly attacking, no interval, reciprocating and rushing, a wave of smashing waves, surging, endless.

In the battleship of the past, he can use the three-day battle force to repeatedly open the shell of the black armor with three swords. Nowadays, dealing with the lack of experience, it is possible to directly defeat him psychologically. .

When Chu Yunsheng killed and killed the battle, he was killed and fierce. Can you see it in the fall?

That is the cruelty of once you find the opportunity to fight fiercely and completely, without giving any chance of remorse.

However, the first hit hard fight, Chu Yunsheng was immediately smashed by the mighty long gun in the hands of the fallen, lost balance in the volley flip, was rushed into the depths of space.

Unlike the ground, there is no gravity, there is no center of gravity, the direction and control of the force is completely different from the ground, and even the balance of the body cannot be controlled.

The fall has obviously been subjected to meticulous space training. Under the reaction of the shock, it has only been easily or even awkwardly retreating a certain distance, but the body is still maintaining a stable balance. In the state of weightlessness, the control and exertion of power is very Skillful.

Seeing that Chu Yunsheng tumbling completely lost his balance, he controlled the fine power, reversed the release, stopped the reversing figure, and then immediately accelerated again in the direction of Chu Yunsheng, shot sharply, the rifle tore the vacuum The strength of the attack is coming.

Chu Yunsheng is still rolling, facing the gunpoint of the attack, the sword is blocked, and the body immediately flies in another direction under the impact force, the tumbling is more intense, and the power and balance are completely chaotic.

The fall also drifted in the opposite direction of Chu Yunsheng under the reaction of the impact, and gradually stopped, sneer, and attacked again.

"Do you only have this ability?"

The third shot of the fallen shot once again hit Chu Yunsheng. Although he was still kicked by the sword at the last moment, he did not think that Chu Yunsheng was so powerful. It will take a long time, maybe the next shot, he It will be able to let Chu Yun go to death. At that time, he will have to look at the elders who are afraid of Chu Yunsheng. What kind of dumb is speechless! ?

It is even more important to let those outside the family, those who despise him, think that Chu Yun is coming back to him and he is not a person at all. Take a good look at who is the peak! And who is the age now!

Looking at Chu Yunsheng's wandering in space, the sneer sneered again. He wanted to let Chu Yunsheng roll over like a dog for a while, and throw his face.

He knows that now the people on both sides of the fleet can see the details on the battlefield, that is, let them see and let them tremble.

Three shots, Chu Yunsheng is completely only the power of parry, who is strong and weak natural at a glance!

However, he now wants to solve Chu Yunsheng as soon as possible, and then personally go to see how the elders of the family are dumb, and look at what kind of expressions people who despise him outside the family are.

Therefore, he did not give Chu Yunsheng any time and any opportunity. After the third shot, he rushed to the rolling Chu Yunsheng again and again without interruption.

In space, the fall is like a king, chasing it up and down again and again, and Chu Yunsheng will fly once and again, flying in the void. .

The seventh gun, the eleventh gun, the eighteenth gun...

He shot a shot and a gun in a prestige, killing Chu Yunsheng and flying east and west, as if it was unstoppable and unmatched.

But he did not find that no matter how many guns he stabbed, he was always blocked, and there was no shot that really stabbed Chu Yunsheng's body.

When he probably thought that this was very boring, he relaxed a little. He thought that Chu Yunsheng was able to conquer the moment and was already at the limit. He did not care, and paused a little.

He even prepared to call his own fleet and directly took Chu Yunsheng, who he thought was already abolished, and he did not want to fight with this unworthy person.

And at this moment, Chu Yunsheng’s counterattack began!

In the tumbling of chaos in many times, Chu Yunsheng’s psychology is not chaotic. On the contrary, he has been calm, just looking for a sense of balance and the way power is controlled in a vacuum.

This is different from the last time against the death fleet. When he flew out of the atmosphere for the first time, he did not need to fly while fighting, and the second time he flew out, it was just a simple sword.

Now, he has to adapt to the micro-body control. You know, there is no gravity, no resistance, any small force will immediately change the direction of your body's movement. If you want precise control, it is not a Simple and easy things.

In the detachment, he can rely on the computing unit of the spacesuit power system to adjust itself. Now, he can only adapt to himself.

His fighting ability is very strong, until he gradually adapts, adjust the body control, find an opportunity, even do not have to find, it is the time to counterattack!

The situation is now in a blink of an eye, immediately reverse!

I thought that Chu Yunsheng was just so depraved, and even wanted to go back. Let the people of the fleet take Chu Yunsheng. At this moment, I was shocked to discover that Chu Yunsheng’s wave of purple swords is coming faster and faster. More and more fierce, he can only go around.

Every purple sword was stabbed, smashed, and smashed. It was all that he had no time to return to the defense. He could only exhaust his gun and resist the sword.

If it wasn't for him that he was already the source of the door, if it weren't for his strong guns, he would have been killed by a crazy purple sword that was forced by a wave.

In the dark space, Chu Yunsheng's body image is the same as the head of the year, leaving only the next straight line segment, more and more skilled, flying around the fallen, and sometimes appearing under the "slow", stabbing a sword; Sometimes appear on the "one side", throwing out a sword; sometimes appearing "above", blasting a sword!

The sword is fierce and the speed is getting faster and faster. At the end, his figure and sword shadow are almost invisible. It only appears at the moment of the sword. It looks like it is in space, up and down, there are more than a dozen. At the same time, Chu Yunsheng and Zijian attacked the chaos of the chaos and dazzled.

The extremely embarrassed at the moment was completely crushed, and it was impossible to resist the ubiquitous Chu Yunsheng and his swordsmanship, and the reciprocal rushing, the pride never met the opponent’s heart, and seemed unable to accept such a Reality, more and more anger, the more anger, the more mistakes, the confusion gradually, and even the last trace of the cloud has not been captured.

In less than a moment, the scars on his body increased sharply. In less than a moment, he almost became a living target in space, and the flying clouds of Chu Yun rushed to smash out the insecticide. The three-sword style, like the tide, constantly bombarded him from all directions, and made him crumbling, and suddenly he reached the critical moment of imminent death.

On the flagship, the main hall of the sea country and other people have already been stunned. If you said that Chu Yunsheng was beaten and beaten by the chaos, he was embarrassed, even when they faced the fall, they were depressed, even some Panic, if Chu Yunsheng had never sent back information, Butney almost rushed out to join the battle group, but now, it is completely incomprehensible.

This is simply pressing down on the fight, anyone can see, don't go on for a while, the fall will be killed under the sword of Chu Yunsheng.

The change of the front and back is too sudden. After a while, the Lord of the Sea State is the old cardinal. After the first reaction, everyone else understands that Chu Yunsheng is definitely not familiar with the battle in the space environment. It started to fall.

Seeing that the collapse was in jeopardy, the family was probably nervous. The entire fleet was pressed up and fired together, trying to force Chu Yunsheng to save the fall.

However, Chu Yunsheng only turned back, and ran out of a straight line from the void. After waving, the volley floated a huge rune, and before the squadron, they immediately scared them.

Chu Yunsheng's proficient runes until the Sanyuan Tianjie world, to deal with the shackles, to deal with the family's fleet is still a certain threat, when hey, Chu Yunsheng under the global rune array, Yu Wei is still there.

However, he pulled out and there was a breather in the fall.

Riding Chu Yunsheng in the space to lay a rune to block the long line, the fallen and re-holding the silver rifle in his hand, the clothes are messy, blood stains everywhere, his eyes want to spurt the flame, his pride has been Chu The cloud-like wave of fierce attacks stepped on the feet, and the heart was already in chaos. At this moment, it was extremely crazy.

He screamed, desperately in the direction of Chu Yunsheng, stabbing a stunning shot.

This gun, stabbed to the void, and pointed to Chu Yunsheng.

This gun is burning his life almost.

This gun is his strongest shot.

Chu Yunsheng in the reentry, suddenly felt extremely dangerous!

At the same time, the turbulence of the heavens and the earth in space, the atmosphere is surging.

The source of the law! !

Chu Yunsheng’s heart suddenly sinks, this is the source of the dangerous long gun!

The next moment, Chu Yunsheng suddenly found out what was locked in.

He jerked his head up and saw that the giant planetary system was spinning in the vastness, and a silver glow from the central star of the galaxy spurred him.

The silvery light, like a fallen rifle, contains extremely dangerous forces.

He immediately tried to avoid the deep space on one side and was able to move, but immediately found that the silver light, even the entire huge galaxy was in motion, still locked him!

No matter where he is, the silver gunman from the vast galaxies always shoots at him, and constantly leaps and accelerates in the orbit of the planets it traverses. Every time he moves, the energy doubles, like After a huge acceleration field, in the blink of an eye, it accelerated its speed to the extreme and came to him.

Chu Yunsheng is very clear, if he is hit, he will die!

But at this moment, he is very quiet. The more he is at this juncture, the more he lives and dies, the more he can see the real difference between him and the fall.

He immediately took back the sword of purple gas and quickly calculated all his powers. Then, the sword light shines on the stars, and it is moving again and again!

Jian Xiao, Jian Xiao, Jian Xiao, Jian Xiao, crazy swords!

Breaking through a moment of locking -

The fourth sword style, swaying, greets the silver light and leaves the sword!

Fucking fucking

Thanks to the charity of the Carbon Owners! I saw it yesterday, because the explosion was dizzy and I didn’t have time to thank it.

^ (To be continued.)

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