Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1033: Death of the earth


Chapter 1 03

Looking at the huge palms of the densely woven red lines, and surpassing the vast starry sky, pushing to the earth, the consciousness of Chu Yunsheng passed through time and space in an instant, and was placed in a horrible picture.

It was a dark night with heavy rain, endless raindrops violently whipping the war-torn land, roaring, wars, shouts, desperate screams before the death, flooded and glued in the rain of the sky...

In an instant, a flash of lightning broke through the sky, and a sun-shaping fist crossed the thick clouds, and the flames with fierce friction whistled from the sky.

Boom... rumbling...

A loud bang through the heavens and the earth, the landslides and the seawater flow back.

The sound waves shredded the raindrops and set off a whirlwind of a hundred meters high.

The splash of dust and dirt rushed to the height of 10,000 meters, sweeping the world...

As a result, the whole planet shook a bit and deviated from the original track... A large number of creatures began a long road to death and extinction.

A terrified Tyrannosaurus reluctantly fled to him...

Chu Yunsheng suddenly woke up, he did not know that he suddenly remembered a scene of "seeing" in the darkness of the day, the fist that hit a huge underground lake on the two layers of the ship.

Rather, it was not his thoughts, but the shocking deep memory was awakened.

In the space in front of us, the big hand that can only be densely covered has been approaching the earth, and the atmosphere is like a tsunami violently violently smashing and smashing around the huge star, forming a huge and deep trapped airflow handprint vortex...

Countless reddish magma was sputtered in the next moment. These magma were previously pulled out by gravity and then collapsed and are now sputtered. In space, it forms a magnificent and vast palm-shaped fire scene.

The rolling smoke is swept in the atmosphere of the tyrannical escape, obscuring the follow-up sight, and can no longer see the earth world like **** at the moment.

Those hot magma cooled rapidly in space, and some formed a meteorite torrent that left the earth forever, flew to the depths of the universe, and some could not break away from the gravitational force, and surrounded the increasingly dark earth to try to stabilize the orbit. Some of them fell back to Earth again, only to see a glimmer of light when they first entered the dark atmosphere, and then disappeared.

The earth slowly deviated from its original orbit in various violent shocks.


Looking at the earth-filled earth with huge palm prints and shards of debris, passing through the cold stars, the fleet that slowly gathered together, everyone was shocked. Even Chu Yunsheng was deeply shocked.

At this moment, he really felt a huge gap between himself and this level.

In the past, whether it was a filmmaker or a grave guardian, he basically played against him in an extremely weak situation. And he can only speculate on the power of his heyday after the fight, and he has never had such an intuitive feeling.

This is too strong, even in the stars, pushing a planet!

And this planet is not an ordinary planet, but a strange earth!

Through the telescope. I still can't see the sight of the earth at the moment, it has been wrapped in various pieces and dust. The appearance looks like a chaotic gas planet, as if it were a purgatory in purgatory.

For the earth at the moment, Chu Yunsheng and all those who have escaped from the earth have never been so complicated today. It has ruthlessly slammed into the cold star, but now it is so desolate, full of sorrow, with a lot of scars. Leave blank.

It is the earth and the mother of most people on this fleet.

Although I don’t know why it is so much, but after seeing it’s bleak look, many people are inexplicably blocked after the shock.

Only Chu Yunsheng knew that it was just a poor "corpse", and the body that was arbitrarily manipulated by those cruel and ruthless people could not resist, and could only let those people marry, but even in such a desperate and miserable situation. It is still struggling with everything, like the mother who asked him about the day, not trying to let his poor child (human) live in the cracks of those people...

The sword in the sky above the cold star did not dissipate immediately, as if in a silent voice, staring at the earth that was devastated by the devastating sorrow, the murderous gas of the sky was in the hatred of the sky.

At this time, a sadness to the extreme sorrow, in the depths of every earth person's heart, is a blood-connected feeling, is the sadness from the source of life, but also a mother who is about to die The child is reluctant to say goodbye.

On the earth full of sorrow, it seems that a hugely devastated figure has emerged. It was locked in a cage, cut off "hands", smashed "two feet", dug out "double eyes", like pigs and dogs. In the damp and darkness, suffer from all kinds of cruel destruction and torture.

Its empty black hole blew two blood and tears, looking at the shadow, looking at the human fleet, looking at it with deep affection.

It is ugly, has no human form, is inferior and sad.

It is the earth, the earth is it, it is a sorrow that persists until now, and it has to watch the remnants of its children fleeing, and it is finally about to disappear, and the last remaining people left after the Quaternary left, The earth will die, and the plans of those people have just begun.

No one needs to explain, and no one needs to explain that the Earth people in the fleet can feel who it is, and the feeling of blood connection is rooted in the depths of the soul.

Today, the earth will die, and everyone will become a rootless person.

Countless people burst into tears. From today, they really became abandoning people, and their homes are dead.

"Don’t take revenge, live..."

The earth that is getting farther and farther is gradually disappearing into the darkness, and the huge figure of the sky is also dissipated in the starry sky, turning into a sad, desolate, bitter voice.

After it dissipated, the sword made a false shadow and shouted: Kill!

At the same time, countless tragic scenes are coming in the killing, and countless earth people have fought back and forth in the universe. Once and for all, he was slaughtered and enslaved. Struggling in the blood, the roar in the betrayal, the sternness in despair, gazing at the distant starry sky to find the glory of the hometown...

In the screaming and screaming information of the phantom, in the battleship, countless people hold the weapons in their hands and, through various communication methods, look at Chu Yunsheng.

The information from the illusion combines what he knows. Chu Yunsheng has fully understood at this moment that no matter who is right or wrong in the two wars of the year, the earth is now a victim, and the party that is at the mercy of the arrogance, shackles and devastating has been trampled on behalf of the world for generations. Killing, wanting to be bullied. There is no end to it.

As for why, he doesn't know, don't need to know!

His hand gripped the hilt tightly, and the purple sword seemed to tremble in the anger, and the debris of the object was rushing out of the crack of the spirit!

In the decisive eyes of countless people in various warships, he turned his eyes black. A head fell to the ground.

The people on the fleet were in a horror.


The next moment, Chu Yunsheng found that he actually came to the zero-dimensional space.

His reaction was still very fast. The first time was not to observe the zero-dimensional that had not been in for a long time, but to go out immediately.

At this moment. The warships outside are in danger, and don't say if there will be any enemies. A large part of the meteorite stream that can be printed by the giant palm will soon be spread here.

In case the spacecraft was hit, he still didn't know where it would go. For the spacecraft of the underground villain, Chu Yunsheng had no confidence in the underground.

He can come in zero dimension, and it must be related to the cracking of the seal. The seal is clear under the reaction of the cube. Immediately, he will go out from this crack again. As for the seal, the crack, etc. Wait, you have to wait until you are completely safe.

But he has not yet gone out, he will see a seed in the zero-dimensional space.

Is it the source of the third force?

Chu Yunsheng thinks that he has broken through the second limit. Before, in the fine man, he wanted to find the seeds of the third force. He tried everything he could not find, but he felt vaguely. It is necessary to break through the second limit to be able to "see".

Although he now sees that the seeds are still vague and looming, it should be the relationship that his second limit has just broken through. He has not stabilized yet. Unlike the first limit, he knows that he has been stable.

But it doesn't matter. If you see it, you can't run away. Next time you encounter a similar attack on a similarly decomposed object, he also has a way to deal with it, the feeling that hundreds of millions of cells are facing the enemy. Sometimes, it is really like the **** of cells.

At the same time, he also remembered the other two times that he was asked to exceed the first limit. One time he used the black gas to seal the animal. Every time he reached the critical moment, the black gas needed deeper support, but he did not, no. Do you know if you can do it now? What is the difference between the black-smelling success of the seal and the ordinary seal?

The other is the return of the five sources. At the time of the second Starship War, he was at the crucial moment of the integration of the five sources. For this reason, he did not hesitate to abandon the benefits brought by the integration of the five sources, and at the juncture of normalization. He did not have the ability to improve the support they needed and had to give up.

Unlike black gas, black gas can be tested at any time, as long as it exists in zero dimension, and it can come out, but the five sources are rare, and he can't do it now.

He has integrated five sources and knows that if he can give support, the benefits of integration and reunification are not so simple. You must know that the death fleet is locked with the cardinal power by virtue of five sources!

At first, firebugs were looking for this.

Unfortunately, he has no source at present, neither of them has a secondary.

After looking at the source of life in the body made up of pieces of material, Chu Yunsheng breathed a sigh of relief. As long as this is not the source of life, he can not be considered as an injury, at most, it is drained by the cracked sword. All the sources of life beyond this source of life.

As long as there is no injury, and zero-dimensional and spiritual seals have no special changes at this moment, there are cubes that communicate inside and outside, and you can come in and go out.

The reason why he returned to zero dimension, he probably also knows that the source of life is drained. Although his body of the worm has the characteristics of firebugs and does not need to sleep, it still needs to be supplemented. Otherwise, it is a state of suspended animation. It is not a zero-dimensional object. There is still a source of life in the body. This kind of false death will become a real death.

His confusion is that the body of the worm has lost its activity, the biological system is not functioning properly, and it has reached its limit because it has been forced for a few days.

This point, when other people's worms change, it is very clear that at that time he was also dying, his life source was almost exhausted, and he was seriously injured. In the middle of the squad, he was carried by other worms into the cemetery to transport "nutrition."

It was also at that time that he first saw the stupid worm that was also "patching", cracking the ugly big mouth and stupidly "laughing" at him...

Thinking of the silly worms at that time, Chu Yunsheng sighed, no longer to control other changes in zero dimension, through the cube, immediately leave the zero dimension.

Opening his eyes, he saw several underground doctors rushing over, still in the spaceship, where he had just passed out.

The feeling of tiredness swept up again, but Chu Yunsheng was inspired by the silly worm when he first saw it. He suddenly thought of a way to restore his life as soon as possible.

If this method is effective, he dare not say that he has created the method of obtaining the source of life before, but certainly no one can do it, just because he has the body of the worm!


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