Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1043: mob

However, Chu Yunsheng did not say a word at the end, but his eyes were a little cold.

He knows what he should actually say, otherwise the situation will be more chaotic, but he does not know what to say.

He didn't mean to be as angry as Sin thought, either because of the third nobleman, or because he couldn't really be considered "utilized."

If it is the killing and fighting of life and death, when he walks out of the spaceship, he may be able to think of at least three solutions in this extreme time, but this is not a battle, it is something more complicated than fighting. .

Even from the exit of the spacecraft hatch to the squatting aircraft, he did not think of a better way for a short period of time. With a slight deviation, the consequences would be disastrous. The residual social system that has long been deformed may be uncertain. It will completely fall into chaos overnight, and then collapse, smash, and even destroy like an explosion.

Of course, more importantly, when he was "topped" by the struggle between the loser and the winner to the position where he had to make a decision, he found that there was no clear idea about the battle between them. So what is he going to say? There is naturally nothing to say.

It is completely different from what I mean, and he always cares about the shipbuilding. The orders given to the Italians on the spacecraft are all decisions made from the perspective of the shipbuilding, and whether it is a failure. They are still winners. What they care about is not what Chu Yunsheng cares about. Even he never wants to know: What are they really fighting for?

It is because of this that he does not know what to say. You can't say anything on the spot, don't know how to handle it correctly, and even get bored. Suddenly, some people think that the electric theory is correct. What kind of ship is it made?

Going to the aircraft, Yiyisi was next to him, and the atmosphere did not dare to reveal a sound. The voice was lowered and the driver immediately went to Da Shenshan.

The cockroach propeller was erupted and vacated. The black crowd of the square was left behind, and they ignored the gaze of hope or incomprehension and flew away.

After a while. The aircraft gradually left the ground base and entered the eastern part of the cold cold environment. Chu Yun raised his brow and looked at the collapsed mountain river on the ground. Tumbled waves. Thinking infinitely... Before he returned to space, he had to have a preliminary idea, only a short period of time between them.

In the distance, the vast mountain of the sacred mountain appears faintly on the horizon, still standing between the ice sea and the dark cloud. The bad air flow and the change of the stratum cause the ice and sea to be rough and swirling, and the lightning is staggered in the world of black pressure. between. The sulfur from the crust passes through the ocean and disturbs the violent air.

The catastrophe that was approached by the earth. The cold star environment has been unable to adapt to the survival of normal organisms. Except for the ancient bacteria that are resistant to high temperature and tolerance, most of the organisms are rapidly extinct. People returning from space have to wear heavy protective equipment. In order to leave the ecological base and work.

The deeper the ice sea, the worse the environment, and the squatting aircraft of the underground people had to carefully follow the safe area, with a little carelessness, even if it did not crash, it was a heavy loss.

Chu Yunsheng does not want to delay too much time here, get the ice source body and return to space. The sooner the next thing is solved, the better.

The dark life armor was immediately integrated, and the body of the insect body was instantly restored. He flew out of the scorpion aircraft and turned it into a residual curve, entering the black-pressed lightning cloud and disappearing into the sky.

Yiyisi stayed for a while. After a long time, he turned around and signaled the driver to continue to fly to Da Shenshan.

Mud can be seen everywhere on the peak of Dashen Mountain. The traces of the tsunami receding are still visible everywhere. The underground people set up many huge and eye-catching signs on the island, and they can see it under the lightning.

When you get close, you can see an ancient palace on the mountainside, which is connected with the mountain. The walls are old and the huge columns are ruined and vicissitudes. It seems that after countless years, it has stood here from generation to generation, silently. Waiting for the return of the ancient master who built it.

It was raining heavily, washing the walls and mountains with acidic raindrops. Many of the black-haired people and blue-haired natives were recruited, wearing thick protective attire, and then wearing a black poncho, coming in and out. A truck is also carrying black boxes in a row, and the signal lights flashing around the mountain, a busy scene.

On the other side of the mountain, in a temporary military base, a special climate-changing missile flew into the thick clouds. After the bomb exploded, the red cloud-like fog spread, the tumbling reaction changed, and the tyrannical The black pressure cloud layer suddenly stabilized somewhat, and the large vortex that was too late to be formed was accurately destroyed, forcing the surrounding area of ​​the Great God Mountain to become the only place in the raging ice sea.

The struggle on the spacecraft did not seem to have a significant impact on the normal operation here, so Chu Yunsheng was slightly relieved.

If it is also paralyzed here, then he must immediately choose the party with the real strength in the dark to quickly calm down all the chaos.

The strength of the real power is undoubtedly a few cardinals, whether it is its own strength, or the influence of traditional inertia, no one can do it right.

This spacecraft incident, so far, he has not seen the emergence of these cardinals, may be waiting for his meaning, or may be other reasons - the cardinal can always surpass the top of the traditional forces struggle.

But this makes Chu Yunsheng very helpless. These cardinal masters, on the one hand, never resist him, basically what he said is, but on the other hand, their actual influence is far greater than anyone, including Chu Yunsheng. Yourself.

It can be said that they are the pinnacle of this deformed system. No matter how the internal struggles of the various ethnic groups, as long as the cardinal master does not die, he will eventually listen to his own ethnic master.

The most basic reason is very simple. There is no race of the cardinal master. Even if it is as good as the underground, the cardinal council at the top can not occupy even one seat. It is always in a position of being bullied or weak.

This is also the entire remaining family system. The ordinary earth people who have no great ability and no special ability, why they can live the most moist, just because they not only have the cardinal of Butney. There is also Chu Yunsheng, the "Earth Man" above the cardinal.

Of course, they still have fallen before, and they are still a person of the earth.

A very obvious example, the fire plan proposed by Chuan Gao to Chu Yunsheng, whether it is the Star Wars, or the idea of ​​electricity now, the seedlings that are planned to be taken away are all Earth people. And only the earth people.

The superiority of the Earth nowadays is something that no other race can have and envy.

They can justifiably say "our Mr. Chu", and the words of other races are much more guilty. More minor races don't even dare to add the modifier of "we".

After Chu Yunsheng came back, he heard that the old man, who had been with the blood family, was old enough to learn from others. I bought a cold star brunette young woman. I didn’t dare to let my son and apprentice’s little daughter-in-law know that they had to hide in Tibet in the middle of the warship’s warships. They all became big jokes inside the blood family. It’s not only Budney, but even he knows it.

But apart from the blood family, others did not dare to laugh at him, even the people of the Silver Legion. Also very cautious, these people of the blood family can laugh at Lao Wang himself. But others are not allowed, because Pharaoh is a **** person, just as the old forces on the meaning of the original brand is as clear, this is the current situation of the faction in the fleet.

Therefore, there are some small races that do not enter the stream. I want to convey the fascinating beauty of the genre by giving the rumored aging old king, hoping to eat the "egg fried rice" in the old king's legend, in the face of other Also do not enter the small race, in order to increase the soft capital of the show off capital.

These things are not known to Chu Yunsheng. The people he can contact, except those who have some personal relationships, are just a few cardinal grandmasters, and they are pitiful.

But even then, he can feel the complexity of this fleet. Even if the ship has leaked water and is faltering, it is still chaotic and contradictory.

In addition, among the various ethnic groups, except for a few upper-level people, the majority of the lower-level people always think that the cardinal master is correct. The bad ones are those who deceive the trust of the cardinal master. Therefore, since ancient times, the key time is still Listen to the cardinal master.

In fact, others may have no voice in Chu Yunsheng, but he is now a member of the cardinal master, or the biggest one, and the only concern is the shipbuilding, and the promotion of Hull and the Great Temple. What is the difference between the contents and the distance of 100,000 miles?

Therefore, Chu Yunsheng felt that the core of the problem lies in several cardinals, not those on the base where the spacecraft landed.

After returning to space, the first thing is to bring all the cardinals together to "meet", but when I think of those cardinals, Chu Yunsheng has some headaches -

Buttani is a man who is more confused than him. He lost his old beliefs. He is now her only pillar of faith. If he falls down one day, she is not sure that she is still alive.

Let him be speechless and stupid, the sea hall owner does not know whether it was hit by Axi’s rebellion. Once settled, in addition to cultivation, he is now fascinated by the technology of the fine man, becoming Chu Yunsheng. The most ardent and obsessed science cardinal masters I have seen, other things have long since disappeared.

Xiao Yuyu and Chu Yunsheng of Tianyu have the hatred of the genocide. Although they are not mentioned now, there is no place to go on a boat, and they can’t beat him.

Meltini is a secret that has a body. He is known as the military god. The battle against his family is really to make Chu Yunsheng "stunned."

The only new card of the cold star is the role of soy sauce in the face of the old card machine, and the relationship with Chu Yunsheng is not good.

Such a group of people are together, at the root of the rabble, including himself.

Losing the meaning of the Italians also feels that there has never been a force in history. Today, such a lineup is luxurious and powerful...

One day, I really want to fight, and I can fight to the last breath by his side. It is estimated that only Boutney is alone.

Don't say it now, this hasn't been played yet. Snow Master makes the master even less aware of where it is, and it is upset.

While thinking about these annoying things, Chu Yunsheng wore out from the clouds and followed the eye-catching logo under the light, and fell into the Great Mountain.

Anyway, since it’s here, let’s take a look at what is found in the Great God Mountain. It’s a rare source of strength.

^(To be continued.)

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