Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1065: Deep survey


Following the wonderful connection established by the runes, the source rushes away.

The death toll is still flying.

In the fleet, on the cold star, people fell like tides.

If every life is represented by a light spot, then the group of light spots around the cold star is rapidly diluting at an alarming rate visible to the naked eye.

But at this moment, carrying the source of the Jedi counterattack, is following the enemies of the horror in the dark.

After doing all this, Chu Yunsheng's weak body can't stand up, can only sit on the ground, quietly waiting for the strong counter-attack brought by the third energy shock.

This is the reason why he chose the Leica people's residential area. After all, people are not animals, they are rational lives. The external stimulation can play a role in fueling the situation, but sometimes it can also have the opposite effect, such as facing Disgusting pig head.

But if you still can't stop the monster, Chu Yunsheng thought, and had to implement the seed plan for electricity.

He has exhausted all the methods now, even softened here, and used the source of the penalty card to inform the woman of the predecessor, but nothing happened.

At the moment, there is no point in doing other things.

The electricity in the main suspension has closed the door and sent an automatic shuttle to the location of Chu Yunsheng.

Looking at the astonishing number of crazy deaths, the peak is still being refreshed every moment, and the electricity is ready to be evacuated.

If you stay here again, it doesn't make any sense. If you are late, you may not be able to go.

The major cardinals are also flying in the direction of the main suspension. In the face of this situation, they are powerless, and they can only watch the large-scale invasion of their own people until they die.

The big cardinal of the sea country sighed, Xiao Changyu silently, Meltini locked his brow, and he clenched his fist and stabbed...

But it didn't help. They can only keep themselves.

With an inferiority and a cramped standing in the main suspension, he and other excellent seeds watched the coming of this genocide.

Someone is crying, some are sad, some are angry, some are bleak.

Standing next to her, Chu Yunsheng's assistant, the underground villain is intended. He took advantage of the chaotic space and braved the huge risk of being dismissed by Chu Yunsheng. He stuffed his mother here. Although he did not occupy the seed quota, he did not know how many other relatives died at the moment.

On the cold star, the Austrian snow peak. Alai and his boss Lille are soft together, constantly coughing blood, looking at the stars, the shadow of Chu Yunsheng, which is invisible to the naked eye, two people, a black man, a blue legal person. Look at each other with a sigh.

Death is as dark as the earth.

No one can stop it anymore...

At this time, on the death number detected by the main suspension, suddenly paused, and the electricity that was busy preparing to take off thought it was a dazzling one.

But then, the crazy numbers fell directly into the trough!


The electrician quickly dropped the things in his hand and turned on the control. It probably thought that the instrument component had a problem.

The next test passed the test. Not a malfunction!

"Is that the woman shot?"

Electricity knows the woman, but it never takes her into consideration, so it is not Chu Yunsheng, and there is only one woman who wants to save her life.

At the same time, there were several major cardinators found in the abnormal situation, and they were incredibly watching the self-tests in the fleet system.

It stopped! ?

what happened?

The seeds in the main suspension are not aware of what happened, and they look at each other. Inquire about each other, but no one knows what is going on.

The people in the fleet who had looked down on the people who had fallen down and prepared for death were all stunned.

The invasion stopped?

on the ground. In the base, the people of the five countries, the people of the earth, and the people of the cold stars, are now in a state of sorrow.

After a few more minutes, the joy of surviving and the sorrow of death of relatives and friends almost coincided. For a time, the fleet was almost in a silent atmosphere.

The rescue begins immediately after...

No one knows that at this moment in a room of the Leica, the softness of Chu Yunsheng in the ground is incomprehensible.

He waited for a long time and made a lot of preparations, but the counterattack of the third energy burst never came.

After entering the zero-dimensional view, he found that the seed was silent!

This is completely different from his previous cognition.

Although it is absolutely a good thing to have no counter-attacks, the problem is that you have just figured out the problems in the near future, and now it is blurred.

He really dislikes the feeling that this moment is unknown.

Following him, the invasion stopped and the counterattack worked.

But why did the antiphagus not appear?

Chu Yunsheng once again entered zero dimension, this time he carefully felt the third energy, and immediately found a distinct difference!

The original desire of the breeding offspring disappeared, it really disappeared, and it was almost impossible to feel, and no trace was found.

The third energy is like a qualitative change, but it can't be described in words. If you have to say it, it is like washing away impurities.

How is this going?

Chu Yunsheng did not understand at all. Isn't the third energy not what he thought before?

He tried to guide the current third energy into the remaining source of life again, and immediately found that the fusion was much faster and more pure than before.

The merged life source immediately shows the power that was not available before, and the supplement to the weak ontology is obviously on a level.

If he is now in the armor, it may be better.

Chu Yunsheng faintly feels that the body of the worm can make it the most effective.

Because the invasion stopped, Chu Yunsheng was not in a hurry to leave, and gradually sinking his heart.

He once again found the seed and felt the third energy. This time, he determined that the third energy did undergo a qualitative change.

In other words, the animal that breeds offspring is instincted by it!

Therefore, Chu Yunsheng can not help but think of what it will clear next?

At this time, I can't see it, and the seeds are completely silent.

For the removal of that impulsive desire, Chu Yunsheng did not have any pity, he never wanted this thing, it was too dangerous, and he would have to pay for it.

At this moment. The shuttle to pick him up has already arrived. He also reopened the communication. For the time being, he did not see a qualitative change in the third energy. He was ready to leave here and return to the main suspension.

The aftermath of the matter, without the assistance of electricity, can not be done well.

This time a massive invasion. The damage caused cannot be estimated. Many people who are not dead are not seriously injured, or they are disabled, and the treatment technology must be advanced.

The fleet is not only his transport ship, but also the basis of his rune, if no one even started the warship. Then talk about what goes into deep space?

Moreover, the shipbuilding has not yet been completed and still requires a large number of manpower.

Because of the power of the new fusion of life, although only a trace, but still can let him stand up.

At this time, he discovered that the Leica died half way. The rest are wounded.

The young Leica was still alive, but he couldn’t take care of Chu Yunsheng, sitting in a pile of corpses in a foolish way, muttering that he didn’t know what to say.

Out of the room, the passage was full of dead bodies, crying and painful "shen yin" sound filled with the bottom of the battleship.

Looking at this place, I know that the casualties in the entire fleet must be a bleak scene.

In this regard. Chu Yunsheng also can't help, save the people who are still alive, what is needed is fine technology, he can do nothing.

Ascending the shuttle, and soon came to the main suspension of the fine man.

Seeing the doubtful look of the electric power, Chu Yunsheng knew what it wanted to say, though. But he wouldn’t say that if the woman of the predator guessed that she had tried to calculate her, then...

Chu Yunsheng suddenly moved in the heart, can he really count her?

perhaps. She was not affected by the third energy at the time.

He remembered the filmmaker, and he had been entangled with himself for a long time, and even entangled in the zero-dimensional space. Although he couldn't think of it now, whether he used the third energy at that time, but the filmmaker has never been affected but it is an iron-clad fact.

Further, he realized that he might have done something stupid.

Chu Yunsheng just entered the main suspension vertebral body, and several major cardinals also arrived later.

There are more people, or the realm of the cardinal. Although it seems that the question mark of a stomach is not easy to say at the moment, it can only be squatted.

"I want to take a break." Chu Yunsheng didn't want to talk to the electric and said to him quickly: "You help them save people first. The monster doesn't know when it will come again."

Thinking of that one-dimensional creature, the electrician nodded: "This kind of creature is actually difficult to reach the metamorphosis period. The bottleneck is that there is not enough life for them to invade the replication organization. The universe is too big, and the life is distributed far apart, from one Planetary system, another planetary system, and a living galaxies, almost become the ropes of it, unless someone breeds lower life to raise it..."

Having said that, it suddenly stopped, and then looked at each other with Chu Yunsheng.

"Hurry to launch the detector!" Chu Yunsheng said first.

Electricity also rushed into the main suspension, and opened the instrument: "The last possible direction is the direction of the ship. I will do a deep survey."

Others didn't know what was going on, and thought that the monster was back, and suddenly he was nervous.

Chu Yunsheng did not dare to go to rest any more, and the unintentional words made him feel guilty.

Who dares to raise a one-dimensional monster? And it's still a metamorphosis!

Not to mention how many lives are to be slaughtered, can one more one-dimensional organisms be raised into a metamorphosis period, that is, what kind of horror "monster" would be the person who breeds itself?

He instinctively thought of the master of the Snow Court. In the case that the woman of the predator could not be connected, there was no chance of winning and it was extremely dangerous.

The woman didn't know what was going on. He was just about to go to the predator to look at it, and he lost the contract first.

However, he immediately calmed down, if the overlord came, why not shoot in person, or with a one-dimensional monster? There is no reason to watch the fun on the side.

No explanation.

Unless it is entangled in something.

His eyes looked at the electricity and waited for the news.


The third is more.


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