Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1070: Space maze

If you are threatening, you need to be equipped with threatening actions to be truly threatening, otherwise it will become a slap.

Eleven source points then illuminate in a dazzling light, and a red ray of light emerges from the deep air, reflecting the dark universe, which is particularly conspicuous.

"Do you want to reply to them?"

The electric asked while analyzing the rays.

To its surprise, Chu Yunsheng said clearly: "Reply, why not reply?"

The electricity was just saying this. I didn't expect Chu Yunsheng to really reply. He had to say, "What is it?"

Chu Yunsheng stared at the message: "Don't let us surrender? Tell them, we surrender."

The electrician stopped the analysis in his hand and couldn't believe it to Chu Yunsheng, but after seeing his indescribable face, he immediately understood: "However, they are unlikely to be fooled."

Chu Yunsheng nodded: "They must not be fooled. You tell them, I want to surrender to their master."

After the electric power finally understood the true intention of Chu Yunsheng, he no longer asked, to the source of the warning signal, according to the other party's coding method, to send a reply signal.

"What are those red rays?"

The information needs time to go back and forth, waiting for Chu Yunsheng to look at the red light that runs in the universe.

Wanting them to surrender collectively, those red rays should only be a means of warning, but they cannot be ruled out as a fatal attack.

The idea of ​​putting your own life in the heads of others is obviously unreliable.

"It's a bit like an interference mechanism. It's not clear, you have to wait." The electric speed speed analysis analyzes the latest data from the underground villain, and constantly transmits the probe request to the fleet command.

Chu Yunsheng no longer returns to his residence. Take advantage of this and take the time to analyze the eighth-order attack.

After a long time, the new information of the other party passed through the space at the speed of light and arrived at the Cold Star Fleet. There is only one simple disregard: "You are not qualified to talk about conditions."

Chu Yunsheng looked at his disdain but also had some embarrassing electricity: "The tone is quite in line with your style."

Then, facing the message, sneer: "Since I am not qualified, then I will not talk to it. Let's talk about it."

Electricity can't help too much for this non-technical thing, and it still has a bunch of things to deal with and break through. It is every second.

The disintegration was quickly promoted by the degraded people in the main suspension. Listening to the simple thoughts of Chu Yunsheng, it is incredible: "Do you want me to find a way to put out the information of their masters from their mouths?"

Chu Yunsheng nodded: "Yes, and their origins."

I’m going to look for Chris. “I’m going to find Chris. I’m usually a lot of words. But... Chris is very experienced in this area. The scorpions of his men are more savvy than others. This kind of thing is better than me. good."

“Chris?” Chu Yunsheng recalled quickly and said: “He hasn’t died yet?”

He shook his head and shook his head: "Would you like to call the street lamp? Why didn't you take him in the end? This kind of surrender negotiation is best for him."

Chu Yunsheng nodded and did not talk nonsense: "It is up to you to organize it, just in the flagship, who to use, no matter which family, you directly let the underground map to you."

Nothing is said about the difference. Immediately turn the wheelchair back.

Chu Yunsheng looked at his wheelchair and said strangely: "Is your injury still not good?"

When he pulled out, he said even more depressed: "Not because of the hybrid monster?" He said that he pointed to the degenerate humanity at the door: "This kid is really useless. I am not there, they can't stand it, and they keep their lives." And Lao Tzu is disabled again."

Looking at the young degraded person with a nervous look at the door, Chu Yunsheng is not good to say anything. He waved his hand and said: "You have to find a way to cure it. It’s not a problem to sit in a wheelchair. When you break out, you and the blood family. The task is the most important."

After the lessons of the last one-dimensional biological invasion, Chu Yunsheng divided the degraded people and the blood ethnic group into various warships, except that the entire energy system area was transformed into a closed independent area, and the blood and degraded people were stationed outside. Also let them enter the battleship's main control room, just in case.

After the departure, the electricity is still analyzing the data, Chu Yunsheng has nothing to do, continue to study the eighth-order attack.

After about ten minutes, the red ray on the monitor map gradually became clear, a total of eleven, and the body space geometry was generally outlined on the entire planetary system.

At this time, you can clearly see the redistribution of eleven source points that are no longer hidden. Five places are located above the disc face of the galaxy, six are below, and eleven red rays are like surgery. Like a knife, cut into the space of the galaxy.

“What is it?” Chu Yunsheng felt a trace of danger.

Electric raised his head, and some surprised: "I did not expect that they have mastered this technology. This is a kind of spatial micro-interference technology that uses the repulsion generated by the radiation to affect the gravitational force and thus change the curved shape of the space.

The geometric space consisting of these eleven rays will constantly affect the small changes in the space curvature, forming a space for us to control, such as a maze, but controllable.

Let's just say that if the dark matter halo is seen as coffee in a space cup, and the entire planetary system is white cream floating on the coffee, the eleven red rays are the spoons that stretch into the cup to disturb their balance. ”

Chu Yunsheng frowned: "That means we will get lost, and then trapped in this maze before they completely surround us?"

The electric nod: "This is the case, in the space disturbed by this technology, there will be observation and detection errors, even flying according to their micro-regulated path to the position they want us to reach, just like the insects in the test maze. , crawling on the designer's corner route."

It is saying that the underground man sent an urgent message, and the meteorite in front of the fleet that they were monitoring and preparing to destroy suddenly disappeared without symptoms.

If the invasion of more than one-dimensional monsters is said, it can be accepted by some people in the world view of the underground. The meteorite block that suddenly disappeared into the realization became very strange, as if it had entered an unimaginable space. Unstoppable will cause panic that is psychologically irresistible.

The electric immediately let the underground villain stop moving forward and stand by.

Chu Yunsheng has seen even more bizarre things, but it is very calm, no matter how the other party disturbs the geometric changes of the space, as long as it does not move, it is safe for the time being, unless the time has passed too long. The other party may suddenly emerge from the surrounding, a fatal blow.

After a while, the meteorite appeared strangely at another angle. Although it appeared, but the underground villain is even more puzzled, because it is super light speed according to the time and distance it disappears!

"This is one of the effects of the space maze. Depending on the speed of light. The angle created by the spatial geometry changes is like the pseudo-superluminal speed calculated by the large value red shift of the ultra-long galaxies. The underground people and the Earth people are very early. What I knew before, but the situation we are now encountering is more complicated.” The electrician explained to Chu Yunsheng, and then fed back the analyzed data and the new calculation formula to the underground people to quell their horror.

Chu Yunsheng Shen Jingdao: "Is there a way to crack it?"

Electric nod: "Yes! But it takes time, eleven disturbing rays may be all variables, or ten variables a constant. Or five variables, six constants, etc. Many combinations. The corresponding geometric perturbation models are completely different. Need to be deduced one by one."

Chu Yunsheng pondered for a moment, saying: "Crack out as soon as possible, before they react, we will attack them first!"

The electric nod, no longer speak, madly calculate the data, the body gradually integrates into it, the main suspension vertebral body is covered with various geometric geometric figures, and the numbers and formulas of jumping...

At this moment, time is the balance of war. Whoever can first quietly approach each other will have a much better chance of winning.

Of course, the other party may not be trying to get close to them, perhaps just to trap them here so that they can't escape.

However, for Chu Yunsheng, forcibly breaking through, it is better to break through successfully.

A model map is quickly derived electrically, arranged in turn on the other side of the main suspension. After verification, the non-conforming models are deleted one by one until the last one is left.

Chu Yunsheng is also accelerating his deduction of the fire attacking weapon, as the killer of his crucial moment.

The cold star fleet that formed the pseudo-ship model quietly suspended in space, and the command of the second war mobilization has been communicated.

Although it is not long before the last large-scale death, many people have not been able to adapt, but if they want to live, they must be forced to fight and not be able to squat - many people are hearing the second war news. After that, he gave up the ** of survival.

If you tell them the actual situation, I am afraid that there will be a large-scale collapse at any time.

As a result, many messages are blocked, and there are not many people who really know the actual situation.

Chris is one of those who just got permission to get a lot of news. His team summed up three useful pieces of information in the "negotiations" of surrendering to the other side, and sent them to Chu Yunsheng in the main suspension.

The other party knows the existence of the family; 70% of their masters may not be here; they have already discovered their attempt to negotiate a false surrender, but dismissive.

They are not prepared to talk to them at all.

These three pieces of information have a great help to Chu Yunsheng. At least it can be determined that the other party is indeed the power of the Xueyuan to be the master. The masters of the masters may not be here. In the end, they are very arrogant, or even arrogant. Not counting, there is no qualification for one side to make them arrogant.

Explain that they must know a little about their own situation on the earth, at least not to put the disabled Wunu and his low-level source door in the eye.

The Wuren people may now be a piece of fat in their eyes, and Chu Yunsheng himself, and soon knows the value of himself in the eyes of the other side -

They do not intend to continue communication, send the last piece of information, and send it directly to Chu Yunsheng: You can not die, and then serve on the statue.

But at this time, the results of the analysis of electricity have also come out, Chu Yunsheng is on the way to attack them!

^(To be continued.)

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