Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1074: Arrow pointing


Nearly ten cardinals have different shapes, but at the moment, all of them stopped their killings and rushed to Chu Yunsheng.

The attack formed by the power of the ten cardinals merged into one place, as if the tearing space was generally unstoppable, the fragments encountered along the way were instantly hit as dust.

Even though Chu Yunsheng suddenly became another form of life, they also have the confidence to kill them together.

Even if he may have reached the source, but here is the battlefield under the control of the source of the door, it is their war!

Unless he can break the open source method first, it will die.

But is this possible?

A first-time source who can hardly beat the larvae, even the source of the law is probably not yet clear, how to break open a mature source of the law?

No matter what he looks like, they are not afraid at all. Just surprised at it. I didn't expect Chu Yunsheng to be able to live and even build another body after killing their three cardinals at their own expense.

The power of the cardinal, strange, the universe is great, life is nothing, some people have even seen the mysterious cardinal without the body.

Don't look at Chu Yunsheng's "reconstructed" body. It looks like a mighty power. It doesn't know how much "perfect" it is, but they are cardinal. They don't have beautiful ugliness in their eyes. Strong and weak.

In comparison, Chu Yunsheng's original body made them even more shocked, and this one appeared, showing a strong fire energy fluctuation, and the previous kind of even the source of the door can not completely suppress the strange Energy power is not the same thing at all.

What is the use of strong fire energy? What is the use of the realm of the source gate?

Under the stronger source of the door. Directly return to the original shape, even a Mars will not tremble!

What's more, they still have ten cardinals. Confluence in one place, completely crushed!

In a flash, the overwhelming killings will arrive soon.

In their "gaze", the moment that Chu Yunsheng is about to be crushed, his figure suddenly disappears, as if he is integrated into space, and there is no trace.

Many of the cardinal suddenly turned to look at a strange direction, and the eyes exchanged each other. One person said: "It should be an adult."

Its voice just fell, in a dark space, a star suddenly flashed a bit, was sharply detected by a cardinal in the battle group, immediately said: "Be careful!"

Then, in the original dark space, twisted a ripple-like swift shadow. Lighten the sword, swing the sword, return to the sword, and then "disappear" in the darkness again.

A cardinal on the edge just said: "How does it still have ... fire energy?..."

Then it was swallowed up by the tyrannical swordsmanship, and the three-sword-style killings, the sharp increase in the explosion broke out into a devastating killing.

Another cardinal alarmed: "This is the speed of the source door, it has not been suppressed!!!"



"Backflow level!"

"Sources are mutually exciting!"

"Five can return to control, force it out!"


In the cardinal battle group, the information exchanged rapidly. The shadow of the cardinal movements is like a constellation in the changing world.

The heavens and the earth that have been controlled in space suddenly fluctuate and are separated like tides. Five can be well-organized, and a "bo bo" sweeps the space.

Chu Yunsheng is like a dark and dark body that blends with the background of the universe. It suddenly appears in the "emptiness", and the high speed is also invisible.

He only paused for a short moment, and forcibly returned from the direction of the remaining nine cardinal warfare groups, and they were unable to take the edge of the sword that had been seriously injured in the sword-style killing, and then again Accelerate the rush to nine cardinals.

Seeing that he was still not completely suppressed, still as fierce as before returning, the first cardinal panicked and subconsciously retreated.

At this time, a cardinal director who was about to take the lead snorted: "The retreat kills!"

The foremost cardinal suddenly stopped the figure and slammed the scalp toward the air of the stab.

The leading cardinal changed its position while controlling the power of the complicated cardinal. Shen Sheng said: "It is just the first source, here is the source of the adult's source, it is impossible to break through our recursive level!"

The forefront of the cardinal has already filled his cardinal power to the maximum, ready to suffer from the horrible swordsmanship of Chu Yunsheng, plus the one that just added, their thirteen cardinals have been superimposed by the horrible sword Killed four!

It doesn't want to be the fourth, so it must be desperate.

In its panic and desperate gaze, the death-like sword finally rushed to its front. At a distance from a space, the recursive level quickly reversed the sword gas level and decayed at a visible speed. .

Until the last sword rushed through the recursive energy layer, the foremost cardinal was relieved for a long time. Sure enough, it still couldn’t jump out of the source of the adult. After all, it was still not the source of the nine cardinals. A recursive energy layer formed by an empty land.

It carefully dispels the sword that rushed in, only to find that it is cold and sweat.

However, at this time, it and the cardinal behind it can already "see" Chu Yunsheng's figure at a close distance. He is not without hitting. The ten cardinal confluence strikes, it seems to be killing toward the target movement. In fact, it is contained in the new dark energy field in the source and space control, and it can lock the target of attacking mobile at any time by transforming the borrowing energy.

It saw Chu Yunsheng's body with several amazing scars, one of which was formed by its cardinal force, which is very familiar with it.

At this time, the position can be changed, it flies to the rear, and gradually moves away from Chu Yunsheng, and another companion replaces its original position.

Looking at those savage injuries, it suddenly came to mind, what if the person still does not hesitate to spell the body as before?

It seems to have confirmed its idea. After exposing the body shape, Chu Yunsheng completely killed the abandoned edge cardinal and did not avoid it. Instead, he went straight to the recursive energy level formed by them and began to storm. attack.

This crazy move suddenly scared most of the cardinal inside, knowing that in addition to the recursive energy level, they also mutually excited the source, and outside the recursive level, they are still constantly attacking Chu Yunsheng.

The scars on his body are constantly increasing, and even a hole in the abdomen!

But he still stormed the recursive energy layer, and his expression was indifferent, like ice and water, and bombarded the energy layer.

Is this going to be the same?

Once the layer is washed out before killing it, even if he eventually dies, but at least half of them die!

The shadow of death is finally shrouded in the psychology of the nine cardinals. They are really unable to determine whether Chu Yunsheng is going to die.

They frantically speed up the attack, while fully stabilizing the recursive energy level that gradually swayed under the storm of Chu Yunsheng.

A little bit past, these sturdy cardinals were embarrassed, looking at the almost faltering energy layer in horror, and the outside Chu Yunsheng, despite the scars of the battle, still slammed!

The cold sword with a big purple gas broke into the energy layer in an inch, and the sharply shaking sword edge approached like a **** of death.

They don't know how long Chu Yunsheng can last, but according to the previous desperate play, they have no doubt that this person is to spell out this body, and they will kill them with the power of the cardinal!

They were forced to be there without any means.

The recursive energy level swayed again, and there were signs of collapse in many places. The purple sword front is getting closer to the bloodthirsty arrow!

At this time, even the leading card is constantly looking in one direction, as if waiting anxiously.

Once again, I replaced the cardinal in front of me. I looked at Chu Yunsheng’s body with a scar. The heart was tight. If it died, what should it do? Do you really want to die together?

Why do you want to put the dark pistol into the blue circle behind you at the beginning?

It wants that if the previous card machines are not dead, at this moment, waiting for an opportunity to assassinate once, it will succeed!

It’s a pity... Wait, it suddenly remembers a “person”!

Its gaze quickly moved to the side of the void, where a figure of Xiao Xiao was rushing toward Chu Yunsheng at high speed!

In the screams of multiple cardinals, the order of the recursive level is finally disrupted, and only a single blow will collapse.

But if he makes another blow, he will have to be hit by the shadow from the dark!

What will he do?

Once again, the cardinal that was replaced by the back was staring at the sharply shaking purple sword!

Then, it finally breathed a sigh of relief, the strength of the whole body seemed to be drawn against the power of the almost exhausted cardinal, and the eyes looked at Chu Yunsheng, who was leaving at high speed.

He did not hesitate to give up the final blow!

He doesn't want to die? Yeah, who wants to die?

It looked at the cardinal who almost saved everyone. If it weren't for this latent person who almost forgot it, maybe it is now the body of the land.

"Adults finally got rid of time and space!"

At this time, a cardinal surprise said in one direction, a kind of death and escape, a generalized joy, full of its tone.

As a cardinal of the ruling party, they have not seen such mood swings for many years!

And the cardinal that had been replaced by the back, still can not help but look at Chu Yunsheng.

In this eye, it suddenly disappeared!

I saw, in the deep air, before the blue big array, I don’t know what has become a bow-shaped rifle, gathering a very bright blue light, and Chu Yunsheng, who flies back, is in the space and is pulling open. Bowstrings, arrows point to them, and where the adults are coming!

The sword of purple gas hanging in the sky is sweeping the source of the source with the power of terror!


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