Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1076: Come again!



"The first time, the battle of Rokko!"

Chu Yunsheng said that he would fly away. In the middle of the journey, he took the sword of purple gas hanging from the top of the sky and rushed to the figure that was coming out of the particle.

Passing through the five floating corpses in space and the four heavy-handling machines that are desperately trying to escape, Chu Yunsheng did not stop for a while, even brushed a cardinal that was so close to the sky, and still flew like a meteor. There is no sword, no one second, and it kills the shadows in the distant particles.

These cardinals were used by the figure in a very powerful way, sent to the war in advance, as a striker plus time delay, otherwise Chu Yunsheng and the entire fleet have already broken through, they may still be in other distant ten Source.

It is absolutely a way to send thirteen cardinals to a distant space destination at a sub-speed of light, and to keep life alive!

Chu Yunsheng does not know the specific ability of life above the source gate. He only knows that the way the source life is bound by this kind of work is bound to be limited.

Otherwise, it should appear in the first place, and then kill yourself and the entire fleet as quickly as possible, instead of having 13 cardinals first, and when he defeats them, it will be foolish to stay in the final shot.

At the expense of the 13 cardinals, they are also to be stopped. This determination is doomed to have only one side living out of the cold galaxies today!

In the dark space of the distance, the power of segregation is still trying to reverse the flow of particles in the air, but it can't stop it from stepping out of the figure. A small figure from the palm of your hand, the more "going" the bigger. At this moment, Chu Yunsheng only flew half way, it is already half the size of people.

Every time it goes out of the turbulent flow, it becomes a big point. The whole battlefield seems to be clenched by an invisible hand. From Chu Yun to the underground, one life seems to be pinched in an invisible hand. .

Cardinal source door, palm control!

At this moment, the perfect embodiment.

Chu Yunsheng once again ushered in a large number of elements. Run all of its body strength, toward its half-size figure, killing four swords in a row -

Deviation, Jianxiao, unloading, breaking thorns...

The sword-style combo went away, and Chu Yunsheng’s sword followed.

The power of segregation sweeps across the battlefield for the second time. Struggling to break the invisible hand, and then quickly swept the image to the source.

Chu Yunsheng's body suddenly became loose, and the speed suddenly increased a bit.

In the fleet behind him, many people have been bound by the invisible hand, and more people have gone from the ghost door.

In the control cabin of the flagship, the fallen person was immediately towed away. The new person is replaced, the fuselage can be like this, and the same is true in the ship... No one mourns again, no one is crying again, only fighting in the end.

distance. After Jian Xiao followed the analysis, he hit the figure that was getting bigger and bigger but still being shackled by the turbulent flow. Then, the third sword-style sword flow, and finally the slashing sword light flashed away.

In the narrow space, the four swords are mutually excited, and the rapid increase is rising. The powerful killings distorted the space.

From a distance, it seems as though the dark figure has been smashed into fragments, broken, and again and again, again and again, tearing again and again, and so on.

The four cardinals, which were seriously injured, especially the long-term cardinal, tried their best to flee toward the only source here, and dared not look back.

Finally rushed to the chaos of the particles, Chu Yunsheng, and looked indifferently to it to hit a four-step wood fire.

The four-sword-style combo almost took the time to replenish the body that he had just added.

The amount of energy stored in the third-order element is not much, and a large number of runes are required to be piled up. The consequence of repeated mass replenishment is the collapse of the body, but the toughness of the body of the worm supports Chu Yunsheng. Tolerate the limits.

While madly inspiring the camera, the newly added energy forms a fourth-order attack, constantly attacking, and at his fastest speed, all the things that can be utilized in this moment are turned into offense.

After the energy of the riots passed, Chu Yunsheng calmly stopped attacking the runes and accumulating the body strength at a high speed.

In the turbulent flow of particles, the figure re-exposed the figure, and the last sword and chaos was dispelled. Not only did it not dissipate, it seemed to increase a little bit!

At this time, it suddenly changed the direction of going out and forced a step toward Chu Yun.

No other change, just a step forward, but only this step, Chu Yunsheng will fly out, even faster than when he came, hit the direction of the fleet.

When he once again swept five pivotal corpses, the four seriously injured four cardinals had escaped some distance, but no one dared to go back and kill him. Escape is still something they are desperately trying to do.

Chu Yunsheng, who fell back to the fleet, immediately felt the abnormality of the surrounding volatility, immediately shook the fragments that had penetrated the body, and quickly leaned against the blue array to stimulate the six-figure array that had just started under the exhaustive efforts of the entire fleet. Bounce up, facing the void, forming a wall of vitality.

He has just finished all of this, and the heavens and the earth in the vast space war suddenly rushed back, and the maneuver gathered in the direction of the figure in the turbulent flow of the particles. Through its body, it swiftly erupted to form a ground that could destroy the earth. The torrent, the momentum rushed to Chu Yunsheng and the fleet.

When it was attacking almost at the speed of light, Chu Yunsheng used a small amount of time to add a larger amount of body power, and then flew out to meet the torrent of the bamboo, and quickly stabbed the second sword. Xiao.

The formation of the six-fibrous array formed the first wall of the gas wall, broken layer by layer, and the flood continued fiercely. If it was forced into the fleet, everyone would be killed.

The sword of purple gas has been rushed by Chu Yunsheng with the rush of Jianxiao. On the giant umbrella surface formed by Jianxiao, the fierce confrontation between the two sides is swaying.

The torrent of the torrent of bamboo is on the tip of the umbrella of the purple sword, such as the splendid glory!

"Change. The third battle!"

At this moment, Chu Yunsheng seems to be indifferent to the heavy casualties in the fleet, and once again flies out of the warring bow.

Subsequently. He immediately rushed to the torrent, clenching the crumbling purple sword, regardless of the limits of the body, frantically piercing one after another.

Time is flying, far away, the figure in the turbulent flow of the particles, the source of life, is still increasing. I am about to step out of the restrictions.

The invisible hand once again firmly controlled the battlefield.

It seems as if I have taken all the energy on the battlefield and gathered the torrent of eruption, and I will suddenly and fiercely hit Chu Yunsheng in the forefront.

Form a symbolic wall, broken one!

Form a giant sword with a sword and break it!

His body was washed under the torrent of water, and if it was stripped, it was quickly dissipated.

The third line. The battle of the gods was finally formed again in the accumulation of a large number of human lives.

Chu Yunsheng immediately reversed and flew backwards, only one channel to the main suspension vertebral body: "Electric!"

At this time, there is no time to talk nonsense, if you can not crush that figure in the limit. Waiting for it is demise.

He quickly returned backwards, and the main suspension of the tall man was topped to the front line, resisting the torrent of the impact.

In the battle of the gods, he once again made a discomination, and then quickly opened the bow. Road:

"The power of the cardinal!"

The next moment, another five can gather. Plus his fire, six can burst, the arrow is like a star, go away from the string!

The battle of the arrows, a blow.

The torrents shattered, the collapses were scattered, the arrows crossed the sky, the floating mans shuttled, and the forces of segregation merged into one place, and the second time they smashed into the shadows of the particles.

Guanghua once again passed five cardinal flying bodies, and the four seriously injured cardinals were already shocked and stunned, like a frightened bird, trying to fly far.

Chu Yunsheng's speed is not as fast as the arrow light, but he has fully pursued it, and at the same time constantly surpasses the limit and frequently accelerates the supplement of the body.

When the arrow of the sky hit the figure in the turbulent flow of the particles, he immediately smashed the four-sword-style killing, followed by rushing up, killing the wood and burning the sky.

In the face of the indiscriminate bombing of Chu Yunsheng, the footsteps of the figure finally became a stagnation.

But almost all the energy and the means of attack, but still can not kill it!

When its broken figure condensed again, Chu Yunsheng was once again shot.

The invisible hand immediately took control of the battlefield again. Under the constraints, countless people fell down, and the torrent of assaults once again raged across the air.

Chu Yunsheng, who flew back, is already bloody, and the eyes are snarling:

"Come back!"


"Come back!"

"Come back!"

"Come back!"


Four seriously injured card-shoulders who have escaped far away, eyes complexly looking at Chu Yunsheng who rushed past the cardinal flying corpse and rushed to the particles in the turbulent flow. I don’t know why he refused to give up, I don’t know if he knew it would be defeated. He has no other stronger tactics, why should he persist?

In the voice of "returning" again and again, Chu Yunsheng was wounded and wounded, and the weak fleet was dying, and even they were moving.

They really have to fight to death! ?

On the way back to the back of Chu Yunsheng, the figure, the source of life, finally struggled out of the particle turbulence.

Its fluid liquid form is cold and cold under the stellar light, as if there is no trace of temperature.

The four seriously injured cardinals were shocked to find that their adults were actually injured, and they are not ordinary minor injuries, otherwise the appearance of the scene should be a perfect crystal form!

How can this be! ?

But when they think of Chu Yunsheng's reciprocal attack and accumulation that has been piled up with countless lives and their own heavy costs, they are shuddering.

In the distant air, Chu Yun raised his hand and held the sword of purple gas, as opposed to it.

The fleet has suffered heavy casualties, and it is no longer able to form a battle. The cardinals have also exhausted their strength and stumbled.

The entire fleet and him have reached the point where the mountains are running out of water.

But he couldn't see a trace of volatility in his eyes, looking coldly, as if he had no feelings, waiting for a long time waiting for this day, and he had already prepared himself.

In the end, he smiled faintly, and "burned" all the sources of life, took the sword and went, and rushed to the shadows of space.


The battle armor of life, as if to hear his heart at the moment, in the source of "burning", Qi Qi came out with a sound of killing.


The first is more.


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