Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1085: Underground report

To crash!

It’s going to fall apart!

After a long and astounding voyage along the way, after three successes in the supply of galaxies, Chu Yunsheng almost forgot the technology of the underground villain.

The propeller that decelerated and decelerated several times finally had a big problem. In the fourth deceleration, it could not stop!

Either destroy the propeller that could not be stopped, or crash, the underground villain in the rush of chaos to make Chu Yunsheng speechless choice.

Of course, the propeller can't be destroyed. There is no electricity in this thing. The underground people can't make it out, and the crash can't be done. It costs more than destroying the propeller.

Chu Yunsheng immediately forced the extraction of the dark energy in the propeller, while trying to "push" the fleet back!

In front of the repulsive thruster, the two forces collide together, because they don't dare to use too much to prevent the thruster from being destroyed. A balance is not controlled. He is directly pushed by the thruster's huge repulsive force to the lower planet. ground.

The fire that broke into the atmosphere was too late to produce. Chu Yunsheng fell straight to the ground, leaving only a residual image in the sky, even during the day, it may not be visible.

For the first time, he fell into the unseen scorched earth valley, and he slammed the ground out of a deep pit. The gravel splashed in the air. He had disappeared into the place and once again appeared in space, in front of the propeller. Continue to manually increase the attitude of the fleet.

For the second time, he fell into the sea. At high speeds, the sea was as strong as an iron plate, and at the moment of breakdown, there was a fragmentation of solid water.

For the third time, he was smashed into a cave. There were a lot of panicked humans around, but they had not waited for them to see what was going on. Chu Yunsheng disappeared again in the same place.

the fourth time. the fifth time……

In a short period of time, the number has broken through 100, and it is almost a thousand times.

Repeated manual fine-tuning not only knows how many adjustments have been made, Chu Yunsheng is shot down to the surface of the planet again and again like a cannonball, then disappears and returns to space.

If it is not the strength of the body of the worm. At this moment, I have been unable to support such a high-speed repeated fall.

Once again, he was shot down. In addition to trying to control the underground people of the fleet, Chu Yunsheng did not know how many times it was. This time, he was led to a "camp."

The body life in the "camp" has quietly left, and the primitive creatures can't see Chu Yunsheng's figure, but it is clear. It is a strange high-speed life. And it is a cardinal life.

Seeing that Chu Yunsheng was there to reciprocate and shocked, it suddenly felt very "toothache". The whole "person" seemed to be bad. Although the garden did not absorb the source of life it needed, it had to hurry. How far to run.

The appearance of the mountain of God caused the chaos of the camp, and the heads of the Wuhuan squatted down, and the endless bodies were all in the direction of the glorious mountain.

The behemoth was shocked and violently opened its shackles. It tramples on flesh and blood, and it has no wisdom. Out of the panic of animal instinct, the behemoths that swayed into the scorpio were screaming.

Its sound is not very large, but it has the penetrating power of the beast. The infrasound generally kills the small primitive people around it in pieces, and the death is extremely terrifying - the eyeball is prominent, the tongue is vomiting, the internal organs Deformation is broken, and hemorrhoids are bleeding.

The original crowd was screaming and screaming and fleeing. They had not had time to think about why the fierce behemoth dared to provoke the **** from the starry sky, and saw the behemoth that was still mad at the last moment, and suddenly became a **** fog in the next moment. Shoot it.

No one knows what happened, like the wrath of the gods, and a thunderous punishment from the sky!

After the blood fog has dissipated, the behemoth has disappeared, leaving only a huge deep pit on the ground, which seems to be a great deterrent to the gods!

The original crowd once again squatted down, compared to the last excitement, this time there was a lot of fear.

The high-pitched voices of the past, also squatting on the ground, shivering, not much better than them.

They know more about the power of the wrath of the gods than the primitive people.

At this time, Chu Yunsheng has returned to space, and after numerous reciprocal fine-tuning, the crumbling fleet finally found a balance between the gravity and thrust of the planet.

The fleet of a ship model also began to autobiography around the axis of the planet, which appeared to be captured by the gravity of the planet to become a satellite to eliminate the huge tearing damage of the tidal force to the fleet.

During this time, the underground people who control the spacecraft have been cold and cold. If Chu Yunsheng can't persist, if they can't adjust the technology at the fastest speed, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The command module has even ordered that the organization be ready to evacuate.

Fortunately, after great efforts, I finally stopped the battleship that accelerated the rushing to the planet under the superposition of gravity and propulsion. Then I had to hurry to repair the propeller. Although it could not be built, in order to ensure the long-term navigation, electricity produced a standard amount. Maintenance spare parts redundancy.

The problem of simply repairing the underground man is not big.

"Send someone to look down."

Chu Yunsheng was also stunned by this pass. He confirmed to the flagship through a semi-transparent communication device: "The situation is somewhat different from the previous exploration. There are quite a few strange camps below, which have strong dark energy fluctuations."

On the way, it is impossible not to launch the detection aircraft first, mainly to scan the existence of high-energy fields. After confirming that there are no obvious targets, other detailed data are still under investigation, and the propellers are out of control, all the way along the new interstellar chain. The road rushed over.

Every time, the fleet flew out of a ground-based aircraft carrying a large number of new fighters, and entered the atmosphere of this bleak and ridiculous planet.

In the night sky, there was a magnificent scene at this time, hovering high in the mountains of the sky, as if flying out of the shining gods, swallowing the clouds in the sky, gathering apart, then separating, flashing, waves Clouds, scented...

On the ground, countless circles, tribes in the wilderness. They were horrified at the miracles they had never seen before.

When a new type of fighter appeared in the circle above the tribal leader's circle, the smooth lines were full of technological beauty, and the flashing colored lights were in this primitive world. It is very abrupt, and the huge gap creates a strong sense of mystery.

The original crowd was buried lower. They couldn't understand why they could fly in the sky. They couldn't understand what the glare of the light was, and they couldn't understand what it was.

They prayed devoutly and in awe at the warplanes, as if this was God...

But they don't know that the two underground people in the fighter plane are even more nervous than them. When I saw so many primitive people at once, the two were new supplements, and no one dared to go ahead. After discussing each other, they had to decide with a method similar to stone scissors.

The underground man who eventually lost, wore protective clothing and repeatedly checked his own weapons and ammunition. then. In the gaze of the companion, open the hatch, take a deep breath, and lift the leg and go out.

At this historic moment, there were no reporters, no flashlights, and only two timid little men.

When the unlucky one is in the ground, it is protected by the illumination beam of the fighter. The moment when I stepped down the fighter plane, the densely primordial man suddenly burst into a burst of excitement:


Unspeakable shouting. Let the little man who was so nervous that he almost frightened and fell a little. The next moment, it turned around and ran, flying back to the fighter.

Then, I saw the new fighter that shines with the light of war. In the middle of shaking, I panicked and hurriedly pulled high, and disappeared into the night sky.

The original crowd in the circle raised their heads again, but they could not see them. They were all horrified, thinking that they had made any move, angered the gods, and felt extremely uneasy when they thought of the punishment that the gods were about to drop. stand up.

At this time, the two underground people in the fighter plane are doing record conversations -

"Dan Danya, what did you see?"

"They have a lot of people..."

"how many?"

"A lot, a lot, anyway, a lot, we can't cope, ask the team to support it!"

"How do I see them as primitive people?"

"Or else you will go down next time!"

"Okay, okay, then ask for support."


Not long after, a full-armed warplane roared and the team armed to the teeth appeared neatly.

This is a cultivation team. The integration of the army is still being adjusted. The blood group and the silver army are all supplemented. The team that is temporarily recruited is a new team composed of cold stars.

Integration, it sounds very good, in fact, chaos.

Most of the five ethnic groups' systems were completely established on the feudal system. They were forced to form a team. As a result, it turned out to be a noble warrior with a group of slaves...

The Cold Star military system is much advanced, and the various military laws are also very complete. There are mature rules and regulations, and they can adapt to advanced weapons. But the problem is that other races simply cannot accept many of their terms, even customs. The concept is seriously conflicting.

Of course, they themselves have problems. Various clergymen are eccentric, and the right to teach and the military power of other races often clash.

In addition, as a defeated person, even the old and the rough card people feel that their set is barbaric and backward. This kind of thing is simply unclear.

However, in the chaos, what can be drawn out is only the Cold Star army that has perfect mechanism and efficiency. The underground villain is mainly responsible for all kinds of fighters, and things on the ground, they do not want to control.

The emergence of this team in the circle, the original crowd suddenly fell into a big panic!

The team members did not dare to care about it. After all, it was a strange planet. The underground villain said it was very serious in the intelligence.

They are lined up in a formation that can be battled and screened at any time. With arms in hand, safety bolts all open, bullets on the raft, taking a neat and powerful step, step by step approaching the terrible primitive man in the panic, searching towards the dark energy head And go.

A series of weapons directed the light beam to sweep away the primitive person. In a tense atmosphere, a young and thin primitive girl was probably scared, trying to stand up and run away from the team members who were getting closer and closer to her. The child caused riots.

In the dark, many primitive people who were nervous to extremes hid behind. More people were running like headless flies, screaming in horror, running in chaos, and rushing to the team members.

The language is unreasonable, and there are reports of the underground villain... The inexperienced team captain fired a gun and caused a bigger confusion.

Suddenly crowds crowded to the team, nervous players, do not know who it is, seems to see the shadow of the behemoth behind them, the first to open fire!

Suddenly, bullets and light are intertwined in the night sky!

The new fighters with full weapons opened in madness, flesh and blood, and people fell like tides...




The signal of the alert generally spreads to the entire landing army.


Oh, I saw the middle of the chapter as a comedy.

The first is more.

^(To be continued.)

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