Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1272: Siphon

Chu Yunsheng, who is in the grave of the star, moves to the starry sky in one step, and a white shadow gaze at the direction of the natural source group in the dark.

The darkness that plunged there was like a piece of cosmic black cloth that obscured a starry sky.

Starlight whirls, it is a very incredible phenomenon, things are still there, "eyes" can also be seen, but the consciousness in zero dimension does not know.

It is not the "eyes" but the "heart" that is hidden.

It sounds a bit esoteric, but it is not a solution. When the consciousness of life cannot be perceived, there are tools created by intelligent life to make up for the shortcomings of this moment.

The icy detection machine faithfully records the information that it has never interrupted, and then analyzes and judges the program, and finally passes it to the executing unit to make a pre-designed response.

For a spacecraft that can already sail on the stars, automatic actuators and programs are a must, and one of the mature technologies.

As a race like the Wuren and the Zall, the functions of the “tools” have been integrated into the living body, and their bodies are naturally capable of self-execution, even if the consciousness is fainting or even dying, the body, or The corpse, as long as it has not been seriously damaged, can still work like a living, become a "living dead", or a robot and the like.

The procedural design of Prudential and Extreme Mr., even the lower life and the less skilled race, can't tell if they are dead or not dead.

Therefore, the starlight whirls. Among the areas covered by it, the first to be tested is the level of computational analysis and response of the fleet's automatic intelligence.

The cube group is far away from the grave of the starry sky, not in the center of the starlight. What you see is the far corner of the "darkness". It is only a corner that is obscured. In fact, the detection instrument can still receive the light radiation signal in the "darkness" that has been affected by the dark life, and then through the system processing. From outside this perspective. Reconstitute the signal and pass it into the observer's line of sight.

And in the cover of the center of the war, unless there is spiritual life. Otherwise, there is no angle to regain the information that can be known by life consciousness.

In the face of the five prefaces, almost at the same time, there are two "stars" of the same perspective, a darkness. A normal.

then. Its visual system separates the two star-space reference systems, one on each side, in parallel.

What it saw, Chu Yunsheng can also see it naturally. It can't see it. Chu Yunsheng may have other ways to see it. It doesn't know, but the strange light radiation has just arrived here. It takes a little while to see the follow-up reaction between the two sides.

In the fifth order, Chu Yunsheng stared at the stars for a moment. Then I stepped back to the Star Grave again and said, "I am afraid there is no response for the time being, but there should be a follow-up attack in the dark life."

Back to the grave of the sky, Chu Yunsheng calmly said: "I have seen it in the past."

The fifth order naturally knows how he passed, without asking, and then open a large map of the complete starry sky in turn, you can clearly see the position of the two sides of the war and the dark space of the dark life and the dynamic trajectory of the black wrath. .

At this time, the new light radiation came from the "darkness". After the conversion, it can be clearly seen that the dark life does not directly rush to the natural source group, but uses the repulsion to hit the direction of the source group. Partially, passing through the middle of the battle between the two sides of the war, and will be opposite to the direction of the two sides, and stay away.

But the dark space ship with dark life is in a unified direction, and the dark space ship is still accelerating. If the two sides of the war are not responding, they will pass the "above" and pass the source group. After that, they disappeared together in the same direction in the dark domain.

Obviously they are not fools. Although they are domineering, they don’t want to be profited by their own battles.

Starlight whirls are indeed the perfect way to take away the source group in the "darkness" at this moment. Even if the automatic systems of both sides of the war can respond quickly and initiate interception or attack, they only need to change a little bit. The direction of the two sides can guide the self-attacks of both sides to the opposite side of each other, thus detonating the war between the two sides of the war.

The fifth order does not think that both sides of the war will never respond, so that dark life can easily take away the natural source group and become the biggest winner in the ranks of the five armed forces.

But it also can't accurately determine when they will react. It depends on how the automatic program was designed at the time, so it doesn't know if Chu Yunsheng is the best time in the past.

Because of the distant distance, the piece of starry sky covered by black cloth, maybe there is no movement at this moment, and maybe there has been a large-scale interception and counterattack, so the intense light radiation generated may be on the way.

A moment after Chu Yun’s ascent, the fifth order received a communication from the cube group for help. It hesitated, but it was still open. In front of it, a drow figure appeared, and he did not understand: "Five orders, did you find me right?"

Looking at it in the fifth order, it still uses its old serial number to call it: "72133, I know everything about the spacecraft."

The drow said: "Why?" Then added: "I may be a sympathizer."

The five-ordered light moved to the star map: "No why, have you not found it? You have been careful, but 95827 does not care, he knows that I can see, and I know that I will not be like you."

The drow said: "My life was born before you, and I am also the third order. Don't you worry?"

The fifth order will look at it: "If you can do better than me, you can naturally become the third."

The drow was silent: "You know that I can't... but I understand a bit. You and 95827 want to get information about 95833 from me, and I want to get information from 95833 from you."

The fifth order did not deny it, but said: "I do have such an idea, but I don't know how 95827 thinks. The pseudo-hegemony always wanted to put him back, but it didn't understand 95827 at all, I don't know his horror. At the time, when selecting the task performers, they were able to stand out from the countless Zallians, even killing other competitors in the competition, and finally sacrifice themselves at all costs... it’s calm, cruel and ruthless, It’s a pseudo-hegemony and you can’t imagine it.”

The Zallians are even more puzzled: "But his current performance seems to be somewhat different from your description."

The five prefaces are also somewhat confused: "Perhaps this is one of the reasons why he is not in a hurry to return to the body from the hands of the Wuren people. By the way, the Wuren people can be reassured and the danger of pseudo-hegemony is left to the Wuren people. After all, It is also a spirit, so that it can do three things."

The drow listened and hesitated: "What do you mean, once he returns to the body..., he is actually worried about returning to the body?"

Five preface: "I don't know, 72133, although you are a sympathizer, but compared to him, you are in line with a drow standard."

At this time, the direction of the natural source, the starry sky covered by the black cloth, suddenly has a new movement.

The fifth order immediately terminated the 72133 conversation and focused all of its attention on the battlefield.

Although the movements it sees at this time are already outdated information, it has already happened in distant distant parties, but still can get a lot of important information.

From the re-established map of the starry sky, it can be seen that the dark matter spacecraft of the dark life is in the middle of the "airspace" of both sides of the gods and wars, and it is attacked by both sides of the war and the gods.

The way of attack is also very unique. On both sides of the middle zone, the torrents of the two fleets are suddenly concentrated in the opposite directions of the two mass points, forming a high-density quality center, forming a gravitational field with a terrorist quantity of the fleet, and the center It is a dark matter spacecraft.

Dark matter is only affected by gravity, and weak and weak force, so the best and simplest way to do it is to use gravity to pull it apart!

Moreover, you don't have to worry about attacking the enemy on the opposite side, causing you to fight yourself.

The shape of the dark matter spacecraft in the middle of the violent transformation, like the twisted bubbles, is violently stretched by two huge mass points from both sides, developing toward a long thin line shape.

At the same time, the fleet ships on both sides began to accelerate, resulting in greater sports quality and an increasingly strong gravitational field.

Once the limit is reached, the dark matter spacecraft will inevitably collapse.

Then, in the fifth order, we saw that the two rainbows rose from the torrent of the two sides of the fleet, such as the two bridges of the sky and the sky generally spanning the dark matter spacecraft in the middle.


The five prefaces are amazed, and the tone is not certain. The source of the two sides of the fleet is so large-scale, and it is still the source of high-quality races. It is rarely seen in the stars.

But only on this scale will it produce a wonderful "siphon" phenomenon.

The distant starry sky distance makes it impossible for the five orders to observe a more detailed scene on the battlefield. It is only by speculation that the pressure on the rapid decline of life in the two sides of the fleet is estimated.

^^(To be continued...)


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