Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1278: Disobedient, copy it

"Smart ship, the plan has been delivered to you, after the minimum amount of time in seven degrees, your gravitational knife line must reach the coordinates accurately... When you receive my message, it has passed zero The minimum amount of time, the countdown has begun..."

When Yiyisi looked at the endless starry sky in the old cold star spacecraft and lamented the power ladder that could not be seen at the marginal level, the bugs quickly passed the important information channel through the stupid information channel. Military information. [23[w]x

扫 While scanning this simple but clear plan at the highest speed, while sketching out some information that can be inferred without being written in the plan:

This daring God's predecessor, not only to eat from both sides of the war, but also to kill the dark life!

He didn't know how Chu Yunsheng used to convince the Wuren people, but the grand and exquisite structure that emerged from the battlefield just now is tempting for any race close to the macro field like him. It is no small matter.

Two to one, and Chu Yunsheng still has not directly shot!

Then, how can the Wu Nu people feel relieved that after the dark life group has been counted, Chu Yunsheng will continue to plot them?

Is the body of Chu Yunsheng really in their hands?

The idea of ​​digression ends here, and once again, the spirit is concentrated on this insidious plan, and at the same time he passes his orders to Yuya.

The left-handed remnant fleet, which has never left, has become an awkward assistant at the moment, making up for the rhythm of the turbulent and intricate details that Ziya and others can't keep up with because of the lack of knowledge and life. Under the overall dispatch of the cockroach, it became an art of gravitational attack.

Gravitational waves are invisible things, but they are in the sky at the moment. It is like a wave, appearing in sight through countless spacecraft scrolling.

Large-scale refinement of command and dispatch is the advantage of cockroaches, and gravity is the only large-scale force that can play a role in dark matter spacecraft.

At the moment of the speed of light, the moment of gravitational waves moving at almost the speed of light, they are destined to fly with the light in the universe until the moment they are hit. The target will know what is going on, and before that, the reception of information is a darkness.

A spacecraft that is constantly moving. Bringing the quality of astronomical movement, followed by the gravitational pull, bending the light of the distant starry sky passing through the dark field, carefully mobilizing almost all the power of the body above the cardinal. Finely distributed at key locations in each gravitational wave field. Like the gate, the dark energy repulsion balances the increasingly strong internal gravity of the gravitational field to prevent it from being shredded together before opening the gate.

Such an attack may not be much better than the gravitational pull of the black material spacecraft before the war between the two sides. However, under the full dispatch, the quality of the two torrent-like spaceships is still quite terrifying.

Of course, the number of errors is countless. The spacecraft that just surrendered, even with the most clear instructions. But it also has to be executed by the other party, not executed, or the implementation is slow, and there are many people.

What I am doing at the moment is like trying to gather the mud that has just been washed away by the big water, and then all the slaps fall into the darkness of the universe. The difficulty is also a great challenge for him.

If he can't do it, others will be even worse.

Fortunately, there is still such a stupid help through small bugs, disobedience, copying, not executing, then copying, "kidnapping" its rapid execution!

In the small cube in the high-speed movement, the fifth order looks at the countdown number of the hanging, and says to Chu Yunsheng, who is silent and recharged: "The structure left by the fourth 让 makes the Wuren people believe in you. The words, but if we really attack the dark life, they will worry about themselves."

It seems to have something to say, because it is also a party that cooperates with Chu Yunsheng.

Chu Yunsheng opened his eyes and looked at it and said: "I only cooperated with the Wuren people. It is the Wuren people who cooperate with the dark life, not us."

The fifth order smiled faintly. Indeed, from beginning to end, they did not directly deal with the dark life. The Wu angry talents are the bridge of the three armed forces. I am afraid that the dark life group mistakenly judges the Wu angry people as the center of their cooperation. And their drow and bugs are another collaborator of the wrath.

Since it is not an alliance, there is no unbelief. Of course, there is no promise or credit in the starry sky. The words of 95827 are probably not explained, but to make it reassuring.

Before Chu Yunsheng floated to the countdown number, he said: "After this war, more than one-dimensional creatures have wisdom, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to keep secrets. If the dark life groups do not respond, I think that more than one dimension is helping them to control. Those who surrendered to the spacecraft may become their source of life in the future, so that in addition to being wary of us, they will have no chance to worry about it, and maximize the effect before the one-dimensional wisdom leaks. It is also our best opportunity. It is."

The fifth order has calculated the evolution of the battlefield: "There is no possibility of completely killing the dark life groups. They have been vigilant about our every move. In addition, the peak power of both sides of the war has not gone far, we The goal is best to drive away dark life from the natural source group and compare it to reality."

Chu Yunsheng nodded and agreed: "The Wuren people will not let us really kill them. I always feel that there is a need for the Wuren people and the dark life."

Then, he paused and smiled faintly: "Since the peak forces of both sides of the war are still not dead, I will talk to them again."

As he said, he had to move to the grave of the starry sky in one step. This move has always made the five orders very insecure.

Every time, Chu Yunsheng wants to enter the zero-dimensional world, and it must be inside the core of the small insect's starry grave, not its cubic spaceship, but he is obviously a drow, sequence 95827...

Looking at the figure that Chu Yunsheng is about to disappear, the fifth preface suddenly said: "95827, in fact, you want to see the Earth people in the Quaternary? Is the fictional identity still affecting you?"

Chu Yun, who will disappear, looked back at it, smiled, did not answer, and continued to disappear, leaving only the last afterimage.

This ridiculous expression made the five-sequence through the dissipated afterimage to the starry sky, and became confused indefinitely.


Mo Luo Luo stood silently in his cabin, like waiting for someone, no one dared to bother, that is, Mo Changxi was also blocked out.

Opposite to him is an ordinary life, shaking in horror, not knowing where his fate will fall.

Since it entered here, you know that the Great God is not seeing it. The Great God has been staring at it all the time. However, it is not it, it seems to be watching another person. This strange thing makes it feel very Uneasy, but unable to resist, can only be disposed of.

Every bit of the past, there seems to be an unusual movement in the spacecraft.

^(To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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