Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1286: Royal lineage

Corrimin is undoubtedly a royal family. Although he is a member of this family, this generation is very thin, but the birth certificate clearly and unambiguously shows that he is an unquestioned descendant of the royal family.

However, he did not feel how proud he was. His ancestors, the emperor who later succeeded in succession after the Queen announced his abdication, had been despised by the nobles since that time.

Now, looking at a regular version of the history book and turning it to the page of 1103, you can still see the hissterious ridicule of historians:

"...they came, in the war, in the roar of the cannon, as legendary, descended on earth, the emperor kneels, no, the emperor or the prince, trembled and hid in the ground..."

Every time he saw these words, he felt so shy that he didn't want to read it anymore.

From small to large, his grades are very ordinary, and his homework is very common. He has worked hard, but there seems to be an upper limit on IQ, which makes him helpless.

But even ordinary, his parents are satisfied, his father's educational achievements can only be described as horrible, and his ordinary achievements only have a small stain, that is, the achievements of medieval history, he has been in his ordinary life. The only uncommon grade - poor, but for this reason his father not only did not punish him, but even seemed to breathe a sigh of relief...

However, countless times, when he faced the squinting words, he looked at the distant stars, if he was himself. He must have the courage to stand with his subjects and face the dangers that are not yet known.

Unfortunately, he was born a thousand years later today. There will never be such an opportunity, and he is only a descendant, a descendant of bloodlines.

But the ordinary and ordinary life, as well as the blood of the royal family, made him unable to bear to fantasize every time before going to bed. If he crossed back one thousand and thirty years ago, he became his ancestor. How brave must be, how wisdom must be, with the subjects to create a greater era. Amazed and worshipped by the group of historians...

It is these illusions that have given him some power in his ordinary self, and he feels that he can rely on his own ability after the end of the education period. You can definitely find an enviable job.

He did it. Coolly refused to let him feel vulgar father, came to a strange new ground city, ready to start his ideal life, but it broke his blood, and finally in a small office, because can no longer stand it The boss regarded him as ridiculous as garbage, and finally he was eager to show his arrogance of royal blood. After resigning with anger, he found that he was homeless—not paying the rent in time. He was expelled from the 710th Street Management Office in the city.

He still remembers that on that cold night, relying on the borrowed toll, carrying heavy luggage, the hungry and cold man who came back to the door, and saw the moment when his mother was pleasantly rushed out of the house gate, he He cried so badly, and before that, he felt that men should not cry.

Only three days later, his whole day hangs on the bloodline, and the vulgar father gave him the legacy of his ancestors, blood and connections, and found a countless person who could not get it for a lifetime. Work, the most affluent, and the space department with the highest status and power, became an enviable and promising space observer.

And, soon after, he got a chance to revenge.

The boss who taunted and sneered at him, because of the relationship in the business, trembled and asked for his department. At the moment when the space department’s majestic conference room opened, his boss’s face was wonderful. So, let him never feel a splendid pleasure!

But he did not surrender to his father's theory and vulgarity, still fiercely confronted, because he liked a new internship girl.

The first imperial capital of the Imperial College, the top student of Fang Mingcheng University, all stages of education, including the stage of the first university in the world, Fang Mingcheng University, the scores of all subjects are almost full of the pride of the day, one has all the humanity of the Yi people The beauty of the good, a kind and intelligent, so that almost all unmarried men who have seen her are full of girls who conquer the fantasy.

He has a lot of competitors, but he has never been too fierce. At the same time, there are almost no competitors because he is a girl from a civilian family. His numerous competitors are basically from civilians. Like a divide, he and other competitors are placed on both sides of the playground.

His vulgar father, fiercely opposed, has no room for negotiation. Although there are some lonely aristocrats, even big aristocrats, who are married to civilians, it is a case, rarely, not universal, but he With the most noble royal lineage, even if the girl is outstanding, in his father's eyes, it is smashed and stained!

The future wife his father had arranged for him was a descendant of the Starry Angels of the millennium. His ancestors were a kind of Yi people adopted by an emissary.

The combination of the aristocratic descendants who control power and the descendants of the messengers who control the source of knowledge is the perfect combination. Today's royal orthodoxy is no exception. This is their glory, power and obligation.

His father was able to tolerate his poor grades, tolerate his frustration and return to his home after being frustrated, but this time he would not tolerate a woman who wanted to marry a civilian into their family.

If the trouble comes only from his father, Colimin is not a headache. From small to large, he is used to fighting various struggles with his father. They know each other well, know each other's weaknesses, and know how to work with each other. A fatal blow.

The real problem is that the new intern girl does not like her, and clearly rejects all his pursuits, but he does not have no final hope. This dramatic hope comes from the girl's parents.

After learning his pedigree and identity, the girl's parents are very eager to promote them, so that the girl's relatives have formed a strategic encirclement, can not wait to see the two immediately married, and extremely welcome to him!

So, it formed the current circle, he liked the girl, but the girl did not like him, his father strongly opposed, and the girl's parents were very supportive.

Every day he is in such a torment, he has the confidence to finally defeat his father, but the girl's parents are not fanatical relatives, although very supportive, but still respect the girl's own final choice.

The war of the family made him move to the space station dormitory in the outer space of the space department. Because he didn't want to go back, he insisted on the cold war with his father's tug-of-war. He frequently helped other colleagues to work on behalf of the class, polishing the boring time, so recently I also got a positive recognition for my work.

Today, it should have been his time of rest, but as usual, he replaced a colleague who was rushing back to the ground to attend the banquet to monitor the stars.

The banquet was held in a garden square outside the palace. The theme was to commemorate the birth of the first steam engine. The square stood on the precious steam engine that has been preserved so far. The banquet is held around it, with some retro flavors.

He was also invited and qualified to go, but after trying to invite the new intern girl as a female companion but did not succeed, he was afraid that he would meet his father who was sure to meet at the banquet. It is better to look at the beautiful starry sky from the space telescope.

He skillfully opened the console, performed routine procedures, scanned nearby stars, and carefully recorded them, and reported unusual situations to the headquarters at any time.

This work has strengthened one level and became one of the important observation points because the new exploration area 56 exploration spacecraft successfully returned from a scientific test site outside Sanguang years decades ago.

Now it is even more arduous and important. Seventeen years ago, the first state-of-the-art deep space exploration spacecraft was launched, targeting an unknown world ten years away, with a total of nine crew members.

One of the main tasks of this expedition spacecraft is to establish a security alert system ten years away. Once the danger is discovered, it can send back an alarm to the planet in advance to gain space and time for a distance of ten light years.

The starry sky is full of danger. Since the arrival of the messengers, it has been a sword hanging over the heads of all people. However, over time, after thousands of years of ease and stability, many people have gradually forgotten this danger, even if they are awake. People also believe that at least in a short period of time, it is impossible to happen, and prosperity and security will continue for at least another thousand years.

In fact, the progress of science, at least from the formula of gravitation, has gradually fallen into a strange circle. There are no stars, no revolutions, or even natural satellites. People can not observe the celestial phenomena that can prove the correctness of the gravitational formula. However, the technology of observing too distant stars is not enough at present. It can only understand the formula abstractly and mechanically. It cannot be observed from experiments to prove whether the theory is correct or not.

Fang Mingcheng said that it is a formula of gravity, and that is right, it is truth.

The facts also prove that it is true.

The Imperial Capital Center, the statue of Fang Mingcheng, the tallest man in the group of hundreds of years, is the greatest admiration and worship of the great men of this era. He is grateful to him and his companions, bringing knowledge and expelling the darkness. With ignorance.

Corimin was born in the Imperial Capital, and he often sees this statue. According to his vulgar father, in the palace, there is also a starry ethnic reality under the painting of the Queen, which is not the royal family. I can't see it, he hasn't seen it, I don't know the truth.

Just listening to his father and his father's friends chatted, saying that the starry people on the painting were beautiful and beautiful, and the friend even said very little and wretchedly about what he could not understand at the time of his age.


First, the second is more.

^(To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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