Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1287: Thief

When receiving the message of Fang Mingcheng's distress, many people initially "scared" a jump.

In the signal, the words "extremely powerful", "incomparably advanced", "very large", "terrorist fleet", etc. are repeatedly emphasized, and the words are portrayed and reveal a powerful person that they are not aware of!

In this dark field, everyone has repeatedly scanned many times and has not found other stronger fleets.

However, Fang Mingcheng and others are not class-like people. They have seen the Star Wars. Even if they are exaggerated, they should not be excessively exaggerated.

The reporter who received the news urgently asked the various races of the surrendering fleet, and the result was the same. Never encountered a more powerful fleet.

Unknown, mysterious, powerful, and still hidden, and have escaped the investigation of everyone, indicating that the other party is indeed very advanced and powerful.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense. In the dark, anything could happen. Anything would mean demise.

The fifth order once again made a comprehensive and meticulous search, and directed the deep survey to supply the space of the planet.

However, nothing but a fleet of suspected light spots in its eyes is nothing.

Although the details of the fleet cannot be clearly seen from the fluctuations of radiation and dark energy because of the remoteness of the space, these spots do not have any abnormalities other than the speed.

But it was still very careful. In order to prevent accidents, the United States, all the advanced warships of the entire fleet, and the third large-scale wide-scale survey.

The result is still the same, replenishing around the planet. Only the suspected fleet that is faster.

The five orders found Chu Yunsheng, and the tone seemed to be somewhat weird: "Some strange."

Chu Yunsheng came out from the deduction of the forbidden technique, and the scattered light converges behind him. The eyes chilled back and forth to see the distress signal from the Yi-like planet and the results of the survey of the five-sequence large fleet. After a while:

"It's not surprising that this signal is not necessarily sent by Fang Mingcheng. In the eyes of the Yi people, this fleet is already a huge monster. They have never seen a real starry fleet."

Five prefaces: "Hey, I think so now, basically can be determined to be exaggerated by the Yi people. But the strange thing is, if it is a small fleet of ordinary orders, how can you find a supply planet? This kind of thing is not It may happen."

I want to be vast and innocent. Far more than a stellar system spanning tens of thousands of light years, the huge dark space in the sky, the luck-like encounter with the scorpion-like planet of the sea, is like launching a bullet to Pluto at the technical level of the darkness of the earth. . Then hit a small atom.

That probability only exists on numbers that are approximately equal to zero. It is impossible in reality.

Moreover, the location of the Zallians to replenish the supply of the planet is very secret, away from the most gravitational fairway, and the normal fleet can never leave the gravitational maximum speed line that can save energy, and run into the darkness that may never come back once it enters. Deep in the domain.

Chu Yunsheng said faintly: "Who else?"

The fifth order was silent, saying: "Have you guessed it?"

Chu Yunsheng’s gaze reveals the transparent ship’s wall and looks at the direction of the Wu’s people’s departure: “There is no one other than the person who makes the master of Xueyuan. Whoever can, except for its people, can quietly approach the class. Deaf people. Not being countered by the space defense system you left inside the planet?"

The fifth order was not surprised. Obviously, before it came, it realized that the sound was a bit cold: "Fake, this thief!"

Chu Yun rose back and looked at it. It seemed to comfort him. "It has been with you for so many years. It can steal more than that. Even my mission knows it, even more than you and me." ""

Then, Chu Yun rose and said: "You didn't notice it? Its cronies only appeared a few times, once when I left the cold star, once before I met you, only these two times, but also Not necessarily all of its true cronies.

I think it has been deliberate for so many years, even the few years that ruled you for many years are firmly in mind, how can you hide this little power when you hide in the dark? ”

In the end, Chu Yun turned around and his sharp eyes seemed to be a sneer, passing through the darkness outside the ship's wall: "You don't think it is too simple with its decisive battle. I won't say it." I didn’t play much, and I lost my body."

Of course, if you lose your body, not only is Xueyuan the master, but Chu Yunsheng himself.

The five prefaces sighed: "It does have a lot of chaotic domains, courts, prisons, and so on, and avoids us, setting up secret bases in many places in the galaxy... are you saying it?"

Chu Yunsheng smiled coldly: "It tried to lay down a suspicion, and I believe that it still has a huge plan full of ambitions, and is being executed by its true cronies, but it did not expect its own wonderful performance plan. A small mistake, the result of shutting himself up in the wrath of the wrath of the wrath, saying that every day is not working, and the land should not be."

The fifth prelude sighs: "Although this is the case, I still look down on it. I didn't expect it to steal the secret of our supply of the planet."

Chu Yunsheng said: "Reassure, as long as it does not come out, its plan can not be connected into a line. Now, before it gets out of trouble, all its efforts are our opportunity."

Five preface: "You want to replenish the planet and see what they are looking for? I have just measured that their speed is still very fast, and we may not be able to catch up with them now by the distance from the supply planet."

Chu Yunsheng looked at the star map opened in the fifth order and thought: "Their technical ability and the knowledge of the starry sky are not as good as you, so it may be a long time later than we have just found a scorpion-like planet. According to this distress signal, As well as your survey results, they estimated that they wanted to quietly approach the planet, and then they were discovered by a scorpion-like spaceship. They had to act in advance, and we were still quietly sailing, and they should have not discovered it for the time being."

Wu Xundao: "You can let the star graves rush to the particle stream first. It is the fastest. We are now about four light years away from the supply planet. This distress signal was issued four years ago to suspect the fleet. About 2.6 light-years away from the supply planet, and their speed, they may now be passing the supply planet. Normally, since they have started ahead, they should adopt a non-contact information manipulation war, and they will pass the supply. After the planet, if you find what you are looking for, you will speed up and leave. If you don't, you may have to use gravity to wrap around a few laps. Among us, only the speed of the star tomb can catch up with them."

In this dark field, the five sequences have not seen a spacecraft that is faster than a small bug to start a particle flow. If it is not a huge resource, the bugs can even catch up until they catch up with them.

Chu Yunsheng nodded: "I will wait until the past, then you start to accelerate, put a murderous momentum, let them find out, but don't let them see the limit of our acceleration, only they find that our speed may stop them They will be nervous, they will make mistakes in tension, and mistakes will reveal flaws."

The five orders were arranged immediately, and then said: "The spiritual swords on the supply planet have been taken away by us. They may be directed at this."

Chu Yunsheng is preparing to go to the grave of the starry sky and pauses: "I don't know, I have seen the Ge domain, Snow Court, no matter which part of the fleet it is, there must be something we want to know." ”


When the bug received the order of Chu Yunsheng, he immediately dispatched it.

It is only a one-shot, there is no way to take the entire fleet with the particle stream, and the resources needed are not what the fleet can afford.

Chu Yunsheng let 戥 金 金 金 金 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 原 原 原 原 原 原 原 原 原 原 原 原 原 原 原 原 原 原 原 原 原 原

At the end of the battle with the tall source gate, when the ellipsoid spacecraft appeared, there were at least two eight-yuan Tianyuan gates.

And he himself has come to the world of bubbles.

The zero-dimensional bubbles of the Yi people, Chu Yunsheng has recorded the characteristics, and has been classified, but whether it is the zero-dimensional of the scorpion-like people, or the zero-dimensional life of both sides of the war, in the world of bubbles is a drop in the ocean, more All are unrecognizable strange bubbles.

The life of the fleet near the horrendous planet, Chu Yunsheng has not seen, they are not in the battle, no death can be observed, and can not be distinguished from countless bubbles.

Here, once you make a mistake, you may not be able to come back. The scope of Chu Yunsheng’s current activities is limited to the life within the dark space of the outer starry sky. Once this distance is exceeded, it may never come back.

Therefore, he quickly chose a zero-dimensional strong class.

^(To be continued...)


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