Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1295: Powerful character

On this replenishing planet, there are very few things that can surprise the five orders. Basically, even if it was the last time the counterfeit ban was found, it was just strange to who killed and died under the sword. Zall soldiers. <><>Fiction

If the conditions are relaxed, and things that can surprise it recently, then there will be no more than 95827 and Supreme Technology. Even if it is more and more humiliating, it can only be reluctant in its eyes. Counting the first half is incredible.

But it is now obviously shocked, and with Chu Yunsheng also surprised, things are no different.

And things are like this -

At the same time, Chu Yunsheng and the five-order discussion of the situation, but also did not relax the detection of the door, plus the 713 program, a total of at least hundreds of programs from the cube, the door is closely scanned and analyzed.

Before the door was opened, there was no difference, and the moment the door was opened, there was no "unusual".

It is still a small space covered with dust. It is the same as the scene after the first door is opened. It makes people look at the first sight, or they feel that the second door fails to open, or the back of the second door is still this small. Space, there is no mystery.

As for why there is still a door, it may be a prank-like thing, or a higher life, with more high-end means or technology, so that people below this level do not know what is going on.

If this is the case, Chu Yunsheng will not be surprised, and the fifth order will not be even more, but will be analyzed immediately. Division of labor cooperation, at the fastest speed, in the smallest time. Try to judge the level of its technology or ability.

The narrow space is a closed "dark body". It does not emit light, and there is no radiation. To "see" something inside, it is necessary to inject light outside or to detect waves entering.

This process is done in one instant at the speed of light, but it is on the scale of the smallest time unit. It is indeed the order and existence, first enter, then launch. Received again, etc., a series of processes.

So, there is a strange situation here.

Looks like. The scene after the detector and the "eye" received the second door is no different from the first one. Even the same one.

However, in the "visual", or the spatial orientation of the detector, there is a slight deviation, and this deviation is showing signs of amplification.

Visually speaking, when the first probe wave enters the second gate, it does not advance along the original path, but “refractions” in the past in a slight dislocation.

Obviously. What happened to it produced this strange phenomenon. But this "thing" does not exist behind the door that can be seen.

At the same time, the cave that enters together reflects the light, and the thing behind the second gate of the photon's particle is faintly revealed.

Although the photon after entering the door is still a photon with the same characteristics, it seems that it is not the original photon.

Chu Yunsheng and Wu Xuan looked at each other in surprise and did not speak. The two quickly acted together. Chu Yunsheng immediately opened his hand and gathered a strip of dust from the ground of the cave. Controlling it flies past the door, and the fifth order takes a step back, quickly establishing a spatial separation model behind the two doors in one side of the cave.

At this time, there are thousands of programs that are constantly scanned and analyzed. From the virtual model, the strips composed of dust, after entering the second door, appear magically in the space behind the first door. The light just after is still the same as the detection wave.

After the body was completely entered, Chu Yun looked back and looked at it. The fifth order did not speak, indicating that it could not be analyzed, and did not know what was going on.

At this time, Chu Yunsheng suddenly made an amazing move, the body flew up and quickly approached the second door opened!

The fifth order suddenly became a surprise. He just wanted to talk to stop him from taking risks, but immediately thought that Chu Yunsheng had the ability to enter the zero-dimensional world. Once he was in distress, he also had a way to come back. He thought it was carefully considered.

At the entrance of the cave, the hand that Chu Yunsheng lifted out first went, and then he could clearly see that his hand appeared in parallel in the dislocated space.

Then he waved and was unobstructed, misaligned parallel hands, and magically followed.

Then, Chu Yunsheng stopped at the door, opened the preparation time for all the monitoring in the fifth order, and then flew into the second door.

On the other side, the five sequences open all the systems and closely monitor every detail at the moment!

In time, there is almost no pause. The disappearing Chu Yunsheng is in the next moment, magically appearing in the narrow space behind the first door, not behind the second door.


The fifth preface suddenly said: "It is reconstruction, your original body has disappeared!"

Chu Yunsheng came out from behind the door, his eyes slightly rising: "Nothing disappears, I feel in the space behind the second door."

"What did you see?" The fifth sequence could not detect the space behind the second door, and could not know the situation inside.

Chu Yunsheng recalled: "No, my consciousness may not stay there."

"What is it?" The fifth order is not solved, and some are awkward.

Chu Yun’s gaze was so heavy that after a few seconds, he took out the purple sword that had been integrated into his body and said: “You step back and prepare for an accident.”

Then he re-agglomerated the sword of purple gas with a tip of the sword, sent it to the second door, and then quickly and steadily stopped, and did not continue to send.

At this time, in the misplaced space behind the first door, the tip of the sword disappeared in front of the door, but did not appear again!

“Be careful!” Chu Yunsheng reminded him, then pulled out the tip of the sword at a very slight and slow speed.

Then, the enormous energy of material annihilation broke out from the tip of the sword!

If the five orders and Chu Yunsheng are not prepared, the material annihilation energy caused by the tip of this silk sword is enough to overturn the entire crust above the cave!

After suppressing the outbreak of annihilation energy. The result of the monitoring of the five orders at that time finally came out - anti-material annihilation.

Antimatter is not a mysterious thing. Earth people are constantly bombarded by particle accelerators, and they can artificially create anti-particles.

In the Star Wars. It is not surprising that some races have created them as weapons.

The fifth order is naturally not surprised by antimatter, but the surprise in its eyes has not subsided at this moment, but it is stronger, watching Chu Yunsheng, like seeking to confirm or support:


Among the myriad models that explain the origin of the universe, the Big Bang model is known to even the Earth. It is also one of the most recognized models, but like all models, it still has a lot of unexplained or self-consistent.

one of them. That is, if the universe was born in a quantum tidal explosion in the empty world, then after the explosion, the same amount of positive and antimatter should be born.

Then contradictions arise, in the extreme time of the Big Bang. Under high energy radiation. Positive and antimatter will annihilate each other until they disappear.

However, the facts are not clean, so the present "cosmos", the current starry sky, the current stars, and the present life - they are the extremely tiny part of the big bang, about It consists of no annihilation residue that is not found in one part of every billion.

One explanation is the slight imbalance, and the "hand" of Mr. Universe was "shaking" at the time. The amount of positive substances produced after the big bang is slightly more than the antimatter, that is, the parity is not conserved.

But this explanation can't explain the "hand" of Mr. Universe as "shake"? Or. What is called Yu will not be conserved, what is the essential reason, I don’t know.

As a result, there are many other explanations, one of which is the anti-matter star that occurred in the universe during the Big Bang. Many races are looking for it, and the Zall people have also looked for it.

There is also a hypothesis that there is an anti-space of tearing space after the big bang, and anti-matter that has not been annihilated is hidden inside, waiting for a day, there is a race to discover.

However, even the old gods of the Kingdom of God have tried to catch up with the end of the light all the time. I want to see what happened at the first moment of the birth of the universe, but unfortunately, without success, don't say other people.

However, the hypothesis is one thing. What you see is another matter. Even if you really see a star with an antimatter, you may not be able to prove the existence of the theory unless you can find all the universe. Antimatter, then calculate the mass to see if it is equal to the positive substance - and before that, the discovered star is likely to be artificial!

The hypothesis may not be able to explain the universe, but it can be used to make weapons, such as the cold bombs of the wrath, and the small tears of the death fleet.

Therefore, the suspected anti-space that Chu Yunsheng and Wu Xuan saw could not prove which theory, but it was certain that this was probably what the murderer who killed the Zall soldiers had created.

It has a way to artificially create an anti-space that is reflected by the narrow space behind the first door, superimposed on the back of the door!

In the same way, on the other hand, it is capable of opening another anti-space!

In the unique anti-space created by it, no matter the photon of light, the strip of dust, and the body of Chu Yunsheng, after entering it, it cannot exist in the form of positive matter, but it cannot be in the closed anti-space. They created their anti-matter structure out of thin air, so that in the positive space behind the first door and mapping with it, its anti-reverse material appeared.

Therefore, whether it is from the light emission or the detection wave, what is seen is the first doorway.

Only the sword of purple gas is not rebuilt after the first door, indicating that within it, something is in balance with it, or conservation - this follow-up involves the secret inside it.

"If it is really anti-space..." The five-ordered light moved, Shen said: "Our time is running out, and we are about to evacuate!"

It is said that there is not much time, but it is only a measure of the time of the Zall people. It is not the standard of the Earth unit that the monks used under the influence of Fang Mingcheng.

Therefore, Chu Yunsheng did not leave immediately, but stood quietly in front of the second door opened, pondering for a moment, saying: "Now we know at least what Xueyuan has made the master's person take away."

The fifth order understands the meaning of Chu Yunsheng, saying: "If it is anti-space, it must be manufacturing, or support the existence of anti-space."

Chu Yunsheng affirmed: "Yes, but they still leave a little support for the remnants. Just waiting for us to open the second door, and then consume this residue, using the huge tears of the positive space and the anti-space annihilation, Make a triggered "bomb" and give us a big hit."

The fifth order has calculated the power of the tear, and it shows in the double-door model on one side of the cave: "This supply to the planet, and within a few light years around it, will be devastated!"

Chu Yunsheng was silent for a while, then smiled faintly: "There seems to be a powerful person among them."

The fifth order goes on to say: "The things are taken away by them. We can't know what is inside the anti-space. Anyway, this action is not successful. You want to delay the annihilation of the positive and negative space. I immediately organize the retreat. ”

Chu Yunsheng looked at the starry sky evolution model in the space tear: "You sent the situation here to you. It is very busy now. To move so many fleets, you need to know the situation on the first line."

Then he looked at the second door again and said: "In any case, Xueyuan makes this fleet of the master, we must find it in the future. When it was influenced by various means on the earth, it was looking for anti-world anti-space entrance. There must be a huge secret."

At that time, Jinling City disappeared. There is a direct relationship between the attempt to forcibly open the entrance to the anti-world, and if it does not disappear, Chu Yunsheng may even take another path.

Although many things are indeed inevitable, the accidental influence has always been enormous.

After Jinling City came back, before the Arctic World War I, Ding Yan did not tell Chu Yunsheng exactly. Where did they go, only said that it was a terrible world composed of ridiculous and dead, and even encountered Have a confused giant.

But Ding Yan knows it, she can't be sure.

The dislocation of the space behind the two gates is still expanding. This is a sign that the residual forces supporting the existence of the suspected anti-space are fading. Once completely staggered, it is a huge annihilation, followed by the tearing of space, counting light. Everything in the year can't escape.

After the division of the five orders and Chu Yunsheng, they left with "trust" and rushed back to the stars.

Chu Yunsheng began a series of recalculations, with the help of 713 programs, the calculation speed is very fast.

In less than a moment, based on his own abilities and the capabilities of the entire fleet, hundreds of models that can delay the annihilation of positive and negative space will be displayed one by one.

In choosing one of the best combination models, Chu Yunsheng once again used the sword of purple gas, but this time, it did not condense into a real sword shape like the one just now, but a purple awn in the cave .

The first is the second sword style that can confine the space, then the stable rune, followed by the four-sword coherence, but the order is modified by him, changing the center of the loop and the highlight to the second sword. And then, it is borrowing energy from the fleet of stars...

In the process of the evacuation of the 戥 and the five-order organization, he will always need to stay here, and he will continue to annihilate for a moment, and will not leave until after the "explosion", then escape from the zero-dimensional world and return to the fleet.

However, when doing these things, the model has been used to refine each step to a precise level, without the need to invest more attention, the new Zallian life body, the energy control of itself. It can be programmed, and the rest of the energy can also allow him to communicate with the outside world through virtual communication in the cave.

But he first said to another beautiful life in the cave: "713, you also need to evacuate, the fifth order will arrange your components into the cube."

That beautiful life seems to be waveless: "You don't have this permission."

It is just a program. It only has a warning level for danger, and it has no way of feeling about life and death. To move it away from the horrendous planet, you must have the highest authority to establish it.

"Is not." Chu Yunsheng talked a turn, connected to the fifth preface: "It can't stay here, there is something we need in the history of its components, you can find a way to force it away."

The fifth order immediately replied: "It is already testing, you can rest assured, I have a way."

The other side of the virtual projection, one of the three "giants" of the fleet today, has also appeared in the shadow of the scorpion.

He has already read the information sent by the five orders, and said with caution: "I suggest that the bugs don't come back. In the distance, I am going to "bounce". Of course, this technology is still immature. After the bounce, we Their respective positions are not certain, but in case we cannot escape the affected area in time, this is the last way to save lives."

Chu Yunsheng said: "Yes, you can arrange it, hand it over to me, and give it to you outside. In addition, the five prefaces, the scorpions, I have to take them all away, this is not so simple, especially the last two royals. Let them protect and not die."

Five prefaces: "Understood, I have already let the 12190 compare the Earth's Yi people brought with them, and the results will be told later."

Chu Yunsheng thought and thought: "I used to let Fang Mingcheng secretly investigate some things on this planet. His report has not had time to look carefully. You can check if he finds something special or something. Take it with you."

Any clues can't be destroyed by the annihilation of the positive and negative space. At this time, compared to the voyage of a few light years, it is still a good time.

There is no objection to the five prefaces, and the planet retreat plan is being carried out, while the shackles shoulder the complicated tasks of the direction, sequence and route of the huge fleet.

At present, the news is limited to the fact that the three of them know that once the action is launched, there is always someone who can guess that it is necessary to control the fleet.

After the assignment of their respective tasks, Chu Yunsheng said: "I have some time now, you let Yanmai connect with the communication, and strive to let him break into the source of the source, our strength is still too weak."

^^ (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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