Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1303: Would rather kill it!

Time has never been so slow, and Ali almost looked at the shadow of the cockroach and disappeared into the doorway without rushing.

The next moment, he was somewhat overwhelmed. I don't know if he understood what he meant.

And now, what he can do is only wait.

The astounding eyes that shot him were also taken back, and it seemed that he did not hear the meaning of his words.

In any case, if you have already gone out, it means that she is safe, even though she is almost in danger of dying.

Time passed by, Ali pretended to be casual, his eyes tweeting from time to time near the experimental bench in the cabin, the situation is becoming more and more obvious, he is almost sure, something big!

Just as he was anxiously awaiting the action of Dajun, his heart suddenly slammed and saw that he was back, holding a new eye in his hand.

In the end, I didn’t understand what I meant, or what happened? If you understand, you should not come back. It is too dangerous here!

"Try it, I can't do it. When I take it, I have helped you." The image was handed over to the transparent box with the fake eye.

Ali suddenly heard the sound of the string, "wiped!", meaning that Dajun already knows!

The heart that he had not let go, suddenly raised it, and immediately understood why he was coming back for his safety. Otherwise, she would never return, and it would be extremely dangerous for him to stay here.

"How come so stupid!"

Ali secretly swears, but his heart is warm, this is a teammate. Never give up on yourself.

He returned to her original position and continued to look at the changes in life on the test bed. It seems to be very interesting, completely forgetting the danger.

It’s been a while. There is movement on the stage.

The life characteristics of the main hall of the sea state have produced qualitative changes at this moment, and the data monitored at various moments have manifested this change very prominently and displayed in front of everyone.

"The method of the source door!"

“Detected the yoke field!” a researcher excited.

"Enhancing!" Another source is a bit strange.

“The yoke field is rising rapidly!” The second researcher’s voice shook a little, not knowing whether it was excitement or excitement.

"How could it be so fast!" The third staff member could not sit still, and was astonished.

"There is a problem!" At this time, the third source door suddenly flew up.


The location of the test center suddenly became messy. Ali’s first reaction was to pull the cockroach behind him. Then he stepped back and quickly drifted past the door.

But his gaze, but always firmly stare at the direction of the test bench.

I saw the difference between the electric and the flint, and the singer and the squat jumped forward, rushed forward, and pressed the main hall of the sea country, which had just stepped out of the experimental container, to the deck.

At this time, the three source gatekeepers, including the Golden Savior, shot at the same time almost at the same time, and returned the original form of the source of the sea. Then he mercilessly suppressed all its power.

Sudden changes have left the rest of the people watching the horror, fleeing, and the staff members are stunned. I don't know what to do, but that's it. Ali actually found a staff member. Actually daring, not only does not escape. Still excited to open all the testing instruments, close detection and record the "source war" at the moment!

How much courage does this have to be?

Ali stepped back. While observing the movements of other source gates and cardinals, he found that the people who started this time basically followed the golden armor. The one who escaped from the third battlefield was its people. One of them, who had been seriously injured, almost died, but But saved the fleet.

He didn't know what was going on in the end. In the end, it was the rebellion of the gold armor and the people of the country.

In his opinion, which one is not realistic is impossible.

But the truth is happening.

When he arrived at the door, he found that the hatch door had been locked. Even if he contacted Da Jun urgently, it would be useless. Dajun only gave him a reply: "No one can go out."

Then, there is no sound, it seems to be outside the army!

He wants Dajun to get rid of it. He stayed here and stayed here. It is not that he is worried about the relationship between Chu Yunsheng and Yu. In fact, he really does not worry about this relationship. He cares about 萺He is the only person in the team who can persist in high-standard training. He is the person who hopes for his hopes and cannot die here without meaning.

If it is fighting, the training is for fighting, and it is not a pity to die. But this is civil strife, and they can’t play a role. It’s a pity to die. It’s a pity.

However, Da Jun did not pay attention to it, and he also said: "Captain, the door can not be opened, Da Jun said that one can not miss a person to go out, otherwise it is really dangerous."

Ali had no choice, but he immediately left the more dangerous door, and walked to the corner. The source door started the battlefield. He had no fighters, no weapons, and he died in the past, and he still died.

At this time, there was a new change in the experimental center.

Being ridiculed and smashing the body, and being suppressed by all three sources, all the powers of the sea country hall that just rushed to the source door seemed to be scared. After a long time, they shouted: "Different brothers, you, What are you doing?"

The expression of distraction is somewhat sad, but it is very firm: "Boyenne Boss... Until the last moment, I still hope that you are reliable."

The owner of the Great Hall of the Sea struggled: "What is reliable? I am not reliable?"

I am cold and cold: "Don't install it again, we already know that you are not you now."

The main hall of the sea country’s main hall opened his eyes and opened his mouth: “What am I not? What are you talking about?”

At this time, Jinjiayuan Gate flew on the stage and looked at the main hall of the Haiguo Hall: "Do you want to put it on again? Your contractor has come, no, you are the contractor!"

The owner of the Great Hall of the Sea looked at the gold armor and looked at the difference. It seems that some understand. Road: "It turned out to be the case, but I am not. Pull out the brothers, you must believe me!"

Another source of the Lord also flew over and said coldly: "I believe in you. It is us who die, Lord of the Spirit, now is your weakest time, right?"

The main hall of the sea state struggles, the power seems to have become a lot bigger, and eagerly said: "Different, pull out the brothers, you know me, we have done a kind of wine together. Also, 睥迈, I will explain to you How can I know these things if I have practiced cultivation?"

The third source door sacred to fly, said: "Of course you know, Pohang Boss... that memory, it is almost for you."

Sighing and sighing, take out a special material knife that is cold and glamorous. Arriving at the neck of the Lord of the Sea, it seems to be facing another humanity: "Brother, I will let you go a little faster, rest assured."

The cold knives almost broke the skin that was suppressed by the Lord of the Sea. Let it struggle fiercely and yell: "I am not, I am Pohangboser. I am a brother, a golden armor. You are wrong!"

Jinjiayuanmen shook his head and said: "It can't be wrong. We must kill you in advance. Just in case, but the difference is different. Just now your source has proved that you can't be a The new cardinal door of the source door, our multi-source door is here, no one has seen that just broke through the source door, it will produce such rapid growth, there is only one possibility, you are not you, you are now it Contract owner."

Some of the eyes were lifted and sighed: "Brother, I know you can't hear it, but I will kill you for killing your "people" and rest in peace."

The main hall of the sea country looked at the knife of the disparity, and quickly said: "Listen to me, listen to me, I am not a spiritual master, growth is so fast, it may be because of the merits of respect, not to believe Yes, yes, you know it yourself."

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The main hall of the sea country is in a hurry. I don’t know the strength of the place. I struggled to stand up and shouted and shouted: "Stolen, where are you standing? Hold your body!"

The thorns that have been lying in the same place all the time, the expression is more ugly than crying, panic: "You are dry, dry, good, all are your own, you are dry!"

As I said, while going backwards, it seems to be scared by this scene.

The main hall of the sea country holds the knife light, gasping, watching the gold armor who is forced to come up, and bitterly bitterly saying: "Pull brothers, you listen to me, I really don't, report what hatred, I still Alive."

Pulling the opposite way: "The surrender of the fleet brings a news of the spirit, we have not moved, only you are restless, not who you are?"

The Lord of the Sea State stunned and hurriedly said: "It is not the reason, not this."

Yan Mai sneered: "Isn't this what?"

The Lord of the Sea State only shook his head: "Can't say, can't say."

At this time, the gold armor is approaching, and the Lord of the Sea State is once again suppressed on the ground, and the voice is screamed: "Say! If you don't say it, I will start!"

The main hall of the sea country struggled fiercely, and finally, helplessly, sighed: "Not this, I heard a genus of racial researchers, saying that they have seen a magnetic life like me, by their fleet. An advanced race asked to study. I guess it is Assisi. She is not dead yet. She has my box in her hand."

After a moment of distraction, he immediately said: "Why did you say that time is running out before the source of the impact, and the expression of the action is like the last time you wear a record?"

The owner of the Great Hall of the Sea said: "Of course, the last time I wear it, can I break through the realm of the source?"

The knife in the hands of the distraction loosened, but still pressed him: "If not you, who else?"

Yan Mai also frowned, and the assassination was still crying: "You are dry, dry..."

At this time, the Jinjiayuan Gate and all other source doors have come to the front, saying: "The other can be killed by mistake, never let go of one, otherwise we will all die!"

The cabin was quiet, and the Lord of the Sea State seemed to know that he must die, and he was no longer struggling. He sighed long and sighed: "Draw a brother, no matter what, save my test record... ...you do it."

"Kill!" One of the source gates immediately.

At this time, a voice came out of the door, "Stop it!"

^(To be continued...)


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