Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1308: Dominance tool

"You are a spirit, so you can't get in... This place is a bit strange. [, w★ww.23w≮x.co→m" The childish voice then said: "Oh, do you have any last words? You immediately I am going to die."

The majestic voice was originally in a tragic tear. Listening to it, he suddenly said: "How is it possible, I am the spirit..."

The childish voice seems impatiently: "What's so great about the spirit? Just say, let's say, there is nothing to say, don't say there is no chance, you are going to die soon."

The majestic voice struggled and said: "You are dead, I will not die!"

The childish voice sighed sighingly: "It’s so naive, I really can’t help you, and I’m sorry to die if I die. Don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

The majestic voice seemed to tear in the great pain, and the air said: "I am dead, how can I regret it?"

The childish voice seems to think seriously, only: "Also, a small life like you is the logic that you can't regret when you die."

At this time, the eyes of the cold ice suddenly floated out of the black war worms in the body of Chu Yunsheng. In the narrow space of the hustle and bustle, they did not know where the power came from, and quickly formed a comparison with the body of Chu Yunsheng. It’s only about the size of a finger, overlooking the huge “corpse” of Chu Yunsheng: “It can’t go in, you have to die here.”

It refers to the nature is not a majestic voice, but the body of Chu Yunsheng.

At about the same time, from its tiny body, it radiates a line of energy like a ray, and violently plucks the body of Chu Yunsheng.

But these struggling energy lines have not yet reached the "corpse" ground, and they are sucked away by a strange force from the body. It disappeared without a trace.

Then I heard the childish voice as if it was very angry: "Small eyes, how many times have I told you? This is mine. My! You have to dare to attack, I am not welcome."

The tiny body is not affected by its threat. Immediately launched a second intensity attack in the scorpion, this time, the entire squatting seems to be on the ground of the corpse, creating a storm-like weight, and getting stronger.

The childish voice was amazed: "Where are you coming from? Is this your nest?"

It said, it flew a wave of water from the body of Chu Yunsheng, and fell into the dark clouds in the sky. The next moment, the scene of the storm suddenly dissipated.

And this time. The majestic voice is still struggling, and even the words are spoken, not to mention the battle on the body.

The tiny body no longer has new movements, watching the huge body coldly: "Who are you?"

The childish voice shouted: "You don't have to."

As long as the cold body condenses into a tiny body that does not attack Chu Yunsheng's ontology, it seems that it does not matter to other things. A person does not commit me and I do not commit crimes.

The tiny body of the finger glanced at the shadow of the majestic sound that was caught between the corpse and the battleship and was torn by the space. Then, looking down, cold and cold: "You are stronger than it, but not affected by the entrance." What the **** are you?"

The childish voice is incomprehensible and logically strange: "Oh, you ask me, how do I know? I am so annoying, you can go out. Go out."

The tiny body changed its tone at this time, watching the tearing shadow of the majestic figure: "Don't I take it out?"

The childish voice seems to be a bit polite and instant: "No, no. Leave it here, anyway, it will die right away. It will be the same if you can't get out."

The tiny body sneered: "Are you worried that it will chase the body owner after going out?"

The childish voice is strange: "How is it possible, is it not involved in rescue operations? No, no, believe me."

The tiny body said: "Save and kill, naturally there is purpose and need. I can't kill you with this body now, let it go out and kill."

The childish voice sighed, and some impatiently said: "If you just want to go, you will be annoyed, and you will be crushed to death."

The tiny body no longer speaks, and the powerful force that does not know where it borrowed seems to be very familiar with the rules and environment here, directly pulling up the shadow of the majestic voice in the tear, and tearing the space through the tearing of the space. The bad point, the "gap" that reappeared, got out.

After it disappeared with the majestic sound shadow, the childish voice sighed with relief and seemed comfortable:

"I finally left, finally quiet, oh, little stone, now we are both, we have to get along well, don't mess, listen... oh yeah, what do you mean? I tried to lie to it. Ah, unfortunately, it didn't work, but the spirit didn't necessarily live, you, master, oh, don't mess, oh!"

Outside, in the distorted space, the tiny body uses the power from the space to throw the shadow of the majestic sound directly out of the entrance, while it itself penetrates into the depths like a fish, and disappears in the blink of an eye.

Outside, in the starry sky, in the dark space, the second new ship of the Wuren people is like a distorted picture, squeezed into the gap, and then the gap gradually closes, perhaps this process will last for a long time. But it will always be irresistibly smaller and smaller, unable to pass any object until it disappears completely.

The shadow of the majestic sound thrown out seems to be unable to exist directly in the starry sky, or to distort the other end of the space, or perhaps its level is not enough, and the moment that comes out disappears without a trace.

Although it feels a huge humiliation, this feeling has not been seen for many years, but once it appears, it is still so clear and stinging, as if it has entered its soul and cannot be forgotten.

However, it finally resisted the huge humiliation that swept through it. At the moment of disappearance, the dark life group in the distance was seen through the secret law.

Then, in this humiliating sensation provokes its past scars, in the absence of a way to go, in the case of sudden unsuccessful arrangements, in the situation of life in danger of dying, it decided to take risks," Shooting to the dark life group.

"Shi Lingzun, Zall, first, 95827... you are waiting!"


Chu Yunsheng has been in the zero-dimensional bubble world for a long time, and has been quietly observing, only here, to find a chance of a fairy.

The transparent cover from the Cambrian, now in the world of bubbles, shows it in unobstructed view, can not freely enter the bubble world, I am afraid I can never see its "structural" side, it can not understand it can The cause of the isolation.

It is still the ocean of bubbles in the ups and downs. At this moment, the life bubbles of the fleet, which have been marked by Chu Yunsheng, seem to be isolated by a barrier, and if these barriers are connected, they are like a sophisticated honeycomb. , the structure of the transparent cover.

With it, Chu Yunsheng can precisely control the zero-dimensional external contact under its coverage. If he is familiar with the time, he can accurately grasp the deeper effect of the cover, and may even illusion the covered zero-dimensional life. These hallucinations come from his manufacturing.

Simply, it looks like a kind of mental control, but in fact, I don’t know how high the level is, and deceive directly from the zero-dimensional external connection. People never know whether they are seeing a deer or not. A horse, everything is decided by the owner of the hood, so that it can see what it sees, even if it has a huge deer in front of its eyes, it must be a horse.

This is only the most direct effect of this cover. For other purposes, Chu Yunsheng is still in the process of analysis and needs to be constantly tried.

But at least one thing is certain, it may be a "ruling tool", the creator is unknown, and the object being ruled, naturally, is not an ordinary life, it is too wasteful.

If you merge with another cover in his body, you may find other new secrets.

In the observation and analysis, the passage of time is not detectable in the world of bubbles, but Chu Yunsheng has been paying attention to the dark group of dark life groups, and suddenly a slight change has made him fly to the past.

The distance is not far, so there is no time to measure his flight. Only the order of the events, when he reaches the vicinity of the dark bubble group, they gradually begin to have color.

He tried it and couldn't attack it, he quickly retreated and returned to his original position.

Then, he quickly put the transparent cover over the entire fleet, leaving only the zero-dimensional coverage of the small long feathers, concentrating all the remaining power of the cover, and quietly covering the "long" distance. On the gray bubble group.

Because there are more compartments, the cover will not cover the other after covering them. Even then, it seems that it cannot completely cover the gray bubble group.

However, Chu Yunsheng did not care, and after quietly doing all this, he no longer approached them.

He still can't completely control the cover, but he has already guessed what is going on. Who can grab the "corpse" of the dark life group besides the spiritual life? And this dark domain, the spiritual life is just a few.

No matter who it is, the "bomb" has been buried. Even if it can play a small role in the future, it will be unexpected if it is used at the right time.

Going back to the original Chu Yunsheng, continue to observe the world of bubbles, as if nothing has been done.

The opportunity of the birth of the soul is not a big hit. It takes a long time to explore. A large number of figures appear in the vacuoles of Chu Yunsheng, arranged, analyzed, and then disappear.


Yiyisi woke up from the pain and found that he was still alive.

In the moment just now, it thought that he was really dying. The feeling was like tearing himself into nothingness, and even a shadow would not be there.

Then, it felt that the starship seemed to be in trouble, like a crash, the sealed isolation zone tore a huge hole, the air escaped a lot, and the machine was trying to repair it.

It climbed up, put on a spacesuit, and climbed to a height where there were already many silver legions, through which they looked at the strange and dark world outside.

^(To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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