Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1318: We are slag!

Huang Xingren is very eager to learn. Many people can understand some of the language of the Earth. Although they can't understand the strange language that is getting faster and faster, they still understand it in the first few words.

They did not think that they were high above them, and they were as fabulous as they were, but there was never a black anger who had been seen by the Yellow Stars, and they even used their low-lying bodies!

This is simply incredible!

In addition, Chu Yunsheng, a few mysterious life on the top of the starship, actually "become" Huang Xingren, no one chooses the Earth, or the Cardan.

Is their suffering coming to an end? Do starships pay attention to them?

Unfortunately, behind the electricity, they have already understood, otherwise, there must be a kind of loss from heaven to hell, without knowing the truth, often the happiest.

"Our dataized life has been used up."

Electric quickly continued: "The people of the earth are very precious now. To find the way out, they must use them to explore. The officer has already wasted more than a thousand people on earth. Now everyone on earth is precious."

Its speed of speech is getting faster and faster, and the intertwined light is still transforming the body of this yellow star. The first thing to improve is the ability of the brain to exchange information with the outside world.

The Wuwei people's zero-dimensional consciousness naturally has enough information processing ability, but the living body is the bridge between zero-dimensional and multi-dimensional world. The life level of Huang Xingren is not high, at least very low for Wuren people. With their body perception and observation of the world, it must be transformed, otherwise whether it is listening or expressing. Both are limited by the body and are in the speed of the turtle, which is unbearable.

There are usually two ways to make this kind of transformation. The first is the transformation of bio-life technology that is being carried out by electricity, using powerful and advanced technological capabilities and tools. Forcibly improve the function of weak and small organs of low-level living bodies, so that they can barely meet their own needs.

The second is the way of cultivation, one by one to open up the connection between zero-dimensional and multi-dimensional world, and to strengthen and improve, but compared with the first way, the speed is much slower. It takes even a lifetime of life, and only a single effect, can not form a standardized program, quickly expand to the entire race, can only be passed down through the experience of cultivation. Change slowly and inefficiently.

Often, this is also an important difference between the cultivation of race and the social form of science and technology. A cultivated race is likely to have an extremely powerful life, perhaps reaching the level of the source, but its race may still be extremely backward and needs It is only by the spacecraft that captures the technology race.

And every advancement in the technology race. Even if there is inequality within society, it is still a collective improvement and can be spread to every ethnic group.

In the surrender fleet led by Yan. Most of the starry races in the middle layer often develop in a mixed manner. Only at the cutting-edge level will they gradually become single, especially the technological race, once it reaches a very high level. The speed and effect of cultivation can not keep up with the power brought by technology. It takes less than a hundred years of practice to use the biotechnology.

And for the cultivation of race. Once there is a life, a spirit is born, and a magical macro field is entered, then all the technological capabilities of today are instantly pale and weak, and no matter how hard they can, they can’t keep up with the footsteps of the spirits, and the spirit becomes insurmountable. Absolute power.

It’s just that the hope of the birthing spirit is extremely embarrassing. The innumerable races are not extinct, and even if the spiritual life has not been seen once, don’t say the birth of the spirit. Therefore, in the absence of the spiritual sky, it is basically a powerful technological race. In the world, there is no peak of the source of the advanced technology spacecraft, but also on the planet, or in the void, waiting for death.

But there is one point. Compared with the wishfulness of the birth, the possibility that technology enters the macro field almost makes all the stars desperate. This is something that I have never heard of, but it is conceivable that once there is a race in technology. Entering the macro field, it will be a terrible race! !

Even the race with spiritual life is only crushed in the face of its glory.

"Fortunately," even the Wuren people, who are desperate to reach the macro field, have never heard of it.

"But we found it here!" With the improvement of the degree of transformation, the speed of electricity is getting faster and faster, and the emotions are also rare and excited: "We can already be sure that there is at least one magic in the field of macro technology. The ancient traces of the race, here, at our feet, are probably the life-making centers of their unknown uses.

Sorry, we still can't understand their magical way of making, but it can be said that within the limits of our imagination and prediction, they can create arbitrary life forms at will! ”

Then, the tone of electricity is even more exciting, and even Chu Yunsheng on one side is moving: "Compared with them, we are slag! We are Huang Xingren!"

It points to the increasingly weak shadows in midair, with adoration and admiration: "These strings tremble to life, it should be an extremely tiny unit of life that they used to make a complete life, because we don't know The reason, in the rotten world outside, remains to this day, yes, we can kill them, but we can't understand their principles!"

A strange shadow, a string of palms that does not reach the size of the palm, disappears when it is still, but it is Chu Yunsheng, and it feels magical and shocking, because he can't understand their principles, but they can feel them strong. The vitality of beating, and they are just a tiny unit of life in the district.

He left the rest of the strange shadows to kill, just to observe and analyze.

But the advanced technology that is embodied in them as if they are arrogant and crushing the starry sky is like an insurmountable wall of copper wall, which not only isolates the wrath of the wrath, but also isolates the knowledge system of the Zall people.

This reminds him of the fragment of the war map obtained from a firebug suspected in the mysterious country of the New World. With his zero-dimensional power, he can only save a little bit, and finally. I still can't analyze it until now, and the "person" who recorded this battle map is obviously too strong to be imagined, but it has been defeated. Looking at the starry sky, silently mournful!

Chu Yunsheng waved to disperse them, ending the vain continued observation, said: "Electricity, how is the fifth expedition spacecraft?"

At this time, the third anger. Crossing the flow of people, coming to the front of the electricity and Chu Yunsheng, the first time I spoke to Chu Yunsheng, replied: "For the tiny information particles here, the first-level adventure spacecraft discovered. But they can only barely record them. Half of the content, while the other half has almost exhausted all of their energy before they remain until we come.

The Wuren people on the fifth-class spacecraft, in order to record this small half before the information particles completely dissipated, use the collective life for emergency analysis, and now may have all died, but still can not be completed, the remaining extremely small part. Run out all our lives. ”

The electric immediately added: "Chu, although we don't know what the information particles are inside, but the first-class expedition ship pays so much attention. Even at all costs, plus the outside relics, we carefully speculate that it must be with the macro In the technical field, this not only has an unimaginable effect on our future for the Zall, but also for you, and certainly inspires!"

I don't know when. It no longer calls Chu Yun as "respected", as if the title is like a joke of a child. And "Chu" really has the status of equal communication.

Chu Yunsheng naturally knows the meaning of electricity, looked at the electricity, and looked at the third Wu Man: "I can work with you again, but I not only want to copy this piece of information."

The electric just wanted to ask what else was needed. The third Wuren said: "I will tell you everything you want to know, including the powerful and incredible human macro life, and the origins of you."

Said, it looked at the electricity and the Ray that was coming over: "This is the content I am responsible for, they don't know both, I never told them, only secretly to the fifth highest level of the highest level. Declared."

Chu Yunsheng added a rune to the crowd outside, saying: "Say."

The third anger said: "We don't have much time. We are going to leave here and go to the fifth-level expedition ship to get back to the core. I can tell you the origin of the cricket. According to the investigation of my highest rank, there are signs. And the clue reveals that it comes from a top-level macro life called “Eight Fields Patrol”, which has passed this cold road for the reason we have unknown, but I don’t know why and mysteriously disappeared.”

When I heard the name of the Eight Fields, Chu Yunsheng’s brows were slightly unrecognizable. If there was no second eight-domain survey, it should be a shadow, and the reason why the shadows disappeared mysteriously, he also knew that Probably by the left-handed old **** and the seven nails, and taken away.

But this series of things is presented, so that he has a feeling that it is not very good. Why do the old gods and the seven nails bring the filmmakers to the earth, and why the seven nails do not kill the filmmakers, why do they sit on them again? The aircraft that Tan Ning arranged passed through the island. Why did there be a fire worm and spore life on the island, and the cockroaches did not know how many years later, the anger was brought back to the earth from the cold star, and he opened it again...

This is the reason for his frowning. Many things seem coincidental, but when I look back and look at it, I feel a bit strange when I string it on a line. Of course, Chu Yunsheng will not be creepy now. He tries to find clues from it. And if you want to find traces, you can find the filmmaker to figure out what is going on, but it should die, or find something from the shackles, now in Ai Shi and Andi.

But the third Wunu people said that the filmmaker is the top spirit at this time, and the top macro life... Chu Yunsheng suddenly rises up to a thought, is the film really dead?

His eyes moved to the dark world outside. At this time, Ray finally came over and said: "Respect, the deep hole in which your body falls, we can't go, it is too dangerous."

The electricity has changed its mouth, but it does not. It seems that it used the meaning of this title at first, and it is different from electricity, so there is no need to change it.

When it was finished, the electricity plugged in: "Yes, not at the macro level, it will definitely die when we go in. Our current position is the "safety zone" of the first-class expedition ship trying to delay the entrance closure. According to us The preliminary mapping, here is only the extreme edge, the deeper, the more incredible, we can't get in, unless you give birth, or we reach the macro field, even then, the outside world will suppress us to death. In other words, the level of **** life like us is not qualified enough to come here!"

^^(To be continued)


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