Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1321: Was fooled by it

Where is it not considered? It’s all forgotten at all, just thinking about it, just starting to think about it.

But to say, just as it has been considered for some time.

On the side of the dimension, in the depths of the darkness, after a long space distance, there was a wave of surprises after a long time: "Are you still alive?"

So stupidly think this guy is really a sly, and mentally handicapped: "What are you talking about, I am talking to you, what is messy."

The dimension has been passed back for a long time: "If you are alive, you will be alive. You tell the firebug, you surrender. I will not only guarantee that you will not kill you, but will also give you the best benefits."

So stupid sigh, facing the line cardinal, educated the old man's tone: "Small line body, see no, this guy is sick, you must not learn it in the future."

The bug has been laid out at this time, and the identity of the other party has been determined. He is angry: "So stupid, what is it with Luo Qi? It is the master of Xueyuan, the enemy of the master, nothing to say, do it." ”

"It turned out to be the master of Xueyuan!"

Then the stupid words suddenly spurred, the enemies of the masters, it was the time when it showed meritorious service, and immediately began a large-scale invasion, while the positive color declared the war to the dimension: "It turned out to be you, show your weapon, Snow, Yuan, Zhi,, Lord, Son!"

It..., w□ "The master of the Snow Court" is very loud and clear, as if he is afraid of hearing the opposite, and is very serious, showing his hatred against the enemy of the Lord.

After a long external time, the head of the dimension does not know whether it was affected by the invasion that arrived at the same time, or was it depressed by the title imposed by it in a serious tone. Busy and angry:

"You are mine... wrong, I am your master!"

The fluctuations need to go through a distant space to reach the side of the bug. So stupid is naturally not heard now, it has declared war. In accordance with the command of the bugs, they began to use the information dimension to continuously send out a large amount of information. With the help of the darkness of life, the number of invading and copying was madly expanded, and the life of the dark life group was gradually manipulated. .

The other side of the dimension seems to be continually fluctuating in a bitter heart: "You really don't remember? You were rescued at the center of the Milky Way. At that time, you were born shortly, in order to make you survive. I am everywhere. Finding the life primitive that suits your newborn condition at the time... In the bitter star, you grow up and change for the first time, I am guarded... How to be beaten by 95827, I don’t remember it, it’s all changed! ?"

"Do you think that with the help of dark life, can you defeat me? I am a spirit, and you don't even know how powerful the spirit is. This is ineffective to invade information."

"I know that 95827 is not with you, I know where it is. It can't escape my perception, so I never thought about killing you, firebugs. Even the drow stars, I won't kill them. They are still useful to me."

"Abandoning the waste of your power, it's useless. It's 95827 here, I won't kill it. I worked hard to save it, not to kill it. I want to figure out what happened in the last dark period, It also has to listen to me!"

"Don't believe what I said? You go to the stellar system at the end of your star road. In the big galaxies next to it, I am sure there are at least one more spiritual life waiting for you! Can't go, go to die !"

"I know that your wisdom is new, you may not know what is dead, what is alive, you will understand later."

"Don't do useless intrusion control anymore. If you want to kill me, at least change it more than once, it's still a long way off."

"One dimension, let the fire of the 95827 give up, don't force me, I don't want to kill you, you have saved my life. I have never saved my life once in my life, and that time is the lowest valley of my life. Time... so don't force me to kill you!"

"I really didn't expect you to change in advance, but also opened up wisdom. I knew that I wouldn't let you go at that time, 95827..."


"Hey, how does my perception appear to be disordered, who is moving my zero-dimensional outside!"

It continually fluctuated. After a long period of time, reaching the high-speed star grave, the little bug suddenly said: "So stupid, you stop."

Being so busy and so stupid, suddenly nervous, guilty: "Bug, Big Brother, I, I will not make anything wrong again?"

It was obsessively remembered from the beginning of wisdom, and it was a long time. It has been habitually considered to be stupid, especially in front of the big brother who knows the insects.

"No, you did a good job this time." The little bug made it so stupid, but the next thing, let it not care: "I just analyzed it, I think it is not a point. Anyway, we just want to delay the time for the smart ship. It can be done by talking and speaking. It is really good, no need to waste energy resources."

After all, the bugs are still extremely stingy, that is, snoring, but also bad.

So stupid after all, there is still no line of cardinal "smart", did not understand the spirit of the small bug, and hurriedly reminded:

"Big Brother, you don't want to be fooled by it. This old guy, in that jealousy, is a famous Luo Wei. He said all day that I brought it back from where it came from. It’s not too annoying. I’ve said that there are more than a hundred thousand times. I’m still saying that the other monsters inside can’t stand it, oh, I don’t want to care about it.

As for its old and ugly look, it’s not a monster. It’s not surprising. Even the smallest monster inside is scary. It’s no match with our bugs. I also sympathize with its life. It doesn't make sense, or else you don't remember it. ”

The bug is speechless: "Oh, I think you are quite awkward now!"

So clumsy, very depressed and frustrated: "It's over, it's over. It's all brought by it, it really is the enemy of the master. The master of Snow Court is really annoying."

The bug immediately interrupted it: "No matter what. It can be dragged, and it is correct. I told you, you may be the first to discover it."

Then the stupid body suddenly wilted and squatted, and it was afraid that the little worm would mention this matter, and he was extremely humble: "I, I, I must have understood nothing at the time. I was cheated by it..."

This is true. Before it was opened, it was all based on biological instinct. After the first opening of wisdom, the first life encountered was a small bug, and it was still familiar with it, feeling life, so that it began to have its own. The consciousness also has a strong sense of belonging.

The bugs comforted him: "Actually, I know that you are not only sympathy for you, but also a feeling that you have not noticed yourself. Otherwise, you will not declare anything to fight with it before copying the invasion. ?"

So stupid is very awkward: "Big brother, what is the feeling?"

The bug is suddenly awkward, and the word is actually not very familiar. It was stolen from the life society around Chu Yunsheng, but at this time he said seriously: "Hey, this. This, you will know when you have your own insects."

This explanation has always been impeccable. And invincible, so stupid and convinced.

Only words can't be inserted. The line card that had been digested for half a day before they talked clearly wanted to explain them. Unfortunately, it didn't have the ability and opportunity to interject. At this time, in the war, the bugs didn't waste any time.

Under the planning of the small bugs, then the stupid stop of the information dimension invasion and manipulation, and began to talk with the "the enemy of the snow garden, the enemy of the master", at a distance of several hundred light years, talking about the so-called insect The "feelings" that the code knows.

Listening to the "feeling dialogue" that is so stupid and dimensionally delayed under the guidance of the bugs, the line cardinal does not know how many times it can't help but laugh, but under the propaganda of the bugs, it is not dare Life is entangled in death.

It is actually very depressed, but when Chu Yun is here, the little bugs have to listen to more obedience, how docile and docile, Chu Yunsheng go, face it, it is to know how to do more tricks. If you bully it, you will bully it. If you have more violence, you will have more violence. You can live a long line of body and break it into countless pieces.

However, it also knows that the main task now is to delay the Galaxy overlord and let the squad's fleet safely reach the triangular galaxies to complete the much-needed supply.

But if the Galaxy overlord is not arguing that the side of the triangular galaxies, the giant singer of the Vega, is waiting for them, it would be terrible.

The bug should have been considered, and even the reminder has been given to him. The little bug that he knows is not a careless bug. On the contrary, the mind is very fine, just because of its realm, it is to help and can’t help. .

Listening to the dialogue between the little bugs and the stupid and the galaxy overlord's long time and space, the line card has been worried more than once in the heart, and if they don't raise the realm again, I am afraid they will get farther and farther away from them until they can't keep up.

It also remembers that when Chu Yunsheng came over last time, he said that it was indeed timid, but also said that its life itself is still good, and let it watch the process of deduction, although Chu Yunsheng is exhausted. Death, but it never looked at the birth of the spirit, the source of the peak is what it can not think of in this life.

Nowadays, it also melts a little natural source that the bugs save it. It also has a reference to the practice of deriving the law. It is the time to rise up and cultivate, catch up with the bugs and be so stupid.

Regardless of whether the Galaxy Overlord is true or false, it faintly feels that once the fleet reaches the triangle galaxy, there will be an unprecedented battle!

The entire fleet, including the Star Grave, will be able to kill more than 99% of the lives in this epic battle that may straddle the vast star system!

Weak races, weak lives, all will be cruelly crushed under the warships.

Continue to ask for the end of the month!

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