Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1326: They are coming

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In the darkness, a white light is shining. When Chu Yunsheng and others are about to fall to the rotten ground, they will come to the moment and stand for a moment, revealing the beautiful body, watching Chu Yunsheng, quickly exchanged instructions from the picture. The simple meaning of the beginning of the exchange, after a while, the translation of the language is completed, saying:

"The transgressor, you are welcome to come to our side, you are the eleventh successful and cross-border life for so many years, and our thinkers invite you to the eternal road."


In the dark, 戥 led the fleet and was still in the long voyage of the triangle galaxy.

Chu Yunsheng has been away for a long time, and there has been no new news. The last information sent by the bugs turned out to be the galaxy overlord at the source of the noise signal!

The bug said that it would be so stupid that it would drag the Galaxy overlord and let them rush to the triangle galaxy to complete the supply as soon as possible. Until now, there have been no signs of the Galaxy overlord catching up, but the bugs seem to stay away from them and disappear. In the dark universe of shackles.

The fleet was still calm, and the information sent by the bugs was not spread out, so as to avoid unnecessary panic. Since the small event of Xiao Changyu, the whole fleet went up and down to the galaxy. £↑“Examining”, there are all kinds of sayings. Some people say that it is installed. Some people say that it has a bigger conspiracy. Others say that it may have problems at that time. In short, no one thinks it is “weak”.

But one thing is not changed. The people of the whole ship have no good feelings, it does not belong to either side of the war. At most, they are wild spirits and they peep at them. Obviously an unwelcome spirit.

In the early childhood education system of some lower races, the Galaxy overlord was added with the times and portrayed as a villain and an enemy full of evil.

In some of the higher races, it appears in another way, analyzing and simulating the countermeasures that its own races and warships should take when it emerges as an enemy.

Dess finally relied on the recommendation letter of the Cold Star team members and became a volunteer under the squad of the main experimental team of the National Palace of the Sea. He has accepted thousands of "inhuman" experimental observations, and his body is not filled with pipes. . It was covered with various analytical sensors. Once, he almost died on the test bench because of instrument errors.

Although the death compensation is extremely rich, he cares about the rapid progress of his own cultivation in the recent period. With the help of the squad's experimental purposes, he has already opened up the boundaries of his compatriots far and wide.

However, this is still not really what he really cares about. Today, it finally became a reality, because his outstanding performance, after reporting through layers, finally caught the attention of the main hall of the sea. Today, the legendary source of the fleet will meet him "intimately" in the laboratory.

This is his chance. It is his real chance to enter the stars!

He doesn't have the royal lineage like Corimin, and he can get the benefits of the Zall. There is no "insidious" that Nikaer is in his mind, and Koliming can be used to kidnap interest. Everything about him must be won by him in the next step of the existing resources.

Both Ma Mingcheng and the Cold Star team are his resources. He carefully maintains these resources, abandons the useless resources, and crawls hard and firmly on the extremely long ladder of the stars.

Wearing a strange test suit, Dess waited quietly for the arrival of the big man.

After about an hour or so, the late Haiguo Hall Lord finally appeared outside the hatch, and the members of the scientific research squad were all greeted. He was not qualified. He could only sit alone on the test bench of the platform, like animals. The same was abandoned here.

But he didn't feel like this at all. He felt that his current step position should be treated like this. If he waited for the ladder position of the main hall of the sea, he would naturally be treated accordingly.

"You are the kind of Dess recommended by Ali?" The head of the sea country now has a lot of time, there is time to look at the report of the squad about the origin of the Dess, and see that it is recommended by the Cold Star team, it is thought to be Ali explained Come.

Of course, it only recognizes a limited number of people in the Cold Star team.

"Yes, adults." Dess did not try to explain with honesty that he was not recommended by Captain Ali, but recommended by the team members to enjoy the appreciation of the Lord of the Sea.

A big man like this doesn't care about such a small thing who recommends it. Explaining it is awkwardness, wasting precious time for big people, and that is the expression of ignorance.

The head of the Great Hall of the Sea shook his head and said: "Don't call me an adult. This name has been heard for thousands of years. You are now a member of us, just call me captain."

Dess did not tremble and said that he did not dare, but immediately responded: "Yes, captain."

This captain is naturally the captain of the research team of the main hall of the sea state.

The main hall of the sea country is very satisfied with the performance of this kind of Yi people, without its effort to force, of course, some people, such as the difference, it is now upgraded to the source, there is no way, can only let each hall The screaming of the Lord's main hall, a bite of his teeth pulled down his face and asked for nothing.

And because of the excellent report of the 82nd squad, let it have some good feelings for this kind of Yi people, they said: "You are a kind of slut, it is the race that Mr. Chu values, the experimental work for you, I will and the corps After the people have negotiated, I will make new adjustments for you, and I will be responsible for them."

Regarding the name "Mr. Chu", Dess has heard it many times. It has already been made clear that this is a "Earth Man" that even the Zallians have to obey. It is the top and the end of the interstellar ladder of this fleet. High above.

There used to be a kind of human rights, and I met a person from the world who claimed to know "Mr. Chu". Later, I heard that this earth person was just a broken family, but at that time the powerful man did not dare to carry it.

Of course, today he has not expected to be able to reach the ultimate character, that is not what he should think now.

"However. I have to look at your test reaction in person before I can make the final decision." The Lord of the Seas added another sentence.

It is like this. If this type of deaf person actively cooperates in various experiments, it may be possible to try to study their origins. What can be done now is the similarities and differences between the scorpions and the Yi people, and there is nothing in between.

This is Chu Yunsheng's concern. As a member of the four cardinals, it naturally knows that Chu Yunsheng now releases the "regulation" of it, and it has also successfully become a source, but its heart is always Still not practical, worried about which day, Chu Yunsheng suddenly "smashed" it from its current position. Then throw it into the training cabin of 睥迈, month after month, year after year, endless terrible cultivation.

To understand the origins of the Yi people, it is something that can satisfy Chu Yunsheng. Although the best research object is the monk-like royal family, even if it has recently combined more advanced races in the fleet, it is completely incompetent in strength. The Zall people are in the same breath, and the ancestral royal family has been dealing with the Zall.

Therefore, it is very compatible with the test. Des, who has a certain ability, has become its first choice.

Upon hearing this, Dess did not expect that he had successfully climbed the line of the main hall of the sea state so quickly, and some were unexpected. But still calm, with the 82 squad, did a subject test today. The process of completion is not perfect, but it is true. The main hall of the sea country is still satisfied.

After it left, Dess tiredly took off the test clothes. The eyes are full of expectations.


With the deep flight of the fleet, the shackles and the five prefaces completely lost the news of the bugs. Although they knew that they would meet in the triangle galaxies in the future, the loss of connection at this time is even more worrying. I don’t know if it is dragging. The Galaxy Overlord is still dead.

The consumption of resources is increasing, a large number of weak fleets are being demolished, and many unnecessary tests that consume large resources are also banned. The primary task of the whole ship is to fight for all resources and support the triangular galaxies.

But at a distance of less than one million light years from the triangular galaxies, the 戥 and the fifth order received many cluttered signals from the triangular galaxies. These signals came from a million years ago and after analysis, they turned out to be death help signals.

I don’t know who to ask for help, but these distress signals from different lives all describe a horrible “ghost” that is killing all life.

Soon after, the 戥 and the fifth order received signals from the Vega, and there was a war on their side, and this war has now lasted for a million years if it is not over yet.

Finally, based on all the signals integrated in all analysis, I think that in the first galaxy "ghost", after the ghosts slaughtered a small number of life races in the galaxy, the ghosts attacked the more massive Vega, at the edge of a certain planetary system, they The first encounter, and then began a million years of interstellar blood.

I still don't know who lost and won. Although there is no distress signal from the female genius of the Weaver Galaxy, it does not mean that they are still alive.

The most strange, after repeated analysis of the 戥 and the five orders, found that this "ghost" does not belong to any side of the war!

In the follow-up voyage, the signals that continue to be accepted are analyzed again. The fifth order first finds that the direction of this ghost landing triangle information seems to be related to the Milky Way.

"I suggest to continue sailing." He sent a message to the five prefaces: "If they have a win or loss now, we can't make a U-turn, and there is no place to add. We won't care about us, we have a chance to leave."

These five days have been considering whether to slow down or not, and weighed repeatedly: "95827 has not come back yet, now we have pseudo-hegemony, before and after the ghost war, and the dilemma, but staying here is definitely a way of thinking, just follow what you said, Keep going!"

It is not easy to make this decision, especially when it is impossible to contact Chu Yunsheng and the small bugs. The surviving cubes and the commanding ability of the Zall people cannot be compared with the enemy analyzed from these signals. Directly counterbalanced.

For the sake of the present, only the adventure to the triangle galaxy, if successful, supplemented, perhaps there is still the possibility of a war.


On the other side of the dark space, the bug is recovering from the particle stream.

So stupid is still reading the manuscript with the dialogue outline given to him by the little bug at the end of the dimension. It is a little sleepy. Is it necessary to curl up the round body and continue to "sleep".

Although it is a manuscript, the overlord of the dimension does not know the truth, and every sentence seems to be treated seriously and replied.

The little bug that just reverted to the star grave suddenly did not raise the manuscript. The line cardinal was forced to hand over his own manuscript to the stupid way according to the trapping mechanism. At this time, the bug came: "Not good, triangle The galaxy has an accident."

Its voice has not yet fallen, and the latest information of the overlord at the end of the dimension has also been passed over. Apparently its position is closer to the triangular galaxies: "One dimension, little bug, you must follow me immediately!"

Its words, then stupidly read out, the little bug immediately said: "Ask it know what?"

In fact, without asking the bugs, the self on the dimension then explained: "Things in the Milky Way are much more complicated than the 95827. They are coming. Now is the precursor to them. We can't beat them. To escape, the farther you escape, the better."

So stupidly, according to the instructions of the bug, he was unable to carry out the work of losing points of excitement. He read the manuscript: "Who are they?"

The dimension replied: "It is useless to say who they are talking to you. You don't know, 95827 knows!"

Then stupidly continued to succinctly read: "You don't say how we know we don't know, let's talk quickly."

The latter "Quickly Say" is added by itself, not on the manuscript.

The dimension is obviously a little depressed. "We said that you will not believe it. I don't dare to talk about it. I don't have time to talk from the beginning. In short, you can quickly escape with me. They are fierce and kill everything they encounter. life."

So stupid and read: "You don't say, I won't go."

The dimension says: "I don't want to go, I am leaving!"

But after a long silence, it sent a signal from another direction: "You really don't go?"


On the decaying earth, the beautiful living body in front of Chu Yunsheng continued: "We will be responsible for the life safety of the creatures behind you. We observe that the firebugs are trying to chase you, but they can't get here, the thinkers need to know you. Case.

The great darkness is coming, they are coming, the firebugs are going to destroy this place, we have to organize them, otherwise we will have no refuge.

Now we are working hard to attack the places they guard, but we need help and need to be able to cross the border.

Your ability We have seen that the thinker is willing to exchange with you, whether you want to take anything from here, or if we help you to leave, you can.

No need to try, here is the land of death, any living life, without our help, can only come in, there is no way to leave here.

It is through the consciousness crossing, there is no sense of space in this space, without our help, we can not pass through the barriers, do not believe that you can try now. ”

She seems to see that Chu Yunsheng's body and Chu Yunsheng's consciousness is not a life, and the possibility of coming is very great, but Chu Yunsheng did not try to commit suicide.

In the battle with the purple Blu-ray, his body is at the limit, and he faintly feels that there are no barriers when he comes in, but now he is much stronger.

If he commits suicide now, he can't leave the fleet, and he has to reform from a normal Huangxing body. It is bound to be unfavorable in the current form.

Chu Yunsheng looked at her and said: "I know some about the big darkness. I can also go to your thinkers with you, but before that, you need to tell me a few things and help me to complete the life behind me and leave here. ""

Second more.

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