Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1329: You gamble but I

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After a successful experience, Chu Yunsheng has become more proficient in re-crossing the dividing line. The core mechanism of Rune is the decisive factor and the most important factor. Other aspects are secondary in the dividing line.

The team that the thinker separated from the ground army followed him to the sky and approached the dividing line.

The location of the cross-line is chosen by the thinker. There is a huge distance from the connecting channel on the side of the world. There is a long distance from the ground. The ground is full of towering decaying buildings, and the concealment is very good.

At the moment the watcher kept watching, Chu Yunsheng did not have any strangeness. Just as he came through the dividing line, he took it back with the latent.

On the opposite side, on the "sky" over there, the watcher sighed with relief, while the stalker raced against time and quickly moved.

Below them, the red one, the red red war worms in the sea, in a dazzling form, Chen Bing four empty, suspended floating, surrounded by them and Chu Yunsheng, all dripping.

However, their "line of sight" is all intertwined and concentrated on Chu Yunsheng's body. From the beginning, they have been more extreme than the thinker, completely ignoring their stalkers.

A purple-blue light appeared in the sky above the suspension of the Red Sea. The stalker was neglected by the fire worm. He had already taken the opportunity to escape. On the reverse sky, only it and the Chu Yunsheng one person and one worm, facing the thousands of insects.

"You can't kill me now, let one of the three bans come over." Chu Yun rose to the top. Quietly.

Huang Xingren went to the side of the side of him. When the firebugs could not pass, he completely lost the opportunity to wipe out all his consciousness carriers, killing his current body, and there will be another Huangxing person. Soon after, come back from the dividing line.

Purple light and shadow hovering in the distance not far below Chu Yunsheng, this distance, it goes up again, and Chu Yunsheng goes down, it will break the delicate balance of strength caused by the suppression between the two sides.

It seems to default to the words of Chu Yunsheng. Not as eager to attack as the previous one, what they can destroy is only the "*" of Chu Yunsheng. Just before the Chu Yunsheng escape line, just wipe out all the "*" of Chu Yunsheng. On the basis of physics, Chu Yunsheng can disappear from here, even if he can live in zero dimension, for the reality here, it is equivalent to death.

However, the "*s" of Chu Yunsheng escaped the dividing line, but they came back to be a single unit. How to kill them again will not help.

"One of the ban will soon arrive." After a long silence, the purple-blue shadow opened for the first time: "It is consciously jumping on the chain of insects. It takes a little time to recursively."

"Good." Chu Yun Shengdao "When it arrives, I will come again."

When he finished, he immediately returned. Cross the dividing line again and come to the side of the thinker. "You have already sent a batch, and you have fulfilled your promise."

The thinker is ready for the second group of stalkers, but slightly surprised: "The fire worm did not stop you?"

Chu Yunsheng simply said: "One of their forbidden ones is on the way."

The firebug did not stop him from returning. The reason is also very simple, that is, blocking. His consciousness will return, and he will return to the body of a yellow star. Instead of this, it is better to wait for one of the ban.

The thinker also simply said the first message: "What we get from the earth is related to anti-space."

Chu Yunsheng nodded and took the second batch of stalkers for the second time.

The sea of ​​firebugs is still in the air, and there is no sign of scattering or movement.

Purple Blu-ray looks at Chu Yun Shengdao: "One of the forbidden ones is coming soon."

On the other side, the thinker asks: "Monitoring, what are they talking about?"

The watcher sighed: "I don't know, we are strongly disturbed."

The thinker said: "Is there a sign of abnormality in one of the three bans?"

The telemetry person said: "Yes, there is indeed a forbidden deity who is approaching in depth and will soon be on the opposite firefly creature point."

The thinker said: "It seems that it has not spoken, one of the three prohibitions... no matter what it wants to do, it delays time for us, tells the stalker, and speeds up!"


In front of Chu Yunsheng, the purple-blue shadow trembled in an instant, and the purple-blue shadow suddenly disappeared and became blurred.

"Chu, you shouldn't come here." The shadow of the group is obviously one of the three bans. Once it appears here, it will not waste a little time. Immediately: "I came to see you from the battlefield urgently. I think you should know."

Chu Yunsheng looked at it and said coldly: "You want to know from me about the detailed past, the birth reason, and its childhood before I die."

"Yes." One of the three bans is not false: "Even if you don't say it, we can get an answer from digesting your consciousness. On the contrary, we can give you another choice that can make you a new consciousness. Under our protection, simply live."

Chu Yunsheng smiled faintly: "If I have to die, this choice seems to be tempting. Unfortunately, I prefer to live more complicatedly."

One of the three bans: "In this case, we have nothing to talk about. The space around the island behind you, we will soon enter, and it is no longer our main battlefield. There is only one cockroach controlling firebugs here. War groups, but they can still completely eliminate all life that you can invade again."

"And then you digest my consciousness?" Chu Yunsheng said coldly: "You can try, even if all living bodies die, and you are familiar with your firebugs, the collections of life behind me say that this is closed In the closed circle of consciousness, it is not difficult to invade you."

One of the three bans: "You can't do it."

Chu Yunsheng is cold and cold: "Don't forget, the black energy of the meditation is the same as mine."

One of the three bans immediately shocked: "You dare to hurt it, even if you die, we will kill your people on earth, one will not stay!"

Chu Yun looked at it and said: "You care so much about it. It really is a bug that has the qualification to enter the forbidden zone."

One of the three bans is not surprising, but still deterred: "The possible situation after the source slaves behind you contacted us. We have already guessed that they know only the fur of the space here, and the things that are forbidden in the depths. Nothing to know, meditation is really important, it is already perfect. If you dare to attack it, I am not threatening you. Now, I will die with you."

Chu Yunsheng seems to be cold and bloodless and ruthless: "I just said, you can try."

One of the three bans paused for a moment, and was scared by the fierceness of Chu Yunsheng’s rise at this time, and did not dare to take risks.

At this time, with the three bans that are connected to it from the chain of insects, the cold channel: "The present is very powerful, it can't be shocked at all, touch it and die, let it try!"

One of the three bans passed the word to Chu Yunsheng intact, and he said quietly, as if preparing for a direct attack.

As if Chu Yunsheng had been seen, he said calmly at this time: "Yes, I will die, but it will not be able to withstand death. Now I will touch its source of consciousness with the second limit of consciousness. By the time I die, it remembers everything."

In the latter case, Chu Yunsheng did not say any more, and one of the three bans in front of him, and the other three banned two, almost simultaneously shocked, and did not dare to move!

Chu Yunsheng died, and meditation on everything, then the consequences, will be unimaginable, the three ban can not imagine what is going on in the extremely crazy meditation!

Firebugs may be extinct, they may be killed, and the mission will fail completely...

Chu Yunsheng went on to say: "I just paid for a life that I have already died, and you will have to pay for everything. You can't gamble on me, so we still have something to talk about."

One of the three bans was silent for a long time before he said: "Chu, you are getting more and more insidious. You obviously will never let it think of everything and fall into the huge pain of killing you by yourself, but let us take this piece. The risk of something, you can say, as long as you leave here forever, and let us confirm that you will not come back, we can promise you other conditions."

Chu Yun looked up at it, but at this moment, his heart sighed slightly, and then looked at the darkness in the distance. He succeeded and successfully persuaded one of the three bans. However, he knew that it was really what he said. In this matter, meditation will not destroy everything.

The three bans are scared, and only he knows best. If he determines that he is really dead and thinks of everything, then it will not do revenge, nor destroy, or even kill who, because he It is already determined that death, those things are meaningless to the meditation, and it will do only two possibilities.

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