Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1334: Don't say anything!!

Chu Yunsheng lost. , :.

The bugs are missing.

The Galaxy Overlord is missing.


One by one, when the last huge threat, the dark domain, was left behind, if it was not for a long time, it has been vigorously supporting the series of "activities" of the sea kingdom and the divorce, gradually forming during the period of crossing the dark domain. The two interest groups, when the fleet arrived at the triangle galaxy, when the drow’s cube was also the weakest, there was no longer a strong threat from outside, fearing that it was already a lot of shots, and the five orders were to destroy them. The heart is weak.

Here, the strange star field, the strange starry sky, and even a piece of interstellar dust are unfamiliar.

However, they are like a giant net set by a hunter. When they just met the star at the edge of the first triangular galaxies, they were attacked by a super-nova explosion.

Explosive light and radiation 'shooting' advance at the speed of light, can not be observed in advance, this is the most cruel and common way of attack in the starry sky war in the universe, limited to the speed of light can not be exceeded, the hitter can often only wait until At the moment of the attack, I realized what happened and I knew what I was attacking. Before that, even if the fatal blow hit a place one centimeter away from me, it was within reach, and there was no way to do it. You can know in advance that the blow as fast as the speed of light will always be known.

Therefore, in the travel of the universe, there is no security at all, and it is possible to suffer attacks from other intelligent life, or the 'waves' of the cosmic disaster, anytime, anywhere. Suddenly appeared on my side. And there is no indication in advance.

It is precisely because of this that no matter whether it is a wrath or a drow, their spaceships are in a state of war at all times.

There is no safe period in the universe.

But the fleet led by the five orders and the shackles is the most debilitating time. If you don't hide behind the red dwarf star that is on the edge of the triangle galaxy, I am afraid that it will have been wiped out at the moment, and I will not know who I was killed by death.

Of course, this is also normal. At least in the memory of the embarrassment, most of the Starfleet is destroyed. I don't know who the other party is, just like walking on the road, suddenly being killed, and then gone.

“Particle-level repulsion intervention will be in the smallest time unit of three to six degrees. It will cause turbulence inside the future neutron star in the collapse.”

The fifth order to the shadow of the virtual cymbal around him shows the effect of one of the top high-energy weapons of the Zall, and explains: "It’s a pity that the time is too short, and the repulsion interferes with the body structure, otherwise the star is collapsing. In the case of it, the process of collapse can be interrupted, and then the basic repulsive force is reversed, causing a second explosion. A large area of ​​thin electronic interstellar clouds is formed."

In the use of energy, the Zall people have always been very top-notch, but the five orders are also secretly relieved. If the red dwarf star has won the time, if the material is not obtained from the red dwarf, if it is not the neutron star yet Molding, otherwise facing a horror density star that is completely densely packed together, they can only wait to die.

At the ‘door’ of death, the Zall people led the entire fleet to the various races under the leadership of the Five Orders. To the unknown hunters in the darkness of the dark, they showed their top scientific and technological abilities, and then, it was a sly task, he would take everyone away from the hunter's network.

"So far, we have not been able to confirm the position and basic situation of the other party. In the unknown information in the dark, we are known information about them, we have been eyeing it, the conventional way, it is impossible to escape it. Tracking." He analyzed it calmly, and then said: "I feel more and more convenient in the fleet. If he is, at least we have a way to know the opposite, even if it is only a little bit. It can also produce small changes in the form of information."

The advanced races like 戥, the judgment of war, first of all, the comparison of information, even the two different races, the amount of information in the universe, often directly reflects which race is more powerful.

The five prefaces have never been able to return to Chu Yunsheng and can no longer be contacted. They are still very worried. They have been silent for a while, as if they decided: "I have a solution."

I turned around and looked at it, as if I already knew what I was going to do: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

The fifth order sighed: "There is no other way."

I reminded me: "If they didn't follow?"

The five orders thought for a moment and said: "I believe in the judgment of 95827, they must follow us."

At this time, I turned to look at the edge of the starry sky and the dark domain outside the transparent wall of the cube. After about two to three seconds, I said, "I agree, but then I have to listen to my command arrangement. There may be I don't have time to go with you, I hope you can trust me."

Time is tight, and the fifth order only slightly thinks about it: "Say a situation that I may be the least trusted."

I looked at it and said: "For example, I once again "selled" Chu, this is the only thing that can touch the silver ‘color’ battleship behind us.”

He listened to him in the fifth order and thought that he was going to do the same thing as the last time he joined the left-hand side of the Kingdom of God, but he did not know that as early as in the third battlefield of the Galaxy Galaxy, he used to "sell" Chu Yunsheng. The trick, and the buyer object, in addition to the gods, and one, is still the silver 'color' battleship that may be behind them at the moment!

After it promised, it was like a long-awaited blasting of the starry sky at the edge of the triangle galaxy, and it seemed to be clear and crippled, but it seemed to have no technical content or even some brain-dead signal - who are you! Do you know who I am? I am... I am a **** country..., dare you attack me!

The key part of the signal is like a mosaic, omitting no numbers.

However, informed people do not need to say so much nonsense, they also know who they are, and they don’t know what they are. They just receive this signal. The face of the omission is equal to nothing.

This signal is sent to the dark life that attacks them with a supernova explosion. In fact, it is issued to the silver ‘color’ battleship that may be behind them, and it is “unfortunate”. The silver ‘color’ battleship is an insider.


Time has not passed too long, and the signal of 戥 is so difficult in the 'mixed' messy energy field that the supernova broke out, but the tone is extremely arrogant. It seems to have returned to the third battlefield. He used this one far more than this. At that time, the large and advanced fleet, but it was still re-enacting, it still seems to use the old and backward big horns to scream 'chaos' on the edge of the galaxy.

In the dark side of the edge of the galaxy, which has been silent, in the signal of his sinister and intimidating threats to the enemy, he finally couldn’t help it. He probably knew that the inferior tricks of the cockroaches had to be “handled” and let him be so confused. Shouting 'chaos' to go on, not only Chu Yunsheng’s identity of the gods to be exposed, but also sooner or later they have to be violently exposed, or they have been violently exposed – in the dark, 'fine' The supernova explodes against the Chu Yunsheng fleet. As long as it is not a ground-based mentally retarded creature, it will already understand that these arrogant signals are not directed at it. The target has another person, and it is the "force". Body, and this "person" is them.

"To shut up!"

An icy voice is passed directly to the dark ship: "Attack your life, it has been away millions of years ago, and we can't trace the traces of it. It is very likely However, it is easy to destroy you and prevent you from entering the interior of the galaxy. If you call it again, do you want to attract it back again??"

For 戥, I don’t care about its tone. When I hear its voice, from the fifth order to him, I am relieved. The most fear is that it is not there. Chu Yunsheng and him and the fifth order are all wrong. That is equal to the complete failure of the plan, and more information to the enemies in the dark.

The icy voice brought new information to him and the fifth order. The silver 'color' battleship is extremely advanced, and the life inside is even more likely to reach the peak of the source 'door', only one step away from the birth, and very It may not be surprising that they may come from the mysterious New Kingdom of God, who knows more than the miserable situation.

But the 戥 and the fifth order are still taken aback, the enemy actually left a million years ago! ?

The situation in which they are now being attacked is only the measure that the enemy left a few million years ago, but it is still extremely 'precise'. How much more computational and control power is needed?

"If you want to live, just shut up!"

The icy voice came again, but with a hint of imperceptible horror: "Things have changed, the fairy 'female' galaxies rulers are dying, and the four lights are asking for help, and they are not only in the midst of the eve, but not only It’s just a matter of God’s war. The Galaxy Galaxy releases *& devil*&... (murmur signal) &...&, it will always find that we are still alive here... If you want to live, don’t say anything again, all Hang silent, wait for us to come and join you, repeat again, don't say anything!!!"

^(To be continued~^~)


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