Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1337: Self-investment

Breathing is the basic life feature of creatures such as the Earth who can only survive in the atmosphere.

The 戥 and silver warships use its abstract meaning to extend the exchange of energy between life and the outside world, the circulation of life materials, and so on.

But no matter which one, the final meaning is the same: signs of life!

This kind of sign is difficult to detect if the spacecraft is still in place. It is the same as the ordinary one. Only after a long-scale sailing on a large scale, and with the ability to analyze and analyze astronomical data such as the Zallian cube can it be found in macroscopic time and space. different.

In the silver battleship and the fleet successively passed through this interstellar dust cloud, reaching a critical point of macroscopic time and space observation, the anomalies hidden in the large scale of the starry sky are only noticed, and the two sides almost simultaneously found that from this point, in some At the technical level, the gap between the Zall's cube and the silver warship is not a gap. There are still close places, but there is no way to consider these things. He must first confirm with the silver warships to confirm this incredible. Is the phenomenon of their illusion or real existence?

For a moment, the data of the two sides have been exchanged and confirmed. Since the cooperation has begun, as long as it does not involve the diversion of the fleet and the old gods, there is no problem in other aspects.

In the fifth order, the data exchanged by the silver warships is superimposed on its own data map. The entire sky-sky analysis map is immediately more expensive, and the w√≌≮t is perfected, and the triangle scales are gradually clear on the macro scale. .

Sure enough, they did not observe the mistake, there are indeed traces of life in the macroscopic time and space!

This is a trace and phenomenon that is difficult to understand. Even the shackles and the five orders may even include life in the silver battleship. It was also the first time encountered in the entire triangular galaxies. The light emitted by hundreds of millions of stellar groups is consistent with physical nature, and macroscopically looks like information transmission in life.

This kind of information transmission presents unnatural signs at the macro level, and the information contains variables of non-pure physical changes. It is based on physical laws, but has similar neurological commands like life, and produces changes after execution on a macroscopic level. .

This is an unprecedented phenomenon, whether it is embarrassing or five-order. I have observed countless huge and small stellar systems, and I have never found such a phenomenon. The entire triangular galaxies seem to breathe vigorously with light and radiation!

The silver warship soon found several important areas, some huge black holes, and some strong radiation sources, re-established the model, and confirmed with the Zall, and then again surprised to find that as a black hole in the conventional sense of engulfing information. With the radiation source that generates the information, a circadian cycle of information is formed.

At this point, they can no longer be verified unless they have the technical level of the macro domain. From the changes in the macroscopic material flow of the entire galaxy, the change of reference information, and after hundreds of millions of years of uninterrupted flight around the galaxy. In order to fully understand the strange life forms of the triangular galaxies.

But only this step, they have been able to determine. The entire triangular galaxy is actually "live" and forms a unique life. And this kind of life and they exist in the same universe, but they do not exist in the same "world". If they are in a small-scale world, then the triangles are "live" in the large-scale world, located in two Different levels are more peculiar than bacteria to humans.

"You can't go to the core area." The icy sound in the silver warship sent a more secret message. "It's a living life. The closer it is to the information center, the easier it is to be discovered."

After agreeing with this concept, he realized that he led the fleet and the silver warship into the galaxies of its life.

It may have just formed this peculiar macroscopic life. The information transmission and feedback ability in the marginal zone is not mature enough like a baby, and it is far from its center. Even if it is found, the information found may still be transmitted to the center. In the process, from a star to another star, the distant distance determines that its response must be "slow".

But if you continue to go deeper, more and more mature, the reaction will be faster and faster, a fleet, plus the silver battleship of the peak source, compared with the entire galaxy, there is no chance of winning, it will be like a virus Similarly, through the various radiations and changes in the galaxy, they are slowly killed.

"No wonder it's so quiet here." The fifth order also created a new model, some creepy: "If the silver warship said that the devil released by the Milky Way really exists, then the triangle galaxy is very likely that this devil gave it The initial thrust of life, can spiritual life do this?"

In its observational study of the galaxy pseudo-hegemony, it is obvious that the first spirit does not have this ability, and other spiritual life is unlikely to exist. Otherwise, in the long universe observation, their ancestors should have discovered macro life. State of the stars!

I don't know, this is beyond the scope of his knowledge. If you think hard, you can only think of a predecessor in his ethnic history. He tried to prove the possibility of a large-scale life. He sailed for this and insisted on finding theoretical arguments. Support, but like many other predecessors, they have never returned.

But from the military's hypothetical point of view, assuming that the devil can continue to give life to other galaxies, then the next one will be the Andromeda, and the next will be the Mirror Galaxy... All the time, the galaxies in this universe are being Give life to the initial state... He can't think about it anymore.

In that case, all the stars have become its site, and it has a command, and other life has no place to hide!

In the universe, when matter is controlled, everything is controlled.

However, he immediately woke up and wiped out this crazy scene. The universe is boundless. Even if it is light, I don’t know where the end of the universe is. I want to live the entire galaxy of the universe. It is logically unfounded. Unless it can run faster than light.

Rainbow Bridge seems to be able to solve some, but the problem is that even Rainbow Bridge, no one knows who built it initially. If it is artificially established, then the farthest point of arrival is also within the speed of light. If it is naturally formed, it is still within the light range of the universe. Never reach the end.

But what is the purpose of the devil to give life to the galaxy? Even if it really allows it to give life to the galaxy of the universe, is it to compete with the cold universe? Or find the truth of the universe and let the truth of the universe have nowhere to hide?

I feel that I think too much. If it is so powerful, it will not be delayed in the Andromeda Galaxy.

And to be assigned to the universe, unless there is the power of the entire universe, it can not be done, is equivalent to self-certification.

As a result, the motive of the devil is even more embarrassing. Isn't it going to make a super thug? In any case, these are not things that he and the fifth order should care about. If they leave safely, they are the most urgent task of their moment.

After a simple discussion with the scorpion, the silver warship retired along the original path. It and the crickets were unable to determine whether the triangle galaxies had detected them, and the rejection reaction was on the way of information transmission.

"Go to the Andy Galaxy!" At the last minute, I immediately broke the line: "All speed up the flight, fly to the fairy gala!"

The cold voice in the silver battleship immediately said: "You are crazy. That thing is there!"

At this time, another faint voice in the silver battleship: "It is not crazy, this is the only way to survive."

In the cube, you are surprised by the five prefaces: "We have been found in eight or nine. It was not discovered by the devil, it was discovered by the triangle galaxy, and the only way to live was to fly to the fairy galaxy without any disguise. The devil is there, as long as we don't go anywhere else. Just fly towards it, it won't rush to clean us up. To prevent us from running away, or to break into more secret places, hope that the fairy strong can support longer. One point, it does not completely eliminate the fairy strong family in one day. In terms of optimal choice, in order to save strength and time, it is most likely to wait for us to solve the problem in our past."

The fifth order smiled: "This is telling it, we volunteer to die."

I am helpless: "Yes, only in this way, we will not die early."

In order to avoid panic, and after the panic, each starship fled and ruined the only way of life, the news was strictly kept secret in the Zallian cubes and silver warships, and the fleets led by the seven major warships knew nothing about them. The ability to detect the macroscopic state of the life of the triangle galaxy.

The Andromeda Galaxy is actually not too far from the triangular galaxies. From astronomical, the triangular galaxies can even be regarded as the attached galaxies of the Andromeda Galaxy. The distance between the edges is only tens of thousands of light years.

Waiting for them, perhaps the fairy strong family has been defeated, perhaps still struggling to support, perhaps the two sides of the battle between the two sides have been gathered, are unknown, and the small bugs are still losing state, Chu Yunsheng also return distant……

At this point, in a corner of the dark field.

So stupidly angrily through the information dimension: "The main son of Snow Court! You, you pushed us here, what do you want to do??"

At the end, it seems to have added a vow: "Although the big brother is dormant, but I, I will not be afraid of you!"

In the darkness, the shadows composed of dark life groups are still distorted. It seems to have been repeated many times, but it is still very patient: "The galaxies there can't go, go to die, wait here for a while... ...oh, what happened to me 30 million years ago? Calculating the time and location should be in this area, how come?"

"What?" So stupid and immediately warned: "The main son of Snow Court, I am warning you on behalf of Big Brother, not allowed to deceive!"

The shadow seems to have been numb to the name "Snow Court's master". It may have been tried countless times, and it can't be changed. It has to be said, but it always seems to have a good heart, not too anxious shadows. At the time, I was anxious: "...my things? My things? Who stole them!? Shameless, mean..."

At this time, in a place that is not too far away from them, it is almost a bubble-like space that moves with them here, and is quietly sliding in the dark.

In the space, Chu Yunsheng is still stuck in the center of the sphere. I don’t know how many times the time-accelerated electricity asked: “How long do you still need? I can’t support it. The source slave life is already the third thousand. Six attempts to aggregate, their master may be coming!"

At his feet, thousands of fire worms died in battle, laying layers of layers of energy, and then forming the war worms he controlled, and the attacking tides slammed into the place where the slaves of the spherical land gathered together, vaguely In the middle, there are also human warriors of the Silver Legion, in the first line of energy turbulence!

The sound of the electric return, in the slow space and time, is still very fast: "Come on, it's fast!"

^(To be continued...)


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