Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1344: The real purpose of the sneak attack

Don't bother to judge the two different interstellar ships in a quiet but incomparably deep space universe, where the odds will meet, whether the idea of ​​different life is good or malicious, whether it is first attack or post attack. These judgments are a waste of time. √∟

If there is no single life force, such as the source life, when the party in the sky finds the first second of the other party, it is like the arrow of time. The state of the universe at the last moment determines the cosmic form of the next moment, encountering The final outcome is destined from the laws of physics. The difference is nothing more than the middle process. It seems to be the first route at the crossroads. If you go to the left, you can go to the right first, but that is the same. .

At any time, advanced technology has a dominant position. Once discovered, the laggards mean that they can’t escape, meaning they are destroyed.

Otherwise, as long as you lead, you will not be discovered by others.

However, in terms of the advanced level of the spacecraft, the cold star commander's gauze and the underground villain Zhan Zhan, etc., believe that their fast spaceships are at least one era ahead of each other, but they still lag behind each other and are led by the other side. Found!

The problem lies in the life of the source. They are first touched by the method of the source of the other party whose life level is very high and has already been radiated. Now it has been completely shrouded, and every move is equivalent to the other's eyes.

It is not surprising that a relatively high-level life is hidden in a relatively backward spaceship. Strange things happen in the universe, and there is also an experience of living in the bottom of the fleet. The reason for this is that there is no other use than hunting. In front of you. Whether it is the Gill of the blood family, the Zhan Zhan of the underground is still the gale of the cold star. They all face major choices: they are fleeing and they must make decisions as soon as possible. Later, it will regenerate.

The meeting in the spacecraft has been going on for a long time in the conference room of the spacecraft. Most of the time, it was very boring. Although there were occasional fierce times, it was time to come up with a plan and it could not be delayed.

"Our spacecraft was built by the multi-ethnic fleet combined with the Zall people. We analyze the situation of the other spacecraft we know now. Our spacecraft is indeed advanced to each other, but the advanced is only a spaceship, not ourselves. Our own life forms and abilities are still backward!

Under normal circumstances, the other party will not have a "high match" situation like our special low-life level control advanced starship. The level of their warships can theoretically represent the actual skill and ability level of their race, so they themselves We are a lot ahead of ourselves. Once we fight, we are actually intertwined with them, but because the other side has a strong source of life, we basically have no chance of winning. I suggest to escape immediately. Speed ​​is our advantage and our only advantage and opportunity now. ”

The commander of the underground man, Zhan Zhan, spoke in a conclusive manner, and it adhered to the consistent style of the underground people. If you can't beat it, you can quickly run and escape. Safety is always the first, but it does not seem to be able to achieve unanimous support within the underground. It can be seen from the unconfident gaze of another little man leader under the cover after it has finished the suggestion.

However, not everyone has a keen eye for observation. In the surrounding white conference cabin, except for a few people who were “old and savage” from the ground age. Most people are not aware that the assassination is one of them. When it floats on one side, it first opposes: "If we still escape, we must come out, we must have our own starship, we must leave the big fleet... What? And why?"

Zhan Zhan has regained his gaze and looked at the assassination of the cardinal. He is not afraid, and even has a little sense of superiority. This sense of superiority originally originated from the history of the New World countries to the long-standing Lebanese like the Barbarian. The psychological advantage gradually developed and formed a sense of racial superiority, and was greatly strengthened after encountering the starry sky in the sky. It immediately retorted: "This is not an escape, it is to survive, since it can not be beaten, why should it be sacrificed? Even if you are an adult, there is no example of fleeing the battlefield. This has nothing to do with the reason we chose to leave. This is survival!"

The **** clenched his fist and said: "I don't believe that there is no chance!"

As it says, its gaze looks at the singularity. In this starship, except for the starship itself, the most high-level force is the cultivator who has just become the source of the madness, and the conference room is driven by the assassination. Almost everyone’s eyes are on the lookout.

However, the eager anticipation of the eyes quickly faded, and the singer who had never spoken, finally opened his eyes, revealing the black pupil, and shook his head silently.

He has been trying many times in the dark, trying to find a way to fight against the source of the other party's full radiation, but now, there is still no clue.

His answer is that many people, especially the old Hull and He heads, have been waiting for a few key factors. When he shakes his head, he "gets up" and leaves the stage of the conference room to Zhan Zhan, who is the main escape. The final decision of the meeting was also revealed - to escape as soon as possible.

Just when they were going to float out of the conference room, the whole meeting seemed to be non-existent. Su Ya suddenly raised her head and said: "You adults, please wait, I received a special suggestion, the person making the suggestion. The level is not high enough to come to the meeting, so I submitted the proposal to me. I know that every minute is precious, but I personally think this proposal is worth considering."

In fact, Li Ya still lied, and the person who made the suggestion is not enough to attend the highest level meeting, but it is not to use her to make recommendations to the meeting, but to trust her to give her as her own suggestion. come out.

But Mi Ya doesn't want to take possession of other people's "suggestions", and at her own level, even if she wants to make suggestions, she can't speak as freely as Zhan Zhan or assassination, and need permission from the meeting, otherwise you will say the whole sentence, the whole meeting. It became a vegetable market, and the two reasons before and after the sum added, this has the words above her.

Old Hull still seems to recognize the former captain of the Hull family team. Just hesitated, he heard that the head of the team had smiled and said: "Nothing. You say, we old guys are different from you. Others Not much, it is more time."

At this moment. Old Hull thought of something, and nodded. Sometimes, he had to admit that in some respects, the head of this ordinary wisdom of the earth responded with incomparably quickness, and others were chasing horses. On - the head of the group obviously has already guessed who the suggestor in Mi Yakou is, and it may be the cold star girl Chu Yunsheng brought from the cold star, hehe. Comrade Lao He has always been extremely sensitive to these relationships.

But the smile of the head of the team also means that he is actually not optimistic about this special suggestion. I don’t think that this girl who has not grown up in his eyes can have any good suggestions, even if it is old Hull. This is also the case, because of the relationship between Chu Yunsheng and, more importantly, when he set off, he once attached importance to Mi Ya’s team. They gave the girl a chance to show up at the top.

Young people always need opportunities to exercise, they can give opportunities, but only opportunities. The decision of the fate of the entire spacecraft has been established in the speech of Mr. Mai, and when the meeting is spoken, the meeting will "continue" to end. They will not take the life of the entire spacecraft to take risks.

This judgment by the head of He and others is correct, whether it is Chu Yunsheng. Still embarrassing, especially embarrassing. As a force star, this fast starship was built and led to its departure from the big fleet. It has great dominance over the distribution of power within this warship, and has never directly vacated the Miya team that he valued as a starship. The decision makers are just giving Opiya a chance to participate in the power conference.

But if they really understand the experience and pastness of the squadron at the bottom of the chilling fleet, especially the words he and the old have indulged, perhaps they will peek into other real ideas.

Zhai didn't think so much, maybe she also found out that everyone just gave a face, but it didn't really matter, but it didn't matter. After getting permission, she stated in the fastest speed and the most concise language: The author suggested that we carry out counterattacks. If we do not have the courage to resist ourselves, the other party will definitely think that we will definitely escape. Then we can use their psychology to let the warships make the track of accelerating the attempt to escape, but stay in advance. The next space fighter lurked in place, waiting for it to catch up and sneak when approaching.

In the warship speed accelerated to a certain extent, using the time difference inside and outside the spacecraft, the reaction speed of the information changes, etc., in the calculated time determined, the warship suddenly launched a counterattack, with the speed of our spacecraft and the advanced degree of the spacecraft, the most important It is the computing power of the spacecraft. The first wave of analyzing and resisting the source of the other party may also be the strongest blow.

But at this time, the enemy's attention will not be attracted to the warships we suddenly counterattacked. It may also think that we are dying, so we will use the weapons banned from the big fleet. That silver pike, make a shocking comeback!

The reason why it is shocking rather than extremely aggressive is that it cannot use the power left by the silver warship's peak source, which is the last strength and opportunity to ensure that the spacecraft can finally escape after the failure of the whole operation.

Therefore, as long as the counterattack of the silver pistol is tangible, it does not need to be qualitative. The two men who join the big man and the savage adult, together with the silver pistol itself, will be able to make the shape very good, making the other party very shocking, maybe even Trauing each other, at this time, there should be at least a short time opportunity, the enemy's attention will be completely attracted by the silver pistol..."

Mia is still stating that this proposal has been read many times. The more she sees the more excited, the more she feels that it is a very risky but very likely obstacle to success. Therefore, she is almost backward and very skilled.

Zhan Zhan interrupted her: "Wait, Captain Mi Ya, what do you mean when the enemy's attention is fully attracted by our warships and lances, use the small space fighter left in place to sneak it? This is not It may be successful! Even if you can calculate the sneak attack point of complex changes in large-scale space flawlessly, but the other party is a source of life, and you have proved that it is still a powerful source of life, even if it is completely unnoticed. How can a small space fighter, like a worm, threaten it?"

When Zhan Zhan’s voice fell, He’s head sighed in secret. Although he did not like the advice brought by Mi Ya in advance, he still expected her to have some good performances, but the result of the fact is as Zhan Zhan said, no matter how Go sneak attack. The respect of the source of the other party is always an unbeatable existence, and it takes a lot of effort. In the end, I just took the needle to poke the tiger's **** to show that I resisted and the unyielding. In essence, there is no effect or change. The idea of ​​self-consolation in this world that can only be obscenity is really too tender, and it is still too young.

The old He Wei was slightly moved, saying: "Mi Ya, you continue to finish."

Miya nodded, her eyes removed from Zhan Zhan, and looked at the old Hull. She continued to calmly say: "In this proposal, we will use all the advantages that our warships can use, such as growing length. With the calculation of the shortened time effect, the positioning of the space, the energy distribution after the counterattack and the model of the movement, etc., must be done one step at a time, and the step is good. The warship that the chief has created for us is fully competent. It is the real advantage of our spacecraft.

With the advanced computing power of warships. Analyze the enemy's method of the source door, and analyze the extremely small "gap". Under the eyes of the other source, a "empty bubble" that the other party can't see is formed, which is used together with the source of the singer. The law deceives it in a confrontational way. Although this blind spot bubble can only but need to hide a small space fighter, it lurks in the ground under its eyelids, and does not even need to exercise. Wait for it to chase after our main battleship and calculate the precise time. Cooperate with the various confusing arrangements that the warships counterattacked at this time, including counterattacks and silver pikes -

And the purpose of all this. As Zhan Zhan’s chief said, it is for a sneak attack! ”

At this time, she suddenly looked confidently into the conference room and still did not understand the crowd: "But the object of the attack is not the source of life, but the spaceship it is in!"

Suddenly, the one in the conference cabin was so stunned that even the head of the group was stunned. Almost everyone automatically positioned the biggest and strongest enemy as the source of the battlefield, even if everyone was already sailing in the universe. For a long time, thinking is still blocked in the ground age, and in the stars, if there is no spaceship, a powerful source life is equivalent to no "legs", staying in place and waiting to die, even if the living body can fly, It may not be possible to reach a galaxy in a lifetime.

Moreover, destroying enemy ships that are behind their starship weapons, the success rate is great!

However, once something is broken, there is no mystery. I can think of the idea of ​​sneak attack on the spacecraft instead of the source of life. It is not so magical. Many people just don’t think about it for a while, it’s not an unattainable height. .

Zhan Zhan first reacted. It thought very quickly. Before other people had already fallen into this adventure plan in their minds, they immediately raised new questions: "It is a good idea to attack the spacecraft, but this is not useful. The future life and death of Yuanmen’s life is not finally trapped in this star field. It still has nothing to do with us. We are currently in its source, the spacecraft is destroyed, and the situation has not changed much. Still a threat to us that can even kill us."

The problem at hand is that they are going to be destroyed, not the future life of the other party.

Yuya clicked on it. She admits that Zhan Zhan said it makes sense. Even if the hardships of the other side of the spaceship are successful, the source of the enemy can still kill everyone in the battleship. The only difference is that they made a counterattack and destroyed. The other party's boat only.

When she first saw this suggestion, her first thoughts were the same as Zhan Zhan. Although it was really clever to think that instead of attacking the relatively backward spacecraft instead of the powerful source, it was not too much. Amazing thoughts, there will always be people who think of the problem of time. What really surprised her is the follow-up supplement to this suggestion. If there is no such supplement, she looks at the meeting room, it seems that most people I don't necessarily understand the true meaning of the move, including when she started.

Only about the old Hull and the seemingly gloomy sand, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, which seemed to see something.

There was a lot of discussion in the conference cabin. The people’s psychological sensation was brought back to reality by Zhan Zhan’s words. The concept of the main escape once again occupied the absolute top. At this time, the old Hull coughed and said: “This proposal is very Yes, very interesting. If I didn't make a mistake, it failed. We only lost a space fighter. The power left by Yufengyuan is in good condition. We still have the last card, if it succeeds— —"

He paused and glanced at the crowd in the conference cabin before saying: "We will temporarily get a source of life that we have to work with. Otherwise, it will never want to leave this dark domain again!"

The silence in the conference cabin was about a few seconds. I have reacted and looked at each other. It turned out that this is the real purpose of the sneak attack!

It turned out that in order to turn a powerful source into a "self", and it has to "change", unless it wants to stay in the dark domain for a lifetime, it will not fly to the edge of the galaxy for a lifetime!

The war in the sky can actually be played like this?

"However -" Some gloomy sands came out: "If you want to succeed, there are still many problems. The suggestion is not feasible. It needs to be implemented before it can be serious. A little bit of time error, not only can not attack the other side's spaceship. It will also lose a spaceship and a lot of computing resources."

Everyone calmed down again. This meeting has been very dull. Who thought that, at the end of the day, it was actually a slogan. And the proponent can prove that it is feasible, correct, and its ability. There is still a need for verification of action. There are too many people in the world who are talking about empty futures and drawing a bright future.

Old Hulldao: "Try it. Let's vote now, I will come first. I agree."


On the side of the control cabin of the battleship, Ah’s head shook his head like a broken drum. Shaking his head again and again: "No, no, absolutely not, you must not go. This is absolutely a deadly action. If you die, I can't explain to the big brother!"

The uniform of a military uniform looked at him: "Captain, I have already said, certainly no danger, you believe me."

Ali still shook his head: "I believe in you, but I don't believe in myself."

He pulled him and said: "Then you said, why do I ask in the proposal that you have to be responsible for the space fighters you have left behind?"

Ali cried and said: "Don't you say that only I can complete this task? Do you want to go?"

地点 Seriously nodded: "Yes, no one can go, the space is too far away, and the calculation of the relative time will definitely be wrong. Therefore, the last opportunity to attack the other ship is extremely important, even though we carry the Zall. The improved cold bombs are advanced in their spaceships, but to ruin their spaceships 100%, you must have a person who can sharply capture the perfect opportunity to attack the sneak attack. You are the most in our field. Excellent people, Dajun praises you."

Ali bit his teeth: "I understand the meaning of you and the captain, so I am going out, go and go, but you don't have to go again. If you fail, die and die, we don't have to get into the second. !"

He took him firmly and said: "I suggested that you go, I have the responsibility to go with you, and, I have always been your assistant, you said, I am your best data processing assistant, so I You must go, just like the reason you go, make sure you can capture the best time to attack."

Ali shook his head again: "But-"

I am confident that I am confident: "Reassuring, there will be no danger, even I have some expectations."

Ali stunned and smiled bitterly: "I look forward to relying on wisdom to subdue a life-threatening source, weak and strong, forcing it to go nowhere, so we have to cooperate with us to serve as our temporary thugs? Oh, I really served you. What's so fun? It's just taking the risk to take risks. It's too exciting. I can't afford a scorpion... I don't know if Dajun is here, what will happen?"

Looking at the endless universe projected into the control cabin, admire: "If Dajun is there, he can come up with countless ways to make this source of life play, and I can only think of one; if..."

Ali interface domineering: "If, if Mr. Chu is in, directly killing, all rows are cut down, nonsense is not, smooth, live, reverse, Berger is completely killed!"

He smiled and didn't answer.


On the other hand, the conference cabin was preparing for the proposal shortly, and while preparing various tasks, many people were full of hope to usher in the first successful anti-killing of the high-power source, while the starship received A puzzling signal.

The signals came from local spaceships. The general meaning of the translation was that they actually said that they would surrender immediately and asked not to attack!

After receiving the signal that the entire starship was incomprehensible, in the darkness of their distant deep space, in a war-torn cylindrical spaceship, the upper and lower nervously waited for the opposite reply.

In the spaceship, a dark corner, a once-powerful source of life, like a child who made a mistake, huddled there.

On the opposite side of it, a cardinal life that is weaker than it does not know how much, even a high-sounding lesson said: "...It’s really killed by you, if it’s really inside, maybe the attack is already on the road The speed of light is running, I will also be buried with you!"

^(To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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