Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1405: The war has begun

There is nothing to say with the silver warships, only exchange.

Chu Yunsheng and the decision-making strategy, they are prepared, and immediately send a response to the signal source:

"We will provide you with the method of cultivation of the left-handed gods, but only until the birth of the soul, the follow-up content must wait until we successfully leave the Galaxy Orion group to cash in, to ensure that the information you provide is true and reliable, if you do not Direct participation in the war, can only get so much."

In the follow-up practice of ancient books, Chu Yun has no roots, but except for the new gods, the people who know them are basically not. Everyone, including the three major groups, thinks that Chu Yunsheng has the complete life practice of the old gods. The law is just that some people think that he is too bad to repair, and some people think that his progress in cultivation is too slow. Very few people are also people on the side of Chu Yunsheng. At most, they only know that the ancient road of cultivation is not going to work.

Stripping off runes, swords and other content, the simple method of ancient book cultivation has basically no use for Chu Yunsheng. In the past, in the main fleet, in addition to being distracted and taken away, other starry races and source gates, there is no other. value.

The method of cultivation of ancient books is too strong, but even so, Chu Yunsheng can not be repaired now, but the silver battleship is never possible to know. The life practice of Zuo Xuan Lao Shenzun is not deeply cultivated to the extent of Chu Yunsheng. It is impossible to find that the front is a dead end.

On the surface, the ancient book's cultivation method is still esoteric but exquisite, and highly extracts the essence of cultivation in a succinct way. This is a symbol of thoroughly understanding the principles of cultivation.

However, the more complex and complex a theory is, the more often it represents the level of cognition. The truth is often concise and beautiful. Of course, the premise is that the learner must first reach a certain level of knowledge, otherwise The simple formula, the young child can not understand.

The practice of cultivation before the ancient book of the birth of the spirit, once launched, the life inside the silver battleship can be seen at a glance, the height of the old **** can not pretend. It is also enough that they have been studying in excitement for a long time, and when they find it decent, it must be a long time later.

By that time, there was no way to go. In the face of a dead end, they may have to endure this dark loss, and they must find a way to find a solution for Chu Yunsheng.

According to 戥, this is a chain set. Once fooled, you must continue to be fooled.

Chu Yunsheng is very simple, directly stripping the rune sword and other content. This part of the content Chu Yunsheng will not give them naturally. For Chu Yunsheng, these contents are now the essence, and the ninth day of cultivation has been divested. This is the part that will be handed over to them after they have successfully left, and the rest of the ancient book's method of life cultivation is accompanied by a response signal.

The silver warships are obviously much more courageous than the pseudo-hegemony. They did not leave after the signal was sent. Obviously, they are extremely eager to get the practice of the left-handed old gods. After a long time, the second signal was sent to the new ship.

In this signal, the life of the silver battleship writes in detail the details of several spiritual lifes, and tells Chu Yunsheng that this is the secret information that only the kingdom of God knows, although under normal circumstances, it is not comparable to the left-handed god. The method of cultivation, but with the current situation of Chu Yunsheng and others, it is even worse.

There is nothing wrong with their pride. The understanding of the enemy before the war is too important. This information, even more important than the conditions provided by the pseudo-hegemony, may be able to detect the movements of other spiritual life, but can not understand the inner movements of these spiritual life. Combat style, characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, past spiritual intelligence information!

Without this information, Chu Yunsheng and others even did not know the name of the spiritual master of the battle of the Andromeda. Now, their information is placed in the war information base of the new ship.

"The life of the silver warship in the kingdom of God should not be low." While looking at the information, he analyzed: "Otherwise, there is no such information, but it should not be higher, or it will not always be There is no way to give birth to a spirit."

Electricity does not know much about the kingdom of God. Purely, it is theoretically: "Perhaps, even in the Kingdom of God, the birth of the spirit is very difficult."

Suddenly said: "Is the Kingdom of God a place, or a physical space? We have never seen a life that has never been seen before. One of my predecessors once doubted the true existence of the Kingdom of God until it was left-handed. The old gods appeared, including us, many starry races have confirmed that there really is a mysterious country of God, but no one has ever found it."

The electricity looked at Chu Yunsheng, and some regretted: "Unfortunately, it is a pity that you can't catch the life in the silver warship, otherwise you should be able to understand some."

He smiled and said: "That is still, we have enough trouble, their silver battleship is too difficult to fight."

Electricity is just to say that it really is like saying that if Chu Yunsheng does not have any waste, can they follow Chu Yunsheng and see what the country of God is?

However, if Chu Yunsheng does not squander, he will not encounter them.

"There was a spirit that once said that reaching the speed of light would enter the Kingdom of God." Chu Yunsheng remembered the filmmaker and said: "If you are interested, you can verify it."

The electricity is serious: "Impossible, material particles can only reach infinitely close to the speed of light. It is impossible to reach the speed of light. Even for a smallest particle, the quality will become infinite, unless a substance with no static mass is found. But that is a paradox in itself."

Ramp: "But if it is a life of purely energy-radiation as a life structure? They may be able to reach the speed of light by nature."

When I thought about it, I suddenly said: "More than one dimension of life has reached the highest stage, and it may be used to verify your statement."

This conversation quickly ended in vain, so I never imagined that it had been dissected many times by the electric and the shackles on the thought platform. I also imagined that I really became a worm that everyone envied. .

It’s just that it’s not going well recently. It’s excited to fight with the old guy, but I don’t know why I suddenly want to “sleep” and then it’s really “sleeping”.

Before falling asleep, it must have been the old guy who made a ghost, and it was in the small grave of the little bug, in the form of a small meat ball made by a small bug, and it was no way to roll it.

After falling asleep, it began to dream like a bug, but this time, there will be some nightmares. Scared that it kept talking like a dream: to fight desperately with the old guy!

Unconsciously, in its dreams and nightmares, it doesn't know, the old guy's side. Gradually came and gathered a lot of mysterious spaceships, the old guy who desperately desperately, with the majesty of the hegemon, facing the many ships that gradually came together from the gradually becoming a lot of spaceships, gradually released a lot of life The command.

Something that is tightly loaded in the mysterious spaceship. It doesn't even know if it is awake, but if the bug wakes up, he will definitely try his best to take it for himself and then leave it to his own master.

At the moment, they are mysterious and careful. The difference is that the new ship is simulated and the killing is carried out in a low-key manner. Anyone who has been deceived by his broken ship and secretly wants to rob him of the spaceship has quietly killed and plundered various kinds. Resources.

Only 1% of energy. In any case, it is inseparable from the Galaxy Fairy Galaxy.

These spaceships that have come to rob are either robbed or have a lot of supplies, or they store a lot of resources themselves, which is exactly what the new ship needs.

On the interstellar optimal link to the two dwarf galaxies, he is not the only predator. The source and the strong are both popular and kill each other, but he is the only one who can always attract robbers with broken ships. people.

The outer wall of the new ship has been superimposed by Chu Yunsheng's runes to the extent that it can no longer be superimposed. Fortunately, all are low-level runes, and the fluctuations of dark energy can be controlled steadily by the Zall, otherwise they will shine in the invisible dark world.

I am very satisfied with their existence. In the eyes of the "robber" who stared at it, it was a low-level layer of protection that looked like a scam, but again, the ridiculous thing was that the wrecked ship tried to control their volatility steadily. I am afraid that it will be quite deceptive, and it will be very descriptive. It is like a small starry race. It is a horror to come to a group of cannibal devils and tremble.

This **** road has only just begun, and the weak starry race has not been completely eliminated. When the future is gone, the rest are strong, and the alertness is also rising sharply, so that no one can fool anyone.

They didn't really have much interest in them. His goal was to reach a star around the dwarf galaxies quickly, and quickly and strongly replenish them into a state of war.

"Do you think they can cooperate with each other?"

Chu Yunsheng overturned the spiritual information sent by the silver battleship over and over again, while asking questions, but in fact, his tone did not have much to ask.

He analyzed: "They have three choices. One is that they will not cooperate with the enemy, the other is to pretend to cooperate with the enemy, and the third is to truly surrender the enemy.

How do they choose, I don't know, but I think if the other person is dependent on a spiritual life, then there is a spirit, no matter how they choose, the result is the same.

What the spirit wants them to do, they can only do what.

The only difference is whether it can affect the judgment of the spirit. It must judge which of the dwarf galaxies we are going to have.

If you can't understand our thoughts, then the judgment of the spirit has no effect. Their existence has no strategic value to the enemy.

On the contrary, if you guess, you can actively cooperate with the spirit and lure us into the past, but their thinking is clearly understood by the spirit, let the spirit produce an idea or guess that they actually cooperate with them, really cooperate with us, not To lure us into the past, we are tempted to put the main force there to wait for us to hook, and we actually go the other side.

As a spirit, you should be clearer than me. It will never believe that you will risk to save them, but you will use them to let them cooperate and sacrifice them to get opportunities for us.

Once the suspicion is formed, it is very difficult to remove, but there is still a problem in it. They will also think of the things we think of. Finally, we will infinitely loop and speculate. This requires us to do something to confirm their suspicions and affect them. Their final decision. ”

Chu Yunsheng smiled coldly and smiled: "The analysis is very reasonable, but you understand it wrong. I want to let them really believe that I will go, and I really will go!"

"After reading these materials, I will enter the zero-dimensional world, and attack the location of people such as 苜苒, 戥, the war has begun." (~^~)

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