Dark Blood Age

Chapter 795: Boss, tilted up!

There are many surrounding satellites in the New World, but most of them are floating debris, forming a ring-shaped meteorite zone. Only two large and small ones are three satellites that can be regarded as the moon. They sometimes have two of the night sky. At the end, sometimes only one of them can be seen. In a very small number of times, three will appear simultaneously under the same night sky.

Tonight, in March, a meteor with a long tail flies through the starry sky, through the nebula dust, into the circular small satellite zone, igniting a series of collision lights.

Things on the sky, except for some special creatures, life on the ground is rarely paid attention.

The night was quiet, and some places were still drizzling with the rain, and the dark clouds tried to slowly cover the moonlight.

Located in the desert of the southern hemisphere, north of the direction of the equator, going north, it is the hot vast jungle, grassland and the innocent sea at the end.

Here is the edge of the desert, standing on the higher sand dunes, if in the daytime, it is already able to glimpse the dense jungle.

Survival here is home to countless lives and races, in a variety of ways, reproduction, predation, activity, migration and survival.

Leica people are undoubtedly the most active category here. They are used to the climate and dryness of the desert. Their life is rough and unrestrained. When the southern countries of the continent and the underground people have elegant and high civilization, they are still keen on the original. Life.

It is the foundation for the survival of the Leica people for the life of the country of Tianyu and the country of the sea, harassment and even the invasion of the hinterland of the mainland.

Grabbing and slaughter are also one of their hobbies.

The Leica people have many clusters of tribes, and their status structure is also very complicated. Even the neighboring mainland countries often confuse the complicated relationship between them.

At the edge of the desert, relying on a place called Lake Meggar, a Leica crowd of thousands of people is stationed.

In the middle of the night, they are often the quietest moments. Most Leica people are used to sleeping on the warm sand. Only a small number of Leica people are alert around the gathering place.

It is far from the country of the mainland, and there are very few enemies who actively attack them. Apart from some horrible but infrequent creatures in the desert, they don't need to worry about anything.

But today's night seems to be a little different.

The dark clouds covered the last month of the moon, and the earth sank in the air.

The annoying pattering rain drove from the jungle in the north, and fell on the hot sand, and I felt a hint of mist.

If the Leica warriors can maintain a high degree of vigilance at this time, perhaps they can barely find that there are many blood-red eyes in the dark jungle opposite. Through the darkness, these eyes are like beasts staring at prey. Staring coldly at the gathering place of the Leica.

One pair, two pairs, three pairs... the number is getting more and more, but quiet and silent.

If it’s not a cold raindrop that falls on the hot sand to evaporate the mist, perhaps the Leica people can find a trace of strangeness, such as what does not know the white mist of the animal's nose.

Two of the Leica people finally patrolled here, while walking, and happily discussing the richness of the dinner.

The former one said with fullness: "If you can catch hundreds of two-legged animals again, you may not need to pay tribute to Tian Yu people this year."

The latter one is like an aftertaste. "Yeah, yeah, the meat of the animal is really delicious. It tastes very good. Listening to Chelly, there are still many in the south. We will not catch it anymore. Maybe it will be Let the guys of Lu Xiude give priority."

The former Leica people said with wide eyes: "If Lu Xiude’s people dare to come to our site to hunt, I must step on them!"

The latter Leica fell into the mouth of the mouth that fell out of his mouth: "Our 鬃 is really weak, and there is no courage to fight with Lu Xiude. Tonight we only propose a few words in front of it. It’s really patrolling out to be a night patrol..."

The former Leica swarmed a big hand with only three fingers and said: "Don't say bad things about 鬃 在 in the back. I heard Chelly say that there are Leica people who have strong female feet. False?"

The latter Leica revealed a disgusting expression, and the huge mouth opened and said: "Who knows, think about it, even if there is no deformity in the tail, even Leica will send them*. The Leica people have also fallen."

The former Leica nodded again and again, and it was also a disgusting expression that was difficult to accept. He said, "You are right, Leica people can't fall, remember the female animal we ate tonight? I even made a slap in the face of me, and thought that I wouldn’t kill it, it’s ridiculous, I’m slap--”

After the last Leica heard the sound of the front, he asked subconsciously: "What happened?"

Then, it saw a dark arrow passing through the rain curtain, sharply magnified in its pupil, slamming, with energy, plunging into its throat.

It widened its eyes and thought that it was Lu Xiude’s person who had killed him. He wanted to give an alarm. All that appeared in his throat was blood and blood, mixed with mucus and water, bubbling with foam.

With a bang, it fell in the sticky sand, in the eyes before death, in horror to see the dark jungle, an alien cavalry that was only well-equipped and not weaker than the mainland, from the fog of mist And they rushed into the rain and rushed to their gathering camp.

One, one, one... an amazing number of cavalry rushing past, rolling from its side, the densely packed archery rain fell to the south like a rain, and the **** smell of the silk came in one after another, mixed in In the cool rain, drill into its big nostrils.

The weird cavalry had almost no hesitation. After two rounds of volleying, they pulled out their swords and rushed to the unsettled camp. They rushed to the sleeping Leica and instantly smashed the blood into a river.

Scream, call for help, alarm, screams before death... endless.

The patrolling Leica, who is dying, seems to have heard the collective cheers of the two-legged animals in the camp, and then his eyelids gradually pulled down. At last glance, he saw a pair of cold-eyed heavy-armed heavy cavalry from it. Walk slowly around and cut down its head...

The little rain finally stopped, the clouds cleared, and the moonlight was re-lit from the sky.

At this moment, the Leica camp is already a mess. The cavalry cleaned the battlefield, added a sword to the undead Leica, collected their supplies, and concentrated the rescued humans in the other corner. The companion came to deal with it.

They did not pursue a small number of escaped Leica people. In those directions, they seemed to ambush another team of people, a beast-like shadow, howling and killing them.

Buttni used the cloth handed by the assistant to wipe the sinister blood on the sword front, looking at the shadow of the king's ridge, not far away, the heat after the rain, but her heart was slightly chilly.

I don't know when it started, the man of Wang Qi, who is farther and farther away from her, should have been only a shadow, but now it seems to be the real king in the minds of other unwitting blood riders.

It’s been two months since I entered the new world. In the 50-day period, the news of the real king is completely absent, and she, the emperor who pretends to be the king, has made great strides in power. When she is on earth, she can only be tied with herself, but now she is I have already let myself look back and can't catch up.

Behind the mad growth of this power, Boutney was faint, and for many days, Eicher refused to disarm in front of her, or she had little time to unload.

Does she really regard herself as a king?

Butney is worried, and Ai Xier can surpass herself and others to soar. Except for her own excellent physical condition, she will not be chosen as a sacrifice. There is another reason why only a few people know it, that is her There is a lot of blood in the body that is not dead.

This is exactly where Boudney is most worried. After Ai Xier himself was strong, she used her blood to strengthen a large number of cavalry. Now she has formed a powerful force that is loyal to her.

If it wasn't for the seventeen blood rides, it would be the elite that the king had personally modified with his source of life. He was able to control the greatest strength in his own hands. Buttney guessed whether Ai Xier would destroy himself?

There are many signs that have already indicated the psychological changes of Ai Xier. For example, she even recalled Deere, who had just chased the king away. For example, she gradually did not discuss with herself. Any action plan decided on her own. Maybe she discussed it with Deere. ......

What makes Butney angry is that Ai Xier has recently begun to reject the vows of blood. Every time the head of the charge, the most difficult **** battle, is to give the vows blood, trying to gradually consume the strength of their side.

All these changes have made Boudney want to expose her true identity several times. For this reason, she will not hesitate to put down her long-standing grievances and discuss it once and for all, but every time she sees Ai Xier’s cold eyes sweeping, cloth Tennie didn't know why, there was a sense of horror and oppression.

At this moment, Ai Xier seems to be more powerful than the king at the time!

She can almost know without doubt, as long as she launches the magazine, Eicher will not hesitate to kill herself, but the key is that Ai Xier's current strength and power can do it.

But she insisted that as long as the king came back, everything would change.

But where is the king?

In the uneasiness of Bouton, in order to preserve the power of the vows, he chose a temporary forbearance.

The blood on the battlefield is getting more and more intense. It is the way that the cavalry use the skills left by Wang Zeng to combine with the new world, and then according to the test of Ai Xier personally, the most suitable method for everyone to improve.

Each time they kill, their strength will be deepened.

Butney doesn't know why Aichie chose to kill a lot of pigs in a paranoid way, instead of moving to the warmer supermarket's coastline or inland.

However, from the recent situation, after the blood riders improved their strength, they were more and more adapted to the dry desert like the pig head.

The changes in these circumstances have given Butney a very strong feeling. They seem to have left the traditional category of the blood family, or they are starting to become less and more like blood, not blood, but a group of devourers.

The human beings who are rescued are very mixed. They come from many countries. Under the leadership of the follow-up logistics personnel, they will be classified and divided into races. As long as the body is suitable for joining the blood ride, they will be selected and become the new force of Ai Xier. One member, if not suitable, was told the official camp of a recent Indian, giving them a simple earth map and letting them pass by.

Butney will also pick a few people to add, but Ai Xier gives her a small chance.

In the distance, just killing all the escaped pigs, the recovery of the person, the irritability of the heart is even more so.

He hated to smack a sip on the ground, and then took out a cigarette and looked at the direction of the chaotic camp. Dear, who was so proud, couldn't wait to slap him to death.

At the beginning of the disintegration, I began to miss Chu Yunsheng. At least when Chu Yun was promoted, it was very suitable for his temper. Even if the identity of the undead king was exposed, the guy seemed to have no shelf at all, and he would still grab the smoke with him. Like a chick who doesn’t recognize people?


Dirty and tired, all let his people do it, but the benefits are not as much as he is. These days, he has been wondering if he wants to run quietly with his own people? Followed by the chick, I really can't see any good prospects. The key is the disgusting Deere. The guy seems to have been hating himself because of the time on the road and the fact that he exposed his old bottom in front of the chick. .

"Chu Yunsheng, where is your son? It won't die!"

Unexpectedly, he thought that the reason why he insisted on staying here is that Chu Yunsheng, some things he can't figure out, especially the rapid changes in the post-new world degradation, let him need to find Chu Yunsheng The mysterious guy asked to understand.

Of course, although he is very annoyed, but he is afraid to provoke the chick, it is really evil, this chick is getting stronger and stronger!

At this moment, there are more people who complain about it, and more people.

On the ocean to the north of the desert edge, a huge island is also sitting with a group of dejected people.

At the beginning, the light from the far north was swept across most of the surface of the planet, and soon came to the vicinity of Chu Yunsheng, who was being dragged by the underground.

It seems to be just a ray of light, but it seems to have some kind of computing power. When it tries to approach Chu Yunsheng, it is blocked by the zero-dimensional wall of the iron wall, and then the light is straight in front of the three powerful forces burning inside. flew away.

Then, it began a long search, picking the life that meets the calculation conditions, and the light feathers, water droplets or something behind it, which has already been opened by it.

Searching around the planet circle by circle, there are very few lives that meet the requirements it has set, and several of them seem to make it hesitant, until at the end, when its energy is too fast to support, in a huge On the island, it "discovered" a very high quality life.

As a result, it eagerly plunged into the past, the wind and thunder, with a full of "expectations."

On the island, a melancholy man sits on a smooth stone, his hair is scattered, and his beard has not been able to get the care he deserves for a long time. It is very long and dense.

Opposite him, a young man with a yellow hair, looks pretty, is a white man, is being kicked by several big Hans.

The man sitting stretched out his hand and motioned his hand to stop. His face was dark and sullen: "Jack, I want you to steal the indigenous ship, and you... today, you have to die."

The young man squirted blood in his nostrils and climbed to the man's feet. He pleaded with horror: "Antalus boss, big brother, me, me..."

The next big man, a black man, squatted on the young man's **** and shouted: "Let you steal the boat, your kid went to steal the second!"

The man sitting, Andiru, his face was heavy, some could not be hanged, and the feeling of being wearing a green hat was really uncomfortable. He snorted and gestured to a man to hurry and execute the chop.

After the black man finished speaking, he probably realized that he should not say it directly. The face of the older brother was said by himself, and where can he put it?

Everyone knows that when the boss first entered the new world, he was soaked by the sea water here for a long time. From then on, the game was sluggish and listless, and the big brothers, the two sisters, the three sisters... all the armpits.

But no one has the courage to do that kind of thing, this kid is really kind, and the two dare to dare!

"Don't kill me, big brother, spare me! I don't want to die, I beg you, she seduce me, really, I am forced, big brother, she..." Little young sees someone Pistols, souls scattered, gibberish, reveal the truth, only seek a lifeline.

He didn't say that's okay, and when he said it, Andy, who had been eager to be a king, wanted to tear his mouth off immediately!

Scandal, scandal!

The man who shot the gun saw the eagerness of the boss's eyes. He immediately stepped forward and couldn't help but say that the head of the young man was a shot!

The blood flower was sprayed on the trousers of Andiru with his brain, and he shook with a sigh of relief. He sweared a swearing gaze and looked at another woman who brought a hat to himself. The woman shivered and her face was scared by her brain. It was pale.

At this time, the light that swept across the sea came to the side of the young, young man, and suddenly "squatted". It went through a lot of hardships, and finally found a best, even more than the first life. There is a good best, even, it is so dead! ?

This is the future control of the card machine!

It’s too late to fly away, the energy consumed to the minimum of the light, only a flash into the body of the poorly qualified man opposite the best –

Suddenly, Andi suddenly shook his body and stood up. He watched the light, as if the small universe broke out, he issued a fierce kingdom of tyrants, and he did not surely say to everyone: "I, I seem to Suddenly, full of the power of justice!"

All the people suddenly made a loud voice, and they were amazed and violent.

Andi Lu looked at him and said, "What happened?"

A small punk appealed to the general cautiously pointed pants of Andiru made up of several pieces of rags, and exclaimed: "Boss, upturned!" (To be continued)

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