Dark Blood Age

Chapter 816: Cardinal anger

The distraction finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Yunsheng did not really rush to the end, stopped at two or three steps away from them, his hands open, his head raised slightly, like a deep breath, sacred and solemn, but the face is twisted into A group of people seems to be very painful.

Then, then there is no more.

However, the feeling of sharpening is sharp, it seems, it seems that I suddenly lost what is the most precious thing!

His feelings were quickly confirmed. Tashan’s general coach Gru stood up swayingly, watching Chu Yunsheng’s posture with a little religious sacred taste, and carefully and indefinitely asked the leader for help. :

"I seem to have a chill!"

"I am also..." "The feeling..." "It won't be..."

Others also joined in, and looked at Chu Yunsheng's distorted and fierce fierce face, and he couldn't help but squint, revealing an unspeakable quirky expression.

Riding on the horse, Chu Yunsheng, who is suffering from a strong zero-dimensional tearing moment, almost fell from the ground immediately.

"Don't you take a little bit of your life, is this expression?"

As he secretly thought, he pulled the last source of life from the singularity into zero dimension and endured the huge tearing in zero dimension. He could not enter zero-dimensional control, and could only use it with silence. The willpower resists all suffering.

This feeling is like having something into your head, stirring, stirring, bursting and swelling, as if you are slamming into a pile of water at any time.

He knew that the filming would not be so kind to telling himself how to absorb the source of life. Under the daring test, he realized that this method is by no means a life below the cardinal, and at least it must be a card.

But if he doesn't try, he can't know the magic of it, and he can't let him know a little about what the cardinal is.

If you are facing a life that is dying, in the zero-dimensional collapse, the source of life is being lost. This method will not have any problem, but it will serve as a channel bridge between the source and the recipient. The life of the cardinal or cardinal is not much different.

But if you are facing normal life, the problem will come. If the normal life is zero-dimensional and you want to make it lose its source, you must hurt it.

Zero dimension does not exist in the head. Because of consciousness, it is only a feeling. As long as the vital function is lost, the zero dimension will soon lose its multidimensional support and collapse.

Although the method of entering this is a bit of a pit, it is indeed a high-level practice. It can maintain the zero-dimensional integrity of the creature while acquiring the source of life. The only key is that the recipient must be a life above the cardinal. Otherwise, it may be okay to be charged, and the recipient will inevitably die in zero dimension and die on the spot!

This is the hot spot of the shadow, even if it is in itself, it is only when the monster is hit to death, to learn the source of life, it can be seen. Even if Chu Yunsheng was not fooled at the time, he would probably be fooled. Anyway, it would have nothing to lose.

In fact, this is a problem of zero-dimensional strength. The intrinsic method is essentially to form a space field similar to gravitational difference between the collector and the recipient, so that the source of the recipient is attracted to the pull. Flow to zero-dimensional powerful collectors to solve the problem of having to injure and kill the body of the recipient, but if the zero-dimensional of the recipient is not strong enough, the zero-dimensional of the recipient is normal, and the method of intrusion is once When starting up, it is necessary to greatly enlarge the zero-dimensional strength of the body to a necessary number level to be enough to form the required suction force. At this time, the zero-dimensional itself will not be enough to support this amplification and collapse, and it is sure to die.

And the limit of this intensity, the minimum Chu Yunsheng is also estimated to be the cardinal!

At the same time, Chu Yunsheng also felt that he could only absorb the source of the alienation, and had no effect on other plants and large and small creatures on the surrounding mud, and the scope was small.

This seems to make Chu Yunsheng touch a little secret of the cardinal, but he did not have the time to think about it, his face suddenly changed.

Although he is not a cardinal, but the zero-dimensional strength is barely able to cope with this degree of cardinal means, this is the reason he has a chance to try, of course, a little more he will really have to collapse, this is already his now The limit of ability to do.

But at the last moment of his retraction, he concealed and unclearly discovered that he seemed to touch another "card" of the cardinal. He did not know that he was alarmed. He reacted extremely quickly and immediately realized that he had to walk in.

For the world of the cardinal, he is a blank, it is simply impossible to prevent, can only take a step to see one step, can be described as step by step, insane.


Chu Yunsheng’s screaming and waking up is still in the shackles of the haircut: “There is no rest here, we must leave immediately, follow me, stay close, don’t go away!”

Then, he urgently waited for the same as Ai Xier who had already come up: "Now is not talking, everyone is leaning around me, silently sneaking, moving fast!"

After absorbing a little bit of the same source of life, Chu Yunsheng clearly felt that his "appetite" for the blood family was temporarily greatly reduced, and finally there was a little gain. From the reaction of Ai Xier, they I have not noticed anything different.

This should be seen from Chu Yunsheng's singularity. As a deadly enemy of the blood family for thousands of years, the history of the degeneration into the Chu Yunsheng has heard more about them, knowing the history of disputes between them, the **** people have been for thousands of years. The death of death suppresses the intrusion, and it is said that it is rapidly degenerating into enemies. At least in addition to the blood family, the entry of the bullets before the emergence of the artillery can not pose any threat to the degradation.

The inheritance of thousands of years of information has long been contained in the source of life, and the degraded source of life has temporarily neutralized his appetite for the blood family. It is the only way that Chu Yunsheng can try boldly. .

Of course, this is just a cure for the symptoms. If you want to eradicate it, you must make the blood ride strong as soon as possible, and psychologically defeat the instinctive genetic information. Before entering the class, there is not a lot of enemies before it becomes the hegemon of the earth. Just like the fear of heights or the intensive phobia, it is important to overcome the psychological. In addition, there is another way, that is, he will achieve the cardinal as soon as possible, but Chu Yunsheng is not certain.

But this is not a matter of telling the difference. Once the time is extremely urgent, the blood riders will come up here. Secondly, he is not a cardinal, and he is not able to take advantage of it. Only then can you take away a little bit of life. If you say it, it will cause a large panic, even if they finally agree, and don’t say that blood riding already knows, simply relying on the subconscious mind can make the whole plan come to an end. .

Of course, this is definitely a matter of telling the difference. It just needs to be long-term. Let them know that the damage is minimal and there is a way to make up for it. Let them believe that they will take more and they will double back and give them a complete reassurance. Otherwise, everyone will take a shot sooner or later.

This is a fateful o, it will not be fixed in a moment. Chu Yunsheng is extremely decisive in this respect. He will not hesitate, and he will have to give up the difference, which is far more than his temporary emergency. Borrowed.

In the next moment, Chu Yunsheng forced out all the dead air that he could force out. In the excitement of the blood riders, all the enemies were shrouded. Because of the crowding, the horses were very tired and the overall speed dropped greatly. Slowly, but at least you can guarantee that even if the cardinal "eyes" to this place, you can't find yourself in the team.

Chu Yunsheng was not worried. Only after they left for a while, the eyes from the depths of the ocean swept through here and then shot angrily at the southern continent.

It seems to be to release its anger or revenge punishment. A small town near the coast of the southern continent suddenly clouded, thunder and lightning, and the water of a dragon-column was like falling from the hollow... ", screaming, fear, crying, facing the sudden horror of the horror of the world, I was at a loss. In addition to crying, I was praying to the gods, and there was almost no other action, because I could not run at all." Fall!

God makes you die, you have no possibility of life, only begging!

The angry sea water, after Chu Yunsheng "slip away", only took less than a little effort, and then drowned the small town where the former moment was still bustling. The floating bodies were everywhere, and the deaths were countless. .

This is the wrath of the cardinal!

It is a pity that Chu Yunsheng could not see the culprit. He was carrying a pile into the jungle and went all the way to a huge hole. He saw a huge stack of camps surrounded by huge caves like a crater. Cluster with tanks.

Seeing how they were arrogant, Chu Yunsheng didn't want to cause trouble with it, so he didn't get close, and then circled a big circle and came to a low valley jungle to breathe a sigh of relief.

This time, not only the singularity, but also the blood ride and even the Chu Yunsheng are sitting on the ground to restore physical strength. Horse riding is also a physical effort, especially **** horses, almost sharing the physical strength of the main and the horse.

After eating something, the hollowing out has been brightened, and the sun shines through the branches of the jungle, causing many small animals to survive on the decaying ground.

Pulling out his rough hand and pulling out a red bug like a caterpillar trying to get into his skin, then cruelly stretching it to both ends until the palm is so long, but the meat is red The worm is reluctant to die, as the squirming red line struggles to distort and tries to break away from the big hands.

"Can you not be so disgusting? Is there any smoke?" Chu Yunsheng actually saw that some of them should be disgusting and could not help but say.

I smiled indifferently, the left finger pinched the head of the fleshy red bug, the right finger pinched its end, stretched again, and stretched like a rubber band, the bug had no eyes, but its head The things inside are almost always squeezed out. The skin is generally turned into a thin film, which is bulging, and it seems to be still unwilling to die.

Pulling the right finger slammed loose, followed by the left hand and then released, the worm that was pulled into the red line of the rubber band ejected like this, but its luck was not solved because it flew in the direction of Bouney's face. .


The sword light flashed, and the long red meat worm was suddenly divided into two segments.

Butney took the sword back to the sheath, didn't look at the bug, and didn't look at it, as if he had a heavy heart.

Chu Yunsheng didn't know which play was played in the two songs. He just felt that Boutony's reaction, speed and accuracy were much worse.

And the disgusting long-lived worms were broken into two pieces, but they were still unwilling to die. The head with the head was still struggling to escape from the "dangerous situation" and into the decaying soil.

However, it is destined to be unfortunate, a blood horse rides up to comb the horse, wearing a full body heavy weight to concentrate on the footsteps of the landing, one foot will unintentionally step into the deep pit, almost crushed into mud, Vaguely, I can see that it used the last strength to squirm and squirm... "There is this box." The clap was clap, and the rumpled cigarette case was taken out from the trouser pocket and thrown to Chu Yun.

Chu Yunsheng’s addiction has been lingering for a long time, and the special smoke is very good. After the point, I took a few mouthfuls to break the silence of the crowd: “I’ll talk about it. After coming here, what happened? ?"

He still doesn't know at this moment that he has acted several times, especially this time. After the sneak attack on the southern seaside town, the news spread quickly throughout the country of the South, which aroused the boiling anger of the upper class. Less than half a mile after the incident, the cardinal of the country of the South and the country of the sea fought a battle on the edge of the sea.

For a time, the two countries were in full swing, and their respective armies, under the protection of their respective cardinals, were on the border, and the war seemed to be on the verge.


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