Dark Blood Age

Chapter 819: Their flag is directed at the giant


^Into the people often regret when the incident occurs, just like before the stock market crash, I never believe that there will be such a glimpse, I will be able to run ahead of time, no matter how many times I have repeated the same mistakes.

Conflicts, negotiations, fighting, and racking their brains, they finally found out that their enemies were not each other. The real deadly threat still came from alien planets. However, the recent ease seemed to make everyone forget. At risk.

The blockade of urgent meetings and news became a joke. In addition to reflecting the low efficiency of the camp's response to the crisis, it also delayed the best escape.

It’s too late to regret it.

With towering giants in the building, carrying a rust-proof giant sword, even if you just stand in front of you, you can let your pants go.

Only some of the troops knew that when it was released and then broke out of the huge cave, many thought it was the devil who saw the hell.

It has a rotten smell on the body, the skin is like a moldy black sè bread, decaying and smashing, there is no complete place, when it is hard, the stinky skin cracks a huge tear, rotten skin Tilt up, revealing the black decayed meat that is more rotten and smashed.

In order to stop it, the army on the ground raised a tank and lifted it up. The heavy machine gun was lined up, and the fire tongue was sprayed. Even the high shè machine gun was used. A group of grenade heavy guns In the fierce fire, in the morning over the jungle, countless bullets are flying, countless shells are roaring, and they have only one target, the huge entrance of more than 60 meters.

The heavy snipers tried to send the bursting bullet into its heart position, or the head; the tank gunners tried to smash its giant legs, forcing it to fall or retreat; ordinary soldiers were like ants on the ground, pouring Bullets.

No matter how many complaints about the upper level, no matter how much unfairness in promotion, or how much material promised to be distributed is deducted, at this moment, they are only a military, the military incompetence and instinct is to pick up their own hands. Guns, as well as various weapons, counterattack!

Perhaps they are not willing to play as cannon fodder and the United States into the dead, perhaps they will also play girls, all kinds of forced and drunk when the world, perhaps there are many urinating pants immediately stunned or even lost the weapon to escape, but When the guns sounded, when the gunshots sounded and the comrades shouted, countless soldiers and officers rushed to the front line, as if responding to the struggling guns and responding to the comrades’ shouts, only because They are military and are soldiers.

Behind them is their home, they are their comrades in front of them, and there is a trace of blood in their bodies!

What kind of national glory, the country's prosperity, deep historical honor... These fake big words, at this moment, are shit, the military that rushed out to resist only know that if they also retreat and run, then they are behind What are the unarmed pro-intakes to resist this huge devil from hell! ?

Can only let it be!

But they didn't know that at the rear of the camp, a list of helicopters that should have been on the battlefield, stuffed with panic-stricken top-level slams, rushing to prepare for an emergency takeoff, fleeing the camp... Trolls eat everything, from A dog to a cow, from one to a tree, as long as it is caught by its giant hand, all into its huge mouth, none of which can be spared.

The place where it passes is almost a red land, and the grass does not stay.

But countless bullets can't stop its footsteps by drawing countless fire lines in the air. Even the powerful high-explosive shells quickly dissolve and disappear after they get into its rotten skin.

It seems that every time it hits it, it becomes more powerful.

The tank, the armored vehicle, was thrown and thrown like a toy in front of it. The driver and the gunners screamed and jumped out of the chariot flying in the air, floating like a fallen leaf, but without a parachute.

More entry is directly pinched to death by the giant hands, flesh and blood and internal organs like the contents of the pool in the slaughterhouse.

The huge devil hardly made a decent impact, and the line of defense that was concentrated into a strong firepower position was trampled on the ground. Many soldiers smashed their heads and smashed from the huge foot that fell from the hollow. After being pushed in, the next time it removed the soles of the feet, it became a piece of meatloaf, which was tightly attached to the bottom of the giant foot.

Even so, it has not been let go, often bent down, picking up the mashed meat patties that are not formed by the muscles, and send them to the entrance, not forgetting the jungle trees next to them, like in front The side dishes are generally eaten.

Breaking through the lines of the "ant", the trolls inserted long rust swords on the ground, where the swordsmen fell into the ground, and several soldiers who were tied in the struggle struggled... and it was so fragile On the ground, the "ant" who vacated their hands and stalked and panicked, swallowed a large number of plants and ate them bit by bit.

In its hands, in the mouth, it is all the shadow of the panic.

A helicopter that had just risen had not had time to fly out, and it was discovered by it. It spit out a thick, stinking pus, which went through the air, drowned, and crashed into the camp.

There were more than a dozen red-eyed soldiers and officers, screaming, carrying bombs, crawling up the arms, enduring the stench that almost made them unable to breathe, and clinging to the rotten skin like steel, step by step. The ground is close to the troll's ears and mouth, trying to stuff the bomb in and blast it.

Who knows, just approaching the huge ugly ear, it stands up, shakes it, climbs up and shakes it like a scorpion, and falls into a meat sauce.

The land-based missile finally made a move, but because of the collective loss of control of the radar and other equipment after coming to the planet, the new technology has not been modified, and the positioning error is almost equal to the blindness, and it can only be watched as the warhead wipes from the giant Pass by.

Although there is a **** xing, although there is hard work to resist, but under the huge power gap, the army has finally collapsed across the board, and more and more into the death is also dead, can not stop!

Unless there is a strong force to fight off it like the American camp, even if he is driven away.

However, they did not.

The battle was too fast, the camps were too late to retreat, and the chaos had become a pot of porridge. It was originally used to guard against the intrusion of jungle creatures. It was the biggest obstacle to the escape of the Indian city when it was burned. I don't know how much into crowdedness at the entrance and exit and the wall.

When I was a child, the three good primary school students of a famous school deliberately arranged the quality test of the balloons one by one in order to pull the balloons out of the narrow glass bottle mouth. The scenes praised by international friends can only appear in the primary school. In the textbook.

In reality, when the college entrance examination is even in the middle school entrance examination, all the children only know one truth, raise the **** butcher knife, and cut all the bridges that dare to grab the wooden bridge with themselves!

Congested by the entrance and exit and the wall under the roots, do not hesitate to step on the head, can not take care of the screams of the stepped down under the foot, from the blocked gap, the child in the hand is plugged out, then big call:

"Run fast, run north, run into the US, don't worry about Dad!"

Among them is the male who bought the radish that Zheng and I have seen.

Soon, the giant invasion into the camp, the congested entrances and walls and wall roots, became its best place to hunt. As soon as you reach out, you can grab a lot of "ant" that has no resistance, so that it can be swept away. food.

In the air, three fighters finally appeared, two of which were fighters taking off on the newly repaired runway in the Chinese camp, and the other was a US-made fighter.

Because communications and radio and radar equipment are out of control, there are very few air-to-air fighters that have been urgently modified. The missile's hit rate has to be determined by the pilot's own manual guidance, and it can only hit the air.

The appearance of the fighter plane shifted the attention of the giants. It seemed to stare at the three fighters for a while, then screamed in the throat, pulled out the giant sword inserted in the ground, and waved. It is like punctuating the fighters in the air.

A Chinese pilot who entered the pilot with a canopy across the canopy gestured a sign that he was about to start attacking. If it failed, ask the other person to find his chance to use his life to attack.

Taking a breath, the pilot Hao Yang 摒 摒 杂 , , , , c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 郝 郝 郝 郝 郝 郝 郝 郝 郝 郝 郝 郝 郝 郝 郝 郝 郝 郝 郝 郝 郝

In addition to the thick smell in the mouth, there seems to be no other remote attack that has been verified. He must be as close as possible to the target outside the range of the giant sword, and release the missile. Otherwise, there is no warhead of the Jing positioning system. I don't know. Where will I go!

The first dive failed, and he was almost hit by the thick.

In the whistling of the warplane, flying from the head of the giant, the bullets flying out on the ground made a row of shocking craters on his wing. He was too close.

Pulling up the fighter, after circling, he found that the American fighter flying across from the plane was using this space to accurately swoop down from behind the giant. He did not know why the United States came to "aid" at this time, presumably to test the resistance of the giant. Strike ability.

However, the opponent's dive also failed, followed by his comrades' subduction. The three-in-one tacitly cooperated and launched a dive attack on the top of the giant.

For the giants, they are like a fly on the top of their heads, and shuttle back and forth.

A missile finally hit the giant body, and the violent explosion of fire rushed up. The debris even hit a fighter that was too late to pull up. The distance was too close!

Hao Yang could only watch his comrades turn into a fire, and the people under his wing looked at the giants swallowed by the flames, bursting with horror cheers.

Finally hit!

Should the giants fall down?

It is impossible to survive to survive this level of destruction!

Hao Yang was also relieved when he was sad. From his point of view, the huge intrusion was completely swallowed up by the explosion. There should be no possibility of survival. He paid such a big price and finally killed it?

He needs to confirm and add a missile.

When he pulled back to the fighter plane and swooped down, he was horrified to see the flames in the flames rushing out of the flames, and the cheers on the ground suddenly stopped.

Huge eyes seem to contain blood, the epee is pointing, roaring and not knowing what to roar!

However, Hao Yang realized the danger. He stopped diving and put all the missiles out of the way, all of them were put out, then quickly pulled up and fled.

At almost the same time, the US entered the same movement with him, but did not fly out of the missile and flew back to the north. There, the American camp had begun to evacuate and evade the north.

The huge forehead lit up a triangular golden mantle at the moment, there seems to be a golden light flowing away from the complex line of triangular prisms deeply nailed into its head, in its roar, just one inch away It is forced out, and its gods become extremely painful, and the eyes become extremely confused.

The flying missiles ignited a blast, and in addition to killing a lot of damage, the damage to the giants was negligible.

The enemies on the ground were finally desperate, and in addition to escape, they had given up all resistance.

The three-sided prism that the golden light drifted out was forced into the head of the giant, and its eyes became more painful and confused, and it seemed to become more hungry, and both hands grabbed everything it could catch. , stuffed in the entrance.

The bodies that chewed into the body, the plants of the jungle, and other small creatures that rushed into the air, rushed through the ants that ran away, and constantly forced out the triangulation.

The fat man Zheng and the boat also gave up the hope of surviving, and some desperately looked at the hugely close, and did not expect that their new things had just begun, they must be here.

He was surrounded by Secretary Wang and the boss he was relying on. At this time, he discovered that they were no different from ordinary people. They were also scared and stupid. They only knew that escape was hopeless and they were more calm than others.

He didn't see He Ning. When she was in the incident, she was estimated to be in the management office. However, he saw the beautiful girl who was not like words, and her parents. His father was a little older, and his mother still had a charm.

When I think of this quiet and quiet girl, I have to become a broken meat in the devil-like entrance. The fat man feels a pity for a while, but he has no qualifications to sympathize with him, because he will also become a pile of broken meat.

Suddenly he still couldn’t help but think that his broken meat and the girl caused by this jing were stirred by the huge mouth. Although it was very disgusting, but only from the point of view of death, he died with such a beautiful girl. It is the only one that can comfort myself.

The wall was blown up by a gap, but it didn't pass much. It was too much, and even if it ran out, it might not be able to run through the huge steps.

The hopeless escape and Zheng and the boat waited in the same way, finally gave up, the last words are not used anyway, anyway, no one can survive, waiting for the advent of death, perhaps, sooner or later, there is such a glimpse.

He Ning is also in a corner, but she does not seem to have the courage to face death. Still, 1ri and her in the hands of the pig's head, huddled in a tent, they did not see anything, and they were not so scared.

If you enter, you will die, but you will not want to die, but you must die.

Zheng and the boat sighed. He found that he was always sighing recently. Do you know if he would get older? It’s ridiculous, I can still think about this kind of problem at this time!

He was so fascinated to lie down, and he was dying to death. He hoped that he would step on him and squash him. He would have lost a lot of pain. He was still very afraid of pain.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the pretty quiet girl suddenly pointing the direction of the east ri, strangely said: "Look, there, there seems to be in."

There, on the **** of the horizontal line of sight, a broken flag gradually rose from the other side of the slope. After a while, a knight’s shadow appeared in the wind with the flag of the wind.

Zheng and the boat suddenly seemed to think of something. A squid stood up and looked down the girl's lush fingertips. He saw the knight hold the horse and hit a spin.

At this moment, Zheng and the boat’s heart is tense, is it a reinforcement, is it a reinforcement? ? Is the legendary night cavalry, or is that in?

He almost shouted in his heart, must be, must be o!

Not only him, but all the gaze around him stared at the knight who was struggling to breathe. The heroic maneuvering horse became a century-long in their eyes, as if the next moment, It will turn around and go.

Is it a reinforcement, don't go! Don't go o!

Even the secretary of the king was crying and crying, as if he had seized the last life-saving straw, and the huge entry was only a few steps away!

The maneuver was so long that the earliest discovery of its breathing was holding back, leaving only the heart vibrating with the footsteps of the giant.

Turn, turn, turn, have not gone, still turning!

Zheng and the boat's hands were tightly held, and the nails were deeply embedded in the meat. He was afraid of pain and he could not feel the pain! Tightly like a tight rubber band, his eyes were even more daring to move to the knight, as if he had just moved a little, he was afraid to leave it.

Turn, turn, turn, turn around! Turned around! It didn't go! Really did not go!

Zheng and the boat almost shouted nervously, and the secretary of the king around him was even worse. The whole body was shaking a little. Everyone knows that if you dare to come to the rescue at this moment, you must be sure to enter, otherwise who is willing to come Send to die?

Is there really hope? Really still?

Zheng and the boat looked back, Wang Secretary, the big boss, all looked at the knight who was circling over the horse, and even the beautiful girl covered his mouth.

All the entrances are extremely looking forward to! So that the apex is shaking.

However, why doesn't it rush down?

The hope that had just risen suddenly returned to the edge of the cliff. It was extremely nervous and hung in the air, praying over and over again, even begging for pleading... It was over, it didn’t move, it was there, it must be just a glance. , finished, finished, everything is over!

When Zheng and the boat were the same as the other ones, there was only one thought left in the mind. Suddenly, a burst of deep choking, but with a heavy murderous snail sounds rushed - "呜~呜~~~呜呜呜呜~ ~~~”“呜~呜~~~呜呜呜呜~~~~”... The first sound is low, the second sound is long, followed by two short rushes, and finally the drag is elongated, long and Xiao Killing, it seems that the ancient drums are striking into the heart, riding the long wind, stirring!

Zheng’s breathing was a stagnation. An official who had already held a telescope shouted excitedly: “It’s blowing the trumpet, it’s blowing the trumpet! It’s not going!”

The low-pitched, snarling screams came, sweeping through the hell-like slaughterhouse, and rushing into the heart, more and more discovering the knight who blew the battle number over and over again, countless pairs of eyes staring there. .

In the next moment, countless shackles were soft on the ground, and even tears were on the horizon. On the horizontal line of the top of the slope, in the sound of the melodious murder, the raging heavy cavalry rushed out, and the cloaks on their bodies followed the rush. Rolling up and down, their flag is pointing to the giant!

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