Dark Blood Age

Chapter 821: Array, left before everyone


Grab the huge monster between the epee and the body of Chu Yunsheng while galloping horses, while rushing to scream: "Group, group! Run up! Speed, then faster!"

His voice, like a reminder, urged behind Buttney and other people's ass, constantly urging them to increase their speed, and the others were inserted from the side as originally planned.

If this time, from the sky, you can see that the formation of the 12 blood riding charge led by Butney is no longer the front of the front, has changed the formation, each blood ride is like running a line, Push the speed to the highest so that the seemingly messy lines gradually form a looming rune.

The huge strength of the heavens and the earth is pulled by these lines, and it gathers from all directions. The energetic spirits everywhere are swiftly gathered under the feet of giant monsters like water pools.

Every **** ride on the body seems to be covered with a faint white light. As they ride the lines, they outline a twisted pattern, and each of them is struggling to catch up with the people in front of them. Outline the remaining lines.

If it is a rune that is looming on the earth, it will flash the glimmer of light, as if it is the next moment, it will survive the general magnificence.

"Fast! Faster! No time!"

Chu Yunsheng has already rushed to the best position he has booked, just waiting for Butni to lead the twelve blood rides to complete the entire rune attack.

Just a little faster, the blood rider behind can catch up with the lines that have not been dissipated by the **** ride in front, but often only one step away. The white lines left by the blood rides in front of the horses dissipated before the blood rides arrived.

The twelve blood rides, including Bounetney, were all sweating under the urging of Chu Yunsheng, and the horses under him were rushing to gasp. All reached the limit.

But the lines behind them are still out of touch. It seems that the faintness is composed of a rune. In fact, it is subdivided and fragmented. Only when each line is connected to each other, the entire array will actually live.

The people in the camp didn't know what the Cavaliers and other knights were doing, why they didn't attack, but they drove the horses. Anthony, who has a telescope in the distance, can't understand it, but he faintly feels that he has insufficient knowledge and knowledge.

Twelve blood rides over the huge monsters, Chu Yunsheng also missed the best position, and the people and other people looked tired and tired. After all, they used all their strength to run here.

The first attack failed.

More than a hundred blood horses in the periphery immediately took over the task of attracting huge humanoid monsters, and rushed out to shoot a sharp arrow. Except for a few that can be injected into its rotten skin, the other has no effect except for the violent anger caused by it, but this is also the purpose of the arrow attack, for Chu Yunsheng and Buteni and others to fight for time.

The twelve blood rides that rushed into the camp, under the command of Butney. Taking a short break from the time of returning, Chu Yunsheng, who had a bad equestrian, rushed past them and almost hit a large crowd.

At this time, he had no time to manage the person in front of him waving his hand in excitement and pulling on the reins, and he quickly glanced in that direction. I only think it is a fat man and I will ignore it. He patted the pony tail and ran out again.

As he passed over Boutney and others, he rushed to the giant monster and said, "Come on!"

It is impossible to have too much rest time, and more than one hundred blood rides can only attract the attention of the giants.

Only for such a small time, the giant sword that swept the ground has already swayed a dozen blood rides. Now life and death are unknown. Other blood rides can only rely on the speed of the war horse to hide from the left.

The golden triangular body on its head is still being pushed out bit by bit, which indicates that its power is rapidly increasing every minute and every second, if Chu Yunsheng let Butni and others Resting is tantamount to letting them commit suicide.

In terms of fighting will, although the 12 blood rides are elite, they are still far from Chu Yunsheng.

Chu Yunsheng was the first to ride, and Boutney and others rushed out again. The huge monsters seemed to feel their danger. They immediately gave up more than a hundred blood rides outside, and concentrated on Chu Yunsheng and Buteni. .

Before the 12 blood races, Chu Yunsheng's mission was to ensure their safety. When the epee and the thick scorpion hit again and again, Chu Yunsheng was forced to pick up from the back of the horse again and again, heading up. Let out all the stops to stop them.

The second attack, still failed, and Chu Yunsheng a total of fourteen groups of horses passed through the feet of huge humanoid monsters, to the starting point of their first charge.

Chu Yunsheng's face is somewhat iron-green. Every time the attack fails, the blood riders and his physical strength are seriously degraded, and the hope of success becomes more and more embarrassing.

The symbolic array is the way he tries to deal with the cardinal. He is also the only way to deal with the huge monster at this moment. Only when he is trapped first, can he have a chance to kill it, otherwise he will only rely on blood riding. The strength of the battle can not cut its legs and put it down, Chu Yunsheng also rises to such high altitude to hit its key.

But the time of practice is too short, and he still can't find a better way to weaken the role of blood riders in the formation.

This method is not unique to him. It is said that he would like to thank the old man No.1. From a long time ago, he has seen the formation of the multi-energy in the gods, and later he met the swordsman of Shaoshun’s Shaobing, and the port city. The battles of the deaf children...and so on, many, many even the five people will use some similar means, such as the thing that the ice and fire two people engaged before the disappearance of Jinling City. In the end, he is in the pseudo-the monument node, It was locked in the trap with Lao You and saw the energy of the multi-energy.

In this way, Chu Yunsheng has been greatly inspired. In particular, the sword array of Chu Shumen is completely a variant that has evolved from ancient books, but he has no time to think in detail, and secondly, he has never needed it. Being forced to this part, I have to try it.

Unlike the old man, they can't get the essence of the ancient book, so the Chu method is so strange that it looks like God. Only the energy that the multi-energy family created itself has a terrible power.

Chu Yunsheng has detailed information about the opening of ancient books after the coincidence of the Tianzhu, and now they are all in their heads. All he has to do is to use the complex but not single element of the blood family as a "pen" to find out the characters on the earth.

The real runes must have pure physical strength to control. In essence, the energy level is in the ultra-stable state. Although the vital energy in the blood family does not reach this standard, their sub-steady state is not a single fire attribute. Or the ice attribute, Chu Yunsheng can learn from the multi-energy and Chu Shumen people to find a way to make up, although it is not a real rune. But it definitely has a similar effect.

The multi-energy people don't say it. They have their own set of systems, and the Chu Shu Men only can do it by relying on the ancient books. He has the core of the ancient books and there is no reason to do it.

However, the situation of the development of the situation surprised him. Two days ago, he successfully directed Butni and others to form a simple six-figure. When the array is successful, countless elements come together to form a strong outer cover like a armor, so that Chu Yunsheng can't believe his eyes.

Then I saw the formation of the blood riders running in the six-figure matrix. He has experienced many times of experience in the battle, and he can see the powerful effect of mutual support defense at a glance.

That evening. He couldn’t sleep, although the rune technique gave him a shock, especially after coming to the new world’s planet, he created the thrilling ambition of the life of rune technology, even he felt Consternation and fear. But no matter how much he could see the scene he saw that day.

Because, he has only seen the true "face" of Rune until now. In the past, it was just a symbol on the paper!

Chu Yunsheng could not imagine that thousands of people formed a scene and power after a huge array of characters. He could not imagine that in the empty starry sky, dense warships like stars would form a magnificent array, once in it. Under the attack, is it even the gods...

The most astounding thing is that the rune can not only use the vitality, but also the source of life, and the source of life is life! Chu Yunsheng can almost think of the lives of hundreds of millions of creations of runes. In that battle of the horror, burning the lives of all the people of them, sending out their strongest and final blow!

Perhaps, at that time, there was a surviving tribe with mournful tears, recorded sporadic rune knowledge, and let the truth eternal in the final blow, leaving only what Chu Yunsheng saw now. .

As he lived longer, like his predecessors, whether he wants or not, he gradually touches more and more secrets.

He didn't want to challenge the person who was strong enough to destroy the entire rune life, but did not prevent him from using the array to help himself get out of the difficult situation.

After the second attack failed, Chu Yunsheng realized that his chances were only two times. If he could not succeed twice, he would challenge the limit again and again, and the physical exhaustion was completed. Today is the death period.

More and more blood rides are injured. Although they are not only immediately killed by their strong physical fitness, if Chu Yunsheng can't win, sooner or later they will wait to enter the huge population.

Taking a breath, Chu Yunsheng bite his teeth: "Come back!"

Then he rushed toward the huge monster, his body consumption is bigger than the blood ride. In addition to speeding up, he has to cope with the continuous attack of the giant. Each hit, the weight alone, makes him ruined. edge.

The people in the camp are now tense. Although they don’t know what Chu Yunsheng is doing, they obviously won’t succeed twice. If this time is no longer possible, the obvious fatigue of the knights can not persist until the fourth time. No one has a heart.

Zheng and the boat were also very nervous. When Chu Yunsheng rushed to the camp for the first time, he found the familiar face under the robes, but Chu Yunsheng ignored him. He also knew the fun, except for tightly grasping Living outside the arm of Secretary Wang, he is concentrating on the battle on the battlefield.

"Is that person?" When Secretary Wang’s boss launched the charge for the third time in Chu Yunsheng, he suddenly opened his mouth and asked.

"Yes, it must be, I remember his appearance." Zheng and the boat nodded seriously. He found that the girl who had recognized Chu Yunsheng did not recognize it and locked her faint brow.

"This person..." The boss of Secretary Wang did not say any more. Chu Yunsheng was cold and ignored their gaze when he rushed over, giving him a very bad premonition.

Zheng and the boat did not think so much, he was just a small person. Not sensitive in this regard.

But he is very scared and worried because it is very fast. Chu Yunsheng’s third wave of attacks failed again.

When Chu Yunsheng rode on the horse, this time he rushed into the crowd completely out of control, knocking over a dozen people and coming to the place not far from them. He discovered that Chu Yunsheng’s face was covered with tiny blood. It looks very embarrassing.

"If you can't do it, run it!" The fat man couldn't help but scream. In his opinion, Chu Yunsheng can still run away. And as an acquaintance, maybe he will run with him.

"Come back!"

Chu Yunsheng looked at him coldly and turned around and rushed out of the crowd. At this time, other blood riders had the idea of ​​giving up. The six-figure symbol is a low-level array, and the ice lock is higher than the one. There are a lot of demands on the speed connection, and their will to fight is far from Chu Yunsheng. Chu Yunsheng is a person who can still fight hard if the flesh and blood are cut!

"Only this time, if you don't succeed, you. I, there are other brothers, you have to die! If you can run away, I will take you back!" Chu Yunsheng pointed out that only about three-thirds of the injuries were left. One of the other blood rides, pointing at the huge monster. Xiao Hsiao said: "Killing it is our only way to live!"

"Fighting again!"

Chu Yunsheng screamed. With the dagger in the bag slammed into the horse's buttocks, the arrow ran out.

Boutheney and the 12 blood riders glanced at each other and smashed the daggers into the pony tail, urging their blood into the war horses.

Far from the south, no one ever noticed that a sly-like aircraft hovered quietly over the jungle.

A small man inside, looking at the triangular body that is about to be forced out on the head of the huge monster, sighs, like another little person around him: "Go, they can't win."

The little man said: "Now is a good opportunity. The eyes of the five major countries are attracted to the wars that are about to break out between the two countries. Now, it is better for us to do it..."

It turned out that the little humanity said: "If you want to kill that huge monster, you need to mobilize the army. It’s too late."

At this time, the battlefield suddenly changed. A huge amount of heaven and earth madly gathered at the soles of the giant monsters. Numerous glaciers-like transparent crystals emerged from all directions. The places where the horses rushed past were swept like cold air. The direction of their impact waves spread like ice!

Hey, hey, hey!

The ice freezes the land, freezes the jungle, and freezes everything around the huge humanoid monster except the blood rider.

Even the huge monster turned into an ice sculpture that was under the sword.

"Extraction!" Chu Yunsheng immediately rallied from the war, and said: "Fast, the master, the ladder!"

In fact, his position has already passed, but there is no way, Butney's symbol has been launched successfully, only once, he had to force the horse and rushed back.

The fourth time he was inserted from the side, he was also tired and panting, but now is the key moment to decide life and death. He jumped up first, about four or five meters high, and then the degraded people behind him used the strong jumping power. , tidally jumped from him to the shelf.

Chu Yunsheng followed closely and flew straight up from the humanoid ladder that jumped in the air in the layer, as if he was going to the sky.

At this time, not only the people in the camp had their eyes wide open, but they couldn’t speak. Andilu also showed an unbelievable look. The hand holding the telescope was a bit awkward. The appearance of the blood ride had reminded him of the fly. Who might be in the air!

On the other side of the aircraft, it was even more amazing. Many small people flocked to the imaging screen.

In the sky, Chu Yunsheng stepped on the back of the last degenerate person, and then leaped a few meters upwards, carrying the fire of the whole body with the last card of the fire. All the drops were injected into the fire knife, using his recent creation. The flame-shaped battle technique formed a huge flame knife from the sky, and slammed into the huge head in the ice...

Hey, hey, hey!

Under the fierce collision of ice and fire, the heavens and the earth are instantly splashing, the airflow is rolled up, and the ice and snow flames are up and down two points. If the upper bound is covered by fire, the lower boundary will return to the snow.

The indestructible monster's head knife finally let everyone slam it off and slammed down. Chu Yunsheng's figure slammed down the air, the sword towed the flame, the cloak was covered with ice, and the sky was set and entered the camp. Like the fire of the sky, through the snow, leaving the crowd.

Behind him, the huge head burned with flames like a meteor.


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