Dark Blood Age

Chapter 829: Disarm, let it disarm!

The aurora sword in the sky wears the sky and returns. It does not sense the original owner, but in the vicinity senses a life that is qualified to have it, so it rushes in that direction.


The aurora falls, the radiance of the blue-lighted sword body converges, revealing the complex and dense sword pattern, and the general ancient texts appear one after another in the convergence light...

The sword is inserted in the distance that the little boy can get as long as he reaches out, but it can't move even a finger.

The freckled big boy was shocked by the green sword that fell from the sky, and returned. He also squatted on the little boy lying on the ground, and then looked at Qingjian for a long time.

"You want it too? Come and get it?"

Seeing the little boy staring coldly at the eyes of the strange sword, the freckled boy cried slyly.

"Oh, I forgot, you are a freak zombie who can't move, I take it closer."

The freckled boy stood up and pulled out the cyan sword. The sword seemed to have no weight. He could easily hold the hilt, like a toy, hanging over the little boy's hand.

"Get it, take it, don't you want it?"

The boy's gaze is still staring at the blade, as long as it touches it, as long as it touches it, the spirit inside can be used for it, and it can stand up!

"You don't want to bully the little brother, he is just injured, can't move."

The little girl wants to "protect" the little boy and struggles weakly to stand up.

"Dead Chinese ghost, go!"

The freckled boy couldn't understand what the little girl was saying, but he handled it very simply. He opened her on one foot and watched her kick on the floor like a puppy, and laughed.

"Hey. You don't, I have to give it to you, how can it be fun? Or else, use it to cross a cross on your body, this is a good note!"

The freckled boy gathered his laughter and seemed to have come up with a very vicious but fun note.

The little boy looked at him with a sneer look, as long as he stabbed the sword, today is their last day!

It doesn't hate anyone, the truth is that it doesn't sympathize with little girls. There is no love and hate in the gods, only anger, the wrath of heaven.

The freckled boy hung a glaucomous sword back and forth on the little boy, sometimes staying above his face and sometimes staying in front of his chest. It seems to be looking for a more suitable place.

Just when he decided to stab on the boy's cheek, the valley road had a rush of horseshoes. The freckled boy raised his head and saw a heroic knight in the blue heavy armor riding a horse higher than him. More **** red horses came to him.

The big boy was a little scared, standing in the same place, his hands loose, and the strange sword in his hand would fall down and stab the little boy's cheek.

The knight stretched out his right hand with the armor. The five fingers opened and then retracted and pulled back. The strange sword that fell from the big boy's hand almost wiped the boy's nose into the knight's hand.

At this time, the little girl who rolled over the puppies came back and shouted. And the little boy stared at the opportunity that should have belonged to it...

The Cavaliers continued to rush to more knights, and each of them was arrogant and slightly tired.

"Chased for so long, finally caught up!" A handsome knight who caught up. Slightly breathing like a question: "How can this thing turn around in the sky for a long time?"

The heavy helmet knight did not answer him, and put the blue light sword on the front of the body for a moment. Then he took the epee of the waist with his left hand and gave it to the handsome knight around him. Then he inserted the blue light sword into it. The entire cyan armor suddenly burst into a wonderful halo, which made people dazzling.

"It should be missing the same..." The heavy helmet knight whispered and looked up to the south, whispering: "Dil..."

"Well?" The handsome knight holds a heavy sword and reveals a smile.

"Forget it..." The heavy armor sighed and gently whipped the whip, crossed the demented big freckle boy, and saw the little girl with a pungent smell on the thin panic. I don’t know why it stopped, saying: Give her something to eat."

Deere looked at the back of the heavy armor, licked his lips, wanted to say something, but did not say it, waved his hand, let the people behind him take a grain bag and throw it at the feet of the little girl, then chased it up.

Over the tent camp full of mountains and plains, there was a loud horn that repeated and repeated.

"They have no choice." The handsome knight looked at the figure outside the tent in the camp and listened to the decision. He said faintly, but he seems to have not said the next sentence.

"Chris didn't make a mistake." The heavy armor called him this way, then turned around and the knight behind him suddenly followed the rush.

The handsome knight looked back at the demented big boy and the thin little girl who tried to pick up the little boy, took up the stable, screamed and followed.

Behind them, over the valley, the sad voice that came from the big trumpet for a long time:

"Disarm, let it disarm! Take up the camp, let it occupy the camp!..."


What happened in the South, Chu Yunsheng had no way to know that the cooperation plan with the small people had not been discussed in detail, and they could not share all the information with him now.

After leaving Zheng and the boat to cooperate with the young people, he returned to the area where the blood rider and the degraded person were temporarily stationed.

"Hot Pot?"

Seeing that the person who was arranging and pulling a big pot did not know what was being cooked, Chu Yun came up with an appetite. Until now, he had not eaten, and the recovered nerve completely completely cleared the long-lost clear hunger. Passing back to his brain, he was already hungry.

"What hot pot? If you speak Chinese again, go there and eat it!" The dialect refers to the temporary canteen built by people in the camp not far away.

"What did you cook?" Chu Yunsheng was too lazy to take care of him. He went up and smashed it with a spoon. He said: "You can also put some meat on the porridge!"

"Now eat meat, can you eat it?" said strangely.

During the speech, there were degraded people who gave a good bowl to Chu Yunsheng, and they did not dare.

Under the gaze of Chu Yunsheng's rebellion, the disparity only has to say: "When we do, we are barbaric. Our beasts, even if they kill a pile of broken meat, sit next to the body and eat meat. There should be no psychological. Obstacles, let's do it."

Chu Yunsheng picked up the bowl and looked up at him. He calmly said, "I have eaten."

“What have you eaten?” I didn’t hear it clearly.

Chu Yunsheng does not seem to want to recall the place he never wanted to recall. He looked down at the steaming porridge in the bowl: "If a person is forced to the part, the mind is unclear. There is nothing to eat, And there are dead bodies under the feet..."

The difference is not really sitting on the side of the body can not eat meat, he is venting dissatisfaction with Chu Yunsheng repeatedly in the camp door to say that he wants to let him pull the bite.

When I heard Chu Yunsheng suddenly said this, my heart was inexplicable and curious: "You have eaten dead bodies. Human flesh?"

Chu Yunsheng’s eyes flowed through a faint sigh of relief, then revealed a bright smile, and then continued what he said: “You will feel that there is a bowl of porridge in front of you, what a wonderful thing.”

Breathing a sigh of relief on the bowl, taking a bite of porridge, still hot porridge through the esophagus. Entering the empty stomach, a warm force spreads through the limbs along the nerve endings.

This is the power of life's driving force!

Even if it is rare, it can still be clearly felt.

Chu Yunsheng has not felt its ability for a long time, just took a porridge. It’s good to feel “live”.

However, there seems to be something wrong there?

His instincts have always been accurate, especially in the bad aspects, and immediately frowned and examined the body with the igniting energy that had just gathered. No problems were found, but it was even more uneasy.

He absorbed the huge death of the giant. It was a waste of it, and the amount of inhalation was extremely amazing. According to the truth, his recovery process should be over, and his sensory feelings and the feeling of a porridge just proved him and the former. There is no difference in "live".

But why is there no other change in the body?

Although he does not know what changes should be made, he should never have to move beyond the nerves. You must know that this body is not his!

Still "live" in the body of others, even if this body is like his original appearance, how can it be called "completed death"?

What must be forgotten?

Chu Yunsheng had a porridge bowl, and suddenly he had no appetite, and he pondered over it. He recalled all his conversations with the guardian about this aspect, and he was afraid that he had missed something that was inconspicuous but important. local.

The distraction looked rude and full of nonsense, but in fact it was extremely important. When Chu Yunsheng suddenly looked up, he no longer disturbed him and sat down.

"Complete the dead, make up the dead... In the end, where is the problem?"

"Guardian, what did you say for the first time?... When I mentioned that I was dead, I attached it to the spur gun... Then it was the Seventh Age. It said that it was dead, I felt it myself, this should That's right... What else did it do, what did you say?... Underground ship? Is this the right thing to do... Ji Ziyi? It doesn't matter... Take me to see them? It doesn't seem to catch up... ...when leaving the earth? Wait..."

He jerked back to the penultimate article that he had just thought of. He looked at Wenlu, who was negotiating with the little people in the distance. He remembered that he had to take the purpose of Wenlu at first, and thought of the person who left the Sixth Age. Did not find...

Suddenly, a creepy feeling invaded the brain from his back along the spine, let him stand up and slammed, the porridge bowl shattered on the ground, smashed the ground, and the left hand clasped the handle and loosened Then clenched, then loosened, and then clenched, and it was already shaking slightly. A terrible possibility could make his lips shake:

"Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible, he is not me, definitely not me, definitely not me, I can't kill..."

At this moment, he looked up, as if he once again heard the cruel and sad laughter in the sky. (To be continued)

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