Dark Blood Age

Chapter 832: The people of Yongzhen, the people who broke the town


"The American side also agrees that it is a space warship. From the analysis of the attenuation of radiation around it, it stays here for at least three thousand years." The leader Tang Jiayi stood under the steep metal wall and looked up and said with emotion: "No. Knowing when we humans can make a spaceship as spectacular as it is, everything in it is really a treasure, and it really plays a vital role in our technological advancement."

Although it was forced to come, when he stood under this huge metal wall with a small body like an ant, facing the magnificent relics of transcending thinking, he was again guilty of being a technical person, as if he saw it. A treasure house is as excited, admired and even worshipped.

"Where does the door go in?" Chu Yunsheng ended his galloping imagination with a word, and looked around for a place to enter.

When he came to the metal cliff, he found that the energy flow suddenly became obvious. In order to get into the interior smoothly, the fire in the body had just been dispelled by him. There was no leftover. However, this is not the case. As long as cultivation, the body will be transformed. It will resonate with the energy of the vital energy. Even if all the vitality is dispelled, the body after cultivation is in a turbulent flow, and it will be torn apart by the power of turbulence, except for the half-body method that the filmmaker taught him. He still has a trick.

Dead air can inhibit the physical activity of cultivation, make it suspended, and isolate the internal and external fluctuations. In the past, he was not dead, and there was no way to do it. Now, the giants bring a lot of dead air, which can spread the whole body and cover Every cell of the fire body makes it quiet.

His zero-dimensional reluctance can be controlled a little. It’s no longer a big problem to mobilize the dead air, and soon it’s ready to enter.

"There. There is a hole that breaks through the tears, or else we can't do it with our ability to leave a mark on the metal wall, and it's even less likely to go in." Tang Jiayi pointed a tear away Small tunnel.

It is said that the small hole is relative to the huge metal wall. It is a big hole for Chu Yunsheng and others, and it can pass the giant.

It is dark and dark, full of mystery of unknownness.

A total of fourteen people. Gru was left out for security reasons, leaving the thirteen people like the ants under the coat closet and slid into the gap.

"Before the road signs were gone, the Americans did not have any bodies. It was estimated that they were destroyed by the giants. Everyone was careful under the soles of the feet, in order. Don't worry, follow the map."

Tang Jiayi took the spotlight and walked in the front, trying to find a familiar route as much as possible.

After coming in, Chu Yunsheng felt cold, even wearing thick protective clothing. Can also experience the feeling of the wind blowing over the skin, tingling and numb.

The body is degenerate into an animal shape, and the body that is as strong as a hill can not help but squat, snoring and snoring: "Fak, really cold!"

There is nothing to look around. All are broken into garbage, and some are caused by giants. According to Tang Jiayi, this is the case, it should be the heavy damage suffered before the crash.

"We can't cut the cabins they built, they can only enter the interior from here, encounter the compartments that are cut off, do not want to remove them, or destroy their systems and find a way to blow them up or cut them out. The road is impossible."

Chu Yunsheng went to the second position this time. Tang Jiayi walked and explained to him: "The original stuck in the channel has been solved by the Americans. The giant has been rushing for a while. It is estimated that we can go deeper this time. ""

Along the way, in addition to preventing the falling metal block, or the collapse of the foot, there is no other danger, the original appearance inside the cabin is completely invisible, and I have to continue moving forward.

I have been to the huge cuboids that the Americans have ever arrived. The talents have made their first break. Two young expedition members took the newly-reformed camera and stood up and looked up at the camera. Another female team member collected. Inside the debris metal and other materials, the rest of the others are busy with their own affairs, and they are also responsible for vigilance. Only Chu Yunsheng has nothing to do.

Follow the inner wall of the cabin and look at the complicated pattern above. It should be the door of the door, knocking, and nothing happens.

"Old Tang, can you open this door?" Chu Yun rose back and asked.

"I look." Tang Jiayi left the busy instrument in his hand, walked over for a long time, touched for a long time, shook his head and said: "I don't know, but you can try it. It is similar to the previous difficult car door. It takes some time. ”

“How long will it take?” Chu Yun rose.

"This is really hard to say, it may take a day at the earliest. If it is not broken, and there is a crack here, it will allow us to go deep into the probe, and it may not be able to open it in a year." Tang Jiayi said uncertainly.

"Can you blow up?" Chu Yunsheng is not willing to say that if this can only come here, it is not coming.

"No, our technology can't be destroyed from this aspect. Their materials can't be understood. They can only be destroyed from the control system." Tang Jiayi shook his head and said helplessly.

"I will try it!" Chu Yunsheng took out the fire knife, although there is no fire, but it is also the hardship of the cardinal fire.

He was just ready to start, and a member of the team not far away shook the lamp in the corner and said: "There are broken openings in the hole, you should be able to get in!"

The hole is not big, and the hull should be penetrated by the splashing pieces when it is attacked, enough for one person to climb in.

Chu Yunsheng immediately took back the sword, and there was a strange wind everywhere. There were strange things everywhere. If you couldn’t come hard, you would come hard. As the people prepared to turn over, leave the two players behind, and the other orders will be drilled from the breach. Go in.

Others are okay, the size of a half-man high is a bit large, the gap is too small, and finally risking a huge risk to recover the person, quickly drilled through the past, and then degraded, in less than a second or two, The body has been bloodstained, as if it has been disfigured by countless bloodline stripes.

"It almost took an old life!" The gasping and hoarseness, the sound line became very thick, was the cause of deterioration.

"I will let you stay outside, this is an adventure." Chu Yun upgraded him. Let him not pretend to die, and raise the flashlight in his hand. While walking forward, I looked around.

As soon as I entered, I lit up several lights and everyone was dumbfounded.

There is only one giant scorpion outside, and inside, the two sides of the station where they are drilled are densely drained with a glass-shaped container, cylindrical. Transparent, filled with liquid, reflecting the strange blue light under the light, and inside, all naked "dead".

"It seems to be a biological laboratory." Tang Jiayi moved the light and whispered, as if he was afraid of awakening these "dead bodies."

See a row of dead bodies packed in transparent containers. Coupled with the yin wind that always felt on the back, the disparity also closed the mouth tightly.

"This kind of animal is a bit like a lizard, it's not right, it seems to be humanized." The female teammate who had talked with Chu Yunsheng took a flashlight, pointed her nose near the glass container, and looked seriously at the back of the corpse inside the dead body. Analysis, she is said to be a biologist.

Under the stimulation of the light, the eyelid of the dead body seemed to move, but the female team member who was close to the head of the head through the transparent wall knew nothing about it.

"Look at this, can't it be shaped?" A young male player in front pointed to another container. A burst of scalp horrified indefinitely.

The creature inside is black and has a tail. There is also a smooth layer of A, but it is obviously different from the alien in the movie, but it is equally fierce.

On the top of their towering heads, in the darkness, a pair of eyes with no pupils and pure white eyes are attracted by the lights of the players under the ground, and the mucus in the throat is sucking, and the hands and feet are sucked tightly like a suction hook. On the top of the dome, it was naked and pale.

Chu Yunsheng suddenly gripped the handle of the hand in a vigilant manner, as if he smelled a dangerous atmosphere. He was isolated from the spirit, and there was no way to find the enemy through the fluctuation of the vitality, and here is the turbulent flow, even if the sense of vitality is a mess. .

At this time, the difference is more sensitive than him. With the degraded animal shape and keen sense of smell, he is fully responsible for the safety alert of the whole team.

I walked forward carefully and never found anything special. Everyone was relieved. It seems that after three thousand years, even if there is something, it should die.

Chu Yunsheng has not been taken lightly, and has been holding the handle.

The aisle is very long and very tall. According to common sense, there is no need to vacate the space above the aisle. It is a waste. Although it looks very grand and spectacular, it is only designed to attract attention in the movie. The real battleship Chu Yunsheng has seen a few, there is very little such waste, it is compact and compact, not a little waste of space, but it is not like leaving the giant to walk, the diameter of the aisle is not large, the giant can not pass, can only see The secret of being left behind.

“Is this the ancestor of the little ones?” The young players who had previously discovered “alien” had new discoveries when the aisle was about to come to an end.

Chu Yunsheng quickly walked up and flashed it with a flashlight. The purpose of his coming here was to bring back the remains of a small person's self-proclaimed ancestors, exchange for energy blocks, and also exchange the assistance needed for the camp. This is also the camp. The top reason for the strong support.

Even if Chu Yun can't come, they will keep sending people until they get the body.

“Hey?” Chu Yunsheng was surprised to see the dead body in the transparent container.

The young players said nothing wrong. The corpses inside are very similar to the villain. The hair, eyes, skin and even the tail are very similar. I don’t know how the solution is made, and I can keep the body for so long.

But in the eyes of Chu Yunsheng, it goes more like another name - cold star!

The difference is very simple, its size is similar to Af, higher than the villain.

Various clues flew in his head, and eventually formed a vague speculation: three thousand years ago, this spaceship came to the planet with a cold star, did not know what was going on, crashed, and some transparent containers broke. At that time, they were not dead bodies, but they were alive. They escaped from the gap they had just drilled in. It may be gravity or perhaps the cause of the living environment. For example, they can only live in the ground without sunlight for a long time. The shorter is it?

In the three thousand years, a lot of things can happen in the long run.

"A few rows in the back of the road to see if there is a broken container, and we will retreat with a body." Chu Yunsheng flashlight swept the back and decided.

He has no curiosity. There is a gust of wind in the wind. Who knows what will happen?

The aisles they came from were just one of a row of container racks. There were a lot of backs. It was better to avoid unpredictable things by destroying the containers. It is better to find a broken one, although there may be no life in the container, but as long as it is a will. , to meet the trading conditions with the small people.

At this time, I don't know who stepped on what, or what happened, or when they came in, they were checked by the spacecraft's sleeping system. On the small platform at the end of the aisle, there was a sudden jump of light. After the strobe, the picture began to appear. And sound.

Chu Yunsheng and others were shocked by the birthplace, and they watched without any other abnormalities, and then they breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the chaotic pictures on the small platform.

The image was very confusing, and the jitter was very strong. There was someone crying inside. After a while, there was a crowd of people wearing a spacesuit excitedly rushing to the front of the image, and there was a burst of explosion.

After a few minutes, the image was dark and the progress jumped very fast. The faint light followed by the fluorescence showed a few vague shadows coming out of the broken container, and then it was dark again.

"Is there a suicide?" Chu Yunsheng had a very bad premonition in his heart. He immediately turned back and immediately withdrew his will.

At this time, the wall behind the small platform suddenly slammed, followed by the rapid rise and open, outside the transparent glass compartment, a row of lights lit up, illuminating the space outside the ship.

Through the huge window of the ship, I saw the scene under the shining light outside, and the well-informed Chu Yunsheng couldn’t help but take a breath!

After the original battleship wall, there is a larger space, like an abyss. They can be shocked to see the countless corpses underneath. At least dozens of various warships were cut off and crashed. In all directions, it seems to have experienced a fierce battle between life and death.

In front of the corpse of the mountain, standing on a huge monument made of hull, the ship's armor, which could not leave traces with the most advanced technology of mankind, was cut neatly and smoothly like tofu.

On the giant monument, the words of the dragon and the phoenix dance are engraved, flying and passionate, like a long sword with a sword.

What makes Chu Yunsheng even more shocked is that he actually knows a lot of these words. It is similar to the old secluded study of the text left by the corpse in the pyramid, but it is not exactly the same, but it can only be recognized and guessed. Partly, it is enough to make Chu Yun rise to the heart -

The people of Yongzhen, the people who broke the town, chasing the enemy alone...

Defeat the enemy ship 87 ships!

Exhausted the enemy of 17,706 people!

Exhausted 3.27 million traitors!





After a row of shocking "death", the last sentence was almost madly engraved:

Hate and hate! Hey! Looking at the sky, laughing, tears and blood are not exhausted, negative swords and enemies to cut enmity! ......


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