Dark Blood Age

Chapter 834: Will not give up on you

"Extract, you go to the front to open the way, I am broken!"

Between the electric and the Flint, Chu Yunsheng immediately made a decision. He turned back and erected the sword. The tip of the knife pointed slightly to the nearest monster. He stepped back and hurried back, and did not return to urge Tang Jiayi and others:

"Crushing over! Can't stop, can't stop in one step!"

No one here has more experience of being besieged than him. When he first smashed the insects, the battle of Huangshan, and the siege of the world... No matter which time, as soon as one stops, the enemies of the siege will pile up like tides, and then strong. When the combat power is exhausted, only the constant rushing and sudden, one step can not stop.

Stop and die.

The body of the two people, pale skin, pale eyes, claws protruding from the joints, deformed heads... From the low in the darkness, the expedition members’ hands and feet are cold, the panic in the heart is soaring, and the whole two are made. Running on the legs!

Sudden procession...

Zhao Yuyi and Shi Yan did not hesitate to fire the monsters that flew up to the side. Their marksmanship was very accurate. Although they did not say that they could smash the monsters in the run, more than 70% of the firepower hit. The goal.

The bullets swayed into the naked, pale body of the monster, tearing open a **** bloody hole, and some bullets even pierced their arms, letting the soldiers of the two special forces secretly breathe a sigh of relief, they are the most I am afraid that these strange things can't be worn!

But the next moment, they immediately became nervous, and more than a dozen bullets in the monsters that had been thrown up, still did not fall. Still rushing forward.

There are more behind!

Zhao Yuyi rushed to the front and smashed the gun in the gun. Finally, the first monster that was thrown up was killed under the soles of the feet. Fortunately, it could be killed. If it was like a zombie in the movie, it would be over. Without a sigh of relief, the second one had already rushed up.

At this time, the expedition team under the leadership of Tang Jiayi suppressed the panic of the heart. They used their own guns to fight back and won the time to replace the magazines for Zhao Weiyi.

After all, I have been here for a while, I have seen all kinds of strange and terrifying things, and I have survived in the mouth of the giants, although at first I was extremely nervous because of the dark surroundings and the mysterious disappearance of one person. But not to collapse, the reaction is a battle.

The front played fiercely. Behind is fierce!

Chu Yunsheng used static braking, did not take the initiative to attack, stepped back in the middle, staring at the direction of the knife head under the helmet and shining on the helmet, and rushed up, waiting for it to approach. Only then, the lightning shot, cut its head across the board, and then bounced back, so repeatedly, the hand fell off the knife. He had lay down three headless bodies in front of his knife.

But immediately four more rounded up, crawling and swimming on the ground. Towards Chu Yunsheng, he was low and low, and he continued to test, waiting for the opportunity to embrace.

Chu Yunsheng has no armor and no runes. It relies on the figure and the sword of the fire. If it is hit, it will be difficult to protect the disabled from being broken or even broken on the spot.

Therefore, the spirit is extremely concentrated, he can't make mistakes, and if he makes a mistake, there may be no second chance.


A cloud of wind over the head swept over, Chu Yunsheng realized that it was not good, the monsters fell from the dome, as long as they lifted the knife up, the four on the ground must immediately rush up and tear themselves.

The attack of the pale monsters is nothing compared to the dangers he has encountered in the past. The only problem is that his unprotected body is "naked" and can't stand any hard battle.

Can only take the initiative to attack, rushing to the four monsters on the ground, killing them first, in response to the threat on the top of the head, time should be too late.

But like this, he will be out of touch with the big forces and be isolated behind.

In the assassination, Chu Yunsheng never hesitated, thinking a little about the pros and cons, knowing that he can only attack, otherwise the risk of being hit is greater, and the time does not wait for him to think more, stabilize his mind, and immediately press down the knife tip. Suddenly stop the step of retreating, the body shape slightly bounces, it is necessary to change the direction before the impact.

He didn't look up, but he listened to the sound, at least five or more. He didn't know where he was, not that he could move away.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a cold wind behind him, a shadow bounced from the ground and slammed over the top of his head. He was shocked and was about to return to the knife to solve the danger that was close at hand. A shout is heard overhead:

"You go to the road, I will block them! Fuck, this intestine is really **** disgusting!"

It is a difference.

He rushed into the pale monster that had fallen from the sky, grabbed its raised spine and tore open, and the **** internal organs flowed to the ground.

At this time, the situation is in crisis. If there is no extra time, there is no time to elaborate. The difference is indeed more suitable for him than the current situation. There is a stronger body. Even if there is nothing wrong with the injury, the porcelain body of Chu Yunsheng is not covered with thermostat. I know how much better, and the strength and physical strength of the dissimilarity is not comparable to the inability to use the vitality to control the vitality of the cells.

After judging the situation, Chu Yunsheng did not talk nonsense, immediately turned around and rushed to the front of the team, rushing to a monster almost to grab a hand in front of Zhao Weiyi’s head, cut off his arm and cut it again. It has half a head and kicks.

"You are responsible for the side, give it to me in front!"

Chu Yunsheng wiped off the splattering blood that blocked the line of sight near the eyes, and immediately said.

If you let them fly bullets to the front, you may not be able to hit the monsters, but in all likelihood, you can make yourself a sieve!

Battlegear, armor!

Chu Yunsheng thought silently.

Sometimes I don't think that when I don't have it, I know how important it is!

The team began to withdraw after discovering the danger, and seized the most crucial escape time. Together with the scorpion running by everyone, the distance is not far away, and the space in front is greatly compressed, which is not conducive to the monsters from the four sides. The situation is much better than the latter.

Chu Yunsheng didn't have time to look back at the situation of disparity. At this time, they must be responsible for each other. Once they get together, they are collectively finished.

On the monomer. The battles of the monsters are indeed worse than him, but they are more numerous. And the action is extremely agile, faster than Chu Yunsheng at this time.

The only thing he has to do, and the only thing he can do is to rush, keep rushing, give himself, and open a escape route to the people behind him.

Fortunately, Chu Yunsheng’s battlefield response ability will not be lost because he cannot use the rune. In this respect, after many years of experience, he has been extremely powerful, either without a knife, or every time a knife, will inevitably hit the monsters.

One knife can't do two knives, two knives can't make three knives. There is never a fourth knife and you can't get rid of a monster. This is the killing ability that he used to change his life.

He smashed the sixth monster. He was only ten meters away from the gap. As long as he took another breath, he could rush over. There was a chaotic gunshot, a grenade explosion, a shout, and a monster's low voice. There are also violent tempers from time to time.

At this time, his physical exertion is also very large, it seems that every hit is clean and neat, in fact far from being so simple, it is very fierce. The monster bone that the bullet can't wear, it can be opened. But the energy consumption will never be less. Secondly, he only asks for a fatal blow. He does not give the opponent a chance to fight back.

The key is that the dead air pressure makes the cell active, so that the physical strength is greatly reduced, and everything has a price. Otherwise, he can't come here, and there is nothing to complain about. Only killing is the last word.

There was a scream on the side, and the defensive voice on the right side of Zhao Weiyi, followed by a series of bites, dragging away the chaos.

Chu Yunsheng probably guessed that when Zhao Weiyi changed the folder, the other expedition members were not professional soldiers. In the chaos, the inevitable mistakes were made, and the monsters found the opportunity to rush to the front, even the special forces. Under the circumstances, in the face of more than a dozen guns can not fight the dead monsters, it is impossible to do everything, caught or bitten, the result is only one death.

The body of Chu Yunsheng can't hold back, and their bodies are porcelain in porcelain!

So he didn't look back, there was no possibility of rescue. When he heard the scream, Zhao Yiyi actually did die.

He only kills forward and kills the monsters in the gap.


Just as Chu Yunsheng rushed to the body, when the volley was about to squat down the first monster in the gap, he dropped a huge monster from the dome and slammed it on the ground.

The figure has three human bodies, and the outer body has a smooth black carapace, and the mouth is full of saliva, which is in front of Chu Yunsheng.

Hey, hey!

The fire knife slashed heavily on its pangolin-like head, and the blade fell into it, and then it bounced off, as if it had been cut to a stone, splashing pieces.

Chu Yunsheng, who fell to the ground, regained the grip of the handle and increased the power on the handrail to suppress the shaking of the wrist caused by the rebound of power.

The head is really hard, and it doesn't even open.

After a continuous battle, Chu Yunsheng had a vague understanding of the pale monsters. Their various organs were degraded. The creatures evolved their eyes, ears, etc., in order to see the world and listen. In this world, after a long time in the closed darkness, and in a large amount of special radiation and under the various conditions of the biological laboratory, they only give up the useless organs and parts, and dig out the most primitive hidden in their bodies. The power may be able to survive in extremely harsh conditions.

The pale monster is about the degradation of a certain humanoid creature. The black-shelled monster in front of it is not. At least the part of the humanoid is degraded, more like a creature in the deep sea, and wakes up its ancestors under the weight of the deep sea. Carapace strength.

In any case, they are similar to degenerate people such as detachment.

Chu Yunsheng is looking for its weaknesses, but it will not wait for Chu Yunsheng to look for it, and will not leave time for Chu Yunsheng.

After a knife cut a deep seal, it screamed sharply, and the heavy foot pedals on the metal floor showed its amazing body weight.

Chu Yun stepped back half a step, accumulating strength, and different from the pale monster, the pale monster he can cut off their arms first, then lick their heads, even in one go, but the shell on the monster's arm is exactly the same as the head. It’s impossible to cut a knife. You can’t use this method. The best way to do this is to push it in front of it and puncture it from the part between it and the body, but at the same time you have to be ready to be hit. There is no way to fight like this without armor, and I can only give up.

His only chance was to take a position that he had just made a pit print. Continue to mammoth until you smash!

In a blink of an eye. The black-shelled monster has already rushed to the front, and Chu Yunsheng’s legs are slightly bent forward and rushed to accelerate. Then he slammed up and leaped high, staring tightly at the pit print on his pangolin head. Go on.

Accuracy is his strength, and now is the time when he puts all the strengths he can use to the extreme.

The claws of the black-shelled monster swept over him, and the blade was once again cut in the same position. This time, the sword did not rebound. Instead, with the help of this force, turn over from the past, then turn around and cut a knife!

"Don't think that you are alien, you are really alien!"

Chu Yunsheng screamed and gave himself silence, this time. The force can't be lifted, and the force can be forced to win.

Speaking of this, they saw it in the container when they first came in. There was a young player who had made a joke. It was completely different from the alien in the movie. It is more like a deep-sea creature, but its solidity of the carapace can be combined with the alien shape, and the sword of Chu Yunsheng can not be opened.

It is as tall as three people, and Chu Yunsheng can't fall and attack it, that way. Not only will the expedition team behind it be exposed to its claws, but it may not give itself this opportunity.

Not every beast creature is mentally retarded. I only know that I am chasing him and ignoring other weaker expeditions. The other side is also using the physical strength to forcibly block the pale monsters that come up.

With his own weight plus the explosive force on his muscles, Chu Yunsheng tried his best to make a great effort on his head. He slammed his arm and leaned against the rebounding force to support the body, and turned back to the body, and then again, from the head. There was a violent storm-like sniper attack.

This extreme method requires a lot of skill coordination. Balance alone is not something that ordinary people can do. Only those who have experienced long-term smashing can master it in the hone, and the spirit must be highly concentrated. Errors, slamming, borrowing, bounce, flipping, falling, turning back, re-squeaking, and then borrowing power... Can't relax at the moment, and there can't be rest until the shell is broken!

The black-shelled monster is not a fool. He will stand there and let Chu Yunsheng go back and forth from the air battle. It keeps roaring, moving his body, waving his long-armed paws and trying to hit Chu Yunsheng, who is as light as Hu Die.

After more than a dozen knives, Chu Yunsheng's arms are getting sour, his calves are also in a claw, blood is flowing, and then he can't break the carapace. He also escapes hopelessly. There are still six or seven pale monsters in the gap, and he is not waiting for him to go out. The black-shelled monster can shoot him from behind.

In just a dozen seconds, under the difficult tactical speed attack, Chu Yunsheng has reached a limit, and the black-shelled monster’s head has also cut a lot of pit marks. Not every knife can be accurate, otherwise It opened early!

The black armor monster was also stunned by Chu Yunsheng's continuous heavy blows and his head was a little dizzy. The tall body shook a bit, and the avoidance was no longer as quick as it was just a little slow.

Chu Yunsheng who saw the opportunity never let go, and he only had this opportunity, and he could cut it with precision!


Chu Yunsheng screamed, once again angered himself, exhausted his greatest strength, from the midair, forcefully slammed the fire knife.


The blade cuts the carapace and sounds like a golden sound.

Cut open! Break into!

The black-shelled monster screamed under the pain, and Chu Yunsheng also screamed and tried to press down the blade.

Break into, break into, and break through!

As he fell down, the sharp blade of the fire knife stalked straight into the depths of his head.

Falling down, then falling, the sword followed his falling figure and fluently with the blood from the head of the black shell monster.

When he landed on the ground, the black-shelled monster collapsed at his feet.

He was exhausted, but he didn't have time to rest, and there were six pale monsters stuck in the gap.

At this time, it is like pushing them into a desperate situation. In the darkness, there is a black-shelled monster, and the heavy footsteps are desperate.

Chu Yunsheng took a deep breath, the arm that was over-excited shivered slightly, and the same blade was also slightly shaking.

"I am blocking it, you go!"

At this time, the singer rushed from the back, and there was a pale monster on his body, and he was already bloody.

A piece of flesh swayed behind the mouth with a large protective suit, revealing the flesh and blood inside.


Pull out the black shell monster, and hold it together, roll it aside and let the road open.

Chu Yunsheng is very clear at this moment, the excerpt may not be able to go away, not to mention that the black shell monster has a powerful power, that is, more and more pale monsters around the siege, and even the pale monster blocking the gap also ran over two, It is enough to exhaust him.

Chu Yunsheng clearly knows that he is naturally clearer. Therefore, at this time, he has taken the determination to die, and used his death to replace Chu Yunsheng and the rest of the people.

Chu Yunsheng glanced at him, his eyes were extremely cold, and he resolutely rushed to kill the four pale monsters that had been left in the gap.

Howling, squeaking, bullets, calling, and even crying... mixed together, killing until crazy!


Exhausted Chu Yunsheng's head of the last pale monster, the body has been caught in seven places, blood soaked protective clothing, the body slightly shakes, but finally stood still!

As he watched the half-explore expedition team slamming into the gap, he smashed the protective clothing strips and wrapped them around the ring in the right hand that was shaking more and more, and the handle was unstable. Tied up firmly with the palm of your hand, fastened, spit a bloody, step by step down the monster's body...

The black-shelled monster was struggling to pull it apart. In the crack that was almost drowned by the pale monster, Chu Yunsheng saw him step by step and walked up to him. He suddenly angered:

"Go, go, out! Fak, what are you doing back, I can't die in white!"

"You listen well, you can't die here, you have to live out!"

"Remember what I told you? Your life is no longer yours. You are dead. What about the outside people? What do you do with Boutheron? What about the brothers?"

"It doesn't matter if I die, let them choose another one... you go!"


After that, he couldn't say it anymore. The claws of the black-shelled monster pierced his abdomen, and the blood splashed on the body of the pale monster, especially the eye.

"You haven't died yet." Chu Yun raised his knife to the pale monster and said coldly: "And I said, you crossed the line of fire and follow me from then on, and I will not give up on you!"


Please look at the avatar of Weibo (new wave: the black blood of the world), while imagining the fire is saying: "Wait, don't go, read the update, please leave the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket. Ok, ok?..."

Make sure you laugh, I just found out.


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