Dark Blood Age

Chapter 840: Was recognized

The caves are inserted over the stalactites, and there are more than a dozen elegant figures flying in the air. The long feathers are full of graceful appearance. They are dressed in silver and white armor with delicate patterns and the same delicate hand. The bows and arrows flew over the lights.

This kind of creature Chu Yunsheng has seen it. When he was in the northern part of the land, he and the filmmakers once caught the "one". Later, they did not know where to go in the slaughter of the desert oasis, but they did not expect to be here again. I saw its kind.

"Mr. Chu, hello, introduce yourself, my name is Lin Shuangyi, and the government temporarily delegates the full responsibility of the action of Tian Yu's country. This is the lady of the temple of Tian Yuguo, Miss Luo Yoshi, who can also call her Luo Shadian. ”

Among the Tianyu people, they slowly put down a thin and lean middle-aged man. About forty years old, his eyes are subtle and the hair is always neat and tidy. At first glance, he is a man who is not strict with himself.

There are a lot of information hidden in his words, and some small means have been played. It is obvious that some of Chu Yunsheng’s information has already been known from the inside of the Chinese camp on the ground, but he deliberately does not say which country he is from in the introduction. The tone and use of words, Chu Yunsheng automatically into the "nationals", seems to be close to many, at least much closer than Bauer.

Bauer is also a strong language man. He knows Chinese a little. Under the urging of Hull’s prince, he immediately translated a few Chinese words into it. As a result, Prince Hull’s eyes looked like Tian Yu’s eyes, and he snorted. The eyes became extremely fierce.

The purple gold knight and the golden armor who had heard the translation from Bauer were very surprised to see Chu Yunsheng, about thinking about what the earth is called. How do you divide several countries into the same class? Look again, it seems that Chu Yunsheng's hair color is indeed a little different from Bauer's, but I can't see any other differences, just like no tail!

The key is, how did the earth man who almost killed the prince drive suddenly become popular? Even the Tianyu must recruit it?

"Tianyu Country?" Chu Yunsheng looked up and looked at the Tian Yuren who claimed to be the representative of Lin Shuangyi. The other person wearing a mask could not see anything. So he frowned and said to him: "They defeated the Northern Army of the mainland in the above?" My people are in their hands?"

Seeing that Chu Yunsheng used "they" instead of "you", Lin Shuangyi smiled slightly. Explain that the language skills he had just grasped were still effective. He left the young man psychologically and stood aside without leaving any traces. He was more confident about the next thing.

"Mr. Chu. You can rest assured that although people are still in the hands of mainland China, they have an agreement with Tian Yuguo. Even Prince Hull does not dare to let go."

Lin Shuangyi wisely omitted the premise of "as long as you belong to Tian Yuren", directly said Chu Yunsheng as "self", and made the mainland country a common imaginary enemy, psychologically Once again, imminently implanting everyone is the impression of oneself. Then, naturally, it is only bargaining with the mainland countries, and everything is in order.

Such a technique. Lin Shuangyi is very familiar with it. It is not for the sake of flickering Chu Yunsheng, mainly to form a "tune" as soon as possible, to quickly achieve the goal, everything can be mastered, he does not believe how young a young man with a knife and a gun will be smart. The key to dealing with young people who are young and unmotivated, is to hold them and let him have face.

However, Chu Yunsheng’s “small head and brainstorming” asked: “Is man still in the hands of the mainland?” The gaze is to look at Prince Hull and Bauer.

Lin Shuangyi stunned the brows. But Bauer didn't see anything, and he didn't have time to translate it to Prince Hull. He immediately preached: "This is the case. The mainland empire and Tianyu have had agreements 100 years ago. They are temporarily allies. Without the consent of their gods, who is I dare not to tear up the treaty at will, otherwise they will not be able to enter the cave like this, and your people will be absolutely safe in the camp of the Northern Army of the mainland."

Bauer is also a slap in the face. Today, things are going to this point. If Chu Yunsheng finally goes with Tian Yuguo, he will basically live to the end. Prince Hull must kill him and hate it.

Therefore, he must try his best to pull Chu Yunsheng, but he has no confidence in his heart. After all, the country where Chu Yunsheng is located has completely fallen to Tianyu, and the same family of the same family is naturally more reliable.

"I know." Chu Yunsheng nodded and turned to Lin Shuangyi: "Sorry, I don't know Tian Yu and I don't know. If there is nothing else, you have to enter this battleship. Still go out, please feel free to do it, I will talk to Prince Hull."

Lin Shuangyi suddenly stunned, don't know? Not familiar? Are you familiar with Prince Hull? Actually, I still have to talk to Prince Hull about things! Do you really think that everyone else is a blind man? The broken guns left in this fight are clearly just one.

Soon, he realized that Chu Yunsheng was sitting on the ground. It seems that Tian Yuguo did not open enough conditions to make this person's heart. Everything was vernacular. I didn't expect this younger "rough person" but also insidious. Very good.

Bauer is also stupid. There is a feeling of happiness coming too fast. I still don’t know how to draw Chu Yunsheng. This time, Chu Yunsheng is so rude to return to Lin Shuangyi, and his life is half. He may not have Lin Shuangyi's cleverness, but his personality is different. He immediately realized that the next step is to see the prince of Huoer and the king of Luo Yu who opened the price, if the conditions given by Prince Hull are better than others. That is not his responsibility, and he can't blame himself.

The atmosphere in the cave was suddenly tense and strange. Bauer immediately explained the situation to Prince Hull, and Lin Shuangyi could no longer represent Tian Yuguo to make a promise of higher conditions than Chu Yunsheng had just made to Prince Hull. Must look for Luo yarn to discuss.

Chu Yunsheng did not understand the mainland imperial language, and could not understand Tianyu Mandarin. They did not think about their thoughts at the moment. They did not know that Bauer and Lin Shuangyi were asking each other for their "master". He is determined to close the southern empire and alienate Tian Yuguo for a reason.

In any case, Chu Yunsheng did not want to go to Tianyu Country. The Tianyu woman who was stabbed in the day was potentially in great danger. When he went, it was almost equal to self-investment. The reason is very simple. The Tianyu woman recognized him!

Going to the southern mainland empire, but full of temptation to him, although the prince Hull is cruel, not a good faith believer, but the only cardinal with him who has had a big loss and has been looking for his own Just in the country of the mainland. After several months of coming to the planet, he has been "opposite" with the cardinal. He probably figured out that the "eyes" of the cardinal are not really able to see a thousand miles away, but to life. There is even a sense of power similar to the exploration of energy fluctuations. Otherwise, he will die with death and will not easily get away with it.

Therefore, the cardinal in the south certainly does not know his true appearance. He only knows that he is in the vicinity of the jungle, relative to the imperial capital of the mainland. It is the most dangerous place here. Go back with Prince Hull and go to its eyelids. Underneath, although I can't live forever the southern cardinal that is as old as the goblin, but at least it is extremely safe in a short time, it is decided that I dare not go to its nest.

As a mercenary of Prince Hull. This identity is a gold protection card.

If you go to Tian Yuguo with Tian Yuren. Maybe it will reveal the stuffing at once, and the cardinal of Tian Yuren may not have time to deal with it. The southern cardinal will destroy himself first.

The cardinal in the south has been the most dangerous sword of the cardinal on his head. Probably because he injured it, the other cardinals disappeared early. It has been searching for itself persistently, and does not want to get rid of it first. Chu Yunsheng can't sleep peacefully. He can't reach the realm of cardinal. The farther away from its body, the more favorable it is to it, the more passive it is to itself, and the closer it is to its body, the more beneficial it is to itself, especially the rune array can have a terrifying effect.

In addition, Boudney and others in the hands of Huer, went to the empire of the country of the mainland, and made a living path in the danger of the Jedi, which is the best way Chu Yunsheng can think of.

If you let Bauer know no matter what, Chu Yunsheng will cooperate with the mainland empire, I am afraid that Bauer will be depressed and vomiting blood.

Prince Hull has already opened Bauer’s direct negotiations with the lord of the singer of the singer of the singer, whether it is Bauer or Lin Shuangyi, in his eyes, nothing, completely unqualified and what it says is important, it It is also less likely to be mentally and mentally tempted to compete with Chu Yunsheng to open their own conditions. It is not a shameful problem. The correct way to solve the problem is to negotiate with Tianyu and let the other party know.

"Fuck, I am really hungry!" I don't know when to hold two big "buckets", and smashed through the face of the golden armor, came to Chu Yunsheng, complained: "Return Talk about a fart, let's go out and eat it!"

Bauer's authentic American pronunciation, can be understood, as long as Gru is fine, he has nothing to worry about, and the rest is Chu Yunsheng's business, he has to find a way to quickly find a place to fill his belly.

Chu Yunsheng looked at Lu Yu, who had turned his party into an outsider. He still struggled to endlessly, and he couldn’t understand it. He nodded: "It’s also estimated that they will not stop for a while. Let’s go out and find cloth. Turner and Gru say again."

Said, the two men in a group of gold armored samurai, American soldiers and ten Tianyu people, swaying toward the hole, no one dared to go forward, all of a sudden reacted, this person is They are completely capable of ignoring their negotiations, and they are indeed ignoring them. Whether it is Prince Hull or Tian Yuren, they are all extremely devastating, but there is no way.

Luo yarn gnawed his teeth and flew down from the top of the cave. He fell in front of Chu Yunsheng and took off his mask. He looked at Chu Yunsheng’s complex mood and said: "We have met, my name is Luo Y, you still remember?"

Chu Yunsheng was surprised that she would say that she was blunt in Chinese. She was even more surprised that this female winged man actually knew it. She did not expect that she was still alive, her life was really big, her heart suddenly sinking, and she immediately reached for the handle. But after a while, I let go, and still said with a blank expression: "Don't know!", then circumvented from her side and continued on.

Luo yarn bit his lip and once again, he said, "You really don't know me? In the northern part of the land, you stun me, then..."

Chu Yunsheng looked at the opposite direction: "Do you know?"

The disparity shook his head honestly, and Chu Yunsheng revealed a helpless expression. He did not recognize it: "Sorry, we really don't know you, please let it!"

Luo Yarn suddenly rushed, blurted out and debuted: "You have scratched the roots of my wings, I will never forget this humiliation, and you dare not do it!"

After she finished, she was already shy and angry, and her face was flushed. She did not think that Xiao Changyu would let her find someone who would actually be Chu Yunsheng. She recognized it when she entered the hole for the first time. For some reason she Originally, I didn't want to expose myself, and I didn't want Chu Yunsheng to see myself. If it wasn't for Xiao Changyu, she must secretly "please" this person back. In this case, she will not say anything anyway. It is really Too shameful!

After Bauer’s urgent translation under the pressure of Hull’s prince, not only the other dozens of Tianyu people heard it, but the warriors of the mainland’s country were also stunned, and even Hull’s prince was in vain.

The well-informed Bauer was shocked by this explosive self-exposed scandal. The roots of the Tianyu people are regarded as the forbidden area like the private parts of the Earth girl. As a strange taboo on this planet. However, he heard it early, but he did not expect this Chinese to be so strong that he almost rushed to the car to assassinate the prince Hull. He even personally grasped the root of the wing of another powerful country, which is really big. For the former, or how courageous it would be so big! ?

Then, let everyone feel blushing, and even Prince Hull feels that he is not as good as himself. At this point, Chu Yunsheng is still very shameless and said: "You really admit the wrong person, I don't know you, I haven't caught any of your roots. Please don't make trouble. My friends and I are going to eat."

Then he really pulled out the sword!

Bauer, who has been nervous for a long time, is shocked in his heart, Fak, he really pulled the knife! Really want to turn your face and not recognize people! Too shameless! This kind of thing is all people looking for a door to die, not to accept the account, it really is a strong man in the eyes, the skin is not ordinary thick!

No one knows, Chu Yunsheng has been pressing to the extreme, but it really kills the heart. If he admits it, follow this female winged person and check it out. The desert oasis will be exposed sooner or later, even if the cardiners cannot be sure The person you are looking for is him, in the principle of rather killing and letting go, they will kill themselves.

Just after Luo Yau said the first sentence that she knew herself, he immediately prepared to kill and smother the shackles in the first time. Immediately, he realized that he could not kill. He was caught up in the air and could not be killed. It is even more than three hundred and twenty in this place. Didn't the second king have stolen it?

What else can you do except desperately?

He also knows that resilience can't play a big role. As long as there is suspicion, even if it is a little bit of suspicion, the five cardinals that slaughtered the oasis on that day will not let go of themselves.

I have to think of a decent way to come out immediately, killing people and killing them, I don't have to think about it. There are too many people here. He is alone and can't kill even the difference. Run out one, just wait for death!

Chu Yunsheng’s gaze fell on her red cheeks on her cheeks, suddenly creating an adventurous idea, and the premise was “selling” the film... (to be continued)

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