Dark Blood Age

Chapter 843: First enter the enemy world, Wang Tianxia!


Oops, is it over the head? The hat is too big?

Chu Yunsheng heart squats inside, although there is nothing wrong with the face, but in his head, he quickly thinks about what is wrong with this sentence? How do you react so much?

Unlike the urgency of fighting, the battle is a field he is familiar with. After understanding the strength and ability of the opponent, he can maximize his own advantages, and he will be able to make a slap in the face. The complicated problem of extension is that it is necessary to wash oneself by one mouth, and time is extremely urgent. It is not his strength.

It is estimated that Wenluo is "edited" and is several times better than himself.

But let him think about how to fly, and within a moment, there is no way to figure out what is going on, only to distinguish some subtleties from the expressions of people and other people.

For example, the difference between the singularity and the sorcerer's face is different. For example, the expressions of Bauer and Lin Shuangyi are different from others. It seems to be a surprise and a disappointment.

It’s really strange, but he’s not good enough to ask. He can only continue to wear the big hat of “the first walk in the world” with a hard scalp. At this moment, there are some dews or guilty consciences. The consequences are not simply wrong. If you can confuse the past, these people in front of you are all the ones who can direct all the words of today to the "Heavenly Listening".

Chu Yun is so eager to make a heart, and he can't let go of his life. With its cover, he escapes again and hides in the jungle and the desert. It's a pity that he has spent all his time making up a plan. In the end, he didn't get anything, but directly Exposing myself, even the blood riders can not take away, the rune big burst is to make a soup.

He is ready for everything. When the left hand quietly pressed down the handle of the fire, the Hull Prince standing on the gorgeous car suddenly shouted like a blur: "A few days ago, rumors have finally appeared in the desert for hundreds of years, a life of impact cardinal, is you!?"

It is said that the imperial language of the Southern Continent, before Bower did not translate, only the gold armor and some of the Tianyu people can understand, Chu Yunsheng will see a glimpse of retreat, back, and retreat. !

Everyone suddenly showed a very alert or even fearful look, and the nearest Luo Shi can clearly see her nervous hand tremble slightly.

The fine sweat beads leached from her crystal nose, but the body was stiff. It seems that only a big move will lead to the savage and violent storm of Chu Yunsheng. She is too close to Chu Yunsheng. Others can retreat, and she can’t move around.

Apparently from the last sentence of Chu Yunsheng, she also thought of the same thing as Prince Hull, although she had a shadow on Chu Yunsheng. When confronted with Chu Yunsheng, he is always psychologically weak, but like Prince Hull. I can live to the present as my Highness. They are not stupid. Even if she thinks that Chu Yunsheng may be the person who hits the cardinal, she can't say it. She said it is to find killing. She is too close! Prince Hull is too sinister, and she is forced into a desperate situation in one sentence!

She didn't have time to think about how Chu Yunsheng would remind herself of this shocking secret without any scruples. At the same time, the five cardinals attacked and searched for the life of the impact cardinal. It was no secret at the top. Now there are all kinds of rumors at the bottom, and everyone is talking about the source of conflicts that have recently erupted. It seems that the world war is coming to the general city and the wind and rain, and as the object of being chased by the five cardinals, there is no reason not to ruin all the life here, including the earth, on the spot!

Under the eyes of Chu Yunsheng, Luo Yau became difficult to breathe. She knew very well that she was not the opponent of this earth freak.

How to do? What should I do? Don't resist, wait, die, or struggle?

For a time, her head was difficult to calm down and rushed.

On the other side, Bauer saw the fear for the first time from the eyes of the sorcerer-like Guards of the Hull Prince.

Yes, fear, and the fear that can't be concealed, even a purple gold knight around him can't control the stability of the mount!

He quickly and nervously translated the prince Hull, leaving only one piece of sorrow in his heart. I don't know what this cardinal is. It can scare the elites of the two empires to a pale face!

Today, he really saw the legend.

After hearing Bower’s translation, Chu Yunsheng sank in his heart and said that he went back to the desert. The thing that impacted the cardinal was only related to him, but not him. However, in the plan he prepared, the desert oasis could not be circumvented because of the existence of Luo Yarn, so he was prepared to be asked this question. Although it is not clear why they look changed, at least it should still be The range that can be controlled by himself is not moving, and the brow picks and asks: "Why do you say that?"

Prince Hull’s face changed. It seems that some regrets just blurted out and Chu Yunsheng, especially Luo Yoshi, was forced into the corner, but it may also be put out. At this time, the hilt of the waist is gripped, and it seems to have restored the calm way:

"It's a very simple matter. If the one you said before is true, the **** pays you so much and gives you the gift of authority in the world, then it is normal to give you a cardinal contract. There is no servant of the gods, there is no such basic gift, so either you lie, or you are the one who hits the cardinal."

At the end, Bauer has not translated yet. Prince Hull frowned and immediately added a sentence: "The five kingdoms are looking for this person, they are trying to kill and win their contract, but I think, we Since there is a verbal agreement just now, I totally agree with your proposal. There are our mainland empire, no one dares to move you again."

I have to say that Prince Hull is extremely powerful. First, Chu Yunsheng is forced into the corner. As long as Chu Yunsheng is the one, he must kill and destroy the mouth. The closest to him is the Tianyu Luosi. At this time, he throws himself again. I completely agree with the words of Chu Yunsheng's proposal. When Chu Yunsheng killed Luo Yoshi, there would be no retreat. He could only go back to Sun City with him.

This is just a small link that it came up with in a small meeting. From a larger point of view, Chu Yunsheng himself exposed his identity. There are Tianyu people, the secret is unstoppable, and they will quickly send the news back to Sun City. At least the other five countries have already known.

Without the five major cardinals, the two cardinals also competed for the same time, and it was extremely fierce, and the outcome was not known. Chu Yunsheng’s life and death did not particularly care. If it died, the contract could be obtained by the country. He is still a great achievement, but it must be based on the victory of the national cardinal. The battle on that level can not be expected and can not be controlled. If it fails, nothing can be recovered. Instead, it will be charged by its competitors for a misappropriation.

But if Chu Yunsheng does not die. In another way, following it "peace" and returning to Sun City quickly, not only does Tianda's work fall steadily in his pocket. And the whole process of the matter is under your control. If the national cardinal still wants to kill Chu Yunsheng to take out the contract, then forget it. Anyway, the biggest capital of his trip has already been enough. If he does not kill, and he will join him, then there is such a person, plus the **** behind him. The emperor's throne is close at hand.

Under some circumstance, Prince Hull realized that the emperor who had never had a relationship with him suddenly became at his fingertips. How can he not be excited, how can he not seize the opportunity?

Finished. It held the excitement of his heart and gestured very well to Bauer's translation.

Chu Yunsheng listened to a word and listened carefully. He heard the last heart slamming and then shrank, like being shackled, and the pupils suddenly opened, revealing a violent gaze.

It turned out that the five cardinals joined forces to slaughter the oasis on the same day, in order to search for the life of the impact cardinal, rather than to find him and the filmmakers two pseudo-spirits and true spirits.

He made a mistake and was completely mistaken.

If you don't get it, it should be fooled by the shadows. The cardinal on this planet may not have the guts to challenge even a wounded spirit. The slaughter of the desert oasis, the gaze of the jungle, all impact on the inhalation. The strange thing that the cardinal failed.

It is no wonder that when they slaughtered Zhou Daqian and others, they carefully slaughtered one by one. At that time, he felt what they were looking for. It turned out to be a contract!

Everything he plans at the moment is to cover up himself as one of the "injured spirits". Who can think that the roots are mistaken because of the influence of the filmmakers? What people want is a contract.

Prince Hull’s words Chu Yunsheng could not effectively rebut, it took time to reorganize his thinking, but he was not panicked, although he was exposed, and he was still proud of his own self-violent, beating the guns that were hitting others, but He still has a dead air as a card, and it is a big deal to escape into the wild. The key is that he finally knows why the old man is staring.

Taking a breath and taking back the gaze with the killing effect, Chu Yunsheng’s psychological quality is still very good. He clearly sorts out the clues and compares the logic ability with Hull Prince. He wants to come to his own highly educated workmanship. For many years, engineers in the profession have dealt with the "literacy" of a feudal backward civilization. Can you still argue? When I even think of one, let me say:

"You are not wrong, but you forgot that if you hit the cardinal in the desert that day, if you come to the oasis with five cardinals in your district, the eight-domain patrol angels will kill you with one thought! You are arrogant!"

Hull’s eyes were light and said: “Then what you said before is a lie! But you are still suspect.”

It is not wrong. If Chu Yunsheng lie and there is no god, it can explain why the five major cardinals were safe and sound at the time, but they could not get rid of the suspicion that Chu Yunsheng still had the impact of the cardinal possession, the time and place figures, completely coincident, and the force came up. Look, what he has shown today is also possible.

Chu Yunsheng smiled gently: "I see you prince is stupid, I just said that the eight-domain patrol angels were severely injured after the suppression of the killer. If you can still give me a contract, there will be The ability to kill your cardinal, in fact, it was only after the war, I chose to help me, because I still have some skills in it, and I am the second grandfather of the parasitic boy, it needs this identity to temporarily conceal his true identity. So, no matter which aspect, it needs my help.

The life of the impact cardinal, I have indeed seen it, that is the unlucky ghost of the eight-domain patrol angel who found and wants to draw strength, otherwise you think that we suddenly came to the desert from the northernmost land, but also met Can you impact the life of the cardinal? Don't you think it's too coincidental?

At that time, the eight-field patrol angels were absorbing the power of the creature, causing energy leakage fluctuations. They rushed to kill a pass, but they were lucky. After a little later, it is estimated that none of them could not go away. Do not believe that you would go back and ask. Ask your cardinal adult, the person who controls the grain gold, was almost stunned by the eight-domain patrol angel! ”

After Chu Yunsheng finished his breath, he finally pushed his stains clean in the cracks, and also sold the filmmakers thoroughly, especially the last blow of him and the filmmakers. That is the most iron evidence, Hull. The prince is not expected to ask, as long as the original retelling, it is estimated that the dangerous guy who manipulates the grain will believe.

For the first time, Prince Hull heard that his family’s cardinal was almost killed. He couldn’t help but sneak a question: “Where is that **** now?”

Chu Yunsheng coldly screamed: "Are you qualified enough to ask? I have been talking nonsense with you too much, and the letter is good, don't believe it, with yours! If you have any thoughts, wait for the eight domains. The ombudsman kills your king city, kills your altar, kills your empire, and destroys your race!"

The color slammed inside, Chu Yunsheng pushed the whole body tight and always said nothing, Luo Yao, and shouted a strange look: "We are gone! The stomach is hungry."

A bunch of gold armored samurai and Tianyu people, at this moment, no one dared to stop him, and looked at the shadows of Chu Yunsheng and the alienation.

After today, the news was sent back, fearing that it would be a stone-shattering, a new god, so it really appeared!

Until Chu Yunsheng left far enough, to a safe enough distance, Luo Yau suddenly asked Lin Shuangyi: "What is the second grandfather?" Then after getting Lin Shuangyi’s answer, she actually took a serious look at Chu Yunsheng. Disappeared, and asked aloud at the back: "You are really the second grandfather?"

Chu Yunsheng did not look back, very cold and did not have any answer, but almost stunned, he accounted for the cheaper of the film, and he always claimed that he is the second man of the movie, and he probably knows why So ask, but this is also good, otherwise there is really no way to explain with Luo Shi that he has always been "great disrespect" to the filmmakers, although many "great disrespect" are cynic cynicism, Luo Yawa did not understand at that time. However, there was a lot of expression in his usual performance. At that time, his attitude towards the filmmakers was not hidden.

This is a trivial matter. When I am far away, I will let Chu Yunsheng raise my headache when I say it for a long time. "...you say that if the ordinary human beings on earth are taken seriously, they become the only strongest reliance, not And you have violated the rules of death that Axier and Butney set. You have to give me the truth, what do you want to do? I am confused here..."

After racking his brains, he finally "successfully" circumvented himself. Chu Yunsheng was silent. After a while, he seemed to answer the question: "I think that this planet is going to have a world war, and time. Not much, you and Gru, they don't want to follow me, use the monsters in the spaceship to improve their strength, all of them are gone out, to complete an important task for me, no matter which way the earth **** stick, you will Tell him that once the war begins, I Wangqi is going to fight against the cardinal. Whoever dares to follow the flag, I will agree with them, among them, the first to enter the enemy, from then on, Wang Tianxia!"


Today, the big scene is coming!


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