Dark Blood Age

Chapter 850: The front line!

When Chu Yunsheng saw the banner of Hull’s team, he was still a little absent-minded, or simply thinking about it, so that Bauer, who was chased by the sea wall and chasing the south, shouted a lot and never heard it.

The conversation he had with the exaggeration was hurriedly ended in an atmosphere of disappointment and utterance, and the situation in the northern horizon was getting worse and worse. The clouds on the clouds could be seen. It may be defeated, Chu Yunsheng has no time.

Even if there is, I don’t know how to continue to talk about it. If you are confused, he and he need to calm down for a while.

Today, the things that can be shocked by Chu Yunsheng are getting less and less. Even the reversed maps, even if they are a magical rule graphic, or even a huge symbol or text, will not make Chu Yunsheng’s heart shine. Chaos, at most amazed, sighs that it is from the shadow of the person at the level of the film, and then will throw it aside, no longer to control.

So when I reversed the map, I looked at the strangeness of the face. He thought that the only strange place on the map was that there was only one land, and he guessed a possibility. If you couldn’t make it, it would be a Pangu continent. Something, before he played a game of earth civilization, there is such an ancient map, but there are indeed places that deserve to be treated with caution. However, I don’t know that with my poor geography knowledge, I don’t know the real ancient super. What do you think of the mainland, even if you know it? Is it not allowed for an extraterrestrial planet to have only one land? Who can be sure that the Earth's supercontinent hundreds of millions of years ago must be the same? It’s all the speculation assumptions of scientists. The facts don’t know what it is.

But when the map was completely reversed and hinted at the reminder of the divorce again and again, Chu Yunsheng discovered that the eyes can really deceive people!

Just rotating at an angle of 180°, a person who is not familiar with the school can be familiar or even not aware of it.

It is a map like the Eurasian continent, the leaf milk India, the grape hips Africa, the sharp-mouthed mouth, the white sea, the edge is too much like the Arctic to the South Pole, and can not find other particularly obvious differences. Come!

It’s too weird, it’s incredible, and Chu Yun’s hairy bones are marked on the map. They are now in the vicinity of the top of “Africa”, and behind it is a hot desert!

The prudence that is different from the past is probably from this, but the things that I know are far less than Chu Yunsheng. When I see this "Eurasia non-map" moment, he immediately thinks of the space opened by the guardian. aisle.

After coming to the planet, he found that he had not thought about the space and time of the space channel.

Even if the channel can send the Earth people to distant places in a very short period of time, the law of time and space must still be strictly observed. It seems that in the channel is only a short moment of effort, that is, the time is slow and the space is shortened. For the sake of reason, people only feel a moment in the passage. This principle Chu Yunsheng knows roughly that the channel is twisted into a wide range of time and space near the mouth, so that people who are not at the same time can feel the difference between inside and outside time. Good explanation.

However, after seeing this familiar map, Chu Yunsheng felt that the logic was chaotic and completely confused.

If the IQ is not high, it doesn't matter that the information is not enough or not in the way. It can be used to make up for the logic of these aspects. It is not enough. What should I do in the future?

In the universe, you can find a planet with a complex shape and a contour but a very similar detail. It is as difficult as finding the same leaves. The probability is almost equal to zero. Chu Yunsheng sees the same in the eyes. Guess - they are still on earth!

This speculation is the most horrified place for Chu Yunsheng. For a time, his head is very chaotic. According to the guardian, after the time-space trap exploded, the earth disappeared at the same time. It is impossible to still be at your own feet. Then there is only one explanation, and the space they pass. The tunnel is super-light speed, in other words, they "wear" to the previous earth! ?

This is completely contrary to all the knowledge systems of Chu Yunsheng.

How does the speed of light exceed?

If this is the case, it is equivalent to overthrowing all the time and space views that he knows. The resulting life that has been implicated in life, and the practice of cultivation down to the cultivation are all beyond recognition. It is something that you can’t think of, but he can’t absolutely Negative, open the energy of the space channel, the guardian said that it is the original energy of the initial moment of the universe, that is the only cognitive exclusion zone that human beings believe is in violation of the speed of light.

In addition, there is a possibility that the guardian is wrong, and he does not know or understand it. This possibility is very large, and it is also in line with Chu Yunsheng's cognitive view. The channel does not exceed the speed of light, nor does it reach the speed of light. Otherwise, it should be the right of the gods, but a time-space bridge that shortens the time. They "wear" to the future. Earth?

This speculation is also very confusing. First, the American continent that traversed the northern and southern hemispheres disappeared. It was completely impossible to find on the map that was given to the alienation. Where did it go? The second is that it involves another channel, the invasion channel of insects. Are they also "wearing" from the past according to the iron law of time and space? Then, when you retreat, "wear" to a certain moment in the future?

Chu Yunsheng remembered a famous and familiar line: I can't go back to the past to get to know you, but I can wait for you somewhere in the future.

Will his old acquaintances wait for him somewhere in the future?

This feeling is too strange!

Time and space intertwined, the continuation of the seven dynasties, the aftermath of the Cambrian pseudo-thumbs, the Rainbow Bridge······ These are intricate together, like a fog, trying to hide and cover up a truth...·····

"Who am I? Where did I come from? Is the future still the past?"

Chu Yunsheng's bones suddenly found that he couldn't understand more and more, as if he had become a non-existent person.

It seems that someone really said this to him. I don't know who said it, but he is indeed a person who should not exist in the seventh century.

At this time, I heard Bower’s screaming and saw the giant wall of the sea behind Hu’s prince. Chu Yunsheng flashed an aura-like thought. The real gap between him and the filmmaker was not in this specific It can be a visual difference in strength, but as a "mortal", it can break through the things that the head can never understand. As a "spirit", it can be easily understood, as if the filmer has woke up and found that he is here. Never been surprised!

The ants on the ground can feel the rain, but never know why it rains.

He is the ant.

Chu Yunsheng was very frustrated. The original confidence was full against the cardinal. It was covered with a thick shadow. He and the blood riders had to face not only the visible force confrontation, but more importantly, he Can not have the height of the cardinal thinking.

When a move is made, it is seen through, how can it be played?

In the pseudo-throwing node, the third hand will have a four-day power of "wood fire burning sky" to make a salary, so that it will be extinguished instantly. That scene, Chu Yunsheng memory is still fresh.

Only the cardinal divide that can be crossed by the contract is so easy to be easily defeated by one and a half of the runes of the runes. In the pseudo-beacon node, in order to kill the third, there is Song Ying first to the four yuan to fight against the delay time, then he forced the object to make swords, but still failed to kill it, and finally had to destroy the whole world and it perish together······

He thought too simple before. He was stunned by Rune's big squad, still thinking about using the force of victory below four yuan days, and almost sent him and the blood horse to a dead end.

Fortunately, I took this map and found him in time. Although it did cause confusion, confusion, and horror, but whether it was wearing the future of the earth or returning to the past, how foggy it is. Chu Yunsheng does not believe that he is coming to himself. This grand and magnificent layout, his small human being is far from qualified. Even the predecessors are only accidentally coming here, and they have been Insist on letting him leave the right and wrong as soon as possible.

He is a real person. After the horror and the creeps, what is more important is that he has discovered that he is wrong with the enemy and how to survive in the future. The seventh generation of human beings will save themselves in the future, and the grand layout will have its enemies to continue the war. He only needs to live.

Of course, he wants to live not because he is afraid of death. So in the chaos, he suddenly has a curiosity that he has never had before. He wants to know who is laying the sky on the earth? Even the predecessors and the seven nail owners can stop or even set a covenant for this! ?

Whether it is the past or the future of the earth, as long as it is determined to be the earth, one thing is certain. The space has completely lost its three-dimensional blockade and returned to the original environment. Therefore, I don’t know why, Chu Yunsheng has a strong moment at this moment. Feeling: It’s left in the dust of the corner, and it has stopped for countless years. Even the distant wars of the predecessors and the seven nails are not clear, as if they are waking up, they are eager to move, and this land under his feet is likely to be this. The tragic battlefield that was the first to bear the brunt of the mysterious war that had not been finished!


Chu Yunsheng suddenly had the urge to swear. He struggled with his mind, and he was eager to leave the quagmire, to ward off the disaster, toss for a long time, and turned around and found himself still at the forefront!

I don't know what another war of the gods of the same fierce battle, what did it look like in the vast expanse of the stars? Estimation must be unprecedented, spectacular and shocking. Think of the endless starships that swim in the Xinghe River, the cardinal source and even the spiritual life, or the melee in the stars, or massive attacks, or tens of thousands of light years. Ringing the seven nail heirs and her death movement...

I want to think more. Now I don’t think about this time. The most urgent task is to quickly determine whether it is wearing the past or the future. This will be a decisive factor. Then we will find ways to check the exposed areas. The above people have advantages. Be sure to figure out whether it is a wake-up battlefield in the hunch? Once you are sure, you have to find a way to run!

No, I am afraid that it will be too late to run again. Now I have to plan ahead, in the future, how far can I run in time!

At this time, Bower, who followed the spur of Hull’s headquarters, sat on the helicopter and took a big horn and shouted at Chu Yunsheng: “Run! Fast! The sea people are crazy!”

Chu Yunsheng thought about his thoughts, a spirit, and he forgot the original intention of him to come to see the indigenous ways of war. It seems that the tide of the tide is not the sea water army, but the mystery that has been looming for hundreds of millions of years. The monster, I was thinking of "running", and I heard that Bauer yelled and shouted, and immediately took up the stables, carrying Boutheron's twelve blood rides and Tuton's golden armor to the south.

The two horses gradually merged in the torrent of the Pentium, behind them are the undulating sea walls, the army of the sea country is strange, half of the body is mostly in the sea, holding all kinds of weapons, and then rushing down with the sea water. , catching up.

Chu Yun raised his wrinkles and accelerated the car near Prince Hull. When he was not in front of him, he could already hear Huer in the car. He held the hilt in his left hand and asked a knight loudly: "The seventh road." Where are the pre-prepared ambush lines? Tell them that they must stop the final impact of the squad!"

The purple gold knight sighed again, slammed the beast and suddenly accelerated, and rushed out of the group's arrows. Looking at its fierce armor, Chu Yunsheng found a trace of something wrong - Haiguo came true, this is The endless pursuit of killing is to set Huer to death!

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